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Resolution Page 35

by Douglas E Roff

  And that creature you name Saldana Ri. What kind of being is she anyway? If I took mortal form, I might fear her, for she is physically and mentally strong willed, formidable and remarkably clever. She could easily be me, were I not already occupying that position.

  But, I digress.

  I am Hecate, whom your humans and Gens will soon apply the title “the Immortal”. I was born in physical form, survived my test of existence as matter and energy and transformed to my present state at the age you would call three. I believe your women got a news flash sometime back when I completed my transformation and their advice to you at the time was to find me and kill me. Rude, but correct nonetheless. Also, not possible so, as you humans who enjoy sports like to say, ‘no harm no foul’.

  I could try to discuss what I am, but it would be like explaining the mysteries of the cosmos to an bug. There being no reason for it, I shall dispense with the pleasantry.

  I had, I am told, a mother and father in physical form but was abandoned by them long ago. Though young in mortal years, I am fully mature for my species and have been tasked, as have you oh Chosen One, to carry out the will of the being that governs all in the RealVerse. The Creator gave you a choice, several I am told, and you refused our Lord’s will. As the Creator cannot kill you and begin again, I have been created to accomplish this task.

  My sole purpose for existence is to destroy you so you may be replaced with a creature more amenable to the will of the Creator. I do not feel either joy or sorrow in this task; it is merely why I exist. When you are dead, I shall cease to be necessary and will rejoin the totality of the RealVerse once again awaiting my next assignment.

  The puny creatures of your world will be allowed to survive your death. They will be allowed to destroy themselves, most likely by destroying the very world which sustains them. No matter, they will eventually all perish.

  You, however, must be punished and your life forfeit to atone for your sins. Siding with the ungrateful seems just recompense for your poorly thought through decision. I shall enjoy hunting you down and killing you and shall remain with you in some inchoate form until then.

  It is my desire to terminate you at the place you call the Manor. The place which gave you such joy. You shall endure there only pain and I shall be your Torquemada.

  For those men and women of what you call science who believe they understand the mysteries of your so-called “Universe”, let us simply agree that they do not. The true nature of reality is beyond your ability to comprehend, but, Chosen One, had you carried out the Creator’s will, the Creator would have shared much with you and likely bestowed Immortality upon you. A world of your own to make and remake at your whim.

  Your greatest sin, however, and the one the Creator cannot understand, is why you shared your knowledge with these unworthy creatures you call wives and mates? Had you kept the knowledge to yourself, your destruction might not have been necessary, nor would I be required to eliminate your existence. The Creator might have reconsidered her sentence of death.

  But, as you know, the Creator merely creates but is not God. The Creator cannot destroy or kill, only attempt to correct through further creation. I am that creation and so it is I who must now attempt to rectify an error even the Creator can occasionally make.

  I have been forbidden to kill you for one full year in your reckoning of time while the Creator watches your progress in correcting the original mistake. It is possible that you may be forgiven, but since this has never happened before, I should not expect a reprieve. Still, the Creator believes your plan may work, though your death will remain the price to be paid for insolence and disobedience. She has an immense realm to govern and disobedience is not tolerated.

  It seems unfair, I know, if you succeed, but then the Creator can be whimsical. What would you humans call that? It’s not irony exactly but somehow related to it conceptually.

  In case you are wondering, I am present with you now, though you cannot experience me. Not to worry, as I said just now, the Creator has forbidden me to return you to nothingness for year, which begins now with the reading of this letter. Circle the date on your calendar. Make a note, just in case.

  I shall be watching you and trying not to intervene. But I am permitted to make mischief with you to foul your plans. In that way, I may thwart your success and have my thrill of terminating you as the Creator most certainly desires. A real hunt, in physical form, which the Creator says will be such fun.

  I would wish you luck but that would be insincere. I look forward to our time together and the moment your year is up. It will be followed by many years of torture and pain, or for at least the interval the Creator allows me to play with my mouse.

  Hugs and kisses as your unfaithful and disloyal women would say.

  Hecate, the Immortal

  PS – As for the Demon Queen called Saldana Ri, I am impressed that her love for you has transformed her being in both subtle and important ways. She continues that journey with you and the little one and it will be interesting to see how this potpourri will end. I would not have thought her capable of this transformation, humans and Gens being as unworthy as they are. One last note, calling her the Demon Queen is a really nice touch, though her real name is also, how do you say, ‘badass’.

  Bye for now, but not forever.”

  Chapter 59

  The group sat around Adam’s desk, stunned by what they had just heard. With a dismissive wave of the arm, he motioned his former cabal to leave his presence. They turned and left, with the exceptions of Kendra and Saldana Ri.

  Kendra said, “I think it is time for you to visit Queen Caroline, Lady Cia and the Lady Eene. They have missed you terribly and are in dire need of your physical attention. Mind sex for them can only go so far. And they need to know the contents of this letter and this Hecate. Mind union with them is essential, so don’t dally.”

  Adam asked, “And you two scamps, what will occupy your time before we depart for Germany tomorrow? I understand that you have organized Queen Caroline, Lady Eene, Akira, Tar and Senda as the advance team for our meetings with the Councils of the Eighty-One.”

  “Yes, which makes your leaving immediately even more important. So, get a move on, mister and take extra time to satisfy their needs. They love you and have missed you terribly.”

  “I’m gone!”

  Adam opened the door on his way to the rail depot where he would catch a small car that would lead him to the new settlement chosen by the Dietschberg humans and the Gens of the Village. The entourage would be there, awaiting Adam. He called ahead to let his ladies know he would soon be arriving.

  As he turned the corner, leaning against the wall was Misti. Adam looked at her suspiciously, not wanting to argue with her and having nothing important to say.

  Misti said, “I am not here stalking you nor am I here to rehash what has already been said. I ask only a favor before you leave tomorrow.”

  “If it is within my power to grant, I shall grant whatever you wish. You know that.”

  “I ask only a small amount of your time in the morning to discuss a matter that weighs heavily on my mind. I promise no conflict, only that you listen to me and hear me out. No matter the outcome, I will do as you command.”

  The last phrase made Adam even more wary, as Misti never did as anyone ever commanded, except herself and occasionally his father and her mentor, Edward.

  “Of course, Misti. We depart at sunrise two days hence, so we have time. But I leave for the new territory now, so meet me at the plane before we leave. Be at the plane early; I will board early and wait for you there.”

  “Then I shall be at your plane an hour ahead of time.”

  “In that event, so shall I.”


  The morning was breezy and dark as Misti approached the jet that would whisk Adam, Kendra and Saldana Ri to Switzerland, then onward to Germany. She could see lights on aboard the cabin and the pilots running their pre-flight check. She saw Adam alone and asked
if he had time to talk. The other women would be joining them soon and she had urgent need of his advice.

  Adam looked at his wife, not knowing what was on her mind.

  “I am here for two reasons, one because Kendra thought I needed to talk to you alone before you left for Germany and beyond. The other reason is a secret known only to our little princess.

  “As for my reason, I am here to ask you, no beg you to forgive me and not send me away. I know I have a horrible temper and often forget you are my husband and the Chosen One. I am selfish and domineering, but the worst of my character flaws are the ones you have never complained about. In fact, you never complain about any of my flaws while I do the exact opposite with you. When Vera shared with me the results of her mind union with you, the depth of my anxiety and despair was more than I could bear. I have been so selfish, egotistical and inconsiderate, wanting things only my way and acting in a manner that was insufferable toward you.”

  Misti approached Adam, arms open. “All you have ever done in return was to love me. Love me. That’s all.”

  She continued, “What you just decided about your mates we all deserve. I took our child away from you and he was born without his father present in another part of the world. He was born with just me, alone. I cannot begin to express the loneliness and regret I felt. I was wrong, and I can only ask now that you forgive me. I know I can never make that right and that words of regret alone will not change a thing.”

  Misti then did the unthinkable; she began to cry.

  She looked up into Adam’s eyes, looking for some small sign of forgiveness, hoping his heart had not completely deserted his love for her. She wrapped her arms around him and would not let go.

  “Please,” she said. “Please love me as you once did, the way things were before I became intolerable. I lost my way and wish to be home again with you in your arms.”

  Adam looked at his wife, a smile crossing his handsome face.

  “I never stopped loving you and never will. You have always had my undying love and a huge place in my heart, wherever I may be. We are as one soul, indivisible and that can never change. We shall return to the way things were and erase all memories that do not add to our love. You should come with me now and protect me as you always have. We will achieve union, then, when it is complete, all will be as it once was.”

  Adam smiled, looking down at his petite wife. “We haven’t misplaced our son, have we?”

  “No, I’m not that bad a mother. He’s with your Mom and Pops.”

  Misti cried letting go of all her stored pain and anxiety. Still, would not release her husband. The other ladies approached.

  “I hope you have patched things up and are planning fantastic make-up sex. Saldana and I will be happy to assist, if assistance is required. Even if it isn’t. It has been a while for you two, and Saldana much desires to explore the libido of the first wife of the Chosen One.”

  Adam laughed, “Misti and I must first achieve union, then tonight we shall join with you, our mates, in joyous and uninhibited congress.”

  Kendra continued, “Speaking of which, there is a second part to this most welcome reunion. I have asked King Abdul to join us and I see him arriving just now.”

  The King poked his head inside the cabin. “Are we ready to start yet? Your pilots were giving me dirty looks as I approached; the jet is ready for flight.”

  Adam was confused. “Start what?”

  “The ceremony. You asked me to be here for a joining ceremony. Have you forgotten already?”

  “I don’t recall asking?”

  “You don’t recall? Ridiculous! You of all people must know. She is to be your wife.”

  Kendra spoke up. “Misti and I wish to renew our bond with you.”

  “Now? Right now?”

  “Yes. And one more addition. Saldana Ri wishes to bond with you too, although Saldana St. James does not sound anywhere near as cool as Saldana Ri. That is, if it is your wish to bond with her too. She is a first-class troublemaker and quite possibly the embodiment of evil on earth, so marriage to her is not without hazard. But interesting and challenging, that I can safely predict.”

  Adam looked at Saldana as if the impossible had just become commonplace. Saldana would not look up, instead walked tentatively to him, putting her arms around him, not letting go as Misti walked aside.

  “Please say yes,” Saldana whispered. “And don’t make me cry. I hate crying. If you insist I will cry for you in private but for now I just ask this one thing. Two I guess. Marry me and no tears. I will explain so much of why I desire you and this silly ceremony later. But for now, will you marry me? Please?”

  “I should be a little cruel and remind you of your brave words and disparaging remarks. But yes, yes of course I will. And right now. And we will have a lifetime to talk about all the silly reasons for stupid ceremonies.”

  The King said, “You know how this works. All of you hold hands.”

  They joined hands then the King waved his hands over their heads.

  “Good, now you are married. Pay the fee to my treasury. Marriages and divorces these days are my best source of Royal income. So goodbye and wish me well as I have work to do and a long ride back to Nabataea Prime. Next time, however, I want more notice from Princess Kendra. Princess of my royal house you may be, but you will work off your debt to me and our Kingdom in our communal nursery when you come back, as you promised. Children, not plants.”

  The pilot came out. Please take your seats. We’re already late. And you know how the Swiss are about punctuality.”

  Adam asked if Misti wished to come to Germany, which was what she wanted. The decision to meet immediately before Adam left was strategic; caught up in emotions, Adam would grant Misti anything. Short fuse and equally short memory.

  Misti and Adam sat down and joined in union right away.

  Saldana and Kendra sat close by and joined in union too, though their activities were somewhat different than those of Adam and Misti.

  They arrived in Switzerland, refueled and left immediately for the Black Forest.

  Chapter 60

  They arrived at the Palace in Dietschberg in early evening to find the prisoners well guarded and filled with rage. As directed by Adam, Chel kept the three prisoners chained and separated in the same cell, even when using the facilities; they were not allowed to bathe. They received soup, crackers and water three times a day plus a vitamin pill each morning. They were huddled downstairs in a cell in the basement and slept on straw mats on the cold damp composite cement and stone floors.

  Adam wanted the three to be as uncomfortable and miserable as he could imagine without being outright cruel. Otherwise he would have asked the Gens to beat them daily and hang them upside down from a tree, naked against the elements. Kendra thought that too much while Misti and Saldana thought Adam was going too easy.

  Misti reminded Adam that Vera would have been tortured for weeks on end by the Mussos and then given a horrible death. Whatever Adam decided as punishment would never be cruel enough to satisfy Misti’s enhanced sense of retribution. Vera was a sister and her experience horrible. Vera was kind and considerate; she was not cut out for a life of danger at the hands of the likes of the Musso’s. Their penalty had to be severe.

  Adam asked Saldana what she thought should be done but she declined comment. “I was part of the problem. I have no right to comment. But if I did comment, I would agree with my sister Misti.”

  Lastly, Adam looked at Kendra. Hers would likely be a kinder resolution, though, in the end, she wanted an opportunity to end the life of one of the three. They were, after all, monsters.

  “We must be better than them. If we sink to their level then what makes us any different? Do not misunderstand me though; I wish to be allowed to take one of their heads. But torture and cruelty cannot ever be the answer while they live. It sends the wrong message to friend and foe.”

  Saldana said nothing, just looked down at the ground.

isti walked up to Kendra and gently kissed her on the cheek.

  “I hate it when you’re right. Almost as much as when he’s right,” pointing to Adam. “That is why I am so happy that the decision is not mine because even though you are right, if the decision were mine, I would show them no mercy at any hour of any day. I would see to it that they died in agony.”

  She turned to Adam, “Up to you boss. I’m the new Misti and will carry out whatever decision you ask of me. But listen to the little one’s advice; even though her kindness is almost too much for me to bear on occasion, she is almost always correct. I’m going out to look for some puppies and kittens to kick now. I think that might make me feel better.”

  As usual on these trying times, the opinion and reasoning of the Princess Kendra won out. The women and citizens of Paraiso and the City of Light had long informally referred to Kendra as the “princess” in part to have a little fun with her and in part because she was young and married to the Chosen One. She seemed to wield great influence over the occasional rough edges of his more difficult and draconian decisions.

  Nonetheless, she bridled at the term, thinking it an insult.

  One day before departure for Germany, Queen Caroline and King Abdul showed up unannounced at breakfast that Kendra was sharing with Adam and other women of the cabal.

  The King spoke first, “Today Kendra Boles of Great Britain we, Queen Caroline and I, have announced throughout Paraiso and the City of Light, that you have been adopted into our royal families as part of our royal lines and have been designated ‘Princess Kendra of Nabataea and Dietschberg’.

  Queen Caroline continued, “To the extent that you, Kendra have ever taken offense at the title ‘princess’, we hereby resolve the issue formally. You are not now, nor have you ever been a mere child as implied by the term in a derogatory manner. You are young but exceedingly wise and brave beyond your years. The peoples of Nabataea and Dietschberg honor you.”

  The King continued, “You have provided skill and service to both our peoples, all of whom love you as if you had always lived among us. Each of our peoples wish to have an installation ceremony to make the will of the people, not just us, formal. These are rare honors, so we beg you attend them when your other duties permit.”


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