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Resolution Page 44

by Douglas E Roff

  The Manti was very odd.

  But it was his tenderness and kindness that bound her to him. When she was with him, she truly felt that the rest of the world just floated by and she held his eyes and attention to the exclusion of all others in the Universe. He showed her a special door, just for her, in her mind where she could have those feelings and more, even when they were apart. She gladly took all that he offered and, in the evening just before she fell asleep, she would visit her mind, unlock that special door, and drink of that special vintage meant only for her. Her pleasures as she slept were incalculable, and her sense of fulfillment each morning a daily craving. Adam never stinted with her; she was always on his mind for part of every day.

  Beata often wondered why the Manti favored her. She wasn’t beautiful, in human or Gens form, was considered poor as a warrior, and difficult for her family to marry off. That she was the eldest daughter of the Headman of her village was the only reason she was chosen to serve the Manti as ‘one of the thirty’.

  But she was smart, an attribute not favored by the rural Gens, but much admired by the Manti. Her conversations were witty, and charming with Adam, who took an instant liking to the country girl, so often ignored. Her smile and obvious affection meant more than anything to Adam; superficial looks or position were external factors Adam could find anywhere in abundance. Adam had noticed her right away, and soon chose her for congress, which both enjoyed immensely. When he asked her much later if she would consider mating, and bearing his child, she couldn’t believe her ears. She, plain Beata with no skills other than a quick mind and lively tongue, was chosen to mate with the Manti. Then he asked if she would “marry” him, which was even stranger. She had no idea what it meant to marry nor how her life would change.

  “My Lord, if I might be impertinent to ask, but I don’t understand what ‘to marry’ means. Can you explain?”

  Adam explained the curious custom, unknown to Gens, and unused by the humans of Dietschberg, which excited Beata to no end, and filled her with such joy that she could hardly even bear having him far from her mind let alone her body. She said yes immediately, and promised she would always give him loyal service, happiness and babies.

  Beata reminded Adam of a young and more innocent Kendra and the thought lit up his mind with anticipation of how happy their lives might be together. Beata understood she would live in the City of Light among all of Adam’s wives, which pleased her greatly. She looked forward to the move and to meeting the women she had heard so much about.

  “Will they accept me? Must I obey them?”

  “They will love you and accept you. It isn’t in their nature of any of my wives to be intentionally cruel or unfair. They will compete for your affection, I can promise you that. I believe you will find them to your liking, and you must never obey them. Cooperate, yes. My wives are all mentally skilled, as are you, and you must learn from them. I shall give you special knowledge soon, and we will together explore the areas I wish you to know better.”

  “But I am not royal, nor am I beautiful as I understand your other wives to be. I have no social graces and know nothing of etiquette. I will be mocked, as I have been all my life. Perhaps another of the Headmen’s daughters is better suited to your service, my Lord.”

  Adam smiled. “You are beautiful beyond words, and my love for you can only grow. All important and meaningful matters can be learned and used to great effect; beauty fades. But your beauty is within and without; the former increases with age and is the true source of my attraction to you. Be yourself, love me and don’t waste your time thinking about matters we cannot control. The Creator chose us to appear as we do; let’s not second guess the reason.”

  Beata hugged Adam, crying in happiness for the one man she now believed ever understood who she really was and the pleasure she could gleefully provide to a mate.

  “Besides, I was once only three feet tall, a troll and hated by all. Now look at me. I’m the Chosen One.”

  “Liar. But a beautiful lie nonetheless. Promise me these feelings we have will never change between us.”

  “I promise. But for now, in public, you shall call me Lord, and I shall call you Lady Beata. But when we are alone, I’m not your King, I’m Adam, your betrothed. This we shall announce shortly. You shall attend me when we leave for the Council of the Eighty-One. I shall need your advice and counsel.”

  “You honor me, My Lord.”

  “Adam is my name, and I wish to do more than honor you later. Are you free tonight?”

  “I am now.”


  Not all, or even most of the thirty maidens, had this effect on Adam. In fact, there were only two other sympathetic souls, both friends of Beata’s, who were born and grew up in a village near hers. All three were distantly related. They were, like Beata, delightful, willing and intelligent; without guile or pretense. And their erotic IQ’s were off the chart. Who knew?

  Many of the maidens he met craved things he could give them, but love of the Manti and his family weren’t among them and were not part of the deal. He wasn’t disappointed in those who were indifferent to him; but he was delighted with the few, like Beata, who were. Adam had been told by his Pops to appreciate everything he had, not what he didn’t have.

  These three were special. Those he would marry, the rest, even those carrying his child, would only receive visits, and the kindness, and gratitude of a loving father. The women didn’t expect even that and, though they thought it an honor to bear his child, could do without him afterwards and would be delighted to send his child away to Paraiso. Most willingly chose to give up their child to him and the right to reside in the City of Light. They returned to their villages, and married men more suited to their desires and plans.

  Congress and child bearing with the Manti assured them of status, and that their men would always be subject to their whims and desires, or so they thought. For these women, things had worked out well.


  Adam communicated with Alana and Noki as the time approached for him to tour and visit the Councils of the Eighty-One; he would be out of touch while negotiating with the Elders, both Gens and human.

  From the Gens, and his ‘thirty maidens’, he learned of the confusion between knowledge and wisdom, that ‘greatness’ was often thought to be, and confused with ‘good’ or ‘wise’. He also learned of this confusion in direct conversation with Beata and her close friends. Though Adam knew much, it was often one of his wives who explained how he should employ his knowledge in regard to people and problems. Misti, Alana and Kendra were particularly adept at tempering his intemperance.

  He asked his wives to help make the distinction clear to all; to not expect more from him than was possible. Adam wasn’t the cure for all ills in the Gens, human and mixed-race world communities. He was the Manti, not Solomon.

  Something was up. Why was he worried about this?

  Chapter 12

  Weeks later, the great oak doors of the Palace opened once again. Saldana and her men had returned. Saldana, clothed as a woman of the forest, stood defiant before her husband, still King.

  “I understand, oh Chosen One, that you have new titles and new honors just since I left a short time ago. What else has changed?”

  “Little, my Demon Queen. The only thing I despise more than treachery is this game of fox you so enjoy playing with the world, including me. Speak plainly woman, for whether wife or not, I shall take your head here and now if you persist in your vagaries.”

  The Court was now all assembled in the Balcony with Lady Kendra rushing toward Adam and Saldana down the long stairway. Kendra didn’t doubt that Saldana now knew the true purpose of Saldana’s assignment away from the Palace; that Saldana now saw the presence of the Lady Cia recently returned from the City of Light, merely confirmed what had been heretofore only a suspicion.

  Saldana said, to her husband, “You intrigue better than most. Certainly, better than I realized.”

  Adam asked, “You recei
ved my messages. All of my messages, I trust.”

  “I did.”

  “And you relayed relevant content to your men?”

  “I did.”

  Adam turned to the fours Gens in human form. Addressing Saldana, he asked,” And who, then, might these four stout men be?”

  The men bristled, but with a wave of Saldana’s hand, they sheathed their weapons. Chel and Yar and the entire Palace guards were on the move down the stairs, hands on weapons.

  “I see,” said Adam.

  Turning to the men, he stood before them and asked, “Whom do you serve, oh men of the Black Forest, loyal subjects of the Gens Germania?”

  “We serve the Lady Saldana, and only her.” Their hands began for their swords. “And you have disrespected her.”

  “I have disrespected my wife, and my loyal subject, is that what you say?”

  “It is clear, human.”

  Before Chel, Yar and the Guards could get half way to Adam, he had transformed and taken all four heads, virtually all simultaneously.

  Saldana looked up to the balcony and said, “I see the little Princess Cia and her toy, the Lady Eene, have arrived. Am I correct that her lapdog Akira is close by? Will you test me now, or after a flogging in the cells.”

  “Did you congress with any of them?”

  “I did with each, and all at once. I found it exhilarating, as I knew I would. I find that my pregnancy does not diminish my erotic side.”

  To Yar he ordered, “Bind her hands and feet. Be careful, her treachery is beyond observation and discovery.”

  Saldana was bound.

  “Lady Cia! Present yourself.” The Lady Cia arrived just as the Lady Kendra reached Adam’s side.

  Kendra said, “Think this through my Lord and King. These next actions will be written into the Histories.”

  Adam looked at Lady Kendra. “When were these rules made?”

  “When you took us all, Saldana included, as wife and mate.”

  “And was I not clear then as to what was expected? Was there any ambiguity?”

  “There was not.”

  “Then step aside, my little one. This too would be your fate, or the Lady Misty for this one and only transgression. There is only one Rule, and it is agreed to by all. It is the one that should be easiest to keep. Step away.”

  Adam, turned to Saldana, and the Lady Cia.

  “First, on the issue of treason. Lady Cia divine the truth.”

  Lady Cia took her time. “She is loyal to you. She has always spoken the truth.”

  To Cia, she said. “Rejoin your sisters and fellow Councillors. Return to your work.”

  Kendra said, “And the Lady Saldana?”

  Adam smoothly replied, neither raising nor lowering his voice, “Her fate is no longer any of your concern. Leave us.”

  Lady Kendra said, “I shall not. I shall witness this travesty. I’m not afraid of you.”

  “Nor should you be. Yar!”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  “Escort the Lady Kendra to her rooms and lock her inside. Post guards. I will decide later when she shall be freed.”


  “Do you refuse your King?”

  “No sire. With dispatch.”

  Kendra screamed the entire way, until her screams could be heard no more.

  “Chel, remove this one to the new cell in the cellar and bind her hands and feet tight to the wall in iron. Bring me the keys. And Chel?”

  “Yes Lord?”

  “Bring in the box. The large one.”

  Chel knew what that meant. The King would be alone in the cellar with both outer doors leading into the cells locked; the Library doors similarly shuttered and sealed.

  Even Chel wished this on no one, not even the Lady Saldana whom he detested.

  Adam took the Library key from Chel, along with the other keys for the cellar below.


  Saldana asked, once freed, “Did they believe us?”

  Adam said, “Yes, I think so. The Lady Kendra was most displeased, and I regret that I had to have her forcibly removed and locked in her rooms. The little one truly loves you and wishes you no pain. Do you return her favor?”

  Silence. “I would wish to be like her …”

  “No matter now. The deed is done, and all are in shock, men and women, noble and commoner. They think me a monster. I will not be in their favor for a great long while. I hope you know I will enjoy no pleasures with my wives for a very long time and even then, they will not be spirited. I assume the Lady Cia knows her part?”

  “She does and is willing. However,” Saldana mentioned, “she will not partake in pleasures with me until you permit congress. But she will with you at any time, of course.”

  “Childish, I know, but the answer is no, I forbid your congress with the Lady Cia until all is revealed, and I am back in the good graces of my wives, and mates.”

  “And with me, your highness? I am yours to command. I can return daily and defray the high cost of my plan to your … wellbeing. I know I am wicked and need your guidance and … restraint. Perhaps the lash in measured strength is just what I require.”

  Adam thought for a moment, but not for long. “Seems just recompense for the severity of the punishment I shall receive for my part in your schemes. I accept your submission to proper penance.”

  “If you wish, my Lord, we can begin tonight.”

  “It is my wish, Lady Saldana. But I sense that some foreplay to your atonement may also be justified.”

  “I am yours to command, Lord. Tell me only what you wish of me.”

  Adam smiled and held his mate and said, “I rather like this new Saldana.”

  “Let us see if I do too.”

  Chapter 13

  Very early the following morning Saldana Ri, and Adam sat at a table in a small hidden alcove above the cells eating breakfast. Adam had appeared alone in the kitchen just after sunrise preparing his meals then taking the food, coffees, and juices in trays alone down the stairs into the cellar below. He then took a hard right up another set of easier stairs to the alcove that he had prepared for Saldana. She had a small table, washing area, and a small, but comfortable cot on which to sleep if Adam couldn’t sneak her into his room at night on the other side of the cellar.

  No one noticed anything unusual except Cook, who noticed everything. A lot of food for one man to consume, even a man winded and tired from the brutal whipping his wife was receiving at his hands. And the large deer carcass he demanded every few days was a mystery. “It needs to cure upside down and be tender to my liking. Make sure the carcass is dressed and at the door leading to the cellar by mid-day on the days I designate, Cook.”

  Odd these Outlanders she thought. Curing meat and fowl? Who does that?

  In any event, since the Manti became King, she didn’t complain. He still winked, and favored her, so she wore a smile most days, and looked content on most others. She stopped taking days off, preferring instead to prepare all the King’s meals when he was in residence, except those prepared by the King himself. His days of cooking were declining but Cook soon mastered the art of antojitos Mexicanos to his liking, and other delicacies and sauces he much enjoyed. His fare was complex, and she loved being his student.

  One day, Adam pulled Cook off to one side for a whisper. “First, I appreciate all you do, even when not asked to do it. I see everything and note every second you spend doing what you know makes me happiest. But you have a family who loves you and you must take time to be with them. I will miss every moment we are apart, but tongues are wagging. Take pride in your husband who is faithful, loyal and who loves you. This you must promise me now.”

  The Cook looked down.


  “I promise.”

  “Good. Now the other matters involving the goings on in the cellar. I am sure there are whispers of what you know and, whether you know something or not, but it is a matter of absolute loyalty and a position of complete trust that you never
breathe a word, speculate or discuss whatever you may or may not see or hear. This is a matter of State, and I entrust you with this responsibility. If anyone asks, you’re to tell them to go about their duties with your admonition to mind their own business. If they persist, tell them to report to Lord Chel or leave the realm. Are we clear, Cook?”

  “Yes, sire. Forgive me if I have offended with loose gossip. It was never my intention …”

  “Shhhhh. There is no offense, just a warning to be silent and vigilant. If anyone asks, tell me who.”

  “As you command, my Lord.”

  Adam smiled his best smile and left for the cellar.

  By the time Adam returned, Saldana had eaten her breakfast and a large part of his. “Eating for two?”

  “In theory; one might also need to enjoy congress more frequently to work up an appropriate appetite. If one were that lucky, or course.”

  “I am chastened, wife. I promise to fulfill my duty as husband beginning this very day.”

  “It is no duty, husband. It’s a joy. Never repeat these words, however. My reputation is already tarnished with wild, vile speculation that I love my mate.”

  “My lips are sealed.”

  A voice rang out. “Too late, Lady Saldana. I am afraid that the Lady Cia and I have overheard this outrageous slander. Our punishment for anyone repeating it shall be harsh and severe. Your secrets are safe with us.”

  Before Adam and Saldana were two young women both of whom were barely recognizable. The taller brunette, buxom and young, was one of the Lady Beata’s friends from home. The other was Lady Cia. Normally in daily dress neither was very remarkable, but dressed formally as they were, both were most beautiful, and fetching. Saldana looked at them both, then looked at Adam. The evening might be more fun than she thought; she disliked Lady Cia and wasn’t comfortable around her, and her powers.


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