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Resolution Page 59

by Douglas E Roff

  Rafi reported to Rod. “The ETA on the additional cargo planes is less than an hour out, some shorter, some longer. The airstrips are ready, and the air traffic control is in place. Alana and her crew will take over as the planes arrive from the east to the Oregon coast, flying low and using stealth technology borrowed and adapted for new Nano-composite planes. The engines will leave no heat signature and can be made to look like flocks of birds from space telemetry. All large chartered cargo planes contain troops, human and Gens. Seventy-five thousand will arrive in the first wave, with fifty thousand more on the way. All are suited with advanced helmet tech.”

  An hour later, the first elements of the counter-attack began.

  When the poisons cleared from the first attack, and the signal given, the Gens transformed from human to natural state and ruthlessly attacked any Collective Gens, armed or not.

  The pitch battle lasted twelve hours; the humans inside the bubble exited quickly through a corridor cleared by the troops of the Eighty-One and Casky. Trucks were waiting and left quickly heading south to California, then by charter to Amman, Jordan.

  Yar located Turnbull and took his head. When it was over, one hundred ninety-three thousand Gens of the Collective lay dead. The Immortals disappeared; Enzo and Paulo waited to be tracked down and killed, an event that wouldn’t take place, at least not that day.

  Even Alana couldn’t find them. They would regroup and await word from the remaining Immortals; the ones still alive after Liara found and dispersed the ones already known to her.

  The Gens, and humans of the Eighty-One closed in protectively on the bubble and the compound. They set a large perimeter, collected the dead bodies of their enemies, and burned them in huge pyres. They said words of prayer for the fallen; they were, after all, Gens, and had died honorably in battle.

  Misti, Cindy, and the entourage arrived back home in the City twelve hours later, too frightened to be exhausted.

  Akira appeared. “They said they would come to fulfill the Prophecy and protect the Chosen of Chosen. They hoped to see Hecate again, and receive the blessing of the Creator. If you could convey that message, it would solidify the awe they already feel and the commitment to loyal service they wish to pledge to Adam St. James.”

  “It shall be done,” said Misti. “I expect the three within forty-eight hours if Adam is well enough for the trip.”

  “How will he arrive?”

  “In the arms of the Creator and Hecate the Immortal.” Then She will leave, and Hecate will resume her duties. Bring your lieutenants and stay nearby. I understand that Kendra has prepared Adam’s quarters as Hecate directed, and you are to be his honor guard.

  Misti paused.



  “No mention to anyone about Helena and Norman or anything about ‘packing’. Hecate will discover this soon enough and I am not confidant I know what her reaction might be. We are entering a new phase, and things will get worse before they get better from here on out. Her patience will be thin, her temper a hair trigger. Guards should follow her instructions with alacrity. Are we clear?”

  “We are Lady.”

  “When Chel returns to his quarters, find him, and send him to me at once.”


  “You wished to see me Lady,” said Chel.

  “You will remain here in the City, attached to the Princess Kendra Boles. She will determine your future, as will the Manti when he gains his strength. No matter the outcome, if I ever see you in dereliction of your duty to this Country, this City and the ideals of the Gens Germania and the Eighty-One, I shall take your head. The Princess will try to minimize your role and the Manti will think the whole episode tragic, but irrelevant. So would I, except for the role of you and your men in cowardly silence.”

  Chel bristled.

  “I can kill you now if you prefer death to insults from a human woman. You have learned new ways, new hostility to humans. You will tell me from who. Now, speak!”

  Chel would not speak, so Misti took him outside and gathered his men. She summoned Akira.

  “Chel defies me and refuses to answer my questions. He challenges my right to question him about the source of his new hostility toward humans, and human women. Is there anyone else among his troop who feels as he does? Speak now or face a coward’s death later.”

  Three others stepped forward, then the rest of his men.

  “You are not of our kind, and we need not obey any commands of a human female. You have no authority over Chel or us. You are a whore, and a disgrace.”

  “There we have it, soldier. You are nine, plus Chel. We hall begin our fight immediately, unless you fear a pregnant human female. I challenge you, all of you, to single combat now.”

  “You are the wife of the Manti. Whichever of us kills you signs all our death warrants.”

  Kendra strolled up. She looked at Misti, now showing.

  “May I instead?”

  “Thank you, no. I will fight you one at a time, in Gens, fashion.”

  Misti turned to Akira, “No repercussions, Akira. These men are pardoned by me and you in advance.”

  “So be it.”

  An hour later, nine men plus Chel lay dead.


  Misti said to Kendra, “I’m exhausted. Wake me when Adam returns. I don’t actually expect him for two more days. Maybe longer, since the danger has passed, and he needs time to recuperate. Hecate says there is much healing ahead for our boy-king and, with the assault behind us, She wishes to concentrate Her time on Adam’s health.”

  “Everyone’s back home from Oregon now; the loss of life was staggering, and our allies from the Eighty-One bore the brunt. There will be much keening among our brethren.”

  “And Liara?”

  “She will visit briefly when she brings Adam back to us. Then she will visit the Eighty-One to bless them and thank them.”

  “She does that? Gives thanks to lower life forms?”

  “Just this once. Then She’ll be gone.”


  “Returned to us already. She’s with Cindy and Marie. And something seems strange?”


  “She’s crying. An Immortal. She’s heartbroken over, so many dead and her close brush with Adam’s own mortality.”

  Kendra started to leave.

  “And Kendra?”


  “Two things. Send Hecate to me and find someone to clean up this mess.”


  Hecate appeared to a resting Misti.

  “You wished to see me?”

  “I wish you to be gone. I have not forgotten your lies and duplicity. You have no place here, and though you seem to have saved Adam, it I was for purely selfish reasons. You have done your bidding for your one true mistress, so drop the pretense; you are no longer wanted or needed here. When Adam returns and recuperates, he will be told of your betrayal of all that makes us human. It was your choice to trick our people to come to be fodder for your own safety. Adam would never do this; you are a disgrace.”

  “Perhaps, but you are not in charge. Adam is safe, and no doubt all who died would have volunteered.”

  “It isn’t for you to surmise what choices we all make. You presume too much. I will call for a council, and trial of your behavior two days hence among all who inhabit Paraiso. I suspect you will be asked to leave. You dishonor the society we are building here; you have no honor, and shame yourself and all those who believed in you. Go to Liara, that’s where you belong, among the cold desolate thing you call the RealVerse. If you had any sense of decency, you would go now of your own accord before I tell Adam of the stain upon your character.”

  “And if I choose not to leave?”

  “What will you do? Implode heads? Destroy Paraiso? Leave, you petulant, ignorant child. You are not wanted, and you are not needed. Murderer and faithless creature of darkness and evil.”

  Hecate left.

  Chapter 36

  Derek Nobilus was given the choice to cooperate and go home to his secret new home near Paraiso or refuse and rot in confinement. He would die with the rest of the planet if Adam failed, so being pragmatic, he decided to cooperate in exchange for living free in Paraiso. As a part of his deal, he would help gather all the pure blood and mixed race Nobilus known in the world. The Nobilus mated exclusively with humans and other Nobilus, and preferred no contact with the Gens.

  He estimated pure blood Nobilus at less than a million, and declining. Procreation was difficult for them as a species, and most found that mating with humans produced children, so gradually the difficulty of successful mating within the race gave way to assimilation. Alana promised that if the Nobilus leadership cooperated with Adam and the project, she would assure new methods of medical treatment that would assure couples successful reproduction. The species Nobilus could thrive and grow in numbers. She even promised the removal, or sequestration, of the ability to transform to their natural state if desired.

  As transformation was difficult and of no known evolutionary benefit to them, no Nobilus in a thousand years had even attempted transformation, except only Derek. They enjoyed human life, and there were over one hundred million mixed breed Nobilus with a minimum of ten percent Nobilus DNA to over ninety percent Nobilus DNA.

  Records were kept in a central location only Derek and a few Nobilus leaders knew, but they also knew the locations and contents of all the Gens Great Libraries.

  “There was a time we were close as species. But then Paulo and the Fortizi clan ascended to power and we became a problem, expendable. His plan was eventual extinction of us, as quickly as possible. I believe he was being helped somehow, but I never found out by who. He and Enzo had new powers; he didn’t inherit them.”

  Alana said, “No, he didn’t. If we get to the point where we can trust you, we’ll tell you everything. But for now, you talk, and we listen. Then we confirm. If we get important information, you will be rewarded. And we can bring all your people here for protection, and resettlement if you wish.”

  “You would do that for us?”

  “We will.”

  “I helped try to assassinate Vera Capri. That will be overlooked.”

  “Yes. The past is the past, and what we all knew then isn’t what we all know now. Betray us now, and you, and your leadership will be minus your heads. So, please help and be sincere. When Hecate is found again, she’ll enter your mind, and discover the truth anyway.”

  “Who’s she?”

  “Someone you’ll want to have on your side. If it’s safe, we can give you knowledge, and power you’ve never conceived. You’ll never live in fear of the Collective again.”

  “When can I meet her and get started?”

  “I don’t know. She’s left the City, and her whereabouts are presently unknown.”

  “I understand that Dr. Edward St. James resides here in the City too.”

  “He does.”

  “May I meet him? And I would also like to meet with Cindy and Rod Suarez, Francoise Lemieux and Misti St. James.”


  “Dr. Edward St. James will want to know about the location of the duplicate Great Library of Alexandria, which is still alive and active today. In addition, I have the locations and details of the seven Great Libraries of the Gens, including a full inventory of what is in each.”

  “Why the others beyond Edward?”

  “They’re planning an assault and takeover, so I’m sure, so they will need my intel. I can help.”

  “Where is all this stuff?”

  “The keys to the locations are in the Cloud. I have the username and password to access the files you will need.”

  “Why not put everything there and forget about the physical locations?”

  “Primary source documents prove authenticity. As well, the US government could find this material or hackers like you find it quickly, and easily. Besides, what makes you think I don’t have backup hidden somewhere. Cloud, Dark Web, or some innocuous website someone like you can just Google.”

  “I’ll set up the meet with Edward. But I warn you, if you lie to him, you’ll find he’s worse than his son losing patience. His girlfriend just betrayed him, so his mood has been foul every day lately. If he gives you the thumbs up, I’ll set up the meet with the others.”

  “OK, then. I’ll await your summons.”


  “If you sincerely want to help, you can rise quickly in our estimation, and rise even quicker on the leadership ladder with us. We need your help, and if we get it, you and your species will have a position of honor amongst the elite of this world. You will fear nothing and want for nothing. Don’t fuck this up.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind. You have nothing to fear from us, but trust is a two-way street. You have much to prove to us too. You may decide all you need is our DNA and exterminate us like the Gens.”

  “You really think that?”

  “No. But I’m the leader of what’s left of a noble and ancient race. I can’t bow to threats of my personal demise. If I did, I would be a coward unworthy of the mantle of leadership. I’m sure you agree.”

  “We would all agree. You have our limited trust for now. We hope to earn yours.”


  Derek left. He was hopeful, understanding that if Adam failed he, and all his kind would be dead anyway. He would help in whatever way he could. He would open up to Edward St. James, and hope to gain the trust of his colleagues and family. He vowed to withhold nothing. He was all in with the humans. He hoped he wasn’t being blind and a fool.


  A few days later Edward gathered enough energy to meet with Derek. He thought Derek a con man and the existence of the Great Library of Alexandria a myth, not fact. While its destruction was a matter of dispute and debate, most accounts of its survival were largely legend and wishful thinking.

  His level of expectation for his meeting with Derek was low, hovering around a Planck length above the ground, the lowest possible measurement of length known to science. He assumed Derek was a liar and a fraud. Edward still wanted his woman back, traitor or not. He missed her, was devastated and angry. At who, he wasn’t sure. But he was willing to invent a victim; world governments, the Collective, or the US government and its agencies, including State. Those who were behind causing her betrayal, if they could be found, would suffer and die.

  Bethy was gone, having betrayed the man she claimed she loved. Edward couldn’t reconcile the Bethy he thought he knew with the Bethy who undermined him at every opportunity. He hadn’t been consulted about her demise; had the order not come from his own son, he would have killed whoever was responsible for her death. Edward retreated into bitterness, not even speaking with his son, Misti or any part of his family. He brooded in his home alone.


  Derek arrived at the Ops Center Conference room, sitting alone on one side of the massive table facing Edward, Misti, Hannah, Rod, Cindy, Francoise and Akira. A few minutes later, Alana arrived and stood in the background, her baby bump getting now fulsome and her morning sickness increasing daily.

  Derek said, “Well it seems that a lot of you folk have a lot of questions for me, or do you just want to take turns beating the shit out of me. I’m ready for both.”

  “We’d like to save some time and get to the bottom of your discussion with Alana a few days ago. Personally, I don’t believe any of it, but then that’s just me. The others are here in the off chance that there is a grain of truth to what you have to say and are interested in the anthropology, as am I. For your part in the attempt on Vera Capri’s life, I’d just as soon put a bullet in your head right now, but Alana says that would be rude. For some reason, she believes you.”

  “Saldana Ri forced my part in the attempt on Vera Capri’s life resulting in the death of that young woman. Saldana Ri, now deceased, was attempting to implicate Enzo and Paulo Fortizi. They both would have done the same too, but it was Saldana who
engineered the plot. They were trying to force out your son, Adam, and your organization and ignite all-out war between humans and the Collective. It didn’t work, of course. My part was small, but I too was deceived. Believe what you want. We at the Nobilus have no love for the Collective or the Black Shirt Movement, but they would have killed me and many of my species had I refused. That is the real world. Like it not, I choose survival of my species. If you think otherwise, then fuck off.”

  The conversation degenerated from there, each attacking Derek for one sin or another. Alana spoke up.

  “Stop! Stop this instantly. This isn’t why we’re here. All I want to know is what is true and what is false. Hecate is in the room. Derek, will you permit Hecate the Immortal to enter your mind, and discover the truth? This can be over in a matter of moments.”

  “Yes, of course. I’ve nothing to hide.”

  “Hold!” Misti shouted loud and everyone froze. “Who invited this miscreant Hecate to this meeting. She is banished. She is not to attend any councils and will not be allowed in my presence. Hecate leave!”

  “I am invited; I am not yours to command.”

  “You are no one’s to command except the malevolent Liara. Don’t feign kinship with those here in attendance; your falsehood has yet to be revealed. You cannot be trusted, and to those now assembled let the truth be told. Hecate and Liara were going to sacrifice all Gens, humans, Nobilus and mixed-race beings on the battlefield of Oregon without telling us that none would likely survive except them. Even Adam was to be sacrificed if it came to that. None of us were informed, none given the chance to decide whether to engage with the enemy, or to do so with a different, safer strategy. None would be left to carry on the fight and defend Paraiso if the worst happened in Oregon. In arrogance, Hecate and her mistress Liara decided our sacrifice was their decision to make. No counsel on how to proceed, just sacrifice of thousands to satisfy their need for time. I say wait until Adam returns; he can enter Derek’s mind and determine the truth. This I have been told will be one of his abilities. We have no need for Hecate and her deceptions and arrogance.”

  Alana asked, “Is this true, Hecate. Is this what you and Liara planned?”


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