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Resolution Page 79

by Douglas E Roff

  They nodded.

  Adam said, “Then release them both now and awaken Tar and bring him to me now.”

  The door flung open moments later and a weary looking Tar entered the room. “I am sorry Master, but I felt so sleepy and could not keep awake. My men seem to have fallen victim to this magic somehow too. You wished to see me?”

  “Yes, if you will be so kind please go fetch Cori from wherever you hid her in contravention of direct orders from the Lady Alana. We shall discuss your conduct later for disobedience.”

  “Yes Master. Right away.”

  “As to all of you, my wives, plus you my young Hecate, I wish for peace among all of us immediately. We have all performed poorly and on the same day. Hecate, you and Alana did not understand what really happened and overreacted. And you my wife, Niona, should be more careful with powers you possess but cannot control as can your sister, Fionna. And as for you Fionna, well … I have nothing but gratitude for your timely intervention and swift action to heal me. I believe I was closer to greater harm that even Niona thought. But I wish for all of you to understand that I love each of you and that, though tragic these events, no harm was done. Fionna will explain as chief healer.”

  Before she could begin, Tar arrived with Cori, who seeing that Adam had regained his senses, leaped onto his bed and hugged him.”

  “You are well again, Master? You are recovered?”

  “I am, thanks to swift intervention and skills of Fionna and Niona. But we have discussed this before, you need not call me ‘Master’.”

  “But I do. Because you are, and I am glad to serve in your household if you, my Lord, will permit it. Niona said I should keep it a secret, but she has asked our Lord if I may be permitted to become a third sister to Niona and Fionna and serve here with you as my Master until a suitable sister can be found. That can take a thousand years, as it did with Niona. So, you see, you are my Master and I am overjoyed at being here in your household. If you will have me.”

  Adam tried to look very stern, hiding his happiness.

  “It is a big decision adding important personnel to my household, and I shall have to consult with one of my wives about the wisdom of having one so young and immature here in the City.”

  Cori was downcast. Adam continued, “But don’t worry, my young apprentice, I shall consult with Niona, and if she approves, you shall begin your duties immediately.”

  Cori brightened up but admonished her Master that it was mean to fool her and play with her heart in that way.

  Niona said, “With your immaturity and childish behavior, I cannot think of two beings who deserve each other more. I agree to the addition of Cori to our household, for her duties to begin immediately. What is your command to your new apprentice, Master?”

  “That she gives me a big kiss on the cheek.”

  Cori was snuggling beside her new Master and kissed him on the cheek many times. She settled in, regally, as if she had always been with him and was now watching as her “king” as he oversaw his subjects and dispensed wisdom. Whatever had caused so much sorrow, fear, and anxiety in her life just minutes before was gone, and she was home.

  Adam turned to Tar, looking as sternly as he could for a man who wanted to burst out laughing. Tar should have been a Brit, he was so serious, so loyal and so intense in his duties. It was almost too easy to have fun with him, as Vera had often said about Raoul. Tar in fact got along with Raoul and James and their families quite well and was often a dinner guest and seen on evening walks with Octavio, Norman, and their growing tribes.

  “You sir have disobeyed a direct order of the Lady Alana. What have you to say in your defense?”

  “Nothing Master, except that I wished to protect both the Lady Niona and the now titled Lady Cori. It seemed to me the Lady Cori was guilty of nothing, had done no wrong and was being exposed to danger that was unnecessary. I believed it to be caused by the Lady Alana and Lady Hecate’s fury at the Lady Niona. But I did not believe the lady Niona would ever harm you Master, so I disobeyed the Lady Alana’s direct order. I am sorry and am ready to ready to receive my punishment.”

  Adam said, “Hmmmm. This is a grave matter indeed. And I am in a quandary. I have run out of accolades, awards, and rewards to give you; we no longer have titles to bestow, as they have been abolished except for the Princess Kendra. But, still the punishment must fit the crime committed. I shall simply ask that you accept my humble thanks for your actions and wisdom in preventing a grave injustice and for saving my life and possibly those of the Ladies Niona and Cori. As further punishment you are hereby ordered to run the plains with Lady Niona for no more than three days time with a companion who has long wished in silence to be favored by you. I also command you to spend time with her, if you both desire it, so that you too may know more than love of duty. She is the most beautiful and respected Lady Zoria of the Gens Germania, relation to Akira himself. She has waited long for you; she shall wait no more.”

  Tar was astonished, expecting demotion or worse for his disobedience. He had spoken to the Lady Zoria many times and was himself very desirous of her companionship but for his duty to the Gens Germania, his Clan, and his Village.

  “I shall accept my punishment with a joyous heart and with humble appreciation. It will serve as a reminder to me that loving disobedience to my Master merits strict and quick reprimand.”

  Lady Niona approached Tar and whispered in his ear, “It was I who commanded the severity of your punishment, and my gratitude will remain with you until the end of time. Now Tar, go to the Lady Zoria who awaits you, and dismiss your men who even now are awakening. The City is back to normal and alive as if nothing had passed this last day and night. I have entered the events into your mind of the true intents and descriptions of the misunderstandings that have taken place. You need only touch your men for them to have this knowledge and for them to spread out over the City and countryside by touching every passerby, so all know what has truly transpired.”

  Tar kissed the hand of the Lady Niona, an act never before seen within the memory of any living Gens, such was his gratitude for her kindness and wisdom.

  Chapter 9

  “Now I wish for Hecate and Alana to step outside while I have a word with Fionna, if you can spare the time. I understand you are very busy elsewhere and came here only at your sister’s urgent appeal.”

  “I would be pleased,” said Fionna. “But then I must leave to complete my work elsewhere. I wish to be back in time for your fight with Paulo Fortizi.”

  “You have heard of it?”

  “Half of the RealVerse would like to attend. May I come as your guest?”

  “Indeed, I insist.”

  Adam turned to Niona and Cori. As to you two other imps, please disappear and make plans for tonight; perhaps you should visit with Tar and Zoria a little later. Both of you two Ladies were exceptionally brave and true to your duties; I am glad to be wed to you Niona. And you and I, Cori, shall become the best of friends.”

  Cori said,” I am hope in our friendship I can provide you with every manner of service I am able and permitted to provide.” Adam and everyone in the room understood what Cori was offering.

  Adam smiled his most captivating and charming smile. “Even washing dishes and scrubbing pots?”

  “Perhaps almost every manner of service would suffice and would be a more apt description of how I may best serve you.”

  “I await your earliest convenience, so we may more deeply explore and penetrate the mysteries of the skills and talents of my new apprentice, Cori Marquez.”

  Cori giggled, “You’re funny.” Then she was gone with Niona.

  Adam turned to Hecate and Alana. “Please wait outside while I speak to Fionna alone.”

  Alana, who was not normally sarcastic, said, “Lining up further entertainment for yourself tonight. Perhaps Hecate and I should speak to you in the morning after your exhaustive study of the local talent. I am not in the mood for you right now.”

lease return when I finish thanking Fionna, who is on a tight schedule. She saved my life.”

  “And I said no. Hecate can speak for herself. I am busy, and you can wait.”

  “But Alana …”

  “Fuck you!” Alana left.

  Hecate said, “I’ll wait outside. Call me when you need me. I’ll be hiding under my bed in my room.”


  Fionna looked at Adam. “Spirited wives I see. How do you keep them all happy?”

  “Sex, as much as they want whenever they want it, however they want it.”

  “When do you sleep?”

  “What’s that?”

  Fionna laughed. “Before we go any further, I am on a tight schedule, but I would like to stay here this evening if you wouldn’t mind.”

  “Of course. Anything you want.”

  “In that case, I’ll get right to the point. If you are going to thank me for fixing you, I accept only your gratitude. No more needs to be said now or ever again. I learned a lot about you last night, as I spent much time inside your mind as it began to right itself. Your mind and brain were misaligned, meaning your external sensory apparatuses were not functioning and processing properly. I just realigned them. But sis was fucking freaked and thought you were almost dead and she had damaged you terribly.”

  “You corrected her thinking then?”

  “Well, no, not exactly. She has been tasked with re-learning her long forgotten skills and powers and how to use them properly. Our Lord was unhappy with the incident, due to her ineptitude. I have been assigned the task of bringing her skills current. Not sure that will please my sister, but we shall have some fun with it – at her expense, of course.”

  “And I can help how? I would not like to see my wife hurt or humiliated.”

  “Well then, you’re no fun and in that case, you must grant me another wish if you wish to protect your sweet, but dangerous, spouse.”


  “You must teach me this pleasuring business, including the whole ‘having congress’ thing that your wives, especially Misti, so adores about you. By the way, is she in town?”

  “She is not.”

  “Then you must introduce me to her when she returns.”

  “That’s two things,”

  “I saved your life.”

  “You said you’d never bring it up again.”

  “I lied. I’m nothing like my sis, who I adore. But I wish to have you lay with me and keep doing so until I’m content I know enough.”

  “Shouldn’t you be asking your sis about this. You know sister/wife/permission?”

  “First, she’s not my sister and, second, you offered. Said ‘anything’. Right?”

  “I did.”

  “When do we start.”

  “Right now.”

  “What’s first?”

  “Get naked slowly, and make it look pleasurable for me. Then when you’re naked, get in bed under the covers.”

  “Then what?”

  “Do everything I tell you to do, when I tell you to do it, and quickly, and never argue, interrupt or question what I demand of you.”

  “I’ve never done that before. Been obedient to a man. Should be interesting. Does sis …?”


  “And does she …”

  “Everything. Now get moving or get out of my bedroom.”

  “Yes, Master!”


  It was not a normal experience for Fionna to let any being dominate her in any way; not male, female, or otherwise. Her species was predominantly female, as most mortals would understand gender, and sex, while not forbidden, was infrequent. The elements of enjoyment were missing in most of her kind; theirs was a colder less emotional existence. They lived to serve and to obey. Joy and happiness did not figure into their being.

  Niona was the first of her kind to enjoy regular physical and mind sex on a regular basis. She believed she had “discovered” something special, if not in the sex itself, then in the man with whom she enjoyed her liaisons. Her marriage to Adam, though not forbidden, was considered rare and caused what amounted to a stir. Marriage to a lower caste? Unthinkable. Fionna herself was shocked and most curious about both pleasuring activity and the source of the pleasure.

  Fionna’s belief that Niona’s permission was not required for Fionna to couple with Adam was probably technically correct among her kind and gender but might have been a bit presumptuous. Coupling was rare, so the idea of “spouse” and “permission” was foreign to them, as were the bodies they appeared to occupy for the benefit of humans. Their species had no form; they appeared in a manner best suited to their assigned tasks.

  Their coupling was long, slow, and pleasurable for Fionna, Adam believing the experience to be new to her; she was not ready for Niona level sex, much less Misti level coupling.

  Fionna said, “I was expecting something more primal and brutish for this ‘coupling’, as opposed to just pleasurable physical sensation. Did you go slower with me this time?”

  “Yes, of course. I was not sure your level of experience, though your responsive nature seemed to me that you enjoyed the sensations.”

  “There is more intensity to this than we experienced today?”

  “We just scratched the surface. There are many, many more levels of intensity, technique, and pure lust. But one cannot do everything in one night over a few hours. It should be more nuanced and balanced than that.”

  “Can we …?”

  “Of course, as often and as intensely as you wish. Go at a pace that suits you.”


  “Builds your pleasure and excitement as we have more experiences together. We can vary simple pleasure with more primal experiences; some that you will want to do to me, and some you will want done to you. Our pleasure can be mixed and matched; our desires filled when they naturally occur. I may do something that ignites a different reaction in you. Then you may take your turn in control and choose an experience just to delight you.”

  “That is permitted; for me to desire to control you and do pleasurable acts of my own choosing? And to experience the sensations of that pleasure?”

  “Yes, of course. Whatever we agree to do that we each wish to experience is within the realm of the permissible. The variations are endless. Only non-consensual acts are forbidden.”

  “Do I just ask?”

  “I know of no other way to answer the question in your mind. Did you achieve satisfaction, if I may ask?

  “Yes. Several, in fact.”

  “That’s on the low end for your sis.”

  “You lie.”

  “Enter my mind and see for yourself.”

  “There are that many different kinds and I can have many?

  “Limited only by endurance and wakefulness.”

  “No wonder Niona kept you a secret from me and from this pleasure coupling. I have rarely coupled and have never found it very pleasurable. For him, yes; once and gone. But this, this is different.”

  “Why would Niona not mention this? That’s not like her. She shares all her knowledge. Freely. Even with my other wives, especially Misti whom she favors for advice.”

  “Niona knows I am greedy about my pleasures, in which I partake so infrequently, except for certain ways known only to our kind. But there is no comparison. It is the difference between enjoying an ice cream cone and a screaming in waves of pleasure that never seem to cease. I’m not sure how or if she will be displeased with me seducing you, though it was easier than I thought.”

  “You’re sure it was you who seduced me? I’m a guy. Mostly all you need to do is ask, but I put up no fight. Should I not struggle a little, having been seduced?

  “Your ruse was subtle. I shall remember that for next time.”

  “If there is a next time. You leave tomorrow.”

  Fionna looked at Adam. “You would begin to teach me, then abandon me? Hardly seems chivalrous.”

  “You claimed to seduce me. I am but a pawn in t
his game.”

  “What must I do to earn your favor? To change your mind?”

  “Moving right along, you promised to be nice to your sis at training when she begins. No embarrassing episodes and be considerate. She is kind and we all love her. Though I now know she can have a temper.”

  Fionna said, “I promised to do as you asked, and I will. And will you promise to teach me more of this coupling?”

  “Yes, I would enjoy that.”

  “Can we go again?”

  “If you want. But when we see Niona again, we shall discuss this topic. I want to enjoy and adore you both, not create an issue between non-sisters.”

  “I agree. It’s only fair. And may I speak to your wives too?”

  “A very good idea. They enjoy the female gender too, you know.”

  “I have not ever attempted that experience myself, but I shall explore that avenue too when I can. Does sis?”

  “Yes, most ardently.”

  Chapter 10

  Fionna stayed much longer than a day. Every day it was her intention to leave and every day she gave her acolyte in another galaxy the tasks she herself should have performed. The tasks were easy, and her acolyte nearly ready to take on her role as a new Mistress and have an acolyte of her own.

  Fionna was unaware that privacy among couples in the family residence, and in the City, was a matter taken seriously. When she was told of the cultural norm, Fionna simply said that while her overt fun was over for now, she would seek new ways to spy on lovers at home as well as everyone else in the City. Fionna admitted being an avid and professional voyeur and an amateur but enthusiastic exhibitionist. She did not mind having sex with Adam with the door open and would often invite his wives to watch and join in if not busy. She also did not mind having sex openly with Adam’s other wives and any other attractive female that she could entice into her room. Married or single did not matter, though the wives did caution her on etiquette and cultural norms.

  Adam insisted that Fionna sit down with him and Niona to discuss decorum, and make sure that there was no problem between them. Niona said she had no issue about her sister and Adam romping, or any other matter concerning the wives and women of the City, and was pleased that Adam accepted her sister as a lover. But she also warned her sister that there were rules in the family: no other men, and if she violated that rule, she would be banned from Adam and his harem.


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