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Resolution Page 83

by Douglas E Roff

  Adam eventually shifted to using Akira and Orsin when communicating with Gens leadership, though that was only marginally more effective. He sent emissaries to the Wildmen, who agreed to send delegations; they didn’t believe Adam either, but had sworn an oath of loyalty and would not shirk their duty. The Wildmen did not understand the controversy; they assumed as Manti that Adam would fight as the Red Gens Manti, as he had with Enzo in the end. It was Enzo who first transformed from human to Gens natural state. Nonetheless, Paulo’s forces were already challenging the legality of that fight too; any cumulative doubt raised would undermine Adam’s authority.

  Hecate could not help, except with the wives who knew something was afoot, but not what. They were unhappy and groused about Adam often. Alana was most vehement in her condemnation, adding her vitriol to her complaints about Niona and Fionna. She seldom saw Adam any longer and did little of the work assigned to her for post-fight activities; she did, however, spend time with the other wives in residence spreading her displeasure and anger.

  It did not help that, lately, Adam spent almost all his time with Hecate, Niona and Fionna. There was good reason for this, but the wives wanted to hear none of it. They were unhappy with the allotment of face and personal time, unhappy with all the current secrecy, and unhappy that he had new favorites. This did not include Kendra, who was not involved much anyway, but she saw the anger and frustration building toward a volcano level explosion. After Paulo and the Coliseum, if things did not change quickly, there would be changes in the relationships. She was not sure whether the changes would be driven by Adam, or his wives.

  To Kendra this didn’t matter; Adam would soon be dead afterwards anyway. To her, all this fuss was activated by jealousy and akin to teenaged angst. Wives felt left out and ignored. What were they to think?

  Hecate saw this dustup as a portend of things to come. So did Niona and Fionna. However, none of the three tried to ameliorate the conflict with the wives; each side thought the other to blame for the state of family relationships. Adam was available for his conjugal responsibilities, but in light of callous rejection after rejection, he was in no mood. He was occasionally given to anger and frustration, and let his women know.

  Adam, for his part, saw the same problems, but felt powerless to alter events. He was simply too busy to attend to the egos of the women and get them on the same page. Besides, he reasoned, in this instance, the Immortals were more valuable in resolving immediate and current challenges. The other women were better served working on victory plans.

  Adam wished Misti was in residence; she would know what to do and how to restore order. Where was she when he needed her most? Beata and Kendra did their best to calm the waters, but since they were considered “junior wives”, they were often ignored as young and inexperienced in dealing with Adam.

  Hecate spent time with Orsin in addition to the Immortals and Adam; Hannah and Vera were kept company by Kendra. The camaraderie of the family was slowly dying. Most felt that the rise of the new additions and Hecate as influencers who had tipped the delicate balance; Alana openly voiced her belief that Niona was one wife too many. The same characters were opposed to any notion that Fionna would or could be considered for marriage.

  Adam held a different view. No wife was to dictate terms to him; if Adam chose to marry twenty more women he would do so.

  Anger toxified the atmosphere; Adam chose to ignore the growing unrest.


  The day arrived when those who had assembled were present in the Coliseum. Some of Adam’s wives were absent, led by Alana. Since they were not convinced that Adam was right, they decided to skip the event and relax at home.

  The Coliseum perimeter was lined with Wildmen once again, and the dignitaries were positioned in boxes of honor scattered throughout the bleachers. But the Coliseum was less than half full when Liara arrived to the amazement of the crowd in attendance. She was shimmering in the daylight and commanded the attention of all in attendance.

  “Where are the Gens I have commanded to be here? Do they not know who I am?”

  The crowd went silent. “Where are your wives Manti? Why are they absent?”

  “I don’t know. As to the others, we have diligently communicated your wishes to them; they apparently do not believe in me or you. They have no fear of either of us and are uninterested in your appearance here today. Neither do they believe that you are the best entity to decide the issue at hand.”

  “I see.

  Suddenly additional chairs appeared on the dais centered in the arena floor where Adam and his entourage were seated. Then with a wave of her hand, Liara brought Adam’s remaining wives to the dais.

  “You’re lucky your disrespect is for your husband and not me. Your shameful behavior and disobedience are unworthy of the mate of the Chosen of Chosen. If it were my choice alone, you would all be dead. Do not speak a word lest I seal your lips or fling you into the Mediterranean. Be quiet and observe.”

  Liara looked around. I sense eighty-seven Gens in the stands who are followers of Paulo. You are condemned to death. All eighty-seven screamed in horror as they writhed in their seats, then disappeared.

  “Now for the rest.”

  Liara waved her hand, and all the remaining Gens invitees from the Collective and the world appeared in their seats. “You will explain your disrespect to the Chosen of Chosen and to me. Did I not command you to come?”

  “You are a charlatan,” shouted one man, followed by hundreds standing up and challenging Liara as a trickster and fraud, just like Adam. They met a horrible and painful deaths, then were removed, and tossed out on the sand floor of the arena. The crowd immediately went quiet.

  “I will call out the names of the late arrivals and your representatives will stand and speak for you. If I do not like what I hear, your leaders will die. Then the rest of you rabble will either swear allegiance to the Manti and me, or you will follow your leaders to the afterlife. We begin.”

  For hours Liara questioned the Gens who had disobeyed her and stayed home. One by one, the leaders were slaughtered. Their people who attended as representatives likewise met their end if their explanations were unsatisfying, disrespectful, or arrogant. By the end of the day, panic swept the Coliseum, and ten thousand bodies lay heaped upon the white sands of the arena. Blood ran like a river and pooled all around the dais.

  The wives who had refuse to attend voluntarily were looking at Adam in fear that their lives were over after watching the carnage, and the ease with which the non-believers were vanquished. Adam sat stoically watching. He was neither moved to defend anyone nor to interfere.

  The sisters were passive and felt justified. They were hopeful that the ranks of the wives would likewise be diminished. Niona felt, in the long run, this display would heal nothing with them, unless some paid a price; rather it would drive them farther apart. Adam, had he been pondering the matter, would have agreed. Hecate guessed that the troop of wives would be reduced in the aftermath of the day, and the reduction would continue to erode their ranks for the next year.

  Liara ended her visit with a warning to those assembled and to any others absent who were not invited. On the main question of Adam’s fighting status, Adam could choose his form, human, Gens or Nobilus. Her decision was final and her reasoning simple. Adam had been born with the genetic traits of all three species, plus more, one of only a few ever born this way in the history of the world. He was therefore entitled to fight in whatever form he wished. Had he known of his power as a child, he could have transformed then too. But, unaware, he had not.

  Adam was the Chosen of Chosen, the Manti and the Chosen One. No mortal could make choices reserved for the Creator. If she had to return to Paraiso, or this world again, she would show no mercy.

  Finally, Liara reiterated again, “I would be happy to take the heads of your wives who disrespected you and whose arrogance was apparent from their earlier absence and lack of support for your service to Paraiso, the world and me. They
are ungrateful, duplicitous, and unworthy. I will be happy to rid you of the lot.”

  “No, Liara, I beg you for their lives. I beg that you allow me to deal with them in my way and in my time. I believe you have taught them a lesson.”

  “So be it. I leave them in your hands. I trust that Hecate has served you well?”

  “She has. She is most clever, obedient, and resourceful. Her role in my life has brought me much joy.”

  “I remind you that her duty remains still to be carried out.”

  “I am reminded. Yet she is the jewel in my crown; my steadfast companion and confidant. I would dread the passing of another day without her. You should be proud.”

  “I will leave you to your work.”

  Paulo appeared before Liara.

  “Your ploy has failed. The Manti will fight in whatever form he chooses, so prepare. I further command that the time for the fight shall be postponed for six months while the Chosen of Chosen directs the world to prepare for the new age. Then you shall fight. After the fight, if the Manti prevails, he will have six more months to wind up world affairs and manage the path of all species to the future.”

  Liara paused.

  “Then he dies as I have commanded at the hand of Hecate the Immortal. These are my commands. Do not raise my ire again.”

  Liara disappeared.

  Adam freed his wives and walked them home. He left them at their residences as they had left him - alone. He retired to his home, and the company of the sisters.

  Before he left the Coliseum, he commanded the leadership of all clans and bodies to meet with him the following day. He stayed and howled with the Wildmen, who regarded their Master part in awe, part in fear. Whatever doubt existed before in their minds was now erased. They would never doubt the Manti again.

  Chapter 16

  Before meeting with the Gens Councils and leadership who were summoned the day before, Adam summoned his wives to his home for a talk. He was stung by recent events, the apparent lack of respect for him, and their apparent willingness to criticize him for things they did not understand. Overall, he was furious, and felt his commitment to them was and always had been absolute, but that their increasing displeasure with him was unwarranted and petty. Before doing anything precipitous, he wished to hear their side of the story, and if it was mere unapologetic pettiness, he would take draconian steps. After all, he had received a reprieve for up to a year, but that was tenuous at best, and he still had to fight in the Coliseum.

  Adam was confused about his wives’ behavior.

  When they were all assembled, Adam dove right in. “There is much wrong with our relationships, both personal and professional, and I am displeased. I expect changes to be forthcoming and we will begin with the status of our relationships. If any of you are tired of me, our project or anything else I should be aware of, now is the time to speak. I grow increasing frustrated with the constant complaining and swimming upstream in my relationships with each of you. So, speak your minds and be brief and to the point. Alana? You first. You ignored my request to attend yesterday, have been angry and uncommunicative, and unwilling to act as my wife.”

  “You know the source of my unhappiness. You have done nothing to change matters. I have been clear about my demands, which you have ignored. If you believe I have not been clear, that is your fault, not mine.”

  “This is your ‘demand’? To banish Niona and Fionna for your pleasure? What further demands will you make later for expulsion? Noki? Kendra?”

  “I make these demands now and reserve the right to express myself about any matter concerning our marriage, our children and the project. You cannot do without me and my skills.”

  “Indeed, that may be true. I give you three choices. You will depart from my complex and leave your residence today. Our child shall remain behind with me and I will have no contact with you henceforth. I will terminate our marriage immediately. You may live with Noki if she will have you, you may move to Nabataea if they will accept you, or you may leave Paraiso entirely. But I warn you that this infection of anger and hostility will cease, or you will be returned to the United States on your own. If you collaborate with anyone there, I shall place you in isolation. Have I made myself clear? Now choose and be quick about it.”

  This was not what Alana, or the assembled wives, were expecting, especially the sisters. Most in attendance had never seen Adam this angry, especially so angry with his harem as to threaten expulsion and confinement.

  “I … I never meant …”

  “You never meant what? To betray me, this project and the world who depends upon our success? This is not about you, or even about me for that matter. This is about all of us, and your petty selfishness to get your way is tiring. The sisters will remain, I am wedded to Niona and love her, and if I choose to marry again, it will be no concern of yours. I have, at most, one year left on this planet, and I will not waste another moment of my time with you and your selfishness. Get out of my sight!”

  Alana was in shock; she never meant for her pent-up hostility toward Niona to reflect itself in this manner toward Adam. She never meant to emotionally blackmail Adam, nor to sow dissention in the ranks of her family. But, she had. Now the fruits of her anger and discord had come back to haunt her.

  She left in tears, not answering Adam’s question.

  “Anyone else?”


  “I give all of you one full day to decide what you want in the future. What I will not tolerate is disruption of what needs to be accomplished in the short time we have left. After I am gone, you may do as you please. For right now, I need to know who remains and who departs. Hannah? Vera?”

  “That was cruel and unnecessary,” said Hannah. “Alana has been with you since the beginning; her contributions have been critical to your success. You should be ashamed. I will not be a part of this exercise in ego; find someone new to do your work. Vera and I will depart tomorrow.”

  Adam said, “I accept your decision with regret, but it is better that you go back to Seattle or Portland. I thank you for everything. Your divorce will be complete before you leave. I will miss you both.”

  Vera said, “You will only miss Hannah. I’m staying to complete the job if I am still welcome since I have no past romantic history to speak of with you, Adam, as do Alana and Hannah; I have no overwrought emotions to complicate my life here.”

  She turned to her wife.

  “I am not yours to command and have warned you about this insulting treatment before. This is some sort of punishment for Adam and the rest who share him. You don’t want the honesty he offers and always has; you want your way. You want Adam to yourself and will abandon him if he is not yours to possess alone. I said once before how much that wounds me, and now you have done nothing but confirm my darkest fears. Leave and return home, but you will do so without me. I may divorce you too as you don’t deserve my love and commitment. You deserve what your arrogance has bought.”

  She turned to Adam. “May I stay with you until I find new quarters? I have work to do and will not spend another moment with this one whose personal commitments are soft and fickle.”

  Adam said, “You are welcome to stay with me for as long as you desire. I welcome your company and your counsel.”

  “I will return as soon as I gather my things from home. Hannah, do not bother me nor attempt to follow me home. Return to your Lab and pack later. I wish nothing to do with you.”

  Hannah fled, crying.

  Adam asked coldly, steeling himself against the pain he expected to feel, “Noki?”

  “I will remain. I am yours and I am committed to our project and our future. Our marriage was always unnecessary, but to make you happy, we wed. But nothing can change the depth of my love for you in any way, marriage or not. I am bound to you.”

  “I am pleased. I look forward to our future together.”

  “May I ask for one favor? I have never wanted to take up with any other man, so I request that you grant
me an indulgence.”

  “Granted, whatever it might be, with enthusiasm.”

  “Do not long be a stranger in my home.”

  Adam smiled, “I shall not. If I have neglected you, I beg your forgiveness.”

  Noki chuckled, “It is not your forgiveness I desire.”


  “Hey, I’m not complaining. I have no anger issues except I have not had my turn in weeks, maybe longer. That, Adam, is your fault for ignoring me and my needs.”

  “I am humbled that you are correct. I apologize and will do my best to rectify this behavior on my part. You deserve better and should once again come back out in the open and remain by my side. I have ignored you, and you have every right to be annoyed with me.”

  “I am not. I have been watching you daily and have never been far from your side. But events have overtaken our close relationship, events you have not controlled, and which take precedence over our normal routines. I am aware of your duties and challenges and am happy to serve when required. But …”

  “But …”

  “I am not a nun. You have ignored your conjugal obligations to me and my rights as your wife. Someone will need to be punished.”

  “I stand before you willing to be disciplined.”

  “Sweeeet. But when?”

  “As soon as we finish here, and whenever you desire.”

  “I’ll let you know.”


  “What Kendra said. Just don’t banish me.”

  “I would never do that to you. You are sweet and do not complain about anything. You are amazing in what you do for us all, along with your sisters from your villages. How may I redress my poor behavior and make it up to you?”

  “Again, ditto Kendra.”

  Niona? Fionna? Have you any issues we need to take up?”

  “None,” said Niona. “I am content with our arrangement and wish it to continue it unchanged. Do you wish it so?”

  “I most certainly do and see more intimacy for us in our future if you are willing. I will discuss this with you tonight.”


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