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Resolution Page 94

by Douglas E Roff

  “Even the Vatican?”

  “Not the Pope; but many in his flock may not agree with our friend from Argentina. I can count on the Jesuits too; but on the other Orders and, the rest of the world’s religious leaders, I cannot comment. The masses my take things into their own hands and civil unrest may follow.”

  “What will we do?”

  “I will eliminate all human militaries and weapons short of bow and arrow, take down communications and electrical grids and wait for order to restore. Coercion may be all we have until cooler minds prevail. But the Gens in the industrialized countries need to begin leaving now.”

  “For here?”

  “Yes. We can build cities later in safe remote places and protect the Preserves; the Wildmen will never be disclosed and can handle incursions into their territories on their own.”

  “Have we enough time to plan all this?”

  “No. Bitsie will have to model responses and counter responses. It’s going to get ugly.”

  What can we do?”

  “Every Gens needs to either work to motivate other ordinary Gens to stop this insanity with Paulo, or join us. One or the other. And our top priorities now are recovering Derek’s data in London, seizing the Alexandria collection and data, and taking control and seizing the remaining six Lesser Libraries of the Gens. After that, we direct all resources to the transition.”

  “Tell us what you need us to do.”

  “Don’t falter. Be strong and show leadership. Stay above the ugliness that will surely rain upon all of us.”

  “It’s real now,” said Orsin. “It was far off two weeks ago; now everything depends on us getting this right.”

  “I know. And it’s frightening and daunting. But, we can do this. We must stick together.”

  “As you command, Manti.”

  “One more thing I need to discuss with you and it’s unpleasant. Alana and I have run the numbers, and there is something I must do. But I need your help.”


  “Repeat that again once you hear what I have to say. Only Alana, Vera and I know about this; you must keep this locked away. The world depends on us carrying out my plan, including this.”


  That night, Carolyn and Tanner asked to speak to Adam privately.

  “You cannot die when you dispatch Paulo. There’s not enough time to do all we need to you. You are the key. We need years or decades if all out war is to be averted. Talk to Bitsie. Vera is depressed.”

  “Call them now and tell them not to worry. We’ll meet tomorrow and talk. I have a plan.”

  “Can you share it with us?”

  “No. This burden is mine alone. You have other issues to resolve with your team. Sleep well; all is under control.”


  Th next day Adam a rose early and again left his home in darkness this time only Alana along for a secret meeting with his Mom and Pops. His father Edward would also be there. They still saw each other every day while he was in residence, but the pure joy and fun of the old days in Barrows Bay were absent. The heavy weight of responsibility for every facet of life, the management of his own family, the planning of the future, and the dealings with the Nobilus, the Collective, the Black Shirts and even Hecate and the two Immortals had taken its toll. The old days seemed a century ago, and though he loved is parents, the loss of Rod and the deep sadness of Cindy had changed his world outlook. He wanted nothing more than to end Paulo, slowly, with the assistance of his sister. But fulfillment of the Prophecy was essential in gaining the loyalty of the Gens of the Collective and of the holdouts of the Eighty-One.

  There was so much he did not control, and as the time approached for his combat with Paulo and his tasks afterwards, there was only so much he could do even with the support of those who loved him and who had dedicated their hearts and souls to him and the project. He knew what he had to do, but with foreknowledge of a date when he would die, his moods were changeable, and his strength of mind sometimes less firm.

  Then there was the conundrum of Liara. Hecate was her servant, and although he once worried about her in the aftermath of death, she had found a mate. Orsin was good for his ward, and when they were married before his death, the burden of her wellbeing would no longer be his concern. The two would grow together and prosper.

  Adam knocked at the door. His mother answered the door and bade the two enter. Pops and Edward were already seated when Adam and Alana entered. They stood immediately and hugged them both. Both Pops and Maria had tears in their eyes; Edward was stoic, but inside he was heartbroken. The topic of conversation was not a simple ‘how to’ but was a decision of such magnitude that they could not help him, only hope to lessen the time required to plan and execute the monstrous task.

  “You have all read the binders I assume? Mom your engineering is critical, Pops your materials more complex than ever before. Target identification and planning are no longer an issue; Alana, Vera and I have settled on a solution. Pops, it is up to you to modify the biology; you have all you need.”

  “Son, the task is already complete, but is there no other way? Your father and I have been wracking our brains. But nothing practical seems to be possible.”

  “We will go incrementally,” said Alana. “If the human world responds positively and rationally, we will reduce our need for numbers now, but if not, the second phase and third phases will be locked in and executed on time. If you find fault with our calculations or the methodology, please say so now. We are boxed into a corner and cannot find a way out.”

  Edward asked, “And if we roll the dice?”

  “Then the catastrophic cascading effect will begin; not immediately, but within a decade.”

  “There must be another way. This is …”

  “Dad. You still think there is another way. There is not. I didn’t come here today to argue the merits of what I must do, only to make sure we will be able to do what is required, when it is required. Pops says he is done. Mom?”

  “Yes completed. But your father is right. We must try harder. We must inform those affected. They have a right to know.”

  “No. That will cause a chaos. All civil authority will break down. We will destroy ourselves in the ensuing wars, and in the end, we will all be destroyed. No, we will inform no one.”

  “We’re so sorry son,” said Pops.

  “For what?”

  “That it had to be you. I cannot bear this pain. First Rod then you? Where is your God now? He has abandoned us and permitted this evil to take hold. I curse him!”

  Adam spoke sadly to his family. “I love you all, but will not be around much after tonight. Take care of my kids. Let them know they are loved. We go to create a better world. Take what solace you can in that.”

  Chapter 31

  Several weeks passed with planning being the major topic for everyone in both the Tech Center and Ops. Francois had the dual responsibility of planning the seven library operations as well as leading one or more teams in the field. Cindy was deeply involved in Ops, but although she begged Adam to relent and let her get back in the field; he said no.

  “No means no,” Cindy. “You don’t go and, if I find anyone helping you go, it’s expulsion for whoever is involved. That includes wives and family. And if you do go anyway, that Op is cancelled, and you will be returned home with that team. Because of how I believe we must do this, if you go anyway you may be responsible for uncounted deaths. This task with the Libraries is not war, and there will be no vengeance against curators and academics. You are better served back here in Ops guiding us in the field and giving support. Bitsie will help too and will be given time away from Vera and her planning teams. Help Francois, Tar and Orsin with their assignments. Octavio will be back in action, along with the Paz twins.

  Cindy was silent, but Adam could see cold calculation behind her eyes.

  “Don’t make me lock you up, sis. If I have to, I will. And I’ll be very cross.”

  Adam was not smiling, and
his tone was uncharacteristically harsh. The loss of his brother had been devastating for Adam, much more for Cindy. But her lust for vengeance against the Collective overpowered her common sense and love for her girls. She wanted wet death for her enemies, up close and personal. She would fight human form to human form, or Gens to Gens. She would bring her weapons, to be sure, but sharp claws or her favorite Damascus was what she fancied.

  She went daily to the martial fields to train; Adam did not object but made clear that, when the time came, she was retired from field work.

  Cindy shared a different opinion and thought she had sufficiently pacified her brother. When she learned of the dates the Op would begin, she decided to bug out a day early. Adam however would confine her to the Brig a day before that. Cindy would howl and fume, but to no avail. Until then, her mind was more important than her body.

  Even Misti would not be allowed to participate, though in truth she did not want to go anyway. Her three children, and the three growing within, had become too important to go off on a mission that could just as easily be handled by the seasoned troops assembled in America and Paraiso. She would sit with Cindy, then offer her freedom to help in Ops after the missions began.

  Adam asked all commanders about strategy and tactics each thought would be most useful, taking into consideration locations, terrain and minimizing loss of life. The humans understood the need for minimizing the death and destruction of the enemy for what must surely come afterwards; the Gens, not so much. Adam wanted opposing Gens shown mercy and to be spared death; the healing had to begin by example before the wars were over.

  Neither they nor Adam were sure what to expect when they arrived: a trap, fierce resistance, or abandonment. They would follow past procedure and monitor the locations using satellite telemetry to detect any gathering of Gens in the immediate vicinity; Tar warned that the Collective military was adept at setting traps then using speed to cover great distances to encircle and kill their enemies and their prey. Unlike the ragtag Black Shirt brigades, the Collective military and auxiliaries were well trained and disciplined. They had learned from the survivors of Idaho, Oregon and Barrows Bay what had befallen them; they would not succumb to that fate this time.

  Adam opened the meeting by asking if anyone had anything further to add to their written responses to the questions he had posed. He had reviewed their briefing notes and, where appropriate, had read the full brief in its entirety.

  “Good, then let’s get to the meat of our reason for being here. I have constructed the broad outlines of the plan I wish to implement which is a synthesis of several plans presented. The most closely aligned with my thinking and the reasoning behind it came from my sister and Francoise Lemieux.”

  Cindy interrupted. “Does this not mean that I too, like Francoise, should be in the field to carry out these plans?”

  “No, it does not. Your days in the field are over; if my planning is unsuitable, then you should leave.”

  “I disagree. I am coming. You are our leader, but no one elected you. You cannot impose your will upon me as if I am a child. I shall join the ranks of Francoise’s brigade.”


  He looked down. “I am sorry, sister. You know how much Marie and I love you, but you cannot come this time. Adam has forbidden it, and whether elected or not, he is the Chosen One. I will not disobey his commands.”

  “I will come anyway. None here can stop me.”

  Adam turned to Tar. “Have you guards?”

  “Yes Lord.”

  “Have two escort my sister to her quarters. There she is to remain until I order otherwise. She is not to leave, but she may see her children and parents, as well as my parents. Please inform my wives, my friends, the military and my family and every living soul in Paraiso, that to disobey me will result in immediate expulsion. No exceptions.”


  “I am in no mood for disobedience or disrespect. We have no time. Hecate? Appear please.”

  “Yes, Master? What need have you of me?”

  “You too are not to aid my sister. Is that clear?”

  “Clear, though I believe you have no right to ban her from participation. She has earned the right to be involved. Her loss has been great; it is time to equalize the ledger columns, so I will help if I can.”

  “No, you won’t. You may leave now and fly to wherever you are most comfortable, so long as it is not Paraiso, or any of the fields of combat.”

  “You are banishing me?”

  “Yes. Exactly. You are banished for the time being. Now scoot.”

  “You cannot. I will not go. Orsin, say something.”

  Orsin looked at his love and said, “Leave and return if you wish when the work is done. For now, you insult the Manti and therefore me. I am military, and I follow orders; I follow the chain of command. The Manti has enough on his mind without the insulting behavior of either you or his sister. I am ashamed of you both.”


  “Leave, Hecate, knowing I love you. Please, it’s for the best.”

  A few of the men began to say something in agreement with Orsin, but Orsin said, “Mind your tongues. This matter does not concern you; wag your tongues and I will have satisfaction. If there is anyone wishing to challenge me, let us step outside.”

  Tar and Adam stepped in beside Orsin.

  Adam said, “There is no reason for hot temper today. Cool yourself, Orsin, though you have grown immeasurably in my esteem. I shall not soon forget your actions here today.”

  The room was silent.

  Adam transformed. “There will be no dissention in the ranks. If you wish to challenge anyone, let it be me; let us step outside. No one will ignore my orders nor fail to carry out assignments. Any dereliction of duty is punishable by immediate banishment.”

  Adam transformed back.

  “Good. Now as to our plans. There are two parts. First, the Great Library of Alexandria and, second, the six Libraries of the Gens Nation. I have been convinced by cooler heads that Alexandria should be approached diplomatically first before we attack the Gens Collective. I will send Queen Carolyn, Lady Cia and Lady Eene, Niona the Huntress and her sister Fionna to meet with the Curator and his staff. And, I need a volunteer to act as protector on this diplomatic assignment. I am happy that Orsin volunteered.

  “But Lord, I did not …”

  “… hesitate to volunteer to act in a diplomatic role for the first time? Yes, I agree, the responsibility is great given your other duties, but so is my confidence in you. Shows initiative. Tar recommended you first, and I agreed immediately. It is settled, but worry not, young warrior, you will be home in time for war.”

  “Thank you, Lord.”

  “Pick ten men to accompany you and choose wisely. You are in command. Wisdom, not power is what is required. Observe carefully the Ladies of the City; they are wise and skilled in matters of diplomacy. However, if Plan A fails, Plan B is for you and your men to transform as Gens and scare the hell out of our adversaries until they agree to Plan A.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  “As to the Gens, the consensus seems to be that we attack all six facilities in coordinated fashion, simultaneously once Orsin returns with our delegation safely from America. I have not decided numbers for the assault yet until we evaluate the guard troop strength on the ground in each location. I will pass out location portfolios with the names of the Assault Commanders for each assault. I expect you to work with Alana McCarthy on telemetry and intel, then draw your assault plans, tactics, and weaponry. You may call on Tar, Cindy and Francois to assist; there is no shame in needing wise counsel. Two teams will be all Gens, two teams will be all human and two teams will be mixed. Tar and I will lead the mixed teams. Any questions?”

  There being none, Adam called out the five names, including Orsin, who would be the Assault Commanders. He handed them binders with intel collected on their location.

  “Put together your command structure and nominate one hu
ndred fifty men you wish to have under your command. Make sure they wish to serve you. You have one week. We may bring in backup, but that will be decided later.”

  “Ladies and gentlemen, good luck and we reconvene here at 06:00 in two days time. Progress will be expected by then.”


  Tar cornered Adam as everyone left. “Contingency plans?”

  “I was just thinking the same thing. When shall we meet?”

  “Tomorrow at the martial field at dawn.”

  “See you there.”


  Orsin left for home to begin reading his binder, construct a command structure, start filling in names and planning tactics. His was a wooded terrain, like home. He was filled with anticipation for war but feeling unsteady about diplomacy.

  He contacted the Ladies of the delegation to Alexandria and asked for a meeting with them when convenient. They elected to meet the next morning in Alana’s quarters.

  Fionna said, “Not to worry young warrior; we’ll be gentle. But there is a right of passage. Come prepared.”


  “Say yes to all our commands, no matter what, and you will be fine. We will need to see you naked, of course.”


  “You must be fitted for diplomatic attire. It is said that you are virile to distraction. We are anxious to see if there is any truth to the rumor.”

  “Yes, Mistress. I shall do my best.”

  What Orsin said, and what he felt, however, were two different things.

  Chapter 32

  Orsin appeared at Alana’s residence early as requested by Fionna and the wives. Ostensibly it was to go over the trip to America, have the tailor measure him for new clothing appropriate to his station and to prepare for potential formal gatherings. The tailor in residence was a human woman from the Black Forest who once had a teenage crush on Orsin, and who had been courted briefly by him until he joined the military.


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