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Resolution Page 97

by Douglas E Roff

  “Come by later. Perhaps a visit by Fionna the Immortal to the House of Healing would give two young warriors something to brag about. They fear that being shot by a child does not make a good story.”

  “Then I shall see you later.”

  “Come to the residence. Lady Cia and Lady Eene wish to visit with you too.”


  The men were indeed cheered by Fionna’s visit and, with a kiss from her, had a much better story than any they could have garnered in war. Kissed by an Immortal! And the fiercest any had ever known or seen; Fionna, beautiful and a goddess of war. Such exaggerated tales the men would tell of love, loss and conquest.

  Fionna came to the residence and found the Ladies Cia and Eene speaking to Alana and Kendra. Niona was absent, probably with her husband. A tinge of jealousy crossed her mind; a thought unworthy of her as an Immortal and a sister. She banished it from her mind.

  “You wished to see me?”

  “We wanted to thank you for today.”

  “I did nothing. Master Orsin did all the work.”

  “You let Orsin save that girl; you gave him high praise,” said Lady Cia. “And you prevented war and saved our lives. We feel much gratitude and appreciation. But …”


  “You seem different,” intervened Lady Eene.

  “Different bad, or different good.”

  “Different wonderful. And kind. You seem more like your sister every day. I mean that as a compliment.”

  “It is so taken.”

  “Fionna, we all wish to tell you something. Something we think you might be struggling with. As have we all.”

  “I do not understand.”

  “There is no shame, no weakness in loving him. When you are ready, if you ever are, he will understand and love you. We each know what it feels like to be with him, this power he wields over us. But it is good, the feeling as if we are the only woman in his world when he holds us. It is no disgrace to wish to be around him; to love him and feel his warmth.”

  “How do you all …”

  “We just do. He is the gravitational pull we all feel; we are sisters in this thing that is. It is not about coupling, though we do not mind that at all. It is the way he makes us feel. He sometimes seems to be not of this world. To be some creature who was sent here, imperfect, at times cruel, but always with love and gentleness to family, friends and those he loves and protects. He faces an uncertain world; his fate is sealed as is your sister’s. He has suffered betrayal and love, yet chooses love.”

  “I had never …”

  “And we are by your side. You are family. Your sister is with our husband right now. She seeks his permission to conceive again. The Chosen One and an Immortal; she is frightened of the new being she will create. Adam is too. It has never been done; perhaps there is a reason why.

  She says she will seek permission from your Master too. She is scared that your Lord God will be displeased.”

  “I will speak to my sister about this. I shall also ask my Lord’s permission again, if such is his will.”

  Chapter 35

  In the days and weeks that followed the taking of the Alexandrian and Gens Libraries, Niona announced that she was once again with child, a boy. While Niona feared a meeting with her Lord God to ask approval after the fact, Fionna counseled against it.

  Sister, there is no proscription among our kind for what we have done. Neither is there unfettered permission to act freely. Our Lord would never do any harm to the children within us and forgives our boldness with regularity. Our God will do so again; disappointment may follow our wayward actions for our Lord, but not retribution. At worst we shall lose our Immortality again, and perhaps our powers, but we shall regain them eventually when his ire cools. I spoke to Alana who told me of a human saying that ‘it is better, at times, to beg forgiveness than to ask permission’. I will humble myself and beg forgiveness if I am brought to account; but I have felt the joy of lives growing within me and the miracle of life.”

  “I too shall follow your advice; if we are in trouble we are in trouble together as sisters again. It would not be the first time.”

  “Ah to be three hundred million years old again. What fun we had in our youth!”

  Adam walked in during his daily rounds to attend to his women and children and always spared generous amounts of time he did not have to be with his favorite Immortals.

  “How are my ladies today,” he asked as he kissed each of the sisters. “What new developments can you share.”

  Niona said, “Nothing earth shattering, but I feel movement and am excited to know my baby is happy and will soon be joining us in the physical world. He already loves his father and cannot wait for your embrace.”

  “How can he …? Oh, never mind. You are Immortals with special powers and I as the bug father cannot comprehend your wonderfulness.”

  “Yes,” they laughed and giggled, “that is true though your children wish to mention that they are half mortal and will be bug-lets. They promise not to play too many tricks on you or to torment you as does Fionna.”

  Fionna said, “But I shall teach them how. It keeps you on your toes, husband.”

  She paused.

  “I forgot, I am not yet wedded, and have no right to call you husband. Apologies.”

  “Then we shall remedy that this instant. And you may call me anything you wish, but never late.”


  “Old human joke. Never mind. Fionna the Immortal, do you wish to wed this poor bug of a part human and weak specimen of a male who cannot possibly resist the temptation of his two favorite Immortals or say no to them ever?”

  “I do.”

  “And I wish to be wed to Fionna the Immortal. Niona, sister to Fionna and wife to this bug, do you give away your sister in matrimony?”

  “I do, I do!”

  “Then we are wed. Congratulations. You may begin bossing me around and ignoring my commands.”

  Fionna wrapped her arms around her new husband. “Is this legal?”

  “I am the Manti. It is, if I say it is. I say it is, so, yes, it is. We shall announce the glad news on our walk tonight. The King will still want his fee, but I will arrange that. I believe I have some aged Drolian wine he covets. For a King and a brilliant physicist, he can be so easily bought.”

  Niona said, “We wanted to tell you that I shall be giving birth within the month. It appears our ‘buns’ bake faster as an Immortal, and our second child wishes to present himself to you soon.”

  Adam said, “You’re not even showing.”

  “Showing what?”


  Adam gathered all his wives, children, and family one evening for an announcement. There was trepidation; some of the wives had guessed what Adam had in mind. Others thought nothing of the passing of time. There was no war, children had been born and several wives were still with child. But calm reigned at home and throughout the City. No one wished to think of the impending events; the people of Paraiso loved the Manti as he did them.

  “I have asked you here now to make two announcements. The first concerns Paulo and the second Orsin.”

  All eyes turned to Orsin, who was as surprised as anyone.


  “Patience, young Master. Patience.”

  “As to Paulo. I shall fight him in six weeks time and end this tension in our household. Notices have gone out and the invited guests shall be arriving soon. The Wildmen shall also be here soon. Please prepare yourselves and our children, but do not alarm anyone in Paraiso. Senna, who is now an integral part of our family, I ask you not to fret about this contest. I understand Orsin and his men have fully apprised you that I am in no danger, but the fulfillment of the Prophecy is of paramount importance to the events that will follow.”

  “I am father. The men have taken me in, have seen to my education in the ways of all species here, and have begun teaching me the martial life. It is hard, and much is demanded. I come home exhauste
d and bruised but would have it no other way. I am their little sister who kicks, scratches and punches; they adore me. And soon, I am told, I will be allowed the knowledge and the ability to transform. I much desire this and to be with my soldiers.”


  The Wildmen of Africa, headed by Nie, arrived at their camp below the City. Adam’s wife Niela was with the entourage and he was eager to see her, run with her on the plains of the Serengeti, and couple at night. Days went by, but no word came for the Manti to visit. He assumed that an event was planned. Niela, his wife, had long been absent.

  Early one morning Tar arrived to find the Manti reading, and informed him that a messenger was at the gate leading out the plains below the City. His tone was serious.

  “He awaits you below, but he is but a lowly foot soldier, and no honor guard attends. He bids you join the camp.”

  “Odd, would you not say, Tar?”

  “Odd indeed. I shall accompany you with my men, including Orsin and his men. We shall get to the bottom of this mystery.”

  “There is something you wish to say?”

  Yes, Lord. I am sorry to report that your wife, Niela, was seen alone with a Gens male of the Wildmen nearing return to her father’s camp just this morning. They have been gone for days.”


  “They have been alone and your wife unchaperoned.”

  “I see.”

  “I am sorry, Lord. But the punishment for infidelity among our people, and the Wildmen, is death. If her father was aware of this betrayal, it is treason, and we shall kill everyone who knew and said nothing. That means all who are gathered in their camp.”

  “There is more, I see.”

  “Lord, the Wildmen have announced a split among their clans. Many, who are arriving now are loyal to Nie, but these Gens are but outliers. The vast numbers of Wildmen are loyal to you. Two armies’ approach on the plains below. One is loyal to Nie, the other to a Wildman named Varsa, who is cousin to Inta. He leads your loyalists. I believe we must stop this war between Wildmen factions before it begins, you must assert your authority and eliminate your adversaries before Varsa arrives. Then you must honor him, and give him a seat upon the dais with your family and those of us close to you, to watch the fall of Paulo and the Collective.”

  “What has Nie to gain? This makes no sense.”

  “He believes your marriage to his daughter protects him and the clans that follow him in his war with Varsa.”

  “He shall soon learn otherwise.”


  Tar, Orsin and their men entered Nie’s camp, and was greeted nervously by him and his lieutenants.

  “Where is my wife?” Adam’s tone was unfriendly.

  “She is just now returning from a run. I expect her momentarily.”

  “Tell me about this run. She is guarded? She is chaperoned according to law and custom?”

  “In a manner, yes, Manti.”

  “In what manner is that, Nie? Either she is, or she is not. Speak plainly, as my ire rises with such dissembling.”

  “She is accompanied by a childhood friend, Lord.”

  “A female of your household?”

  “No, my Lord, a male.”

  “Who is he?”

  “A friend and …”


  “Her suitor before you.”

  “They have been packing?”

  “No, my Lord.”

  “How long? An hour? Two?”

  “No Lord, three days and nights. They approach now.”

  Niela arrived and bowed low to Adam, as she and her male friend entered camp. “My Lord, how kind of you to greet me upon my return from a run. Several hours on the plains are good exercise. I am happy to see you again.”

  “Several hours you say. And who is your friend?”

  “This is Yera, a childhood playmate.”

  “And suitor.”

  Niela no longer smiled. “He is but a friend, that is all.”

  “Hours gone, but your father says three days and nights. Need I ask what betrayal you were committing in my absence?”

  “None Lord. Father is mistaken, and nothing took place. Your honor and mine are intact.”

  “What say you, Yera? Do you hold to this fantasy?”

  “I do. And I fear you not.”

  “I am happy to hear that.”

  Adam turned to the men of the clan, and shouted, “Who among you will step forward and deny knowledge of this treason?”

  A few stepped forward; the rest, by silence, admitted to their treasonous knowledge.

  “Who among you has not sworn allegiance to me? Any here?”


  “Then I condemn all of you to death. As to you wife, I smell the stench of your lover upon you, and your scent upon him. Your lover does not fear me; perhaps you do not either.”

  “I am your wife; you may not touch me, or Year. We can only be banned. We are royal.”

  “Royalty was abolished by decree. You are not protected. You are now dead.”

  Adam transformed and seized Yera by one hand, his wife by the other. In the Common Tongue, he said, “I cannot abide betrayal. You, your clan and all associated clans are hereby sentenced to death.”

  Adam extended his five claws, cutting the throats of the two lovers. He took the head of her father, then everyone in camp. Those trying to flee, were hunted down by Orsin and executed.

  “Send out scouts to locate the other allied clans, then gather your men. I shall kill them all myself. Orsin, I order you and your men to execute any who try to escape. Tar, your hands shall be clean of this outrage. You have done your job informing me of things I could not have heard from any other. But I task you and your men with seeking out Varsa and informing him of my dealings with traitors. Invite him to camp; I will visit him alone.”

  “Is that wise, Lord?”

  “Wise and necessary. I am his Lord and Master. I will show him no fear or need of protection while in loyal camps. I am the anointed of God. I will kill him and his army if they do not submit to my authority. Don’t worry old friend, your service and loyalty have born fruit beyond this exercise today. Well beyond. I shall explain myself later. Now go.”

  Chapter 36

  Tar returned from his mission to contact Varsa and ask him to receive Adam as Manti. Varsa moved closer on the plains near the entrance to the City of Light and settled his army, some fifty thousand strong, representing almost all the clans of the Wildmen in attendance, at least all but those laying dead for the carrion vultures to feast upon some miles distant. There was a level of disaffection among the ranks as this Gens of the Eighty-One as Tar rather curtly informed Varsa and the Headmen of the assembled clans. Their recent prey and rebellious adversaries were now all dead. Varsa had chased Nie and his affiliated clans for thousands of miles, seeking to engage them in battle and finally end their treachery.

  The Nie clans had tried to usurp power for themselves amongst the chaos of the discord sown by Paulo Fortizi, had shown up to the contest with Enzo Fortizi, and misrepresented themselves as the leadership of the Wildmen everywhere. They were not. They then married off Nie’s scheming daughter under false pretenses to the Manti. If Tar’s report was accurate, the Manti had killed his unfaithful wife and her lover, dispatched her father and their clan, then killed ten thousand of the traitorous factions by himself, leaving only a few attempting to escape for his Gens captains to clean up.

  The Red Gens Manti now sought an audience with Varsa, according to Tar, and would come alone. Even among the Wildmen this was considered foolish. Apparently, the Manti had no fear of Varsa or his army and had many important matters to discuss if Varsa truly did represent the main body of the Wildmen. Varsa was skeptical of this puffery, that the Human was as represented. That he could transform or that he killed over ten thousand trained Gens Wildmen warriors was ludicrous.

  However, he had killed Enzo Fortizi as hundreds of thousands watched and were now sworn to his service. Other stories of
his prowess and mastery over the natural world were also not believed. There was, however, one among his family who did believe, and knew he was the fulfillment of the Prophecy.

  They would meet him on the plains of the Serengeti to determine the truth. If he was false, he would be dead. If he was true, he would become their leader. The clans would fall into line and swear allegiance to this creature, reputed to be part Gens, part human, part Nobilus and part something unknown.

  He was said to be a giant, red in color with piercing blue eyes that glowed, could heal with touch and had five razor sharp claws that never needed honing. His mates were of all species and bore him many children. His mythology included marriage to two Immortals with a third as his ward. He had seduced, then eliminated the leader of the Black Shirt movement, Saldana Ri, and recruited her entire army to his service. He could move mountains and had defeated two armies of over thirty thousand Gens. He was legend for defying the Creator and was to forfeit his life when the reign of terror of the Collective was brought down.

  He was both kind and ruthless, forgave his enemies who were persuaded to join his ranks, and was fiercely protective of family and friends; his job as protector of his people was always foremost. Betrayal was met with death; disloyalty with expulsion, and cruelty with swift justice.

  Varsa believed none of it.

  A solitary human, dressed in simple attire, but cloaked in grey appeared out of nowhere.

  “I am Adam St. James, the Manti, the Chosen One and the Chosen of Chosen. Which among you is Varsa?”

  Varsa stepped forward. “I am Varsa. I welcome you to our camp and greet you as friend.”

  “And I you. But it is doubtful that I come here that welcome do you believe that I shall leave this camp with your pledge of loyalty and allegiance. But I shall, and you Varsa, shall swear allegiance to me first.”

  “At present, it seems unlikely. I see a skinny human who looks not very fierce or capable of defeating even one of my youngest female children. So, your surmise is correct. What do you wish to say so that I may yet allow you to live? Otherwise, I find your presence offensive.”


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