Offered to the Drake (Stand Alone tales Book 3)

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Offered to the Drake (Stand Alone tales Book 3) Page 6

by Viola Grace

Dronix explained how it worked. “They will be taken from here to the sedation pods, and from there, they will be slid into the carrier. It is heavily insulated and will be bolted shut. Then, I shift and carry it off.”

  “I thought you had to provide the mineral first?” She frowned.

  “No. Darmon has decided that he trusts me enough to send the payment first.” He murmured it against her ear.

  “Hmm. I don’t know. You look kind of shifty to me.”

  He squeezed hard. “That is just because you have seen me unclothed.”

  She snickered, and then, they walked down the hall to the area where the citizens were being boxed up for shipment.

  Darmon was smiling and speaking to the colonists as they went under. He thanked them for their service and wished them tremendous success in the future.

  The colonists were sedated, put into a low-oxygen stasis, and then slid into their honeycomb of holes. Dronix went outside to change forms while the last of the colonists were stacked in the cube. She smiled at them as they went to sleep, and when the last was in their travel pod and sealed, she left with the emperor to the brightly lit courtyard. Dronix was in his beast form, taking up all the available space.

  Darmon smiled and bowed. “I believe this is where we part. Do you really travel in his mouth?”

  “Of course. His back is far too spiked for a rider.” She watched as the team pushed the container of sleepers into Dronix’s reach.

  The huge head came toward them, and the mouth opened.

  She smiled at the emperor. “Please say my farewells to Juno. I do hope to return here within her lifetime.”

  He was looking nervously at Dronix’s teeth. “I am hoping for that as well. Thank you for coming, Mistress Billa Kekx. I shall make the necessary changes to your legend.”

  She kissed him on the cheek as Dronix’s tongue extended. “Have to go; my ride is here.”

  She stepped into the mouth of the drake and turned to watch the emperor staring with the crowd behind him, and the teeth slowly close. She lay back, and Dronix’s tongue formed her bed, and his teeth were the walls. She relaxed and dozed as he arranged the transport pod in his claws. When he pushed upward and flew off, she nodded off, knowing that he would keep her safe.

  Chapter Nine

  Billa stood on the cliff face, and she looked out over it. Dronix flew and twisted in the air in the distance, but she was stuck.

  She flexed her claws and flapped her wings. He had dropped her here because she was terrified of flying, but stepping off the cliff was strange. This body did not respond like her other one, and her beast was very silent when it came to being asked for assistance.

  Billa had been on this cliff for two days. Dronix had dropped her here, and his beast was big enough to use as transport.

  She grumbled, closed her eyes, and thought of repelling gravity. Instead of stepping, she jumped and folded her wings. She rocketed upward, and then, she spread her wings.

  Ohmyfuckinggodsthisisamazing! She took a few strokes to propel her further upward, and then, her beast took over. She understood then; this had to be her moment. Her acceptance of what she had become.

  Dronix left her alone, and then, he led her through the sky, back toward their home. She landed in the newly mowed field and changed to her normal shape. Dronix shifted with her, and she ran to him and hugged him, draping her arms around his neck. “I did it!”

  He laughed. “You did it.”

  She bit the side of his neck, and he groaned as his knees buckled, and they ended up on the ground. She didn’t have his tongue, but her body took from his without question.

  When she had finished drinking, she licked at the wounds, and her saliva could now accelerate his already speedy healing.

  She was straddling him, and they were both naked. “So, how shall we celebrate?”

  He grinned, and he gripped her hips. “I believe I have an idea.”

  She met his gaze as he slid into her. Billa braced her hands on his chest, and she moved with him, slowly. They rocked together under the bright afternoon sun with the stars spinning above her in a distant galaxy.

  They were going to see the ancient in a few days, and she needed to figure out what she was going to ask.

  Dronix pulled her down, and when it was only his cock writhing inside her for movement, he whispered, “Now, are you regretting being the offering?”

  She chuckled as he bit her shoulder, and she started to spasm around him. She moaned and said, “Never regret. I just wish that I had known you were out there. I would have looked for you sooner.”

  He shuddered inside her, and she collapsed against him as his tongue slid against her skin, and his teeth held her fast.

  Billa lay on him, sweat fusing them together. It wasn’t all bad being offered to the drake. She was now functionally immortal, had a second form, and could generate her own clothing at will, which wasn’t often. Soon, she would meet with an ancient who would unfurl the mysteries of the drakes in the universe or, at least, tell her how the hell she had appeared to begin with. All she knew was that there was a lot to learn, and her first lesson was going to be flying.

  She sighed happily as he finished feeding, and she asked, “How does it work? I drink from you; you drink from me?”

  He chuckled. “I suppose that now is a good enough time to tell you that I can trigger the change in my eyes.”

  She tried to find a part of him to pinch, but everywhere she was able to grasp was rock hard. She smacked him. “Well, that explains a lot.”

  He chuckled, and she leaned up on him to glare at him, but he could see that her heart wasn’t in it.

  “Once I learned that you would let me touch you when you saw the change, I did it as often as possible. Plus, you taste wonderful. All of you.”

  She snickered. “I know. You mention it frequently, usually when you are between my thighs.”

  He smiled and stroked her hair. “You are a lovely gold with black wings, you know. Even your crest is black.”

  “I have a crest?”

  “You do. Your eyes are black now; they grow gold when you need to feed.”

  She chuckled. “Good to know. So, shall we leave here and return to the tower?”

  He rolled her to her back and leaned up on his arms, still inside her. “We have such a pleasant day ahead of us. Why not stay here for a few more hours?”

  She grinned and then gasped as he started to move his hips. “Hours? How do I know it won’t be decades?”

  He grinned. “A year at the most. Anything more and even you would experience chafing.”

  She giggled as she wrapped her legs around him. “No more than a year.”

  He laughed, and his efforts took on a more deep and deliberate motion.

  She looked up at him, his pale face and red hair illuminated by one of the suns. He was just what she needed, and she had become what he needed.

  It was a fair trade. A life for a new life. She was definitely the winner.

  Author’s Note

  Here is another world that has no relation to any other. I have a few more independent stories planned, but it is a matter of how many I can write to get them out of my head.

  Thanks for reading,

  Viola Grace

  About the Author

  Viola Grace (aka Zenina Masters) is a Canadian sci-fi/paranormal romance writer with ambitions to keep writing for the rest of her life. She specializes in short stories because the thrill of discovery, of all those firsts, is what keeps her writing.

  An artist who enjoys a story that catches you up, whirls you around, and sets you down with a smile on your face is all she endeavours to be. She prefers to leave the drama to those who are better suited to it; she always goes for the cheap laugh.

  In real life, she is now engaged in beekeeping, and her adventures can be found on the YouTube channel, Mystery Bees Apiary. Just look for the cartoon kittens.


  Viola Grace, Offered to the Drake (Stand Alone tales Book 3)




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