Sweet Nightfall

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Sweet Nightfall Page 8

by Kathryn Vegas

  Adam’s inner turmoil was relentless. The gnawing angst of loneliness and uncertainty swirling around the increasing amount of times Sara’s smiling face popped into his head.

  The bartender, a woman in her late forties with a black leather halter-top and torn to hell jeans eyed him. She was surprised at his drink choice. She had never seen a twenty something order such a top shelf scotch in the fifteen years she’d tended bar. This man was built and sexy as hell. She thought she might as well talk him up a little.

  “Hope you knew what you were ordering. I can’t pour it back in the bottle,” she teased him. Adam just nodded. “You must come from money,” she said with a lighthearted smirk. Her eyes knowingly roving him up and down.

  Adam shrugged. He didn’t care what she thought of his order and didn’t want to have this conversation. He looked back down at his tumbler of amber liquid, swirled it around. The bartender trusted her people reading skills and knew this was the signal. If she wanted a good tip, this was a customer to leave be. She shoved off the bar and moved along.

  Adam knew he needed to make connections in this town. He was beginning to succumb to a deep loneliness. He stared into his glass.

  What am I going to do?

  Adam’s dream for a normal life was quickly deteriorating. His failed attempts at dating women the age he appeared to be were laughable. He was failing at human right now and he knew it.

  Christmas was only a week away. Maybe he should just take that flight to Italy and spend it with his friends. He could tolerate Rebecca. He hated to admit it, but being alone for Christmas actually scared him. But the idea of showing up at the Villa put a bad taste in his mouth. Rebecca would know he was weak and lonely. It would be so easy to give up and go back to his vampire life. The holiday was shining a light on his loneliness in a way he was not prepared for.

  This is brutal. If only Sara-

  He shook his head at himself. He needed to stop. He at least had a plan now. He needed to focus on finding a woman in his age bracket.

  I have eternity. I can handle one Christmas all alone, and hope by next year I’ve found someone.

  He frowned into his glass of scotch before he picked it up and finished it off. The warm liquid traveled down and settled in his stomach, heating him up from the inside. He could feel it taking the edge off of his dread.

  He heard joyful laughter over the buzz of a bar full of talking people.


  He knew that laugh. He had thought of that laugh every day for two weeks.

  That’s Sara!

  His eyes opened wider and his face came to life. He did not want to be noticed, so he carefully scanned the tables and booths around the bar. He had to find the origin of that laugh.

  He spotted her. She was glowing in an emerald green cocktail dress. Adam could not help but watch her. She laughed again which made Adam take notice to whom she was gifting such joy. Jealousy reared its ugly head.

  She’s on a date . Sara was on a date with a good-looking man in his forties.

  That should be me. I’m forty in this fucking body. Damn Rebecca for this.

  His jaw clenched down grinding his teeth. Defeated.

  Good for her. I hope she’s happy. He’s one lucky man.

  He had waited too long to turn back.

  Their eyes met. Hers widened in recognition. She instantly smiled at him. It lightened his soul. She waved. Her date looked toward Adam.

  Why did my body stand up? Goddamn it! I either have to sit back down or walk over.

  Sara waved him over. He had no choice.

  He’s walking toward us!

  Sara’s heart began to pump double time in her chest. This was the first time she had seen him upright.

  Wow. Fuck.

  Adam looked handsome as ever in faded jeans with a long sleeve flannel untucked over a form fitting black t-shirt. The flannel strained at the shoulders to contain their broadness. Strength emanated from his six foot four inch frame.

  How genetically lucky can you get?!

  Steve assessed the newcomer with a glance and dismissed him. Adam was too young to be a threat.

  “It’s so good to see you! Steve, this is Adam, the most fantastic Uber driver a girl could click for,” Sara stood up and gushed a little too excitedly.

  Steve stood up too and shook his hand. Adam’s grasp a little tighter than he should have but he could not help himself. This guy was living the life he could never have.

  “Uber driver, huh?” he said, on the edge of condescending. “How’s that work?” Steve flexed his fingers after their hands released.

  “Oh, I just pick up interesting women at all hours of the night.”

  He winked at Sara, never looking toward Steve as he replied. “Pretty great job and decent money,” Adam replied.

  Sara blushed. The wink and the eye contact from Adam made her face heat up. She had to remind herself that she was on a date with Steve. She forced herself to focus. She couldn’t figure out what to say. Too many seconds had passed by as they stood in silence.

  “Steve! Hey Steve!” A voice shouted over the noisy bar from the entrance where patrons waited for a table. Sara was relieved someone was rescuing her from this awkward situation. “What are you doing on this side of town?” The man’s voice shouted over the crowd. It was an older couple. Steve went rigid.

  The couple approached, having to sidestep between several cramped tables. Sara looked befuddled by the change in atmosphere. Steve seemed in a silent panic. Sara could feel the tension radiate from his body. He looked trapped. Sara couldn’t figure out why.

  Adam understood right away. Steve had the stench of guilt and flop sweat emanating from his pours. Steve was obviously not supposed to be on a date. The bastard.

  The couple arrived at the table, which had two place settings not three. Steve scrambled to switch where he was standing with Adam. Adam would not budge.

  There were too many moments of awkwardness for Sara. She watched as Steve tried to swap places with Adam. She decided introducing herself was in order since Steve had obviously forgotten proper etiquette. “Hi. I’m Sara.”

  She smiled at them, but it faltered. She noticed the couple noticing the romantic setting, her obvious “I’m on a date” outfit. That Steve was standing up in front of the only other chair.

  The gray haired couple had wide eyes on Steve.

  The man cleared his throat, “Hi Sara, Steve here is our son-in-law.” He looked toward Sara, who now had her full deducting capability and her mouth wide open.

  Adam, always quick to take full advantage of opportunity had his wallet out handing a passing waitress a fifty. “That’s for the bartender.”

  He turned back to the unfolding scene, “I’m Adam, one fantastic Uber driver. That I’m guessing Sara here is in need of right now.” He grabbed her jacket and purse off her chair, and her hand as she sputtered nonsense about being appalled. They left Steve behind to deal with his own mess.

  Adam led Sara out of the bar and into the night.

  Chapter Thirteen

  Once on the sidewalk outside the bar, Adam stopped and spun Sara around to face him. He gently put her jacket on her like she was a child. She passively allowed him. He buttoned her up patiently. Adam looked at her and waited.

  She stood there thinking through it all, not looking up yet.

  That cheating son of a bitch. His poor wife.

  God damn it…

  Wait a minute. I’m standing on a sidewalk with this boy who makes my knees weak.

  Oh my goodness.


  Should I dare …

  “Fuck it,” she said under her breath making Adam smile. She looked up into his eyes and said, “Wanna get a drink before you drive me home?”

  “Yes, more than anything.” He replied.

  He grabbed her hand and they walked a block in silence to the next bar.

  “ How long have you been dating good ole Steve?” Adam asked once their drinks were in front of them
. They were tucked away in a dark corner at a tiny table for two.

  “It was our first date. Thankfully.”

  Adam was relieved. She couldn’t have had any feelings for that dirtbag and he wouldn’t be consoling her tonight.

  “Thank you for the rescue. I hope I’m not keeping you from any plans. It was an impulse to ask you for a drink. You’re so nice you couldn’t turn me down after that happened.” She started to doubt herself and thought she’d better give him an out. Was she keeping him from a night out with friends or a date? “Oh no, were you waiting for your girlfriend? I can’t believe I just assumed you could come here and have time to sit with me. You’re so sweet. How could you turn me down? I’m sorry.”

  “Before you work yourself up.” Adam held his hand up. “I was at the bar alone and was waiting on no one. And now you know I’m a dork and a loner. You can bow out gracefully yourself if you want.”

  Sara giggled, “Me bow out! Ha! I’m thirty-nine and just found out the first man to ask me on a date in well over a decade has a wife. You’re young and gorgeous. I wouldn’t care if you were Jack the Ripper right now.” She laughed. Adam had an odd look in his eye she couldn’t read. She coughed to cover up the awkward moment and drank a big swallow of her gin and tonic.

  Adam took a long swallow of his scotch. His eyes were so intense, the maturity of them at odds with his young face. His eyes spoke of a life of experience but his face was lineless.

  “I love the dress. New?” He gave her an appraising look.

  She laughed and decided to be her honest self, “I bought it because it was the color of your eyes.” She held her breath for his response to her telling remark. A smile began in his eyes and continued until all his sparkling straight white teeth were showing. His smile was dazzling. She couldn’t help but return it.

  They both grabbed their drinks and took a sip.

  What is happening? She thought. This is unbelievable. Maybe a one-night stand with an older woman wasn’t out of the question. Interesting.

  She didn’t know for how long she could pretend that a man like this would really want her for anything other than sex.

  Who am I kidding? I want him for the sex.

  Fuck it girl, go for it!

  She decided to take full advantage of the situation and enjoy herself.

  “Can I tell you something?” She asked.

  “I am all ears.”

  “You remember the first Uber ride?”

  “Of course. You could sing every word of Lump, you got my jokes and made even funnier ones,” he replied.

  Sara smiled, “Yes, but aside from all that, it sparked something inside me that spurned on a much needed change in my life. I didn’t see much of a romantic future for myself. I’ve hit an age where the men in my dating pool are either a decade older than me, or if my age, are otherwise undesirable. But you… you are so adorable.” He gave her a funny look.

  “Adorable?” He said it with a little sneer.

  Laughing, Sara continued, “Yes adorable! You are handsome, gorgeous and adorable.”

  She paused and took a fortifying sip while motioning to the waitress for the next round. “So I felt a spark of change when I got home that day. I was ready for something different. I started taking better care of myself instead of putting myself last. I got my hair done.”

  Sara flipped her hair, showing it off. Adam eyed her locks appreciatively.

  “I requested that second Uber ride. I looked at that app for ten minutes and finally just went for it. I felt brave and alive.” She took a breath, looking into his jewel green eyes. “I bought new clothes, including this tribute to your eyes dress. I let the Universe know I was ready and available. Then I got asked out on that date although it was a disaster, getting asked out felt amazing! I’ve been feeling really good and somehow it all came about because of you.”

  Adam stared at her quietly for a moment. He opened his mouth to respond.

  Sara held up her hand. “Don’t say anything yet. I’m thirty-nine. I’m not a silly girl. I can see you. You’re young and handsome. Too young and too handsome.” She sighed, “…but you’re fun and vibrant and…” She shrugged, “Whatever. I want to have fun. Will you have fun with me tonight?”

  “Yes, Sara,” he said, his green eyes sparkling in the overhead light.

  “Good! Glad we had this conversation.” She smiled and folded her hands in her lap.

  “Me too.” His gaze was direct, acknowledging his understanding of her invitation. “Do you want to order food? I think the plate you left behind was full.”

  “Oh, it was! I’m totally starving. How about you?”

  “I ate dinner already, but tonight’s on me. You’ve had quite the evening. Order whatever you’d like.” He declared.

  “Far be it from me to get in the way of chivalry. Let me have a look at this menu.” She was giddy.

  He watched her devour a burger and a sizeable side of tater tots with ranch. He was impressed and a little jealous. Sara seemed so light hearted and happy. She talked eagerly about her daughter and her best friend Shawn. She told him all about going out with Shawn and receiving her very first dick pic.

  “Do you wanna see it?” She laughed and wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

  “Hell yeah, I want to see it,” Adam replied which made her almost fall off her chair.

  Their banter was fun and invigorating. She laughed a lot and made lots of jokes. Just sitting here at a table with her made him feel lighter. He felt almost human again. He could tell she was nervous. She could not hold his eye contact long. He wondered what she was thinking.

  He knew what he looked like. Rebecca had picked him for a reason. She wanted a trophy mate and made sure she got one. She wanted to be superior to all the others and be the most beautiful couple in her realm. And they were. Heads turned when they entered rooms. It was flattering at first to have such a powerful woman choose him and give him immortality. He thought himself in love with her.

  He knew Sara wanted him for his face and body right now. That was fine. He wanted her for how she made him feel. He wanted to prolong this connection, to feel normal for as long as he could. He had been so lonely for so long. She made him laugh and she was such a loving person.

  He watched her closely, her blue eyes vibrant as she took the last sip of her cocktail. Her low cut green dress accented her creamy pale skin and full breasts. He saw her shiver. Goosebumps ran down her arm. He could feel the electric excitement pulsing off her body. It was contagious. He could not help but respond to her energy. She brought him to life and he loved it.

  Sara’s body would not stop shivering. She was so full of butterflies. The dinner was drawing to an end. She had practically spelled out she was game for sex. He’d accepted her invitation. She was getting laid tonight by this hot young man. She could not believe it! Shawn and Hazel were going to die when they found out.

  She had finished her entrée and took the last sip of her drink.

  I don’t think I’m drunk enough for this. This man has to be sleeping with twenty-something models. What am I doing?

  “I’m hoping you don’t live in an apartment with five other frat guys. My daughter is home tonight.” Sara said nervously.

  He laughed and grabbed her hand he had seen shaking. “Relax. I live alone in a boring little house.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m just so nervous, excited, scared. Did I say excited? Ugh and I’m a dork.” She rolled her eyes at herself.

  Adam could hear her heart racing. He tried to ignore it.

  “I should get one more drink. I need to forget who I am.” She glanced toward her empty glass.

  “Nope. I’d rather be sure of your consent. Otherwise I’ll be tucking you in at your home tonight. Your daughter might wonder why a stranger is reading you a bedtime story.”

  Sara smiled, “I’m sorry. I just want to not be me for the night. I want to forget I’m thirty-nine.”

  “Don’t worry. I can make you forget. May I kiss you Sar
a?” His voice was deep and mesmerizing. He pulled her hand toward him and placed her palm on his chest.

  “Yes,” she breathed.

  This was the moment she had imagined a hundred times. She couldn’t believe this night could actually be happening. His hand reached up and tucked a strand of hair back behind her ear. He traced his fingers down her jaw and gently tipped her face up to meet his kiss.

  Oh my god, this ….

  All thoughts left her head. His lips were gentle but firm and his hand went from her chin to slide back through her hair. Her hair was thick and soft. They were both starving for this connection. Sara’s heart was pounding in her chest. She felt electrified by his lips. His tongue swept into her mouth and she met it with her own. Her body responded with sparks of passion she hadn’t known were so deep within her.

  He pulled away first. His eyes bright and intense with need, “You ready to go?”

  “Umm, yes!” She said in a breathless voice. Her hand was still in his against his chest. Adam put her hand back on the table. He took out his wallet and threw cash down. He stood up and offered her his hand. Sara grabbed it and they started for the door.

  Adam opened up the passenger side door and with grand flare welcomed Sara to the front seat.

  “My lady, sit beside me? Unless you just prefer the backseat.” He winked and smiled at her as she pretended to contemplate if she really wanted to sit beside him.

  Adam watched Sara sparkle in the light of the street lamp. Her eyes shined up at him. She was vibrant and full of joy. Little jokes made her giggle. She didn’t put on a show or fake who she was. She was Sara and she was lovely. She stepped past him and entered the passenger seat.

  “This is nice.” She said. “I think I like it up here.”

  “I like it, too,” Adam said looking into her eyes before shutting the door. He walked around the car with a spring in his step. He hadn’t felt this alive in sixteen years.

  I’ve got to rock her world tonight. I will exceed expectations. I got this!


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