Making Our Way Back

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Making Our Way Back Page 4

by Jennah Thornhill

  Draining the rest of my glass, I get up from the sofa where my buttock has been glued to since I got here. I place a kiss on top of her head, and thank her for letting me stay here.

  I head towards what is Donna’s spare room, but is now known as my room for when I get like I am tonight.

  I go through the motions of getting undressed, cleaning my teeth and washing my face, being tipsy has made the job twice as hard but I just about manage it. This isn’t me. I never let someone from the opposite sex get to me, least of all a man who thinks he can disappear from my life, then think he can just swan back into it like nothing happened.

  Angry with myself for giving him so much head space, I put myself into bed, determined not to think about him again.

  But all my dreams that night, consist of grey eyes and a tattoo I’d still love to trace with my tongue.


  A fter the shock of everything that happened yesterday morning, I didn’t go back to the office all day. I couldn’t. Even if I had, I very much doubt I’d of got fuck all done work wise. I still can’t get my head around the fact, that Lucy is my solicitor, and dealing with my divorce. Of all the fucking solicitor offices in London, she had to be mine. The minute I walked through her door, I knew it was her. She may have grown out of her doc martin boots and dungarees, but she still has the same glossy brown hair and green eyes that sparkle when she’s pissed off. Granted when we were kids, her hair was dirty, greasy and wild most of the time. But that was my Luce. Only now she was all woman, when he drink spilled on her blouse I did everything I could not to look at boobs, but I am a red blooded male after all. It would be breaking the man code if I didn’t have a cheeky glance at them and how beautiful they were, even with iced coffee thrown all over them. It took all the willpower I had not to lick it off her.

  She was used to being talked about when we were kids, I caught her crying and hiding more than once. Her mother is the devil also, she didn’t give two shits about her, as long as she was getting what she wanted then Luce was left to fend for herself. She didn’t care if Luce was getting shit because of her actions, she just told her to suck it up and stop being a wimp. Just thinking about how things were back then makes me shiver, her life could’ve been a hell of a lot different if her mother had her way. I’m just glad I did what I did. I’ll always be sorry for leaving her, but I’ll never apologize for the rest of my actions.

  Finishing my morning workout, I head back up in the elevator to my suite I’m currently living in. When I get there I’m met by the raging bull that is my wonderful wife… Sophie.

  “What the fuck are you doing here? Isn’t it enough that you're living in my house, now you’re taking over my hotel suite as well?” I’m actually shaking with anger, and she knows it. Because the next thing I know, the anger I saw on her face that matched mine when I walked in disappears and it's replaced with her fluttering eyelashes and pouty lips…. That I paid for. If she was a bloke I'd have knocked her out by now, but unfortunately for me she's not. So I have to put up with the toffee nosed tart... For now anyway. Hopefully it won’t be for much longer, not if Lucy is half as good as I’ve heard she is. Don’t judge me… I had to do some digging into her work once I found out she was handling my case. So when I didn’t go back to work yesterday, I spent the day researching Lucy. To say I was impressed would have been an understatement. I actually couldn’t be happier. Her mother didn’t hold her back in her dirty filthy clutches. Trust me when I say her clutches are filthy. But she's overcome all that, she did herself proud. She’s done me proud.

  She’s become one of top solicitors out there, and to top it off she’s a junior partner already, and I wonder if that was something she always wanted to do. She never mentioned it growing up, or never had the chance to tell me.

  She hasn't yet had a case in which she hasn't won, which is good for me, but I wouldn't want to be the first case that she doesn't win, mainly because I want the bitch gone and with nothing as she doesn't deserve a penny, but also because I want Lucy to succeed.

  I’m still standing in the entrance of my suite having a stare off with old pouty lips, she has to go and the more I look at her the more I feel disgusted with myself for marrying the bitch in the first place.

  “Look I don’t know why you're here, in fact I don’t even want to know, what I do know is that I want you gone. It's called divorce for a reason.” I say to her sarcastically, even though I mean every word. Why she can't get it into her head that we're over I'll never know, she can't be that fucking thick, surely.

  “Come on now sweetie, you don’t mean it. You're only doing this because you caught me screwing Tim.” Tim would be her personal trainer, and trust me he can have her. He did me a favour, he actually gave me a good enough reason to get rid of her. I should actually send him something as a thank you. “Trust me sweetie, it's not because of that, but he's welcome to you. I'm sure you'll both be very happy together.” Just seeing her makes me so angry.

  She jumps up off the arm of the sofa that she was draped over, thinking she was looking sexy. When she was looking anything but.

  “You don’t mean that Kane baby, we’re married. I made one mistake, you can’t hold that against me.” She starts to sniffle, and I know the fake crocodile tears are about to start. She has no heart, so having tear ducts are just out of the question when it comes to her and caring.

  “Don’t start with the fake water works Sophie, they don’t work on me anymore. In fact they never did.” And just as I should’ve predicted, she launches herself at me from across the suite, and before I have time to react she's on me like a moth to a flame.

  Her arms lock around the back of my neck, making sure I wouldn't be able to pull myself back from her attack, and the next thing I know her lips smash against mine. She then jumps up on me wrapping her legs around my waist, leaving me no choice but to grab them or we both hit the floor. It’s all happening that fast I don't notice her hands start roaming all over my chest, underneath my shirt, until she digs her claws into my peck then drags them down. I hiss from the pain, dropping her instantly.

  “What the actually fuck Soph?” I say to her as I check the damage… yeah she's drawn blood. Fuck.

  “You want me, I know you do. So don’t try to pretend otherwise.” She’s desperate now. Her eyes are getting glassy, and I can see the panic written all over her overly made up face.

  “No I don’t, and I haven’t for a long time. And whilst I’m being honest, I have to admit I should never have married you either.”

  Before I can react and stop it from happening, her left hand comes flying at me, slapping me hard right across my cheekbone, the sting hitting me immediately.

  “You bastard.” She roars at me. “It’s her isn’t it? Your precious little Lucy. You're still hung up on a girl from thirteen years ago, one that probably wouldn’t even give you the time of day now.”

  I see red, she doesn't get to say her name, especially not in them terms. I’ve only mentioned Lucy once to her when we first got together. She asked if I ever had feelings for someone else before, and I told her I did once, but that it was a long time ago and that I hadn’t seen her since.

  “You, have no right Sophie, you don’t know anything. You don’t get to come here spitting your venom because you can’t get what you want. You're very lucky you're a woman right now, or else you’d be on your backside.” I threaten, I’m nothing if not honest with her.

  “You wouldn’t?” She has the decency to looked shocked, she knows I’ve got a temper, she’s seen me lose it more than once.

  I don’t have the energy to argue with her anymore, I’m slowly losing the will to live where she’s concerned.

  I walk over to the entrance to what is my current bedroom, I turn in the doorway to face her before saying.

  “I’m going to take a shower, if you know what's good for you, you’ll be gone when I get out.” With my parting words, I slam the door behind me and proceed to take my shower.

e entire time I’m in there all I can think about is Lucy, just the thought of her gets my dick hard. Especially when she conducted our meeting yesterday in her wet blouse. I deserve a gold medal for not ripping it from her body there and then.

  Once I’m slightly satisfied from my Lucy induced hand job in the shower. Once I know Sophie has disappeared, I go through the motions of putting on my suit, answering emails I didn’t bother with yesterday and phoning back Marcus… that wanker will send out a search party if I don’t get in touch soon. The man is my best friend and accountant but sometimes I wonder if he should be the parent I never really had. He worries about me more than my own father ever did.

  He’s a couple years older than me, and in really good shape. I’ve got to know him not long after I set my business up, he was an accountant for another firm, but when I saw the man in action, I told him I would give him twenty percent more than he was being paid monthly if he’d come and work for me, to which he did. Ever since then, he does nothing but rant and rave at me. If it wasn’t for him being my mate and keeping me on the straight and narrow I wouldn’t know where I’d be.

  Once, not long after I married the bitch, I went on a bender. I couldn’t face going home and owning up to my mistake, so instead of giving me the space I needed the man blew up my phone constantly, and when I didn’t answer he phoned the police thinking Sophie had killed me. I soon set them all straight when I fell out of a black cab outside my front door, smelling like the local brewery.

  Walking out of the hotel doors, the valet hands me my keys to my Audi A8, once I’m settled in my seat I connect my phone to the Bluetooth and dial Marcus.

  “About fucking time you called me twat munch, I spoke to the office yesterday, they said you didn’t go in all day. So what gives Williams?” My god this man can see straight through me, you really would think we were a pair of girls plaiting each other's hair.

  “I’ve found her.” Just three simple words. And it takes him all of five seconds for it to click in who I’m talking about.

  “Oh… oh shit… you’ve actually found her.” For once in his life I think I’ve left him speechless. He knows all about Lucy, one night not long after we met, we god blind raging drunk and I ended up spilling my guts. I told him everything, but I’ll give him his credit where it’s due, he’s never once told a soul.

  “Where did you find her? In a bar? In a restaurant? More to the point how did you find her? I didn’t even know you had started looking for her yet.” His words come rushing out at rapid speed. I can’t keep up with him.

  “Jesus… what’s with the twenty questions this morning dude? I haven’t even had my morning coffee, I’m not prepared for the Spanish inquisition.”

  He laughs down the phone at my words before gathering himself together and telling me.

  “I’m five minutes away from the office, I’ll grab us a Starbucks and you can tell me all about it.” He hangs up on me, not giving me time to even agree. I swear that man thrives on my fucked up ness.

  No less than an hour later I’ve told him everything, from how I threw a hissy fit on Steve, to seeing Lucy yesterday and right down to Sophie turning up this morning.

  “Wow. You have had an eventful forty eight hours haven’t you.” It’s not a question, he’s making a point. And all I want to say to him is, ‘No shit Sherlock’, but I refrain from doing so.

  Then he asks the million dollar question that I don’t have the answer for.

  “So what are you going to do now?” I give him a blank look whilst I give a shrug off my shoulders, I know I have to see her again but how, I having no fucking clue. I meant every word I said to her yesterday, but I have no plan on how I’m going to do it. And I always have a plan for everything. This has completely knocked me for six, in the back of mind I think my plan always was to divorce Sophie then find Lucy. Only now that’s no longer an option, as the two have collided together.

  I haven’t said a word to Marcus for almost five minutes, and I know he knows I’m totally lost in my own head, because he jumps up from his seat clapping his hands together like a bloody seal before declaring.

  “We’re going out. You need to forget all this bullshit, we’re going to get you laid and drunk, then you can set a plan in motion.” He’s deadly serious as well. He’s not going let me try and wriggle out of it. Maybe he’s right though, maybe I do need to let off some steam, pretend just for one night I haven’t got a wife who’s refusing to leave, that I just haven’t found the girl I abandoned because I had to protect her.

  Before I have chance to change my mind I say.

  “Yeah ok, let’s do it. I need to not be me for a few hours.” Picking up my coffee, I take several mouthfuls before I take back my words.

  “Brilliant… we need find you some blonde haired chick who can suck on you like a bloody hoover.”

  At that I spit my coffee out all over my desk, this man has no filter whatsoever.

  “What the hell Marcus?”

  By this point he’s bent over, clutching his sides whilst he howls with laughter.

  “Oh my god, your face was fucking priceless, but on a serious note, where and when?” He manages to get out between his laughter. Bloody wanker.

  “Usual place, say 9pm. It doesn’t pick up till then.” This might actually be a good idea to get Lucy out of my head even if it’s only for one night.

  “Ok, dress to impress. I’ve got a feeling tonight is going to be your lucky night.”

  “Yeah… I could do with some luck, at the minute all I seem to be having is shit and a nut job wife on my case.”

  “You said it.” With that said, he walks out my office letting me catch up on some of work.


  L eaving my office at 5pm, I make my way home for a hot shower ready for my girl’s night out with Donna and Cole. I’m actually starting to look forward to it, I need this. All I’ve done since Kane walked through my door the other day is think about him, and every time there was a knock on my office door I would jump out of my chair with my hands on my heart, trying to steady my breathing out. I had visions of it being Kane, it never was thank god. He’s turned me into a nervous quivering wreck.

  Putting the keys in my door I open it and walk into my apartment, for a split second I think I’ve being burgled. There are clothes and shoes all over the living room, and the kitchen table has been overrun with makeup and everything else you can think of that you would need for a night out.

  My surround sound system is playing, the volume is turned up on full whack, blasting out, ‘River deep mountain high’. It’s the song I listen to whenever I’m getting ready to go somewhere.

  Out of nowhere, all I can hear is…

  ‘Do I love you, my oh my, river deep mountain high, yeah, yeah, yeah.’


  I gave her a key for emergencies and not once has she used it for any form of emergency. Unless you can count running out of wine as one, so she steals mine.

  She doesn’t even know I’m home yet.

  She rounds the corner from my bathroom, freshly out of the shower, she may as well be in her birthday suit, as the towel she’s currently wearing isn’t doing a very good job at covering her up, and with the way she’s dancing and parading around my living room, it’s got bob hope of staying wrapped around her for much longer.

  “Hey Luce, you're just in time…. Quick.” I know exactly what she’s getting at, it makes me grin for the first time in what feels like days.

  “Ok, Ok, hold on. Let me take my jacket off will you.” I just about make it to her as the instrumental bit starts, and when it does… all hell breaks loose.

  We’re both standing in the middle of my living room shaking our behinds to the rhythm of the beat during the instrumental bit, before Celine Dion starts singing again. I catch a glance at Donna and almost wet myself I’m laughing that much. She’s in the middle of having a fight with the towel, trying her best to keep it around her, but the towel wins and ends up on the floor. Her face is
a picture, she’s just standing there with a blank look on her face. What she thinking?

  “Fuck it.” She says, leaving the towel exactly where it is. That does it for me, I’m on the floor now currently holding my side as it’s starting to hurt me now.

  Now she’s in her birthday suit, and she doesn’t give two shits.

  “Oh Don... please stop I... I can’t breathe.”

  “Get a grip you daft bitch, we’ve all got the same, and we’ve got a night out to get ready for.” She picks the towel up and attempts to recover herself as she walks over to my make-up cluttered table and picks up a glass and hands it to me, instantly I recognize it as our ‘let’s get pissed quick drink’. Taking it from her, I nearly drain the entire glass as the cheeky Vimto glides effortlessly down my throat.

  “God… I needed that.” I tell Don, even though it was meant more to myself.

  “Good… now get your skinny arse in the shower, you're already behind with the preparations. With me clearly chastised, I do as I’m told and head for the shower. Saluting her as I pass by her on my way out the living room.

  Once I’m out the shower and I’ve moisturised every inch of my body, Donna commands that I sit and drink whilst she does my makeup and fluffs my hair within an inch of its life. Although I can’t complain, she’s curled my hair so it’s in waves down my back and I’ve got the sexy smouldering look going on with my make-up. I look different, I look sexy.

  All I need now is the dress I’ve picked out. To some this dress is boring and plain, but to me it’s the right amount of sex appeal. I step into the red t-shirt dress that clings to my body in all the right places, turning so I can see the back of it in my full length mirror, I know this dress is going to turn heads. It’s got a plunging deep V in the back, which means I have to go without a bra. Thank god for tit tape. I walk to my wardrobe in hunt for my favourite shoes, ones I only wear for special occasions, but tonight I’m bring them out. My babies, my simple black Jimmy Choo heels. They are an open toe stiletto and have a simple black strap across my toe and a thin strap just above my ankle where they fasten. Simple yet elegant and sexy too.


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