The Unfortunates

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The Unfortunates Page 9

by Skyla Madi

  Kade stormed down the hallway, adjusting his suit jacket so it sat comfortably on his shoulders. One by one, he did up the buttons and sauntered into the kitchen. Like Kade expected, Vince sat perched on the bench, sipping on his drink and groping an uncomfortable Thirteen, the newest kitchen slave. As Master Kade surged forward, Thirteen’s eyes went round, but she didn’t dare back away from Vince, not until Kade gripped her shoulder and shoved her against the pantry.


  Kade swung hard, connecting with Vince’s jaw. His chest rumbled with a growl as he gripped the collar of Vince’s shirt and dragged him across the bench before dropping him against the cold stone floor. Kade hit him once more, his knuckles smashing into Vince’s nose. He didn’t stop until he saw the blood on his knuckles. Finally, he released Vince and straightened his posture, towering over his bleeding little brother.

  “How many times do I have to tell you to leave my things alone?” Kade panted, wiping sweat from his forehead with the sleeve of his shirt.

  Vince spat blood against the tiles and grinned, wiping blood that trickled from his nose with the back of his hand. “So, did you do it?”

  “Of course I did, but I wouldn’t have if I knew the order came from you!” Kade lied. He never touched Nine, but he had to make Vince believe he did.

  “How was it? Is she as tight as she looks?”

  Kade launched forward and punched Vince again, this time hitting him in the mouth. Vince groaned, rolling onto his side and clenching his face.

  “If I have to tell you again, Vincent, I’ll fucking kill you.”

  Kade turned around and Thirteen flinched against the pantry. Her body trembled. There wasn’t a hair on her body that wasn’t shaking fiercely. Kade felt a pang of sympathy in his stomach—not because he pushed her, no. That was easy. He felt sorry because he knew Vince had to take his anger out on someone and Kade was certain she was the closest pussy he hadn’t tasted, or destroyed.

  Kade left her to deal with Vince. If he was preoccupied with Thirteen, then he’d leave Nine alone. Besides, Vince always did prefer small, pretty blondes.

  As he meandered from the kitchen, he saw Portia leaning against the wall in the hallway, keeping her head down. Portia was Kade’s favourite Unfortunate. She did what she was told and was beyond loyal to Kade—excluding the day she didn’t tell him Nine was in the bush. As a result of her loyalty, he’d never taken anything from her and kept her safe from Vince’s prying hands or the hands of other Fortunates. She took care of the entire kitchen and made sure all of the Sario events ran smoothly. Kade unbuttoned his shirt and extended it to her.

  “This needs to be washed immediately. Collect the rest of my clothes in an hour’s time.”

  “Yes, Master Kade.”

  Kade continued his walk back to his room, slowing down unnecessarily. He hoped Nine was asleep by the time he got there. He wasn’t sure he could stomach anymore talking or awkward silences.

  ∞ Nine ∞

  Master Kade returned quickly, much quicker than I’d hoped. As he closes the door behind him, he pauses. The room is eerily quiet as he undoubtedly strains his ears to hear my breathing pattern. To solidify the lie of sleep, I sigh and shift on the bed. Perhaps faking sleep will get me off the hook if he’s come back for something else. I ignore the chance of it making him want more from me.

  I hear him exhale a breath of relief and cross the room. I’m impressed he can make his way around the room in the dark without falling over anything. Not a second after the thought passes, he flicks on the lamp on his desk. I shut my eyes, inching the blanket as slowly as I can to cover majority of my face. I keep my eyes closed, but listen carefully, following the sound of pattering shoes. The sound draws nearer, sending dread hurling through my stomach. It takes all of my strength not to ball the blanket in my hands and squeeze it against me. Before I know it, I can feel him next to me… I can feel his warmth wafting onto me, entering me like an enticing poison; I’m unable to cringe away. Slowly, his fingers curl around the blanket and he lowers it, pulling it down past my breast and stomach, exposing my hips and thighs, until the blanket rests heavily on my knees. I lie still—dead still—the only way he’d be able to tell if I’m awake is if he rubbed the palms of my hands. They’re soaking, I’m sure. His finger grazes the bare flesh between my breasts and my breath hitches. Shit! Kade freezes, but doesn’t remove his finger from my skin. I keep my eyes closed, still feigning sleep. Directly underneath his touch, my heart is beating a million miles an hour, sending its own fearful rhythm into the tip of his finger. When he’s certain I’m still asleep, he lowers his finger, dragging it down the centre of my ribcage and over my tummy. My tummy tenses and spasms as his finger glides over sensitive muscles. Goosebumps erupt as tingles leave the tip of his finger and dance on the surface of my skin. He stops as he reaches the bare patch of skin just above my vagina. My heat beats rapidly, threatening to break through my ribcage and tear out of my chest completely. I let out a small, shaky breath as his finger begins to circle in thought. With another exhale, he removes his skin from mine and pulls the blanket back up. When I’m concealed, I relax completely, and when I hear the tapping of his shoes fade over to the other side of the room, I shift on the bed, rolling onto my side and tucking my knees into my chest to avoid another situation like that. Between my thighs, I pulse in hot waves. The waves grow bigger and bigger until I find myself silently wishing he’d do it again… wishing he’d slipped his finger a little further.

  A door on the other side of the room opens and instinctively so do my eyes. Thankfully, the noise squashes any immoral thoughts that try to seep through as I peer over my blanket at Kade, who enters the bathroom. He pushes the door behind him, but it doesn’t close, leaving the slightest gap. Silence ensues. For a couple of minutes, there’s no noise to indicate what he’s doing… until the glorious sound of clean water crashing against tiles fills my ears. I listen to the sound, imagining the hot water as it beats down on my back and rolls down my spine. I almost fall asleep, too, until a distinct sound tears through my ears and ignites my blood.

  The sound sends a pang of heat through me, making my lips part and my heart stutter. A groan of pleasure? I’m sure it is. I recognise the sound… I’ve heard it reverberate around this house many times since my arrival, but it was always accompanied with a female moan or a cry for help.

  I push back the blankets and swing my legs off the edge of the bed. I don’t want to get out of bed, my brain is waving me down with red flags, but every other cell in my body forces me forward. I want to see him. I want to see Master Kade at his most vulnerable.

  I tip-toe as quietly as I can, not caring that I’m as naked as a baby, through the sitting area filled with large couches and over to the bathroom door. I peer around the corner and into the bathroom. I see him then—all of him—naked in the shower. My eyes roam his naked, dripping wet body. He’s captivating with his broad shoulders, narrow waist and slim hips… my throat dries. To see him so exposed, to see his physical perfection in its full form up close sends blood rushing through me like burning lava in my veins. His damp hair sticks to his forehead and he slicks it back before bracing his hand against the shower glass. The glass barely fogs, leaving so much for me to see. A shiver tears down my spine and settles in my core, making everything feel sensitive and numb at the same time as my stare settles on his beautiful penis. The beautiful penis I touched with my mouth—that I wanted to touch with my mouth. Every long, thick inch of it is exposed as he palms it with long, arousing strokes and his full, red-kissed lips part as he expels a heady breath of air. I can’t believe how close I am… close enough to hear him groan low in his throat, close enough to see goosebumps prickle over the surface of his skin… but I want to be closer. I want to be close enough to feel his hot breath on my neck—his warm tongue on my nipple.

  “Fucking hell…” he moans, closing his eyes.

  He grips the head of his cock and squeezes it as he pumps his hips and tea
ses the pink tip. With his free hand, he touches the taps, turning the heat down and the cold up. The goosebumps that dot his skin grow more prominent and he shivers, stilling his hand and thrusting his hips instead. He likes the cold? I make a mental note and file it away in the back of my head.

  As his thrusts become more forceful, I become painfully aware of my own arousal. I squirm on the stop, squeezing my thighs together and trying very hard not to fall against the door. As I watch him, I slip my fingers between my legs and gasp when I feel just how wet I am. My wetness leaks onto my fingers as more erotic pulses coat my insides with arousal. As I start to circle my clit, I watch him. I want to go in there, I decide as powerful surges of pleasure sneak up on me. I want to touch him, to look him in the eyes as he comes. I reach for the door handle and as the very tips of my fingers graze the metal, Kade tosses his head back and with an animalistic groan, he comes onto the glass. I pull my hand back as if the very metal is scalding hot. His groan snaps me back to reality and I free my hand from between my legs. Whoa. I blink once, no, twice and shake my head. What the hell just happened? I whirl on my heel and rush as quickly as I can back to the bed. I dive under the covers in record time and pull them right up to my chin. I stay like this for a while. I stay like this until Kade is finished in the shower, shuts the lights off and climbs into bed. He lies on his back, on his side and keeps his hands to himself.

  I’m not sure who falls asleep first, but I know one thing for certain and this one thing terrifies me beyond anything—ever: I want Master Kade to touch me. I want his full lips to kiss every inch of my exposed flesh. As I lie here, I picture very vividly in my mind all of the dirty things I want to do to him and his alluring body. More importantly, I want to please him, to make him proud of me… and if that means I have to give my body to others, fine, they can have it. I will help the intense Kaden Sario and maybe, just maybe, he’ll help me in return.

  Chapter Seven


  I open my eyes and peer around Kade’s room. It’s much scarier during the day. Now it seems to lack the warmth that the fireplace at night brought. The thick, deep red curtains are shut and the only beam of morning sun filters in through a small gap. I hear no noise besides the sound of singing birds outside. I wait… and I wait. After a couple of minutes of sitting in complete silence, I realise I’m alone in the room. Sitting up, I wipe the sleep from my eyes. I feel rested, completely rested. I don't think I’ve slept in a more comfortable bed.

  A knock at the door startles me out of the bed and I stand straight, clasping my hands behind my back. I’d much rather be clothed, but the sudden knock and rational fear of my Fortunate has me on my feet before I have the chance to grab my dress. I swallow hard, my pulse racing through my body, as the handle turns and the door opens. Behind my back, I run my fingers over my palm collecting sweat as images of Kade in the shower flash through my mind… the goosebumps on his skin… his wet slicked hair… the water as it rolled down his throat and vibrated against his flesh when he groaned…


  I blink rapidly, bringing myself back to reality. Portia averts her stare to the floor and a red hot blush tears over my face and flashes down my spine. Since she’s not a Fortunate, I quickly bring my hands up to shield myself.

  “Master Kade says you’re needed in the kitchen in ten minutes… One of the kitchen hands was killed last night.” My stomach churns as she brings her eyes to mine. Suddenly, I realise they’re red rimmed and swollen. “You’re on breakfast duty until Master Vince is finished with Thirteen.”

  I frown. What would Vince want with Thirteen? I feel my face straighten out. Oh.

  Portia turns and leaves before I get the chance to offer my condolences. Though I don’t know the Unfortunate that was killed, it seems she does… or, did.

  I step towards my crumpled dress on the floor. I have to put the flimsy fabric back on in order to make it to my room to change into something a little more... breakfast appropriate.

  I’m stopped in my tracks as the sound of a shoe scuffing over a loose wooden floorboard pulls my attention. I look toward the door and freeze when my stare falls onto Vince’s angry, black eyes. Panic, pure terrifying panic slams into my chest at the sight of his busted lip, bruised eye and swollen nose. Did Master Kade do that to him? Because of me? I find it unlikely he’d do something so… violent to his little brother over an Unfortunate—over me—and if he did… if he’s capable of such brutality against his own family, killing me would be the easiest thing in the world.

  My skin grows clammy as I stand still, allowing his hungry, vengeful eyes to rake over me. He doesn’t make it quick, he draws it out, memorising every freckle and pore that paints my otherwise flawless, cream skin. He draws his glass of water to his lips and I watch as the deep cut presses into the glass. I don’t dare move in fear of what he’ll do to me, and the second he slips away from the doorway and disappears, I sag in relief. I quickly bunch up my dress and pull it on over my head. I will not be wandering around the manor today. No way.


  If there’s one thing I’ve learnt living in the same world as the Sarios, it’s that every meal is a big event for them. There’s always a crowd of people lingering around the manor, filling the chairs, drinking the alcohol, and laughing until their bellies hurt. What a life… Unfortunates have to wait until the Fortunates are finished before we can eat. We can’t sit or relax until we crawl into our beds of a night time and we sure as hell can’t make our existence better with alcohol. Escaping from our reality isn’t allowed. They want us to experience and remember every single second of the hell they inflict on us. Granted, I’m yet to experience the worst of it. For a Sario, Master Kade has treated me exceptionally well. In all honesty, I thought I’d be dead by now. I guess Kade protecting me only to use me later on isn’t really a bad thing… if I’m to seduce Fortunates, that means I’m in control, right?

  “Distribute juice. Now,” Portia demands, all previous hints of friendliness gone from her voice.

  I’m shaken back to reality as she presses a silver tray of long, thin stem glasses against my chest. I grip the tray and the citrusy aromas that emanate from the glasses filters into my nostrils, making my mouth water and my belly rumble. I turn and leave the kitchen, feeling a hell of a lot more comfortable in a dress that hides all of my privates. I keep my gaze fixated on the glasses, terrified that I’m going to drop them. Believe or not… they don’t teach you how to carry drink-filled trays in class.

  Outside, at least fifty Fortunates sit around large, white tables, adorned with beautiful white decorations and gorgeous porcelain dinnerware. I start from the left because the smaller children deserve their drink firsts. As I place the first lot of stem glasses down on the table, I notice the little girl to my left is watching me. Though I know better, I let my gaze flick to hers and I almost gasp at her beautiful blue irises. I’ve never seen a blue so clear… so hypnotising.

  “Hi,” she whispers, leaning closer and smiling. “I’m Sanna.”

  Nervously, I peer around me. No one is watching me—all of the adults are busy in conversation. I can talk to the little girl, right? I know I’m not supposed to, but surely, it can’t hurt to say hello? Slowly, the girl’s smile begins to fade and it crushes my soul. Say hello then leave.

  “Hi, Sanna,” I reply in my quietest voice. “I’m Nine.”

  Her blue eyes brighten and she grabs her glass of orange juice. “I like your hair.”

  Without making eye contact, I continue to place glasses on the table. “Thank you,” I fight a smile. “I like your hair, too.”

  She shakes her long blonde curls and giggles. When all seven of the children’s drinks are on the table, I offer Sanna my smallest smile and move on to the next. You know, even when the world is turned on its head, you can always count on children. They don’t know the difference between social classes, ethnicity, or sex. Fortunates aren’t born selfish and ignorant, they’re taught to become selfish and ignorant. Sa
nna doesn’t hate Unfortunates, not yet… and I hope she never does. Who knows, I might’ve made the world a better place with that one smile… and I take comfort in the thought.

  I approach the next table and begin setting down the glasses of juice. I take no notice of the Fortunates that surround the table, knowing that if I lift my eyes for a second, they’ll see it.

  “Nine, right?”

  I swallow and expel a subtle breath of air before I lift my attention to the blonde on the opposite side of the table. I recognise her immediately as Master Kade’s friend, Elizabeth.

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  I take in her grey gown that wraps around her like clouds on a dreary day. The grey washes out her skin and dampens the gold in her hair. Her current dress is nothing like the red she wore last night… the red was regal and elegant. The grey makes me feel like I should trade places with her. I wonder if she’s ever been mistaken as an Unfortunate in that dress?

  “It’s nice to see you fully dressed.” Her pink lips quirk into a fake, taunting smirk. “I was worried you’d put me off my breakfast.”

  Her friend with the short black fringe giggles and I grit my teeth, bringing my attention back to the glasses on my tray.

  “Tell me, Unfortunate…” She’s not finished… Reluctantly, I look back to Elizabeth. She’s still smirking at me, looking all smug and superior. “Where did you sleep last night?”

  My empty, aching stomach drops. I don’t want to tell her… but she has these big blue eyes that pierce my chest… as if she’ll know if I lie to her. I clear my throat. “In Master Kade’s bed,” I say, knowing very well that that’s not what she wanted to hear.


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