Pack Protection

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Pack Protection Page 7

by Shannon Duane

  “Although it is insulting and inconvenient that your Alpha has not shown himself, I will attempt to speak to you as a peer whilst you are here serving my cause. It’s nice to meet you, Mr. Tinker. You may call me Mr. Wagner as I am the Alpha of the New York Pack. Who is this you’ve brought?”

  “This here is Bree and Blue. I believe you know Blue, you’ll be happy to know I’ll be taking him home with me.”

  Mr. Wagner’s eyes narrowed toward Blue. “Ahh, yes, the mute, you’re welcome to him. I won’t be paying his expenses as he was never admitted to my pack.”

  Tinker growled low at the insult to Blue as Reggie laughed. Tinker stepped forward, but Blue’s hand landed on his wrist. Tinker turned around not able to contain his aggression, Blue simply shook his head, acknowledging that the Alpha wasn’t worth the time.

  Taking a deep breath, Tinker calmed himself in record time. Jake really didn’t need to make more enemies, and he was here representing Jake and his pack. Damn…Jake owed him for dealing with this pompous jackass.

  “Well, now that you’ve claimed the boy, would you like to see what other trash we’re trying to get rid of?”

  Clenching his fists he answered. “Yup, let’s get this done.”

  He made sure he walked closely behind Bree and Blue, keeping the Alpha and his lackeys in his peripheral vision. At one point Mr. Wagner stopped walking, turned and took a few large deep breaths, scenting the hall before continuing on.

  They’d walked down a few dimly lit halls before Tinker even scented another wolf. “What is this place?”

  “That is no concern of yours. You’re here for the purpose of collecting the burden that I’ve held for long enough, the unwanted children.”

  “Burden, huh? You have underage wolf shifters in your territory. From my understanding it’s your job as Alpha to care for them and protect them.”

  Good ol’ Reggie sneered in his direction. “How sweet, that may be the way you yokel’s do things. Unfortunately, that’s not the reality of the situation in the big city. I have to financially support these children that bring nothing to the pack and are no association of mine. I have no idea what happened to their caretakers, but I shouldn’t have to care for them. They are a burden and a drain on the resources of the pack.”

  Tinker rolled his eyes at this greedy insufferable city slicker. “What happens if you have children and you get killed? Who’s to care for them?”

  If it was possible, Reggie’s shoulders went back even further. “That is another story entirely. I am Alpha and my offspring would be the next in line to rule.”

  Tinker laughed out loud. “The strongest wolf rules, Mr. Wagner.”

  “I believe that’s the case in the backwoods where you come from, but here in the city, the smartest and most influential wolf rules. We value brains, not brawn.”

  “Is that the case?” Tinker looked at Reggie’s enforcers before shrugging, “Whatever floats your boat.”

  The enforcer at the front stopped and opened a door. “Mr. Wagner, we’re here.”

  “Thank you for your help, Jessie. Please show them inside, I’ll wait here.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Before they even got through the door Reggie grabbed Bree’s arm and pulled her to his chest. He sniffed her neck, as Tinker and Blue growled at him. The enforcers attempted to protect their Alpha, which had them beaten and on the floor within seconds. Tinker and Blue then stood, not even winded from the short fight, waiting for an explanation.

  Tinker was the first to speak. “You’re obviously not the smartest wolf, Reggie, otherwise you wouldn’t grab a wolf’s mate while he’s standing right next to you.”

  Wide eyed Reggie sputtered. “B-but, she’s not marked.” His shoulders went back and he puffed out his chest. “You never said she was your mate and I’ll agree that she wears your scent…temporarily. I want her though. She’s going to be my assistant; she has skills I have need of. I-”

  Blue didn’t even give him a chance to complete his sentence. He struck the Alpha in the side of his head causing a flesh on flesh sound to echo in the hall before good ol’ Alpha Wagner of New York dropped to the ground unconscious.

  Not at all surprised, Tinker simply reached forward and pulled Bree to his side rubbing his nose down the side of her neck. “Mine. Why does he want you?”

  Catching her breath Bree’s chest was heaving. “Holy smokes, I have no idea. He has requested I represent him a few times, but the firm always sent someone else. We should get out of here. What happens when they wake up?”

  Blue shrugged his shoulders uncaring as Tinker laughed and held out his fist for a fist bump. “Thanks buddy, next time let me defend her honor though.”

  Blue nodded and took a step back allowing Tinker to enter the room where the ‘unwanted children’ were located; empty. Tapping into his wolf, he heard murmurs and whispers.

  Bree asked. “Where are they? You don’t think they were harmed, do you?”

  Seeing the forming tears in her eyes, Tinker shook his head. “Listen. They’re here, just hiding.” He kissed her head causing her to blush before announcing. “Come out, kids, we won’t hurt you.”

  The chatter got louder before a boy in his early teens walked out of what appeared to be a closet. He stood with hands at his sides, shoulders hunched. “Can I help you?”

  Tinker went to his knee, still holding Bree to his side causing her to kneel as well. “Hiya, I’m Tinker. This here is Bree, my mate,” she nudged his side, he ignored it. “And this strapping young man is Blue. We’ve come to see if you’re happy with your pack. I come from a pack that’s very supportive and loving. We get to run in the forest as often as our wolves want. And there are a lot of other children to play with.”

  The boys jaw dropped as Tinker was talking, but quickly closed when there were murmurs from the closet. The boy’s response was not what Tinker expected. “Sure, and candy is better with your pants down. Good try, Old Man but we’re not falling for it. What do you want?”

  Blue actually chuckled at that one causing Bree and Tinker to stare his way. Once again Blue shrugged his shoulders as if to say, what, it was funny.

  “You can scent me. I assure you I don’t lie. Do you know how to tell the difference between scents?”

  “Some of us were taught, some of us figured it out on our own, and the others we educated. It’s much easier when we’re here, essentially alone without the extra smells.”

  Bree approached on her knees. “I understand what you’re talking about. I’ve lived in the city all my life and I’m so excited to make this journey with Tinker.” She looked up at him with a soft look in her eyes, but also pleading as she squeezed his hand and continued. “If we don’t like it, he told me he’d pay for us to come back, so there’s nothing to lose.”

  Surveying them with intensity, the boy asked quietly. “Do you mind if I talk to the others?”

  Nodding Tinker added, “You should be as quick as you can though. Your alpha is passed out in the hall.”

  Kids of all ages came running out of the closet just to gawk at their Alpha. Some giggled and others were shaking in fear. There they stood, over their unconscious Alpha, while they discussed their decision.

  Shock and awe filled Tinker as he saw a few children under the age of five. It appeared as if the older children were their caregivers. He wondered how long they’d lived this way. They were all clean and dressed, but were they safe?

  Tinker attempted not to press the children either way, allowing them to make their own decision, knowing that a few of them were simply too young to face this choice on their own. Tinker had a feeling that if the older children agreed, then the little ones would come along for the ride.

  As Reginald began to twitch, Tinker prompted, “Any verdict yet? I’ll have to get us all outta here soon and call my Alpha to let him know what your ruling is. If you choose to stay, he can probably send someone out to care for you and offer you protection.”

  The boy who initially
came out inquired, “Can’t you stay with us?”

  Feeling a heat suffice his cheeks he looked down in mild embarrassment. “Unfortunately I can’t. I enjoy running free in my own space. I wouldn’t thrive here. Everything stinks, it’s loud, most people are rude, and I enjoy running as a wolf in the forest. The wind hitting my fur as I chase things makes me happy and I don’t see that happening here.” He paused before adding, “Although if you don’t feel like you’re safe and you need my protection I’ll stay until a replacement is sent.”

  Abruptly, Tinker’s cellphone chirped with an incoming call. Pulling it out of his pocket, he noted his Alpha’s phone number. “Excuse me, but I should take this.”


  “Tinker, give the phone to Jason.”

  “Trevor, what’s up? I’m kinda in the middle of something.”

  Trevor clicked his tongue, “Duh. I need to talk to Jason. Hurry up before Mama gets back.”

  “Who’s Jason?”

  The teenage boy stepped up and lightly tapped Tinker’s shoulder before stepping back and announcing, “I’m Jason, sir.”

  Rolling his eyes, not sure if Trevor would help or hinder the situation he handed the phone over to Jason who promptly put it to his ear. “Hello?”

  There were a few yes’s and okays before Jason hung up the phone and announced. “We’ll go with you, Mr. Tinker.” Jason turned and said, “Get all you have, we’re leaving,” before turning his back and collecting his meager belongings.

  Hearing Reginald’s breathing change, Tinker knew he’d woken up and wondered why he would play like he was still out. Taking the opportunity, Tinker didn’t question it, simply hustled everyone along.

  Bree waited at his side while watching the kids get ready. He was so glad she’d tried to form bonds with them because it would help with their transition. “I’m glad you’re going to come home with me. It’ll be nice for you to see how the other side lives.”

  A furrow appeared between her eyes as Tinker struggled to find a reason for her to be confused. He hadn’t misheard her earlier.

  “But the kids don’t need me. I only offered because I thought they were scared and they look just fine now.”

  “So…you’re not coming?”

  A deep soothing voice from behind her sounded and had such an air of finality that all chatter in the room died and all eyes suddenly went to the speaker as Blue said, “Bree goes.”

  Without skipping a beat, Tinker smiled and bobbed his head in agreement. “You heard him, Thumper; you’re needed by none other than Blue here. Not to mention that fate tossed us together for a reason, let’s see how this plays out.”

  Her mouth was still open and she was gaping at Blue. “You can speak?”

  Rocking everyone to the core, Blue did something that was completely out of character; he winked at Bree before turning to the flabbergasted kids and clapped his hands with impatience.

  Tinker laughed as the kids quickly lined up at the door. “You sure know how to get ‘em moving, Blue. Lead the way.”

  Not sure she’d actually heard him, Bree wanted to hear Blue talk again. Apparently he spoke on his own schedule, because he hadn’t talked since and it was driving her crazy. Tears actually formed in her eyes as they walked the dark halls to get out of this loveless childhood prison. She wondered what caused Blue to be so silent; did he come from an abusive home, was he punished for his opinions or his opinion mattered so little he simply gave up speaking? Heck, all of these children had their own story and she found that she was drooling over being able to help them overcome life’s obstacles.

  She was so deep into her thoughts that she only realized she was outside when Tinker placed a hand on her shoulder. “Are you alright?”

  Shaking the whirling thoughts away, she smiled. “I’m fine. Although I’ve been making a list in my head of all the things that need to get done and didn’t realize we have no mode of transporting the kids to the airport.”

  A mischievous grin crossed Tinkers face before he announced. “I’m a mechanic. Transportation is never something you should worry about.”

  Cocking her hip out to the side and placing her hand on her hip she tilted her head to the side in a playful gesture. “Really? Than why have I been your chauffeur?”

  Taking her hands in his, she was shocked when he pulled her closer until their chests met. He then bent down and sniffed her neck while whispering along her collar-bone. “Thumper, I couldn’t have let you get away. If you haven’t noticed, you’re easily spooked and I needed to make you comfortable with me and my wolf.” His lips were skimming her sensitive neck and she swore she felt his tongue sneak a taste. “Plus, you have made this trip bearable. I struggle to think what would have happened if I hadn’t had you.”

  “You would have been fine.” Holy smokes, was that her sounding all breathy? No way.

  Pulling back from her his response was intense and passionate. While his eyes held her gaze she could see his wolf peeking out. “No, I wouldn’t have slept, I would have shifted at the first sign of irritation and I would have had to eat around groups of people.” He cringed, “I hate noise, deceit, violence and most of all…the scents confuse and annoy my wolf who is used to clean fresh air.”

  Unable to control her laughter she smoothed her hand down his chest. “Thanks for making me feel needed.”

  His features softened, “I do need you, Hopper, you’re my other half.”

  She bit her bottom lip. “What if fate is wrong and we’re not compatible. What if you’re messy, you fart excessively, you have a small penis, you make bad jokes, you don’t want children, you don’t like my parents, or heaven forbid we simply don’t like the same things?”

  “Let’s just start by packing and take it one day at a time. I’m not rushing you, Bree-”

  A loud coughing came from the parking lot interrupting their deep conversation. Blue stood by a van with keys jingling from his fingers. He must have packed the kids and their belongings in the van as they spoke. Wait, where did the van come from?

  Tinker whispered, “We’re not done with this,” before guiding her to her car. “We’ll follow you back to your place so you can pack. Our flight leaves in four hours.”

  Chapter 9

  How the heck did I get myself into this? Bree was sitting on a crowded plane between Tinker and a young girl of around four who was traveling with them. Tinker was certainly the taskmaster after calling his Alpha and informing him of the retrieval of six children altogether, including Blue who was anything but a child. Her mind was whirling as the plane slowly taxied down the runway. She was a bit nervous because she’d never been on a plane before, the smells were overwhelming.

  A small cold hand gripped her forearm with a surprisingly strong grip while sharp nails dug into her skin. Looking down into the watery eyes of the little girl next to her she smiled. “No need to be upset, little Candy,” who would name their daughter Candy? “I’ll keep you safe.”

  “But yer ascared too, I can smell it. I don’t want to go in the air, I’m not a birdie.”

  Taking a deep breath Bree calmed herself and thought of pleasant things; Tinker’s smile, his scent, his hands touching her lower back as he guided her around, his kisses. Alright, that was enough of that type of thinking. She didn’t want to scar the child for life from scenting her guardian’s arousal.

  A slight growl, almost a purr came from her other side right before Tinker spoke to the child. “It’s alright, Miss Candy, I’ll keep you safe. I think you’re going to like the pack house. There’s a room the color of pink cotton candy that I’m sure you’ll love. It even has a bunk bed if you want one of the other kids to bunk with you.”

  Candy smiled over at him and innocently asked, “Can Ms. Bree bunk with me? I like her hair and I wanna braid it.” Her little brows furrowed, “Ms. Bree, do you knows how to braid? Can you teach me?”

  Her eyes lit with joy before Tinker answered for her. “Sorry little Candy Cane, but Bree is gonna be bunk
ing with me.”

  Tears began to well again, in Candy’s pretty blue eyes. She turned her head into Bree’s shoulder and quietly let the tears fall free.

  Bree gave Tinker a reprimanding look as she cradled poor Candy’s head.

  Leaning back in his chair now that tears were involved, Tinker said, “Awe, come on now, Candy Cane, don’t cry. We’ll work it out. Maybe we can stay at pack house for a few days and then I’m sure you’d love to come over our place to camp out and build a fort. Don’t you worry, dry those pretty eyes.”

  Her little head popped up, “Cool. Do ya promise? I loves to make forts. And maybe we can has s’mores.” Her eyebrows came together again, “Mr. Tinker, can I has chocolate? I’ve always wanted to taste it. Liv says I’m a dog an they have an allergen to chocolate.” She dropped her voice to a whisper, “But I seen her eats some an she wasna sick. She’s a dog too.”

  Bree sighed, annoyed that someone would convince this poor little girl that she was a dog and because she didn’t know what chocolate tasted like. Bree whispered, “We shouldn’t talk about it here, but you’re not a dog, Candy, you’re a strong powerful wolf. Of course, you can have chocolate.”

  Bree looked quickly to Tinker for confirmation. When he nodded she continued, “I’ll get you some as soon as we get to town.”

  After their stop and plane change in Denver, the plane continued on to California. The kids were obviously beat, falling asleep shortly after takeoff. Tinker found it nice to simply sit next to his fated and relax. He’d taken her hand when the flight took off and their fingers remain entwined. He enjoyed watching her breathe, lick her lips, scratch her nose, shift her legs, and most of all he loved watching her smile. It truly brightened a room.

  She had already claimed a piece of his heart and he was getting nervous she wasn’t going to like his home, taking a piece of him with her back to the city. He’d been perfectly content living his life, until he’d met her. Now…he wasn’t so sure.


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