Pack Protection

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Pack Protection Page 12

by Shannon Duane

  “You’re kinda hot when you get all conniving. Reggie thought he was so smart. He should never have tried to manipulate your pack. In the end, it’ll be his downfall, but he won’t go down without a fight.”

  “Our pack, Love, and we’ll see.”

  In a foul mood ever since the call from a man named Tinker, Holt was fighting his beast. He wanted to snip and snarl at Mr. Wagner, so called Alpha of New York. He couldn’t believe he’d let himself get played for so many years. He thought of the poor children who were clearly the ones who suffered, and their parents who he’d met when they became pack; he’d sworn to protect the kids upon their parents’ death. He felt betrayed. In all the years he’d served as second in command he’d let Reginald take center stage, never questioning him or his methods. He wouldn’t let this continue.

  Out of the blue Reginald said, “Control your scent. Ever since we got the call to come to this godforsaken town, your emotions have been all over the map.”

  Oops, he should know better. “I’m apologize, Alpha, I’m not sure this is a safe trip to make. After all, you said someone in this pack assaulted you. I could have made the trip alone, that way we wouldn’t put you at risk.”

  “I’m prepared. That’s why I brought along my protection detail. I’m wondering why you felt the need to come.”

  Holt simply stated fact, “I’m second. I’m in charge of seeing to the pack’s safety and yours.”

  “Indeed. Don’t embarrass me today.”

  Tinker was waiting patiently at the pack house for Reggie and Holt to arrive. Jake decided it would be best if Tinker wasn’t the one to meet the plane, so here he was pacing and hoping that Bree stayed home like he’d asked her to. She’d provided all of the leg work building the case against Alpha Wagner and she repeatedly stated she wanted to personally see his fall from grace. Tinker wanted Blue to watch over her, but Blue insisted on being a part of this confrontation.

  The American Canyon pack sent Officer Decker to collect Holt and Reginald from the airport. Decker was the least threatening, based on first appearance, because he was simply a human, mated to one of the pack women. He was also the least aggressive at this point. All of the wolves wanted to tear Reggie apart for his misuse of power and mistreatment of the innocent cubs. After his years of experience as police officer, Decker was better able to control his outrage at the situation.

  “Calm down, Tinker, everything will be fine.”

  “I know, I really just want it to be over so I can get home to my cottontail. You remember how it was.”

  Jake snickered. “How it was? Hell, I’m still like that. I hate that I’m away from her now.”

  “This’ll be over soon. I’ve spoken to the second, Holt, a few times and I like him. I think he’ll do the right thing for the pack.”

  “I agree.”

  As the door finally opened revealing Decker, Tinker let out a relieved breath. “What took you so long?”

  Jake placed a calming hand on Tinker’s shoulder. “I’ll take it from here. You’re obviously a bit too passionate about things.”

  Decker moved to the side revealing a familiar man who strode in with his shoulders back and an air of arrogance and superiority wrapped around him, like he was better than everyone else. Jake pulled Tinker behind him and came forward to shake hands. “Good to finally meet you Alpha Wagner, I’m Alpha Jake.” He watched the other man enter, “And you must be Holt, nice to make your acquaintance.”

  Holt nodded, “You as well. Thank you for having us.”

  “When will the public humiliation begin? I’d like to get home. It smells like dirt here. Did you know that?”

  Jake growled. “The pack is outside and we’re ready.”

  Reginald’s nose went up in the air. “Fabulous, I changed our flight to tonight after I smelled the area. You really should clean up some if you want people to come visit. This area won’t get any tourists if you don’t spruce it up a bit.”

  Tinker couldn’t be silent anymore. “You’re just not used to the clean fresh air. It smells like wide open spaces, freedom.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m free, the leader of my pack, and completely content.”

  Snickering, Jake began to walk out the back of his house to the porch he’d built with the pack. There were pack members everywhere to witness the show. “American Canyon pack, I would like to formally introduce you to the Alpha of New York. This is Alpha Wagner and his second in command Holt. Please welcome them for their brief visit.”

  The pack sent out a loud, “Welcome,” to the visitors making Tinker smile. Unlike the visitors, they all knew what was going on, and they were anxiously awaiting what was coming next.

  Alpha Jake’s voice was loud and monotone as he announced. “I was contacted by Mr. Wagner to come and collect some problematic pack children. We, in American Canyon, are well known for being able to take troubled wolves and help them adjust or find a pack that’s best suited. I did not collect the children as asked, instead I sent Tinker in my stead. As you all know my mate and wife is pregnant and due at any moment; my wolf wouldn’t allow me to miss it. I am sorry, Mr. Wagner, that I was not there as you requested, it was not meant as an insult.”

  Standing tall and proud, Mr. Wagner nodded his head regally.

  Jake continued. “However, while Tinker was there he found the children were underfed, on guard, and had limited social skills. He further investigated and found that the parents of these poor children passed away suddenly and had Mr. Wagner named as the children’s guardian. Now, that isn’t suspicious as many of my pack members have also asked me to serve as their children’s guardian if needed, and would feel honored at the opportunity to teach and protect your children. What Tinker found odd was the fact that the children resided deep in a warehouse building that was locked from the outside.”

  Tinker could smell Reggie’s sweat and his wolf wanted to attack. He’d never felt this protective before, or this violent. A slight growl unintentionally came out and Jake silenced him with a look. Okay, I’ll be patient.

  Reginald’s voice rose above the murmurs. “I kept them secluded because they couldn’t control their shift.”

  Jake promptly stated. “Isn’t it your job to teach them to control their shift?”

  “No, disgusting animals. It is my job to see that they are kept in line and keep our secret. What would happen if one of the little brats got upset and shifted in public?”

  “Then you would take care of it. As Alpha it is our job, our commitment, to teach and nurture the youth. Do you agree?”

  “Absolutely not. What you are saying is preposterous. I see the prosperity, power, and prestige of the entire pack. I don’t have time to play with children.”

  Surprisingly, Holt spoke up. “I disagree. I think that if we teach the children of today the proper ways then, as a shifter community, we will thrive. Also, they will take care of their young and teach them the proper ways.”

  A clearly shaken Reginald asked. “What is this, a conspiracy? You take care of your pack and I will deal with mine.”

  Jake was holding it together, by a thread. “I will ensure that these children that you have sent to me are cared for. That includes having my lawyer go over their finances. I have reviewed the financial history of each child and it would appear that there is missing money, any idea where the money is Alpha Wagner?”

  “What right do you have to question me?”

  “I am now their caretaker, as you requested. That is all the right I need.”

  A pregnant Katie came running out on the porch. “Jake, the babies are coming. Can’t you hear Shana?” Katie stuck a finger in her ear, shaking it, “I’m sure all of the neighbors heard her and they’re calling the cops. She isn’t saying very nice things about you.” Katie grabbed her distended pregnant abdomen and bent over briefly taking a deep breath. “Hurry up.”

  Jake sputtered for a moment before composing himself. “Tinker you’re in charge. Conner, come wi
th me. It looks like we’re both about to be parents again.”

  Katie stomped her foot. “I’m not having my babies, it’s Shana.” A dark stain began to run down her pant legs. “Oh, never mind, my water broke. Woo hoo, I can’t wait to tie my own shoes again!”

  Conner sprang towards her lifting her easily into his arms, “Come on babe, let’s go welcome our pups.”

  She kissed him. “Let’s do this, but…” She looked over at Reginald, “Don’t you wanna kick his ass first? Go ahead, I’ll watch. It’s times like this I wish I wasn’t pregnant so I could kick his butt too.”

  Chuckling, Conner’s only response was to kiss her before walking into the house.

  As the Alpha of the American Canyon pack walked out on Mr. Wagner, Tinker chuckled. “I guess it’s fate that brought me to your pack.” Tinker spoke to the gathered Pack, “I personally witnessed the conditions that this so called Alpha left those children in and I am appalled. I brought each and every one of them back and have enjoyed their company. They are normal, relatively well adjusted kids. In fact, my mate and I have chosen to foster two of them. Blue and Candy Cane will you please step forward.”

  Coming from the middle of the crowd, Blue stepped up holding a squirming Candy in his arms. He placed her on the ground next to him and she held tightly to his leg. Tinker’s heart melted as he watched Blue place his hand on her head; family.

  Tinker continued while keeping his foster children in his line of sight at all times. “According to the records that we’ve obtained, Mr. Wagner, you have been taking funds from the children’s estates. Is this correct?”

  “I don’t answer to you.”

  Holt’s voice rang loud and clear. “But as your second I am privy to your financial records and I willingly forwarded them to the American Canyon Pack to further investigate. I’ve taken a look at your finances and I agree that you are stealing from the children. The same pups that were left in your care to raise, love, and educate.”

  “How dare you interfere. I renounce you from the Pack. You are no longer my second or a part of the New York Pack.”

  The smile Holt sent his way was anything but nice. “I am taking over as Alpha. You’ve abused your authority for the last time.”

  Reginald released a startled gasp. “You cannot do that. I am Alpha.”

  Sneering, Holt offered. “Tell ya what, I’ll fight you for it.”

  Once again Reginald’s shoulders went back. “I don’t fight. I’m smarter than you. I brought protection and they’ll defeat you.”

  Holt watched as Reginald’s security detail backed up and put their hands in the air.

  “It seems you’re not as smart as you think. If you think they’re going to defend you, you’re clearly mistaken. It seems I’m not the only one who thinks your actions are disgusting.”

  “Fine, we’ll see what happens when we get back to New York.”

  Tinker chimed in. “About that, I think you should be concerned with how you’re getting back to New York. We’re not paying and all of your accounts have been frozen. Your funds will be distributed among the children who you’ve been stealing from. You should start looking for a job, but not here.”

  Reginald turned to Holt, “You’re going to leave me in Podunk country with the redneck shifters and no money? I can’t live like this.”

  Unable to prevent his wolf from emerging, Tinker bared his teeth. “Unfortunately, you can’t live off the children’s money anymore either. You’ll have to start earning your keep, wherever you end up.”

  Turning to Holt, Tinker asked, “Are you ready to be a true leader to the pack in New York? It’s a great responsibility.”

  “I’m ready. If I’d known what what’s going on I would have taken over a long time ago. Thank you for notifying me. I plan to make some very big changes so that this never happens again; monthly pack meeting where every type of shifter is welcome, along with a monthly run for anyone who wants to shift with their pack. It’s something that I’ve tried to implement many times but was shot down by our leader.”

  Grasping his shoulder Tinker smiled. “I’m glad to hear you’re on board with being a proper leader. It sounds like you have a lot of good ideas and if you need anything you can call me anytime.”

  “Much appreciated. I do have one request, though. I’d like to speak with the children before I leave. I’d love to have them back, if they’d like to come with me to New York. Please.”

  A choking sound came from Reginald. “This is all very touching but…Hello, what about me?”

  All eyes went to Reginald and then looked away dismissing him. A huge slight to an alpha, especially one who’d just lost his pack, his money and all respect.

  “Whatever, I don’t need you. I’ll find my way back to New York and I’ll get my pack back.”

  Holt stepped into Reginald’s face. “I’d love for you to try. I’ve spoken to every member of the pack and they’re disgusted with your actions. In fact a few of them didn’t want you to come here because they wanted to challenge you themselves. I welcome you to come back to New York, and when you do, I’ll have every right to address the threat to my pack. Believe me; I’ve been itching to kick your pompous ass for a while now.”

  A shocked expression came over good ol’ Reggie’s face. “You have got to be kidding me.”

  Proud to see Holt standing tall and proud in front of Reggie, Tinker couldn’t help but ask, “Can’t you feel the power shift or have you been living in the city so long that your shifter senses are too dull?”

  Reginald sneered. “I feel nothing. I hope you know what you’re doing. Being Alpha of a pack of ungrateful and useless wolves is no walk in the park.”

  Not showing any anger or emotion, Holt simply nodded and said, “Noted.”

  Looking around for someone to have his back, Reginald found no one who appeared even remotely interested in his situation. “Fine, I’ll sue you though. Don’t think this is the last you’ve heard of from me.” Storming out Reggie only left a bitter scent trail indicating his intense anger.

  The kids suddenly ran out to meet Holt and hugged him tightly. It was clear to see that he was important to them and they knew they’d be safe in his care. Holt had tears in his eyes as he squeezed each and every one of the pups. It would appear that the children considered him home.

  “I’m so glad I found you guys. Why didn’t you tell me what was going on? I never imagined things were that bad. He really had you locked away?”

  Jason replied for the group. “Alpha Wagner said we’d be sent to a foster home if we said anything. We all wanted to stay together so we kept quiet and stayed together.”

  Holt’s teeth were grinding. “We’re pack. Obviously, I have to educate you on what that means. We stick together, we’re family. No one will take you away if you want to stay with me. I’ll fight tooth and nail for you if you’ll come home with me. We’ll stick together forever, as a family. I have enough rooms for everyone.” He hugged them all before asking, “What do you say? Can I adopt all of you?”

  In the end, all of the kids except Blue and Candy said they wanted to go with Holt. It would seem that the New York pack would be healing and thriving under its new leader. Sending them off with instructions to call if there was any problem, Tinker was glad for the chance to get back home to Bree.

  Chapter 14

  “Are you sure you’re okay with staying here? I don’t want you to give up on your dream of becoming the world’s greatest lawyer, serving the people of New York in your high heels and tight skirts.”

  Not this conversation again. Side by side in bed after a long night of sleeping, interrupted by several rounds of making love, she thought they were past all this nonsense. Bree was thinking she should just record her voice so that she wouldn’t have to keep repeating herself day, after day. “Tinker, I am supremely happy here. I don’t even miss being a lawyer, especially when I get to debate with you every day and talk about the local cases. Maybe one day I’ll want to open up my own
practice but I’m enjoying being a parent to Blue and Candy. I never thought I’d get the opportunity to just…be. I honestly don’t know what happened after I met you, my whole being altered, my way of thinking shifted. Everything happens for a reason and I feel so blessed that I’m not constantly fighting for a career that I always thought was my entire life. I’ve found what I truly live for; loving you and the kids.”

  “Will you at least put on the outfits every once in a while?”

  One of her eyebrows went up and she climbed on top of him. “Just for you, Mate.”

  Leaning over to kiss him, she shimmied her hips, grinding her core against his rising shaft. “I thought you liked it when I wore pigtails and a flannel shirt.”

  He smiled against her lips. “I’m a man who enjoys a bit of variety in my mate’s clothing. Now, don’t get me started again, I have to go into the shop for a few hours.”

  “I only want five minutes.”

  “Now Thumper, you know it wouldn’t be five minutes. Before you know it, it’d be tomorrow and we’d start all over again with the lovin’.”

  She slid her body sensually off of him and stood naked at the end of their bed. “Touché. Hurry back because I have plans for you before the kids get home from school.”

  He launched off the bed and scooped her into his arms. “I have time enough for a quick shower before I go.” He bit her neck and laved the sting with his tongue, causing her to shiver.

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  Two hours later, after several quickies, Tinker hopped into his car and finally made his way to the shop he owned. He met a few of his teenage employees asking how things were going and if they needed anything. He felt anxious, like he needed to get home for some reason. Surely Bree would be fine without him for a few hours while he did some re-ordering and balancing of the shops financial books. Thinking back he should have asked her come with him. She’d only been to the shop once briefly so he could check in when he got back. He’d asked her what she thought and her reply was odd, ‘I think I’ll fit right in.”


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