Angel Erotica

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by Angela Black

  Angel Erotica

  On a Wing and a Prayer

  Strip Searched

  Swingers Squared

  Angels Do It Better

  By Angela Black

  Published by Angela Black at Smashwords

  Copyright 2012 Angela Black

  All right reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted in any form without the prior written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. The names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author’s imagination, or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

  Written in Canada.

  Angela Black’s Collection

  In No Particular Order

  Angel Fairy Tales – Volume One:

  Cinderella is the Belle of the Ball

  Little Red Hood

  Sleeping with the Beauty

  Pussy in Boots

  Angel Fairy Tales – Volume Two:

  Alice in Wanderlust

  Rapunzel’s Curlies

  The Emperor’s Clotheless

  Hansel on Gretel

  Angel Romance:

  Tears of an Angel

  Rock ‘n’ Rolled


  Selena Knows Best

  Angel Erotica:

  On a Wing and a Prayer

  Strip Searched

  Swingers Squared

  Angels Do It Better

  Angel Fantasy:

  Oh, Fiddlesticks

  Winter Wanderland

  A Siren’s Song

  Fool’s Gold

  Angel Kabuki:

  A Tale of Two Brothers


  Walking on Water

  Birds of a Feather

  Angel Horror:

  Around the World in One Day

  Dead Men Walking

  Wolfman in Sheep’s Clothing

  My Block

  Table of Contents

  Angel Erotica

  Angela Black

  Story One

  On a Wing and a Prayer

  Story Two

  Strip Searched

  Story Three

  Swingers Squared

  Story Four

  Angels Do It Better

  Chapter One

  On a Wing and a Prayer

  Angela Black

  Supernatural Devices

  “Land, ho!” shouted the ship’s captain overtop the cracking of thunder and downpour of heavy rain.

  The crewmen scrambled on the deck, trying their hardest to steady the sails and keep order from turning into chaos. They were the best men Captain Erik ever had the privilege to know, but even they seemed to be at a loss to temper the storm that threatened them all.

  Erik had commanded these men through worse conditions. They’d seen countless battles against native tribes, demonic hounds, and even the occasional white squall. This time things were different. This wasn’t a battle he could fight with his hands or wit. All he could do was hold on and pray that his men find their way.

  This wasn’t a normal storm, the captain took note, as he looked across the black clouds, like fingers raked across the land and signaling their defeat. Whether it was the gods above, or the devils down under, Erik Ketill knew all options had been revoked. He could organize his men, prepare them for the coming assault, but he couldn’t stop what was coming. He couldn’t stop the dead from outnumbering the living.

  The vessel crashed against the waves, which now towered high above the crew, even those atop the mast. Wave upon wave collided with the ship, sending a few unlucky sailors off the side and down into the harsh waters below. They screamed and panicked, but their cries were soon drowned out by the squall.

  Erik was struck with a sheet of ice and thrown down to the deck. He could barely see from the blood pouring down his brow, but he could hear the sounds of his comrades dying all around him. Chaos had prevailed regardless of their intentions. They could only watch, in horror, as the storm overtook them.

  “Captain!” shouted the first officer. “We’ve got to get your below deck!”

  Erik slowly lifted himself from the floorboards and looked across the deck of his doomed vessel. “The hell we do! I’ll go down with the ship before that happens!”

  The captain would soon get his wish as another wave crashed against the side of his craft and hurled him into his first officer. They were struck down, nearly unconscious and unprepared for the fate that awaited them.

  “Captain!” one of his men called from atop the crow’s nest. “Captain we’re coming across a coral reef!”

  It wasn’t any use. The captain wasn’t able to respond to his pleas. Neither was his first mate, lying underneath his captain and bleeding onto the deck. They were unable to correct the ship’s course, and it was sent barreling ahead, straight towards the exposed reef.

  It wasn’t a normal storm they had entered, and it wouldn’t be from normal means that they returned. They were helpless against the will of the gods. They were doomed. Erik fought valiantly, but in the end, it was a battle he was never capable of winning.

  Chapter Two

  On a Wing and a Prayer

  Angela Black

  Valkyrie Cometh

  The captain could hear the gentle breeze return to the land. He slowly opened his eyes to look out upon a secluded beach where the wreckage of his boat could be seen for miles. How he ended up here, Erik couldn’t answer. Where his crew had drifted, he hadn’t a clue.

  When the glare in his eyes subsides, he propped himself up and surveyed his surroundings. He could see the motionless bodies of his men, washed ashore and food for the vultures that circled high above.

  “Hello,” he yelled as loud as he could manage, “is anyone alive?”

  The captain received no response, not even the slightest of movements from his friends. They were all deceased. He was alone, stranded in the middle of nowhere, and unable to leave upon his boat, now lying in a thousand pieces across the shoreline.

  His head was pounding, and when he un-cupped his hands from the back of his matted hair, he could see a pool of blood, so dark in color that it matched his bushy red hair and disguised his gaping wounds. If he didn’t find someone to close his wounds, he, too, would likely succumb to the same conditions that took his crew.

  “Get a hold of yourself,” the captain told himself as he ripped off his jacket sleeve and wrapped it around his head. “The fight’s not over yet.”

  With a cry of pain, the wounded old sea captain lifted himself onto his feet with a crack of his bones. He could see down the shore for miles, yet nothing stood out to him other than the wreckage of a ship he couldn’t bear to look upon.

  “There’s got to be something inland,” Erik muttered. He continued into the jungle and left his entire life behind. He wasted no time saying goodbye to the only life he’d know. That wasn’t the Viking way. He would look onward to new opportunities and take heart that his many hardships would lead him to Valhalla.

  It wasn’t a faith he was certain of, but he took its meaning for the lessons it offered. He would continue onward, until he couldn’t continue any longer. That was his way whether he liked it or not. He pressed on because he had to.

  A single tear was shed, but he wouldn’t allow another.

  Once the captain had been swallowed by the jungle, a dozen bright shimmers in the sky descended from the clouds, spiraling around one another in a majestic, almost hypnotic rhythm.

  Like beacons of light for fallen soldiers of the Norse gods, the shimmering objects lowered until each one had taken to a sailor.

  “Come to us,” they said in unison as the figures began to appear to the d
eceased. “In your lives you honored the name of Odin and in death you honor our ways. Unburden yourselves from the hardship of life and wash your sins in our embrace.”

  The women were clad in white armor, which glistened off the sun and brought life back into the eyes of the fallen. In that instant, the sailors knew the fate that had befallen them. They knew of the women and where they were headed. They didn’t mourn. They had no reason to. A better path had been set for them, one which would yield new challenges and new rewards. Tonight, they would be dining with Odin, taken in the arms of his most trusted guards, Valkyrie.

  Captain Erik Ketill never saw his crewmen’s fate. He was never meant to. He was meant to die out there with them, along the coral reef that ended the lives of so many. He was well aware of the fact, but refused to allow it to consume him. Sometimes the battles a Norse warrior must face don’t exist on the field of combat, but in the mind of one struggling to keep himself from above the crashing waves that threaten to drag him down to the bottom of the ocean.

  He fought when the Norwegian armies laid siege to their holdings. He fought when the gods abandoned them and forced them from their homeland. He would continue to fight until the life finally fled from his lungs and forced him to the ground.

  “You don’t belong,” the breeze called out to him. “You’re not meant for this place.”

  Erik turned in all directions in hopes of identifying the source of the words. “Show yourself! I’m not afraid! I’ll fight every last one of you!”

  He was proud—too proud—a trait common among his people. If these backwater tribesmen knew anything at all about his people, they would attack now or risk enraging him further.

  “I’ve got no sword!” Erik waved his arms around to show the truth in his words. “I’ve got no shield!”

  “Yet you still fear me!” the captain bellowed as he continued his rant. “Thor’s Hammer itself couldn’t stop a Viking berserker! Spare me your foolish attempts and return to the hovels you dwell in!”

  It took no tribesmen or creature to fell the angry Scandinavian, who was all riled up and shaking uncontrollably. With a cry to Valhalla, Erik clutched at his chest and doubled over in agony.

  His vision was stained red with blood and he could hear the sound of footsteps approaching. It was death, ready to take him from the world he’d bled so much for. Even as its cold grip wrapped around his throat, he continued to fight.

  “No surrender,” he struggled to mutter the phrase, ready to fight until the last drop of blood fled from his ashen body. “You’ll get no quarter from me.”

  Chapter Three

  On a Wing and a Prayer

  Angela Black

  In His Hands

  “Come to us,” said the same voice that spoke to him earlier. “In your lives you honored the name of Odin and in death you honor our ways. Unburden yourselves from the hardship of life and wash your sins in our embrace.”

  Erik was awoken from his demise, hungry for more battle and ready to wage war upon the gods themselves. The gods were not there to continue the bloodshed, however, they were there to cleanse him of his wounds and lend a helping hand to fallen kin.

  He felt the silky skin of a goddess wrap around his hands and lift him up into the air, but it wasn’t a goddess that held him. It was a Valkyrie and her arrival meant the end of one chapter and the beginning of the next. It was a transition from one life to the next, one from which he would never return.

  The Valkyrie was a beauty unlike any the grisly old captain had ever laid eyes upon. Her skin burned with the radiance of the sun, its fury tempered only by the icy white that tumbled down to her breastplate. Its curved metal lines accentuated her supply bosom, so tantalizing and succulent that it begged for his touch.

  “Not so fast,” he said, reaching to cup her cheek. “I’m not finished just yet.”

  She tried to raise him above, but all he wanted to do was pull her downwards to the ground he loved. The Valkyrie tried to struggle with him, but realized that his will would not be undone so easily and she decided to give him one final wish.

  She could see into his soul and know the torment that raged within him. No one was ever eager to die, but this one was more defiant than most. There was something left for him to accomplish, and she knew exactly what that was.

  “I can’t,” she said. “You don’t know what you’re asking—.”

  Erik pressed a finger to her lip to quiet her down. “I know exactly what I’m asking. What’s your name?”

  “It doesn’t matter what my name is.”

  “It does to me,” the captain replied. “It does to me.”

  The Valkyrie was hesitant to speak, but she knew his heart. She knew the kind of man that would accept her for what she is and she knew the kind of warrior that could stir her nether regions.

  “Kara,” she said after a moment’s pause. “My human name was Kara.”

  Erik stroked her cheek with her fingers. “Let me show you, Kara, just how the living do things.”

  Kara allowed herself to be taken by the rugged, old sea dog and returned his affectionate embrace. She’d never believed herself capable of falling for a mortal, yet here she saw, far from the reaches of Asgard allowing a human male to enter into her most sacred chamber.

  “Don’t think,” he said soothingly as he rolled her onto the ground. “Just react to my touch.”

  His coarse hands began to slide down her stomach and towards her inner thighs. He could feel the flutter in her heart and the slight shiver running down her spine. Kara wanted him, perhaps more than ever realized.

  She spread her legs and allowed him to thrust inside her. The pleasure was intense, immediate, and something she was completely unprepared for. Her toes curled, her back arched and she cried out towards the heavens.

  “Oh, Odin!” she called out as Erik’s hard cock rushed up the walls of her pussy. “I’m not worthy of such splendor!”

  She was, however, and Erik took it upon himself to see that she did, in fact, feel worthy of such passion. He screwed with the fury only a Viking berserker could know, cutting straight through to the pleasure centers in her brain and making her scream out for more. The two spirits entwined into one for a brief moment in time and allowed their lust to transcend borders that were not meant to be crossed.

  He unbuckled her breastplate and dove down on top of her. His tongue traced a line around her nipples, moistening Kara up for him while he continued to stroke with force. A Valkyrie isn’t a woman like most others. She doesn’t ask for a soft touch, she demands a strong hand. She sees lovemaking in terms of battle. A well placed offensive can break down even the most impregnable walls. Only then could orgasm be achieved.

  And achieved it was, as a rush of cum poured from her and down onto Erik’s throbbing cock. She could feel his manhood twinge back and forth, banging against her inside wall like a drum and sending wave upon wave of pleasure crashing into her, filling her up until she could no longer help herself.

  “Erik!” screamed Kara, grabbing onto his buttocks and pulling him in deeper. “Harder! Faster!”

  As commanded, Erik sped up his thrusting and drove insider her with force. He found himself able to move with agility he never possessed in life. He was beginning to share in the aura of Kara and co-exist within her realm.

  With a smile on his face, he threw his arms around Kara and held her tightly. “I’ve shown you what a man is capable of… now let me show you what a Valhalla Knight is capable of.”

  “Show me.” Kara dug her nails in deep and allowed herself to be lifted off the ground.

  “Time may stand still for us now,” Erik said, “but we never shall.”

  The two vessels of light spiraled upwards, past the mountains and up into the clouds. Their glimmering spirits could be seen from the Scandinavian homeland, rising high above and continuing at an alarming rate. They wouldn’t stop until they reached the gates of Valhalla, where their passion could be seen by all. It wasn’t the perfect love, but i
t was one born from the fiery passion of a warrior and his Valkyrie lover.

  Their love continued for an eternity. She would be destined to bring back the fallen on Odin’s order. He would be destined to wait for her return. It was those moments when they were together that time truly stood still and allowed their passion to once again shine brightly, for the entire world below to see.

  The End

  Chapter One

  Strip Searched

  Angela Black

  Baring It All

  The Carnal Cathouse was a remote strip club in the back roads of Riverside County, California. It wasn’t the kind of place you’d hear about on the news, or in the magazines, yet it found a way into the hearts of all that passed by. They would find themselves frequenting the establishment, and the more times they came, the stronger their need to return.

  It was a regular Wednesday night around ten o’clock when two men entered. They didn’t stand out from the pack. They didn’t make any motions for drinks. The two men just slinked into the first table they could find and quietly went about their business.

  Both their faces were pale, and under the florescent lights above, they shined with a purplish hue. They wore black leathers, eyes hidden behind thick shade, and steel-toed boots that weren’t meant for construction. These were hard men and they wanted all around to know it.

  “Can I get you gentleman anything?” the waitress asked as she sidled up to the two men.

  She turned to the man on her left, a lanky fellow with a buzzed head and tattoo of a bat on his scalp. He was rougher than she was accustomed to. She’d seen just about every type of man, but someone about his masculine aura told her there was more to them than his appearance let on.


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