Taming the Tramp

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Taming the Tramp Page 5

by Amy DeMeritt

Carrie strokes my cheek and neck while she rubs my back in a soothing way, but she doesn’t say anything.

  I miss Wren, a lot. There was never anything sexual between us. She really felt like family. We could talk about anything and we had so much fun together.

  “Jack, what’s wrong?” Janae rushes over and sits down on my other side, pulling me out of Carrie’s arms and into hers. She looks in my eyes as she caresses my cheek before kissing my lips. “Honey, what happened?”

  “I asked her about her family and then she told me about Wren.”

  “Oh, sweetie, come here.”

  Janae leans back, pulling me over to lay on her chest, and then kisses the top of my head. I nuzzle in her breasts and inhale her scent, which makes me smile.

  “You smell like cake. Did you bring me any?”

  “I did. Do you want it now or after dinner?”


  “What do you want for dinner?”

  “I don’t care.”

  “I can cook.”

  “Ok, thanks.”

  After Carrie walks out of the living room, I smile and yank on Janae to reposition us to lay out on the couch so I can lay on top of her. She smiles up at me as she runs her hands through my hair and over the buzzed sides and back of my head.

  “Did you have fun today?”

  “Yes. I missed you though.”

  “Were you imagining me on that table instead of Jasmine?” I laugh as my head droops to rest on her shoulder. She releases a small happy laugh and lifts my head to kiss my lips. “Don’t you enjoy Jasmine’s company?”

  “For sure, but she’s not you. No one is.”

  “And don’t you ever forget that.”


  I bend into her neck and give her small nipping kisses up and down the length of her smooth cake sweetened cocoa skin. Her chest expands against me, and she runs a hand up the back of my head, grips my hair, and tugs back, causing me to inhale deeply and my eyes close as my arousal is ignited.

  “Control, baby.”

  “I don’t want to.”

  “And you better never want to, but you’re going to listen to me.”

  I smile and kiss her lips. “Ok. How was your day?”

  “Interesting. I had a woman come into the bakery and ask me to bake her a wedding worthy two-layer white cake with white frosting, but to scatter miniature brown penises throughout.”

  I laugh hard and Janae runs her fingers through my hair, and then traces them down my bareback. “Why did she ask you to do that?”

  “It’s for her mother’s posh society social club. She apparently brought a black man to an event as her date, whom she is engaged to, by the way, and they were disgusting about it. She’s going to bring the cake in there for another event this weekend and she’s going to get it on camera, watching all of them sucking on those little black dicks trying to figure out what the hell they are.”

  “That’s hilarious. I would love to see the footage for that moment.”

  “She said she would come in and show me the video.”

  “You better call me so I can be there.”

  “I will.”

  Her eyes close and she releases a small moan as my phone vibrates against her center. I smile and just watch her face, not at all feeling any urgency to pull my phone out of my pocket.

  “Jack, get your damn phone.”

  “But you’re enjoying this.”

  She laughs and smacks my back. “Don’t be a brat.”

  I sigh deeply as I sit up on my knees and I pull my phone out of my pocket.

  Jill: You are a fucking god!

  Me: Well, of course, but what specifically inspired your worship of me at the moment?

  Jill: The role reversal and the position you gave me – holy shit! It was amazing. He has officially been converted into my goddamn slave. I swear, if Janae didn’t ban you, I’d be letting you fuck me for a week without a break – however you want. I’d even let you do that one thing that I wouldn’t do before.

  I laugh hard and show Janae the message. She sits up with a smile and pushes on my bare abs, making me fall to a sitting position next to her.

  “What did Jill say no to?”

  “She wouldn’t let me put the electrical stimulus wand inside of her. She was afraid it would electrocute her or something.”

  “Little freak.”

  I laugh and kiss her lips before leaning into her. She wraps her arms around me and kisses the side of my neck before resting her chin on my shoulder.

  Me: Alright, here’s your next position – after this, you’ll be begging me to do that to you.

  It takes me a couple of minutes to explain the position and tools she’ll need. While I type, Janae reads it over my shoulder and releases small giggles or gasps.

  “You are such a freak. God, I fucking love you.”

  “I love you too. Does it make sense?

  “Yes, she should understand.”

  I hit send, and it takes Jill a minute to respond.

  Jill: I think I just came reading this. Fuck, I’m so horny now. Ok, I have to go. Thank you!

  I toss my phone aside and lean my head back so I can bite Janae’s earlobe. She laughs and starts tickling my sides and pushing me off of her.

  “Behave.” She pulls me up to sit with her arms looped through mine. “I was surprised to see you in Carrie’s arms when I got here. Are things better with her?”

  “Yeah, that was weird, wasn’t it? I don’t know, but she apologized for judging me and for her craziness.”

  “Interesting. Is she straight?”

  “I have no idea. I need you to cut my hair.”

  “What do you want me to do to it?”

  “Just a dusting on the top to clean up the ends. Buzz the rest back down to a quarter inch, and then I want something like a zigzag or crosshatches or something on the right side by the hairline.”

  “So, basically, just be creative?”

  “Yeah, you know what I like.”

  “Ok, I’ll get the tools. Get a chair and sit over there on the wooden floor.”

  Janae hops off of the couch to go to my bathroom, so I get a chair from the dining room table and position myself in the middle of the large open space between the sitting area and the big flat screen TV.

  Janae pulls another chair over to hold her tools, then uses an extension cord to plug the clippers into the wall. She secures a black poncho around me, puts an apron on herself, and start running her fingers through my hair, looking at me like I’m a block of clay she’s about to mold.

  “I’m going to do a tighter fade at the bottom, so I’m going a little shorter around your ears and the base of your skull.”


  As she bends down to grab the clippers, she gives me a loving smile and kisses my lips. While holding the top of my head, and moving my head to get the right angle, she works slowly and meticulously. She changes the attachments a couple of times and uses a brush and comb to chase loose hairs away to check her work. After about ten minutes, she puts her tools down and brushes her hands over my head.

  “Damn, I did good. It feels nice. Ok, I’m going to trim the top, then I’ll make a design.”

  Her hand firmly combs through my hair and tugs on it, causing my eyes to close in pleasure and my head lulls on my shoulders. She scrapes her nails over my scalp, and my arousal increases. I reach my hands out from under my poncho and glide my hands up her thighs. She laughs and smacks my shoulder.

  “Knock it off. You’re going to mess me up.”

  “You started it.”

  “I’m just…”

  “Don’t even try it. You know exactly what you’re doing to me. You’re such a damn tease.”

  “You love it.”

  “Yeah, so fucking much.”

  She gives me a kiss on my lips, then starts spraying my hair with water to dampen it. Armed with a comb and a pair of scissors, she gives my hair a light dusting. She combs it forward, checking the leng
th on my forehead, and then tosses my hair to mess it up. She smiles and fixes my hair to the left side how I like it.

  Janae pulls a dry rag out of the pocket of her apron, and after folding my smock forward out of her way, she straddles my lap. She firmly brushes the rag over the right side of my hair to dry it, and then pulls a brow liner out to draw a design on my head. She pulls my face against her breast, holding my head firmly, and as she presses the crayon to my head, I glide my hands over her ass.

  “Don’t move. You’re going to mess me up.”

  I just smile and don’t move an inch. I have her ass in my hands and my face against her breast – why would I move? After a minute or two, she pulls out a battery powered detail razor that looks like a thick ink pen. It allows her to cut very thin lines into my hair. The pen emits a small buzzing sound as she glides the tip over the side of my head. In no time, she pockets the pen and lifts my head off of her chest to look at my hair. She smiles really big and traces her thumb over her handiwork.

  “I love it. What do you think?”

  She holds up a hand mirror and I turn my head to inspect the scrawl on the side of my head.

  “Damn, I am one good looking human specimen.” She laughs hard and firmly kisses my lips. “I love it. You did great.”

  “Thank you.”

  The design is three thin jagged lines stacked, with each shorter than the next the further it is from my hairline.

  “Ok, I’m going to get cleaned up. Give me my ass back.”

  I give her left cheek a light smack as she stands up and starts collecting her tools to put away. I pull the poncho off and shake it out on the floor. After she takes it from me and walks out of the room, I brush my hands over my head and neck, trying to dust all of the tiny hairs off, but I still feel like I’m being stabbed by hairs.

  “Here, let me help. You have a bunch right here.”

  Carrie stands up from a chair in the living room and walks over to me. I didn’t even notice she had joined us. She brushes her hand across the back of my neck, and then blows on my neck and shoulders.

  “I think you’re good.”


  I turn to face her again, and her lips curl into a smile as she looks at my hair.

  “That looks cool.”

  Her eyes scan my body before she reaches out to brush some hairs off of the top of my chest, just above my breast.

  “Dinner is done, if you’re ready.”

  “What are we having?”

  “Well, I hope you didn’t have other plans for those brioche buns. I made grilled chicken sandwiches with them. Oh, and a salad.”

  “Sounds good.”

  I follow her to the kitchen, and as I’m pulling a stool out at the buffet counter, Janae hops over and sits on my other side. Carrie grabs three bottles of beer, pops the tops, and then joins us, sitting on my other side.

  “This looks good. What is this spread on here?”

  Carrie gives Janae a smile, and says, “The orange one is chipotle mayo, and the green is guacamole. I made both of them.”

  I cut my sandwich in half and smile around my first bite. While I chew, I nod in appreciation, which makes Carrie beam with happiness.

  “That’s delicious.”

  “Thanks. I’m glad you like it. So, um, are you two… you know?”

  “Are we what?”

  Janae releases a small laugh as she lifts her beer to take a drink, but she doesn’t attempt to answer Carrie, who blushes and clears her throat.

  “Well, are you two together or something?”

  “We’re all together right now.”

  Janae laughs at my response again, and Carrie just releases an exhale of frustration as she gives me a perturbed smile with squinted eyes.

  “Ok, do you mess around with each other?”

  “No, Janae won’t let me have her that way because I’m a tramp.”

  Carrie laughs, but quickly clears her throat and tries to cover it up. “Oh, are you afraid you’ll catch something?”

  “Hey!” I shove Carrie’s arm, almost making her fall off of her stool. “I am clean, thank you very much!”

  “I’m a one partner kind of person. Jack would have to give up her promiscuous life to be with me.”

  Carrie looks at me in a curious way, and asks, “Why don’t you date or have relationships?”

  “I just don’t.”

  “But, there has to be a reason. Like, do you not believe in them, or did you have a bad experience or something?”

  “I have a very high appreciation for the female anatomy and greatly enjoy seeing women experience pleasure. That’s all there is to it. What’s your story?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you a virgin?”


  “See, I told Jill someone got in your pants. She didn’t believe me.”

  Carrie scoffs and blushes bright red. “You guys talk about me?”

  “Not really. You’re not that interesting.”

  She scoffs again and shoves my arm. “You’re so mean.”

  “How many people have you been with?”

  Instead of answering me, she just counters with the same question, asking, “How many have you been with?”

  “I’ve lost count.”

  Her jaw drops, and she asks, “Like, more than twenty?” Janae and I laugh hard, and Carrie blushes darker and her eyes get huge. “Over a hundred?”

  “Really, I don’t know, but you’re still well below a reasonable guess.”

  “Oh, my god, that’s so gross.”

  I just shrug my shoulder and pick up my beer, but Janae’s smile transforms into an angry scowl.

  “Keep your judgments to yourself. You don’t know anything about Jack and the kind of person she is. So, what’s your magic number, princess?”


  “Men or women?”

  “Men. How many for you?”

  “None of your business.”

  “I didn’t mean to say that before. It just slipped out.”

  “It’s better that it did so we don’t have to deal with you being fake.”

  “I’m not fake.”

  “No, you’re just judgmental. Why are you living here if you think you are so much better than Jack?”

  “I don’t think that. I’m sorry, ok? I just grew up differently. Some things just shock me. I’m just… I don’t know how to say it.”


  Carrie blushes at my assessment of her, but she nods as she looks down at her plate.

  “Yeah, I guess. I’m really sorry I offended you both.”

  “We should go to a strip club and get Carrie a lap dance to help her loosen up.”

  Janae releases a small laugh as Carrie lifts her head to look at me with wide eyes, looking nervous, and then starts shaking her head.

  “No, I can’t do that.”

  “Why not? It’s fun.”

  “Isn’t that degrading?”

  “That depends on your attitude. The women at the clubs we go to actually like their profession. They’re not there because they don’t have any other choices or are desperate for money.”

  “Stop being a sheltered social wreck and lighten up. You’ll never survive out here if you keep acting like that.”

  I smile at Janae and she laughs as I grab her behind the neck, pulling her in to kiss her lips. I run my hand over her braids and pinch her ear.

  “I love when you’re all fiery like that. Yell at me about something.”

  Janae laughs hard and smacks my shoulder. “I don’t want to yell at you right now.”

  “Tell me something naughty to do so I can get in trouble with you so you’ll be in the mood to yell at me.”

  “Why do you flirt with your friends?”

  I groan and hang my head before looking over at Carrie, who is watching me with a small intrigued smile, which seems out of place.

  “Did you seriously just interrupt my moment with Janae? You have a lot to l
earn about social etiquette, kid.”

  Janae giggles and Carrie gives me a pouty hurt look before looking at her plate, and mumbling, “I’m not a kid.”

  “You can prove that when we go to the strip club this weekend.”


  Chapter Six

  I grab my laptop bag off of the front passenger seat, sling it over my shoulder, and lock my Ferrari . I check my hair in the sidemirror, and then pocket my keys in my hip hugging black slacks.

  I have a lunch meeting with a few of my employees today. We’re meeting at a nice steakhouse with sidewalk seating, and as I approach the restaurant, my eyes lock with a beautiful brunette sitting at a round table with two other women, who have their backs to me. My lips involuntarily quirk up into a closed lip grin as the woman’s eyes hold mine for several moments before she quickly looks away. I notice her lips twitch up in a smile, and she glances at me again in a shy way before looking down and acting like she’s scratching her forehead.

  I release a small laugh and stop at a produce shop that’s next to the restaurant. I buy a bundle of three blue iris flowers tied together with a purple ribbon, then walk over to the side of her table, on the outside of the hip-high fence meant to section off the patio dining. The women look up at me confused and with their lips puckered in a snobbish judgmental way, except for the brunette. She looks surprised but excited. I place the flowers down in front of her and start to walk away, but she turns in her chair, making me stop.

  “What’s this for?”

  “For you, of course.”

  “But why?”

  “For blessing my day with your beauty. Have a nice lunch, ladies.”

  I don’t wait for a response before walking away. I glance at the table as I’m opening the restaurant door and smile. She’s still watching me and has the flowers in her hands.

  “Welcome to The Swiss! Do you have a reservation?”

  “I do. It’s under Jack.”

  “You are the first to arrive. This way, please.”

  I follow the hostess to a long six-person table towards the back of the restaurant. I take a seat on the end facing the direction we just came from so I can have my computer screen facing the wall away from prying eyes.

  “Can I get you a drink while you wait for the rest of your party?”

  “A mojito, please.”

  “Coming right up.”


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