Taming the Tramp

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Taming the Tramp Page 20

by Amy DeMeritt

  “You are so fucking adorable.”

  She laughs in an excited way and straddles my lap. She pulls me into an intense kiss and runs her hands over my head and through my hair. As she releases my lips, she sits up on my thighs and takes my beer to take a sip.

  “Are you going to play at all?”

  “No, I like watching you play.”

  “Ok. Can you get me another beer?”


  She hops off of my lap and releases a surprised yelp and falls backwards. I catch her as she’s about to fall over my legs and I help her sit.

  Carrie scowls at me and turns on her heels to walk out of the room. Tanisha looks terrified and starts to stand up, stuttering about asking if she should leave.

  “No, you don’t have to leave. Just give me a few minutes. I’ll be back.”

  I find Carrie in her bedroom with the door open and she’s changing out of her work clothes and into a pair of sweat pants and a tee shirt.


  She pulls the elastic band out of her hair and shakes her hair to straighten it out. She’s just staring at me with a blank expression, which is unnerving. Normally, she would be yelling at me or calling me a jerk.

  “How was work?”

  “Slow, so Jill let me leave early. I take it your interview went well?”

  “It did.”

  “That’s good.”

  She starts to walk out of the room, but I wrap my arms around her and her blank expression fades into sadness.

  “You fucked her, didn’t you?”

  “Yes. I hadn’t planned on it, but it just sort of happened. Are you upset with me?”

  “How can I be? You’re just doing exactly what you told me you would be doing. I’m just upset about the situation. I was looking forward to coming home and seeing you. I just wanted to hang out and relax. We were up so late, so I’m really tired.”

  “We can still relax. Come hang out with us. I’ll hold you on the couch while we watch Tanisha play video games. It’s pretty entertaining.”

  “You would be ok with that?”

  “Yeah, of course. Can I have a kiss?”

  She smiles and allows me to fully kiss her. As her breasts press more firmly against my chest, my arousal flares and I just want to make her cum. I slip my hands in the waist her of pants and panties, pushing them off of her hips, and she releases a moan into my mouth. I drop to my knees and pull her against my mouth. She grabs the back of my head and thrusts against me. After she cums, and I stand up, she roughly smacks my shoulder.

  “What was that for?”

  “For confusing me.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I wrap my arms around her waist, and she melts into my embrace. “This, Jack, is what I mean. You make me feel special, but I’m really not. You’ll fuck just about any woman who isn’t a bitch and who shows interest in you.”

  “Yes, you are special. I don’t love every woman I fuck, but I love you. I have never made an exception to have sex with a woman living with me, but I made one for you.”

  “You care about me more than her?”

  “Of course, I barely know Tanisha.”

  “So, if I asked you to send her home so I can just be with you, would you?”

  “If that’s really what you want.”


  “So, you want me to send her home?”

  “No. It’s just nice to know you would if I asked you to.”

  “Ok, come on.”

  I take Carrie’s hand, and we grab three beers from the kitchen before going back to the living room. Tanisha is sitting on the edge of the couch bouncing her legs and looks nervous, but as we walk in, she stands up.

  “Tanisha, this is Carrie.”

  “I remember you from the bar. It’s nice to formally meet you.” Tanisha extends a hand for Carrie to shake, so Carrie releases my hand to shake Tanisha’s.

  “Nice to meet you.”

  “Is this too weird for you? I can leave if…”

  “No, you don’t have to leave.”

  Carrie sits down by the arm of the couch, so I sit down next to her, and Tanisha slowly joins us a few inches away from me. I pass out the beers and lean back, wrapping an arm behind Carrie’s shoulders.

  “So, what do you have to battle now?”

  While shaking her head, Tanisha swallows her beer, and then says, “I’m not sure. I have to survive this dark forest to try to get to a castle. I’m betting some trolls or goblins show up along the way.”

  “Sounds entertaining.”

  Tanisha smiles and grabs her game controller. She takes a few more sips of beer, then sits forward to start the next level.

  Carrie squeezes my thigh, and quietly asks, “Can you hand me a slice of that pizza?”

  “Yeah, sure. Do you want some chicken tenders?”

  “Are they still hot?”

  “Probably not. They’ve been sitting here for about an hour. Do you want me to heat them up?”

  “Do you mind?”


  I give her a kiss on the lips, and Carrie takes my beer so I can heat up some food for her. I bring the pizza and chicken to the kitchen, turn the broiler on, and put the rest of the pizza and chicken on a cookie sheet. Carrie likes parmesan, oregano, and red pepper flakes on her pizza. So, after the cheese looks bubbly again, I dress it with her favorite toppings. I fill a small dip bowl with honey mustard, plate the food, and plop down next to Carrie.

  “No, no, no, shit!” Tanisha falls back against the couch with a grumpy pout on her face, making me laugh. She tilts her head to look at me, and asks, “Does my dying amuse you?”

  “Yeah, but it’s funny when you win too. Why don’t you do that again so we can see your happy dance?”

  She laughs and smacks my thigh as she sits up. “I can’t believe you got me hooked on a new game and I don’t even own this one. It’s going to be torture having to wait to come here to play it again.”

  “You can take it with you if you’re going to foam at the mouth with withdrawal or something.”

  She laughs and playfully shoves my arm. “I’m not that big of a geek. Besides, I’d have to start over from the beginning because my game is saved on your console.”

  “Well, I guess you better prove your claim to being a badass with that controller and beat as many levels as possible before you leave today.”

  She smiles as she sits forward to try the level again. I wrap my arm around Carrie’s shoulders and she gives me a cute smile as she chews her pizza. I kiss her lips and pull her in closer to me.

  While Carrie eats, we watch Tanisha play her video game. Tanisha has several funny outbursts and stands up a few times, really getting into the game, and Carrie actually laughs with me each time.

  “She’s funny.”

  Carrie whispers it in my ear before she kisses the side of my neck. She’s smiling and looks content, despite her initial reaction to finding me with Tanisha. I press my lips against hers, and she accepts me to fully kiss her. She smiles against my mouth and rubs her hand over my head and through my hair.

  As we release each other, she lays her head on my chest, and we turn our attention to Tanisha, who is still playing, and doesn’t seem to have noticed us kissing, or is acting like she didn’t.

  We watch Tanisha play for another hour, with small talking breaks after she wins or loses. Then she looks at the time and exhales hard as she sets the controller on the coffee table.

  “I guess I should go. I need to start working on the article from our interview. I know my editor is going to want to see a rough draft tomorrow.”

  “Will I get to read it before it’s published?”

  “Yes. Oh, shit, I almost forgot. Can I get a picture for the article?”

  “Sure. Do you need to do it today?”

  “No, but I do need it this week.”

  “Ok, we’ll set something up.”

  “Thanks. I guess I better change back into my clothes.”
  I stand up with Tanisha and walk her back to my den so she can change back into her business suit. After she says goodbye to Carrie, I walk Tanisha outside to her car. Before opening her door, she wraps her arms around the back of my neck and gives me a nice kiss.

  “I had an incredible time today.”

  I nod in agreement as I fix the collar of her suit that’s flipped inside her jacket. “I had a great time too.”

  “Can I call or text you sometimes?”

  “I’m counting on it.”

  “Thanks. I hope I didn’t get you into trouble with Carrie.”

  “No, we’re good.”

  “Ok, I’ll text you tomorrow.”

  After I give her another kiss, she gets in her car, and I wave as she pulls out of my driveway.

  As soon as I reach the junction between the kitchen and living room, Carrie thrusts a bottle of cleaner and a roll of paper towels out to me.

  “Go clean the den. Don’t forget to wash the sheets.”

  “Right now? I thought we could…”

  “Now. Then shower when you’re done.”

  I exhale hard as I accept the bottle and paper towels. I wash down the stage and all of the leather cuffs I used today. I take the toys I used on Tanisha to my bathroom and wash them in the sink, dry them well, and then get an empty box from the closet in the den. I write Tanisha’s name on the box, add the toys, then store the box on a shelf in the toybox cabinet. I strip the bed, toss the linens in the washer, then jump in the shower. I wash up really good, brush my teeth, and get dressed in a tank top and shorts.

  After putting the cleaner away under the sink in the kitchen, I plop down next to Carrie on the couch.

  “All done?”


  “Good. Did you fuck out here?”

  “No, only in the den.”

  “Did you go down on her?”

  “No. I was safe.”

  I grab Carrie’s hips and give them a light tug. She grins and moves to straddle my lap. I run my hands up her back and pull her in tightly against me to wrap my arms around her.

  “I love you, Jack.”

  “I love you too.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  The sound of crying and incoherent cursing draws me out of my room while I’m getting ready to leave the house. I find Carrie lying in a fetal position on the couch sobbing. I sit down in front of her, and she quickly sits up to throw her arms around me and cries against my neck.

  “Carrie, what’s wrong?”

  “My computer.”

  I look at her open laptop on the coffee table. There’s a small blue light by the power button, indicating it’s on, but the screen is black. I swipe my fingers over the touch pad, but nothing happens and her cursor is missing. I hit a few different keys that should bring it to life if it’s just sleeping, but nothing happens.

  “It’s dead, Jack. I lost everything. It’s all gone.”

  “What happened when it went black? What were you doing on it?”

  “I was researching business loans and grants with the government. I tried to open a website to apply for a grant and everything just started disappearing. I couldn’t move the mouse or type or anything. Jack, I watched everything being deleted from my computer. My whole life was on there – pictures, videos, awards, emails, everything. Everything for my business plans. Everything.”

  I pull my phone out of my pocket and send a text to a friend I was supposed to meet up with for a quick fuck before she has to leave town today for a week.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Canceling my plans. I’m going to take your laptop to my office and see if I can fix it. You probably didn’t lose everything. There is a tricky piece of ransomware that actually just hides everything, so when you load your computer in safe mode, it tries to get you to buy a fake program to correct the problem. Their real intention is to steal your money.”

  “You’re really going to cancel your plans to help me?”

  “Yeah, of course. This is way more important.”

  I pick up her laptop and take her hand. She sits down next to me at my desk and places her hand on my thigh. I pop the battery out of the back, and using a set of tiny screwdrivers, I open her laptop to see its guts.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Disconnecting your internal modem so when I boot this back up, you’re disconnected from the internet and nothing can attempt to communicate with your machine.”

  After I’ve finished, I replace the battery, and power it up. It runs through a system check for not shutting down properly, then it asks if I want to start in safe mode, which I do. The screen loads as it normally would, and Carrie’s hand grips my thigh and she has a small hopeful smile on her face.

  I plug in a USB flash drive I keep about a dozen very sophisticated virus programs on, and I start running the installation for all of them. After they’ve finished downloading, I have them start searching her machine for the evil little buggers that got past her security program.

  “Ok, this is going to take several minutes. I’m running a scan of your computer.”

  “What if they don’t find anything? Can’t some things get by these?”

  “For most consumer virus protection packages, yes, but these are way beyond what would be available to a consumer. Some of them are military grade.”

  “Wow. Thank you for helping me. I’m sorry I ruined your plans.”

  I smile and turn my chair to face her. I pull her up to sit on my lap, and her face spreads into a huge smile. She gives me a slow soft kiss, and then lays on my shoulder. I wrap my arms around her with one hand on her thigh, holding her legs up, and one hand on her nice ass.

  “Carrie, I want to finance your yoga studio.”

  She lifts her head off of my shoulder looking shocked, which makes me laugh. Her face relaxes into a small smile and she places a hand on my cheek.

  “But you helped me make that beautiful business plan so I can get a bank to believe I can do this. I don’t expect you to…”

  “I know you don’t expect it. I want to do this for you.”


  I laugh and pinch her side, making her laugh and squirm on my lap. “Because I care about you and I want to help your dreams come true. I know you could get a bank to lend you the money, but I don’t want to see you struggle with worrying about making loan payments. You shouldn’t have that stress on your mind while you’re trying to start a new business and build a name for yourself.”

  “I really appreciate the offer, but I don’t think I can accept it. I want to prove to myself that I can do this. I want to prove all of those jerks back home wrong and prove that I can succeed on my own.”

  “Why is my money different from accepting the loan from the bank?”

  “Because, I have to pay them back.”

  “So, if I make you pay it back, you’ll accept it?”

  She smiles and traces a finger down the length of my nose and wiggles it. “Maybe. I really wanted to see if I could get a bank to approve my loan. Plus, it would help build my credit up more if I went through a bank, instead of you.”

  “What if you get the loan and I give you the money to pay it off every month? That way, you’re still building your credit, and you have more money to invest in your business and yourself.”

  “That’s an interesting proposal. Have you done this for your friends before, or is this because we’re sleeping together?”

  I laugh hard and shake my head. “No, I’m not trying to pay you off like a prostitute. I have helped many people.”





  “Let me think about it.”

  “Ok. Looks like the scans are done.”

  “That was really fast. My virus scan normally takes hours.”

  “These are really serious programs.”

  I roll forward with Carrie still curled up on my lap and pull up the scan results

  “Well, pumpkin, you have almost a hundred viruses on your computer, but only a dozen of them are from today. I’m surprised you’ve been able to do anything on here at all.”

  “Oh, my god. Do you think any of them stole anything?”

  “Most of these look like trackers – they just watch your internet activity. Some of them are more concerning. This one here can potentially see through the firewalls on websites where you use credit cards or enter other personal information. After I get this cleaned, we’ll order a credit report for you to make sure no one stole your identity or anything.”

  “Oh, my god. What if they did?”

  “Don’t worry, we’ll take care of it. It’s good we found this before you start applying for loans – assuming the worst, of course. If they didn’t steal anything, you’ll be fine.”

  I initiate a kill of all of the viruses, and the programs quickly get to work erasing them. Once it’s clean, I shut the machine down, then reconnect her internal modem so I can reboot it in normal mode.

  As her desktop successfully loads, she releases an excited happy laugh, and kisses me all over my face and neck.

  “I love you! Thank you so much. You’re amazing!”

  “You’re welcome. I’m leaving these programs on here for you, so you shouldn’t have this issue again.”

  “Thank you. What can I do to pay you back?”

  My lips curl into a wide grin and Carrie releases a cute laugh. She pulls me up from my chair and tugs me out of my office and into my sex den.

  I spin her and grab her shoulder, pushing her over my sex table. She grabs the sides of the table, releasing a small moan, and lifts her hips to meet my thrust as I press my groin against her ass. I wrap my hand in her ponytail, and tug her head back, causing her to release a sharp gasping moan again.

  “Do you like these clothes you’re wearing?”

  “Yes, why?”

  “Because, I’m going to cut them off of you.”

  She inhales deeply, making her back shutter, and she breathes out, “Ok.”

  I pick her up and lay her on the table with her head at the bottom, where I typically have her groin. I secure her ankles in the air out to the sides so her legs form a wide V, then I secure her wrists to the sides of the table.


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