Taming the Tramp

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Taming the Tramp Page 24

by Amy DeMeritt

  “I thought you brought cupcakes?”

  “Oh, right, I did. They’re on the counter. Ok, if there’s no last requests, I’m going to…” Janae leans forward to look at each of us, and then smiles as she purposefully presses her finger against the screen. “There, the order is placed. Ok, talk. Tell us about that crazy bitch.”

  I spend the next ten minutes explaining everything, and when I finish, Janae lightly pinches my chin with a loving smile, jiggling my face a little like an adult would do to a kid.

  “I’m proud of you for not giving into her, honey. That was also super sweet of you to try to help her see that she has a problem, and then give her a way to get help. I wonder if she’ll actually take your advice or if she’ll just gloat about beating you up. And then make up some stupid story about you being so terrified of her that you paid her to leave you alone.”

  “I think the aftermath with her friends will have a bigger impact than I did, assuming those guys give her a hard time about it.”

  “What are you going to do if you see her again?”

  I look at Lindsay and shrug my shoulders. “I have no idea.”

  “You are not talking to her again!” Carrie crosses her arms over her chest with her face tensed in anger.

  I laugh a little and kiss her lips. “Relax, I’m not planning on going out of my way or anything. But if she walks up to me, I can’t just turn and run in the opposite direction.”

  “She better never approach you again, especially if I’m with you. Fucking piece of trash.”

  Carrie is starring hard at the coffee table with her eyes narrowed and her mouth set in an angry pouty scowl.

  “You are so adorable.”

  Her mouth curls into a smile and her brow relaxes before she looks up at me with a happy loving smile. I laugh a little, and she playfully shoves my shoulder.

  “Stop that. You’re not allowed to make me feel less angry about this.”

  “But I had a horrible day. I want to have a good night. We can’t have a good night if you’re seething in anger.”

  “Fine. I’ll put my anger on hold.”

  “Good. Thank you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Trish hands me a beer and clinks hers with mine before taking a swig and looking around my backyard with an excited grin. It’s been awhile since I’ve hosted a party, but as the crowd continues to grow, my own excitement grows as well.

  I had avoided people for nearly a month just because of my sex cleanse. But then had to go nearly another month with limited interactions because of Marissa beating my face black and blue. I just didn’t want to deal with so many people making a big deal about it. But now that my face is healed, I’m able to be social again.

  “Hey, sexy, come dance with me.”

  Georgia grips the front of my tank top and yanks me forward. As I stumble after her, she giggles and turns on her heels to pull me off of the deck and out to the lawn where a crowd of people are dancing on each other. She spins and plants her tight small ass in my groin, and then takes my hand to place on her flat bare stomach. I glide my hand over her stomach from hip to hip while her ass grinds in my groin. I allow my fingers to dip below the waist of her shorts a couple of inches, and she releases a purring moan. She turns in my arms, so I slide my hand over her small ass, and she grabs my face, engaging me in a kiss. I grip her ass hard, and she moans into my mouth before pulling back to look in my eyes.

  “I want you to fuck me.”

  “Jack, can you come here?”

  I look over at Carrie, who has her eyebrows raised in a questioning and accusatory way. Georgia grabs my face and pulls me back into another kiss.


  I try to pull back, but Georgia doesn’t release me. I smile against her mouth, and firmly spank her ass. She giggles and allows me to pull back.

  “I want to scream your name, Jack. Are you done with this sex cleanse yet?”

  “I don’t know. Let me think about it.”

  “Ok, sexy.”

  She gives me another kiss on my lips before she struts away with a deliciously sexy switch in her hips. She looks over her shoulder at me and grins when she sees I’m watching her walk away from me.

  “Jack, what are you doing?”

  Carrie takes my hand and leads me several paces away from everyone else.

  “It’s a party. I’m trying to relax and enjoy myself.”

  “Did you want to be with her?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Yes, you do. Did you enjoy that?”

  “There were things about it I enjoyed. Carrie, I have been cooped up for nearly two months. I just want to have some fun.”

  “I just don’t want you to do anything you’ll regret.”

  “I have fucked Georgia many times. Why would I regret doing it again? I don’t know if I will, but I just want to relax and have fun. Is that ok with you?”

  “If you do something tonight, it better be because you really want it and it will make you as happy as you can be. If you allow something because someone wears you down, I’m going to be very disappointed in you.”

  “Are you trying to control me?”

  She places a hand on my cheek as she leans in and kisses my lips. “No, I’m just reminding you of the reason you decided to cut certain people off.”

  “Fine, but don’t be chasing me around all night trying to police my behavior. I don’t like feeling controlled or restricted.”

  “I won’t. I’m sorry I made you feel that way. Can I make it better?” I smile and grab her ass, pulling her in hard against me. I engage her in a passionate kiss, and as I release her, she smiles, and says, “Thank you.”

  Without waiting for a response, she turns out of my embrace and walks away. I look around the yard, and as my eyes lock with Janae’s, my face splits into a goofy grin and she smiles really big. I make a beeline for her and plop down in the chair next to her.

  “Hey, babe. Are you having fun?”

  “I am. It looked like Carrie was interrupting your fun.”

  “Oh, sort of. We’re ok. Did you…?”

  A girl I’ve never seen before walks by us in a thong bikini and my jaw drops as I crane my neck to follow her slow hip switching progress to the shallow end of the pool. The girl has a trim back and waist, but her ass and thighs are thick and rounded. Her skin is the color of copper, and she has dark curly brown hair pulled up into a short ponytail.

  “Babe, did you see that girl’s ass? Goddamn, it could probably swallow me whole.” Janae releases a loud laugh as the girl looks over her shoulder at me with a quirked eyebrow and a grin. “Oh, shit, she heard me.”

  I laugh a little as I turn to face Janae, putting my back to the girl. Janae licks her lips with a small laugh and nods behind me. I follow her gaze, and my eyes scan up the girl’s body till they lock with her light brown eyes.

  “You’re Jack, right?”

  “That depends.”

  “On what?”

  “If you’re about to cuss me out or slap me for looking at your ass.”

  She laughs a little and shakes her head. “Neither.”

  “Then yes, I’m Jack.”

  “I’m Alexis. I came with Trina.”

  “Do you work at Stilts?”

  “I used to. I’m a paralegal now.”

  “Ah, hell, I’m going to jail. Babe, will you visit me and sneak me in pizza and beer?”

  Janae and Alexis laugh, and Janae ruffles my hair with a loving smile. “Sure thing, honey.”

  “Pizza and beer. Is that your idea of a good night?”

  I smile up at Alexis and nod. “That and other things. What’s yours?”

  “So far, this is a good night, but it could be better.”

  “Damn, and here I thought I was throwing a pretty good party. So, what can I do to improve?”

  “Well, hello, lovely. I’m Trish. What beautiful name did your mother crown you with?”

  Alexis licks her lips with a grin as she looks
Trish up and down. Alexis glances at me for a moment, and I just smile around the mouth of my beer bottle as I take a sip and watch her decide which of us she is interested in the most.

  Trish takes a step between us and waves a dismissive hand towards me, saying, “Don’t let Jack distract you from having a good time tonight. She has turned into an anti-social homebody.”

  I laugh and Alexis grins at me over Trish’s shoulder. I nod a few times and shrug a shoulder.

  “It’s true. This party was Trish’s idea. So, you have her to thank for the good evening.”

  “Well, thank you. I’m Alexis.”

  “That’s a beautiful name. Can I get you a drink from the bar, Alexis?”

  “Possibly. What do you think I do for a living?”

  “You have to be an astronaut because you have me seeing stars right now.”

  Alexis laughs, and says, “You’re cute. Let’s get a drink.”

  With a huge smile, Trish offers her arm to Alexis, who accepts it, and follows her lead away from us.

  “Why didn’t you put up a fight to win that girl over?”

  I shrug a shoulder as I take a sip of beer and lean in closer to Janae, taking her hand in mine. “Trish has been in a dry spell. Plus, she is a fiend for big asses.”

  Janae laughs and ruffles my hair. “That’s true. It was very sweet of you to step aside.”

  “I finally found you!”

  Tanisha plops down in my lap and gives me a kiss on my lips with a brilliant smile.

  “Hey, I was wondering if you were going to show up.”

  “It took me forever to find a place to park, then it took me at least ten minutes to find you. There are a lot of people here. Don’t you worry about having so many people in your house? What if they take something or break something?”

  “It happens sometimes.”

  She rolls her eyes with a small laugh, and says, “Oh, I forgot, you’re a super geeky and successful millionaire. You could just replace everything.”


  “Oh, my god, what if someone steals your game console or my video game and I lose my scores and…”

  I start laughing hard and she shoves my shoulder with a small laugh. “You are such a geek. I can’t believe that’s what you’re worried about right now.”

  “Well, this is a party, so what else would I need to be worried about?”

  “Do you have your cellphone on you?”

  “Oh, my god, you’re right. Someone might take that.”

  I laugh hard again and search her pockets. I pull it out of her back pocket, and she releases a gasp as I hand it to Janae and stand up with her in my arms.

  “What are you…? No!”

  I jump into the pool with Tanisha in my arms, and as we surface, she laughs and shoves my shoulders, pushing me back under the water. She wraps her arms and legs around me with an adorable grin and slicks my hair back off of my forehead.

  “So, are you going to dance for me?”

  “For you or with you?”

  “For me.”

  She giggles and bites her bottom lip for a moment. “In front of all of these people?”

  “Sure, why not? Several of them work at a strip club, so they’re used to seeing it.”

  “Then I am not dancing at all.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because, they actually know what they’re doing. They’ll probably think I’m just a big geek trying to look sexy, which I am.”

  I laugh hard and squeeze her ass. “You are so fucking adorable. You do not look like a geek ‘trying’ to be sexy – you’re just sexy. I like watching you dance.”

  “Better than the strippers?”

  “Probably, but I’m going to need a reminder of your skills so I can confidently answer that.”

  She laughs and kisses my lips. “I’ll think about it. Now, get us out of here. I’m hungry and thirsty.”

  “But you haven’t even given me a kiss yet.”

  She gives me a challenging grin with a quirked eyebrow, and asks, “How many women have you kissed tonight?”

  “Aside from Carrie, just one.”

  “A stripper?” I laugh and nod. She licks her lips and then puckers them to the side in thought. “Why are you trying to make me compete with strippers tonight?”

  “There’s no competition.”

  “In that case…”

  She leans in and engages me in a full mouth kiss. It’s a great kiss – definitely better than kissing Georgia. As she releases my mouth, she gently pecks my lips and forehead.

  “There you go. Now, feed me so I have energy to dance for you.”

  I smile and walk between other people hanging out in the pool talking, laughing, and making out. She tightens her legs around my waist as I begin to climb the stairs, and as I step onto solid ground again, she gives me a light kiss on my lips and steps down off of my waist. She takes my hand and walks me back over to Janae, who has been joined by Jill, and both of whom are watching us with conspiratorial smiles.

  “What are you two smiling about?”

  “Nothing, honey.”

  Jill giggles and Janae lightly smacks her arm with a small laugh.

  “Do I need to toss you both in the pool?”

  “I don’t think you could take us all on.”

  Jill’s challenge causes arousal to flare in my core, so I step forward to accept the bait, but Tanisha laughs and pulls me back.

  “Be good. We’re getting food. Are you two hungry or need a drink?”

  “Yeah, Jack can bring us something back.”

  I smile at Janae and she gives me a loving smile while she looks in my eyes. God, I love when she looks at me like that. I jump forward, making her release a surprised laughing yelp, and I plant a firm kiss on her smiling lips.

  “I love you, babe.”

  “I love you too, honey. Bring me something good to eat and a fresh beer.”

  “Ok. I’ll be back.”

  Before walking away, I pull my soaked tank top off, and after balling it up, I throw it at Jill, making her release a squealing laugh as she catches it and gets wet. With Tanisha’s hand in mine, we wade through the crowd to get to the deck, where caterers are cooking on grills and portable cook tops.

  “This is so fancy.”

  I wrap my arms around Tanisha from behind to hold her while we wait in line. I kiss the side of her neck and nibble her ear before I rest my chin on her shoulder.

  “Do you actually know all of these people?”

  “No, I’ve never met half of them – they came with people I actually invited.”

  “That doesn’t bother you that your friends just bring random people?”

  “No, it’s a good way to meet new people and potentially new friends. If I throw a party, my friends know I pretty much expect them to bring someone new. It keeps things fresh and interesting.”

  “Are you going to be keeping it fresh and interesting tonight?”

  I smile against the side of her neck and give her jawbone a light bite. “Are you asking me if I’m going to find a new playmate or two?”


  “Probably not. Honestly, I think maybe I’ve lost interest in that. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I definitely like to look, but I haven’t had the desire to fool around with any of them like I used to have. I think I’m getting old.”

  She laughs and turns in my arms to kiss my lips. She runs her hands over my head, and then loosely wraps her arms around the back of my neck.

  “I think your experiment just proved you want more from a sexual partner than just sex. Now that you know that, are you ready for the next experiment?”

  “Which is?”

  “Do you really need more than one sexual partner?”

  “Are you dumping me?”

  “No, I’m just putting it in your head. I really love having sex with you, but I would be ok with it if you ended things and we were just friends. I love hanging out with you and I love that you find my geekiness so ad
orable. Anyway, it’s just something to think about.”

  “I have been thinking about it for over ten years, but it has kind of become an obsession this month.”

  “What are you obsessing about?”

  “Whether or not I could actually do it.”

  “You’ll never know unless you try.”

  I exhale hard and pull her in tighter to rest my head on her shoulder. Tanisha runs her hands up and down my back and over my head, as if to comfort me.

  I really have been stressing over this decision a lot this month. But this isn’t like trying to learn how to ride a bike or something. If I fail at this, I don’t just hurt myself, I hurt a lot of people – the most important people in my life. I’ll lose the most important woman in my life. If I fail and I hurt Janae, it will completely crush me. Janae is the most important piece of my life. I need her more than I need anything.

  I need Janae more than I need anything – I know this without a doubt, so shouldn’t this be an easy decision to make?

  “We’re next. Are you ready to get food, or should we step out of line?”

  I give Tanisha a kiss on her neck and lift my head off of her shoulder. “I’m ready.”

  Chapter Thirty

  Janae comes back to the group with her hands loaded with bottles of beer and scoffs with her hip cocked to the side and giving Jill an impatient looking glare.

  “Did you seriously take my seat?”

  “Trish and her new voluptuous woman took mine when I got up to use the bathroom.”

  “Here, babe, you can take my seat.”

  I stand up and relieve Janae of a couple of the beers in her hands and help her pass them out. She gives me a peck on my lips and ruffles my hair with a loving smile.

  “We’ll share.”

  She places her hand on my chest to help me sit, but my eyes lock on an unexpected face and I freeze on the spot. Through the dim lighting of the string blubs crisscrossing the lawn, I can just make her out as she weaves in and out of the large crowd. As she’s breaking through a rowdy group, her eyes lock with mine and our faces simultaneously spread into huge smiles. I laugh a little and I rush to get to her.

  Jasmine sprints into my arms and I scoop her up to spin her around. She laughs as she grabs the sides of my face and engages me in an incredible kiss. Heat and passion courses through my veins. It’s been over two months since I’ve had Jasmine in my arms – I missed this – I missed her.


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