Dark of the Moon

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Dark of the Moon Page 5

by Shannon West

  The trip through the woods was rough and he could hear his mate’s moans, though Hawke knew he was trying to hold the soft sounds in. By the time they reached the road he could feel Jace’s head sagging down against his back. Hawke pulled into the yard and helped Jace off the back and into the house. It wasn’t a huge house, but it was comfortable. It had two large bedrooms with a smaller room in between them that Hawke used as a sort of living room-slash-office. A kitchen was at the back of the house. Each bedroom had its own bath and the master had a door that led out onto a deck with a view of a stream that wound around behind his house and eventually down the mountain.

  They went in through the kitchen. It was actually one big room, with a kitchen and dining area and a large living room with a big rock fireplace. He saws Jace looking around.

  “This your house?”

  “Yes. Sit down here at the table while I get the first aid kit.”

  “Nice,” Jace murmured, his eyes closing as he sank down on the chair.

  Hawke smiled, pleased with the comment. “Thanks. Now, let’s check your head, and then we’ll fix some food, if you feel like you can eat. I’m starving myself.” The change always left him ravenous, and he was already feeling weak from the need to eat. He grabbed a pack of muffins out of the cabinet, ripping into it and practically inhaling them as he walked toward the bathroom to get the first aid kit.

  “Food?” Jace asked, seeming to be puzzled. “No-no food for me. I’m actually feeling a little sick,” Jace said from the kitchen.

  “That’s probably natural with that bump on the head,” he called over his shoulder. He went into the master bathroom to get what he needed. While he was in the bathroom, he opened a bottle of Vicodin and swallowed down three of them with a glass of water, trying to lessen the pain in his joints. The good thing about Vicodin wasn’t so much that it killed the pain, but that once it kicked in, you just didn’t give a shit about it so much anymore.

  He was back in the kitchen in a minute or so with gauze, tape and antiseptic, which he spilled out onto the table, and pulled out a chair, motioning for Jace to turn so he could reach the back of his head.

  “Lean your head forward so I can clean the wound. I can’t really tell much about it right now.” Jace leaned his head over and Hawke used a wet washcloth to clean the dried blood so he could determine if stitches would be needed. He could tell that it was sore and hurting, because every time he touched it with the cloth Jace winced and made a little hissing sound. Hawke carefully cleaned the wound and then handed him two Advil and a glass of water.

  “Take these to help with the headache. You’re going to have a hell of a headache for a while,” Hawke said. “But I don’t think you need stitches.” At Jace’s look of relief, he continued, “Still, this medicine is going to hurt like hell when I put it on.”

  “Okay,” Jace said, his voice quavering a little. “Just go ahead and get it over with.”

  Hawke applied the antiseptic and this time, Jace made a much louder hiss and said, “Shit, man, that hurts!”

  “The worst is over. All I have to do is put the bandage on, and we’re done for now.”

  While he was working, Jace fell silent, resting his head on the table in front of him. Hawk decided he needed to get the doctor to check him out just to be on the safe side. He’d been knocked out a while after all, and Hawke was afraid he might have a concussion. His pupils were tiny pinpoints and he probably needed something stronger for the pain. He hadn’t wanted to alarm Jace by telling him how long he’d been unconscious. He put in a quick call to the doctor to let him know he needed him right away, telling him he’d explain when he got there.

  Hawke then got bacon and eggs out of the refrigerator and put some toast in the toaster while the bacon was frying. He had to make a conscious effort not to snatch up the bacon and eat it raw right out of the package. He busied himself with scrambling some eggs, and soon he had the bacon almost cooked enough to snag a few pieces out of the pan and eat them as he stood by the stove. His cat craved meat, but he had to be careful not to alarm Jace any more than he already was.

  Finally, by the time he had things ready, the Vicodin had kicked in and he was feeling kind of floaty and nice. Thank God for pharmaceuticals. He got Jace to try a little toast, and they ate in silence for a while, Jace mostly pushing the toast around on his plate. When he was almost finished, Hawke leaned back in his chair and regarded him carefully. “I want you to stay here and rest until the doctor looks at you. I’ll see that your truck is taken care of, so don’t worry about that.”

  “Here?” Jace sounded shocked and looked at him curiously. “With-with you? But…I mean, that’s nice of you and all, but I-I need to get back down to town…”

  “No, you don’t,” Hawke said firmly. “You need to go lie down and rest until the doctor can look at you. Now no more arguments.”

  Hawke figured Jace really must not be feeling well, because he nodded with only a little hesitation. Hawke got him to his feet and led him to the guest bedroom, pulled back the covers and pushed him down on the bed. “Lie down. I’ll call the doctor and get him out here to look at you.”

  “What? A house call? Doctors still do that around here?” He tried a sickly smile, but he was swaying as he sat on the side of the bed so Hawke picked up his feet and swung them around, making him lie back.

  “Don’t you have to go to work?” Jace asked, looking up at him.

  “No,” he replied without explanation. “I’m going to call the doctor first and then rest awhile myself. I had a long night. Just let me know if you need anything.”

  “Um, okay. Thanks.” He looked a little bewildered, but too sick to question or argue much. He closed his eyes almost immediately, and Hawke stood in the doorway and watched him until he was breathing slow and steady, already asleep.

  Hawke thought he wasn’t supposed to sleep with a concussion, but he’d already been sleeping most of the night, so…he sighed and went back into the kitchen to clean up a little, or at least to put the dishes in the dishwasher. He didn’t mind the cooking so much, but he hated this part. He smiled, looking toward the guestroom. Maybe if he had a mate who lived with him, his mate could take care of all these little chores. Well, that was an unexpected thought. He’d only just met the boy and who knew if he’d even be interested in doing that kind of thing. Who would, really, unless they were getting paid, and even then… Next, he’d be thinking about having Jace knit him a sweater.

  It would be nice to have someone to share things like that with though. And the nicer things too, like someone to watch television with or listen to music with or just talk with during supper.

  With the kitchen clean, he went to his bedroom and peeled off his clothes. He took a quick shower, mostly cold, trying not to think about Jace in the guest bedroom. He wanted to go crawl in bed beside him, but he tried to make himself calm down and stop thinking like a damn rutting animal. The boy was hurt and sex should be the last thing on his mind—except it wasn’t, damn it.

  After toweling dry, Hawke walked into his room and fell across the bed. He was dead tired and intended to just lie there for a while and rest before the doctor came and he had to get dressed for work. He felt himself starting to relax, thinking that maybe nothing else horrible had happened the night before since he hadn’t received any calls yet. He was drifting in that state of relaxation just between being awake and actually falling asleep when he heard the doctor pull up outside.

  Doctor Jared Roberts was handsome and dark-haired like all the pride, and he looked as tired as Hawke felt. He was a couple of years older than Hawke, and he looked like he wasn’t faring too well this morning either. The shift always wore you out physically and mentally and was getting worse as they aged a bit. Hawke wasn’t yet thirty, but he could definitely tell a difference from when he was younger.

  Hawke met him on the porch, and figured he’d got him out of bed that morning, after being on the prowl all night in the woods. “Sorry, Jared, but that damn f
ool Travis attacked a man last night on the road. I haven’t talked to Spencer yet. He was supposed to be watching him, but Travis must have got away. I got to this guy in time, but he has a concussion, I think. I need you to look him over.”

  “Of course,” Jared said. “Who is it? One of the mates?”

  “No, thank God, or the female would tear Travis a new asshole before I could stop her. Almost as bad, though—it’s a stranger and he works for the damn government. He’s a census taker, he said, when he came in the office yesterday. I sent him back down the mountain in plenty of time, but something happened to his vehicle, and he was out walking on the road back up the mountain. I heard him screaming and ran over to help, but Travis already had him down.”

  “You ran over to help? That’s a bit odd, isn’t it? That you could respond to his calls for help?” Jared looked at him with interest, and Hawke felt a blush rising up to his cheeks.

  “Well, yeah. Actually, I think...uh…I think it’s more like he’s my mate.”

  Jared smiled. “Really? Congratulations—I guess. So this guy doesn’t have any idea about…”

  “Huh? Oh, hell no. And I haven’t told him anything. He was too sick and scared this morning, and I made him try to eat something, patched his head up a little, and put him to bed. Gave him a couple of Advil too.”

  “Okay, that’s fine. Let me go see him.” Hawke led the doctor into the house and stood outside the room while Jared woke Jace up and examined him. Jace was still in a lot of pain, so Jared gave him some kind of capsules after asking Hawke to bring a glass of water.

  “I think you’ll be just fine,” Jared pronounced after helping Jace lie back down. “Stay in bed. I mean it. At least all day today and maybe again tomorrow depending on how you feel.”

  “B-but I need to get back to my motel at least. And call my boss to let him know. Oh, and my truck.”

  “I’ll take care of all that,” Hawke said from the doorway. “And you’re in no shape to travel anyway. You stay right where you are and let us worry about it.”

  “That’s awfully nice, but…I think, I think I should go, you know?”

  Jace was mumbling, his voice soft and confused. He was already falling back asleep. Hawke came over to kneel down next to him and murmured soothingly to him. It was mostly nonsense, but Jace responded to it, closing his eyes, too sick to protest much of anything. The doctor drew the covers back over him and came over to Hawke. “He’ll be fine, I think, but call me if the pain worsens. Just let him rest today and I’ll come back and check him in the morning.”

  “Thanks, Doc,” Hawke said, “But is it okay for him to be asleep? On TV they never let a person go to sleep if he’s had a concussion.”

  “It’s a slight concussion so he should be fine. He’s already been sleeping most of the night, right? He has a bad bump on the head, but he seems exhausted and more in shock than anything else. Keeping him warm and quiet is the best thing for him.”

  “Sure you don’t want a cup of coffee or something?”

  “No thanks, I need to take a nap before tonight. Lock your boy up good and tight. Make sure he doesn’t wander tonight. He might not be so lucky next time.”

  “Don’t worry, I intend to.” He passed a big hand over his face. “I need a nap myself before I can do much of anything, though. Thanks for coming, Jared.”

  The doctor nodded and waved as he went back to his car, and Jared turned toward his bedroom. He needed to get Jace’s clothes off so he could rest better and that thought made him curse himself for being a fucking pig again as his dick rose up with a mind of its own. Determinedly, he strode into his own bedroom and flung himself down on his bed. He had to get some sleep.

  Turning on his side, he closed his eyes and began to drift almost at once. An arm snaked around his waist and pulled him back against a warm, hard body. Moaning a little, Hawke scooted his ass back into his mate’s groin, loving the feel of Jace’s hard cock against his ass. His mate leaned up and dropped little nibbling kisses down the side of his neck and even though Hawke knew this was a dream, he allowed himself to enjoy it.

  “You have to tell me about all this soon, you know,” his mate said softly in his ear. “I’m not going to be satisfied with any excuses, either. You’ll have to tell me the truth.”

  “I know, Jace, but once I tell you, you’ll freak the hell out. And then I can’t let you leave. I probably can’t let you leave anyway. You know that, right?”

  One of his mate’s hands trailed down his stomach and played around with his belly button before moving on down to his cock, which eagerly sprang up to meet it.

  “I guess so. I’ll probably fight you, but you have to protect the pride, don’t you?”

  Hawke nodded, moaning as one of the wicked fingers slipped down into his slit.

  “Tell me what you want to do to me, Sheriff,” the soft, seductive voice said in his ear.

  “I want to fuck you…hard…I want you to know how it feels for me to be inside you, coming in you…making you scream out my name.”

  “Oh, yeah,” the boy said softly, teasing his ear with his teeth. “I need you inside me.”

  Hawke rolled him onto his back and pushed up the boy’s legs. He reached for a bottle of oil that magically appeared next to the bed—this was his dream, after all—and drizzled it over the boy’s cleft and his own cock. He slowly stroked the oil in his soft pucker and smiled down at his mate.

  “So beautiful, Jace.” He tried to go slow, but when he felt Jace’s tight ring close hard around his shaft, his blood boiled through his veins and the gripped his ass hard and slammed himself inside, ripping a cry from Jace’s lips—or was that his own cry? He drove himself in again and again, snarling with desire and pleasure. Jace’s hand was pumping his shaft, his head thrown back on the pillow in ecstasy. Hawke brushed his hand away and took over the job, pumping hard and steady.

  With a scream, Jace came, clamping down hard on Hawke’s dick and coating Hawke’s hand with his pearly cum. Hawke quickly followed him with a scream of his own and filled his ass with his seed. His whole body quivered again and again as the body-wracking climax faded, leaving these little pulses of pleasure in its wake. He pulled Jace up to him, unable to get close enough, his cheek laid against his forehead as they both struggled to breathe.

  Hawke drifted in the sweet dream then until a sudden scream from the next room jolted him out of bed. Disoriented, he jumped to his fee and almost smacked into the doorway as he tried to run down the hall to the guestroom, not knowing what to expect. His heart was racing with adrenalin from the scream that had curdled his blood, and he was shaking all over.

  When he got into the room, Jace was sitting up against the headboard of the bed, his eyes wide open but empty as a derelict house. Both hands were out in front of him as if to push someone or something off him. He was yelling, “No, no, get off me! Someone help me, please!”

  Hawke sat down on the bed next to him and tried to put his arms around him, but Jace fought Hawke off with everything in him. Speaking soothingly and holding the boy with both his arms around him, Hawke was finally able to calm him. Jace’s eyes slowly cleared, and Hawke saw when the light finally dawned in them, and Jace became aware of where he was and who was holding him.

  Hawke relaxed his grip on Jace and was about to move back when Jace grabbed him around the neck and held on as if his life depended on it. “Don’t leave me. Stay…please!”

  Hawke looked down at Jace’s lean body and nodded. Damn it. After that dream, he had to sleep next to his boy and not touch him in any kind of sexual way. The next few hours would be torturous, to say the least.

  Hawke lay down beside Jace and pulled the covers back over both of them. Jace snuggled back up into his side and Hawke rolled his eyes and groaned.

  The dream Jace turned over then and smiled at him. “I’m glad you stayed with me.”

  “It’s not a good idea, Jace.”

  “Yes, I know. But it’s what I want.”

need to talk about some things first,” Hawke said as Jace’s hand slid down to caress his cock.

  “Talk later,” Jace said as he pushed Hawke back on the bed and began kissing and licking his way down his body.

  As Jace’s tongue reached his dick and tickled the slit, licking the pre-cum, Hawke groaned, his eyes rolling back in his head. “Oh, fuck. Much later.”

  Jace smiled up at him and began in earnest then. Hawke watched as he got up on his knees and turned so his cute ass was toward him. He bent over his cock with that naked ass in the air. Hawke wondered briefly why in his dreams Jace was always naked, but since he really didn’t care—it was a good look for him--he paid closer attention to what was going on at his groin. Jace took Hawke’s stiff dick into his mouth and began to suck, while massaging Hawke’s balls. Between feeling that and looking at Jace’s butt up in the air, Hawke thought that there was a very good chance he just might explode. He reached out to caress Jace’s butt and then put his hand between the boy’s legs to massage his balls, eliciting a moan that made Hawke smile.

  Hawke wet his finger with saliva, his mind not helpfully supplying the lube this time in his dream, and moved it slowly down Jace’s crease to his hole. He took his time, waiting for some kind of reaction. He got it – Jace wiggled his ass and backed into Hawke’s finger. Hawke knew what that meant and slid his finger into Jace’s tight little hole. Another moan. Was it Jace or was it him?

  Hawke couldn’t be still as he felt the pressure building in him. He felt that he should let Jace know that he was about to come, so he rasped out, “Close.”

  Jace stopped moving his mouth just long enough to say, “Go ahead,” around his cock. Or anyway, something like that. The vibration of whatever he said was enough to do it for Hawke.

  He exploded and Jace kept up a steady suction. When he’d finally milked him dry, Hawke was completely spent, but wanted to do something for Jace, so he rolled him to his side and told him, “Get up on your knees.” He reached under Jace and took his cock in his hand, while sliding his finger back into his hole and beginning a rhythm of jacking him off and finger-fucking him. Jace moaned and alternately pushed toward the hand on his dick and then back toward the finger in his ass.


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