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Perdition Page 23

by Scott McKay

  But the story behind this exchange was beginning to fascinate her. If General Dees was sending the Udar headman, who the rumors said was named Ago’an, back to his troops as part of some strategic scheme, she was highly curious as to what it could be. Anything that would ultimately result in bad things happening to the enemy, she’d approve of. But after her ordeal, what she craved were details of those bad things. She didn’t particularly like discovering that about herself, but so be it, she thought.

  “What dark strategy, Rob?”

  “I don’t have the whole story,” he said, “but based on what I’ve picked up over the last couple of days and then finding out about this exchange, here’s my speculation.”

  Sarah was engrossed now. She could tell Aunt Rebecca was, too. The children, Ethan and Hannah, didn’t really look like they cared.

  “All right, so here it is,” Rob explained. “Nine days ago, the day after everybody spent the night here right after your rescue, I was at the train station and I saw some soldiers carrying a box off a locomotive car which looked like it had been sealed in wax, and they were wearing hoods, goggles and gloves like you’d see in an infirmary when a patient has one of those highly-infectious diseases. You know what I mean?”

  Sarah and Rebecca nodded.

  “Then I heard they had this Ago’an and they interrogated him for hours, but he wouldn’t say anything. But suddenly, the rumor was that he’d broken, and they were sending him home. That was right before the alarm went out that the Udar were heading to attack Trenory. Remember?”

  “That was…eight days ago?” Sarah said, calculating a timeline.

  “I think it was eight days ago,” Rebecca said. “In fact, I know it was, because Patrick and Alice were here that night for dinner, and the word had just gone out about Trenory, and Patrick wouldn’t say a word.”

  “And then the next day he and I bought that property in the morning, and he bought that house just afterward,” Rob said, “and right after that, he said he had a mission and he was leaving, but wouldn’t say where.”

  “It was right around then when the streets got in an uproar about how none of the Udar would be hung,” Sarah noted.

  “Right,” Rob said. “So, Adelaide leaves six days ago. Now it comes back with Matthew and the others from the prisoner exchange. That’s the timeframe for a trip back and forth to Strongstead.”

  “Right,” Sarah said, motioning for him to go on.

  “Three days, the time to get there, is the timeframe for the Blue Pox to turn deadly. And I’ll bet that’s what was in that sealed box that came off the train.”

  “Wow,” said Sarah.

  She figured Rob might be right that sending them one of their own people who was infected with the Blue Pox was what Commander Baker was up to. The Blue Pox, she reasoned, could well be a superweapon of sorts against the savages. Especially given what she had seen of the Udar and how they lived.

  The Blue Pox was very deadly, but what was known about it was that you contracted it by handling things people infected with it handled. Or if you exchanged bodily fluids with somebody who had it.

  And the Udar shared everything. They didn’t have private property. They didn’t even, outside of special circumstances, have monogamous sex lives. So, if somebody had the Blue Pox they’d be eating and drinking out of communal plates and cups and they’d be having sex with different people, or even multiple different people, every night.

  That disease would spread like wildfire in an Udar camp, she reasoned.

  “I think that’s it, Rob,” she said. “And if you’re right, it’s brilliant.”

  Rebecca piped up. “You’re saying they infected this Ago’an and then sent him back as a carrier of the Blue Pox?”

  “That’s what I think happened, Aunt Rebecca,” Rob said.

  “Oh, that’s awful,” she spat.

  “Aunt!” Sarah said. “How can you say it’s awful?”

  “Because it is,” she responded. “It’s murder. It’s not the Blessed Path at all.”

  “It’s resistance,” Rob said. “We’re in a war. They’re attacking us. We’re justified in fighting them any way we can, and if they die of the Blue Pox on the other side of the Tweade that’s as blessed a result as we could imagine.”

  “I hate it,” Rebecca said. “I understand why the General would do it, and getting Matthew back home safe is worth anything to me. But it’s awful.”

  Rob’s nostrils flared for a moment, but then he stood and walked to Rebecca’s chair. He took her hand and kissed it. “You’re a kind heart, Aunt Rebecca,” he said. “That’s why we love you.”

  She smiled at him.

  “Should we put on our formal best to greet your brother, then?” she asked.

  And Sarah knew she wouldn’t get her day of rest tomorrow after all.

  End Of Part One


  I’m doing something a bit different with Perdition than I did with Animus, the first book in the Tales of Ardenia series, and this is something of an experiment. I hope the reader will indulge me, if not find the whole thing an enjoyable departure from the norm.

  As you can see, the conflict between the Ardenians and the Udar is an epic one, and there are many individual stories within this grand tale. It makes for Perdition to be quite a long book, nearly 900 pages’ worth.

  As a reader myself, 900 pages, or even 1,000 pages, isn’t daunting. If I’m engrossed by the story I can plow through that length and more, and some of the best books I’ve read were that long. In a genre of an epic story, like for example Ken Follett’s Kingsbridge series or George R.R. Martin’s Game of Thrones books, nothing less than that length will do sometimes.

  But I recognize lots of people simply won’t have the time to plow through a long book like that even with the whole world forced to take a time out thanks to the coronavirus event (which will hopefully be over long before the Tales of Ardenia series is discovered).

  Accordingly, this is the first of four parts in which Perdition will unfold. Part Two is set for release in early May 2020, Part Three in late May and Part Four in June, at which time the paperback version of Perdition containing all four parts will be due for release and, hopefully, the audiobook of the whole thing as well.

  The trend appears to be toward more serialized novels to take advantage of modern audiences’ attention spans and preferences, and with the increasing role of self-published books and digital reading platforms, it makes sense. What you have here is a response to that trend.

  Feel free to let us know whether it’s something you’d like to see repeated in the future books of the Tales of Ardenia series on our Tales of Ardenia Facebook page. And check there and at the Tales of Ardenia website for updates on future installments. Thanks for reading!

  Scott McKay

  April 8, 2020



  Places and Things


  Afan'di (Uh-FAWN-dee) - a home camp of the Udar

  Algarem (ALL-guh-remm) – five very powerful women serving Palace Keepers at the Ikotai Palace in the Udar capital Qor Udar.

  Aniwa'di (AHN-ee-WAD-dee) - an hallucinogenic cactus which grows in Uris Udar; used to make the intoxicating marwai liquor

  Anur (Uh-NOOR) - a mobile military camp; the basic unit of Udar society

  Avoy (Uh-VOY) - An Udar exclamation meaning "Now!"

  Azmeri (Uhz-MERRY) - a sacrifice to the Udar god Ur'akeen

  Ba’kalo (Buh-KAH-low) – An Udar halberd

  Enafan'di (In-a-FAWN-dee) - an Udar religious law holding that no Udar warrior should ever die a peaceful death outside his Afan'di, or home camp.

  Gana'fali (GANN-a-FAHL-ee) - a shoreline on the Leopold Bay coast on which the Ardenian fortress of Strongstead was built. The Udar consider the shore a sacred place.

  Gazol (Ga-ZOLL) – An Udar curved sword; like a cutlass, but with a skinnier blade

  Gibor (Gee-BORR) -
a berry similar to belladonna, though less toxic; which grows in Uris Udar; used to make the intoxicating marwai liquor

  Iabos (EE-ah-BOSE) – the shore along the Gulf of Udar near the mouth of the river Ur’akeen.

  Ikotai (Ick-uh-TYE) – the grand hall of the Evatuan Palace in the Udar capital in which the country’s king, or sa’halet, holds court.

  In’gur (Inn-GOOR) – According to Udar prophecy, a ruler in control of the entire Great Continent

  Izwei (IZZway) – An Udar fighting knife, consisting of a two-sided blade with thick barbs on each side

  Javeen (Jah-VEEN) - an Ardenian woman held as a concubine by an Udar Anur

  Kawes'kin (COW-us-KEEN) - an Udar tradition in which battles and disputes are decided through single combat

  Kayesthu (KIE-ess-THOO) – an Udar traditional celebration involving a great deal of sexual activity and alcoholic spirits, held upon the return of a long-absent member of an Anur.

  Lepon'hin (Luh-pun-HEEN) - the Udar name for The Throat, the isthmus dividing the two lands

  Marwai (MARR-wye) - an intoxicating Udar liquor made from gibor berries similar to belladonna and aniwa'di, a hallucinogenic cactus; its effects include making its user quite docile

  Qur Udar (KOOR-OO-DAR) - the capital city of Uris Udar

  Rochat (Ro-KOTT) - An Udar command meaning "Submit!"

  Sa'halet (Suh-HALL-it) - the title given to the Udar king; also the high priest of the Udar religion, who communicates with the god Ur'akeen through dreams and visions

  Ur'akeen (Oo-rah-KEEN) - The Udar god

  Var'asha (Varr-ASH-uh) - an Udar headman of an Anur tribe

  Vitau'hi (Vee-TAU-hye) - the dreaded Blood Raptor, a giant predatory bird thought to be extinct which kills its victims in an especially gruesome way

  Ardenia and others

  Alvedorne – a fabulously wealthy city, pop., 2,200,000, located on the Great Mountain Lake in western Ardenia. Alvedorne, the third-largest city in the nation, is the headquarters of the Thorne Enterprises conglomerate

  Azuria – a medium-sized (pop. 75,000) city along the Sunset Sea coast where Butch Henry and John Forling are from

  Barley Point – a small city (pop. 3,000) located along the river Tweade

  Battleford – a small city (pop. 8,000) located along the river Tweade

  Belgarden – a large (pop. 1,500,000) city along the Morgan River and a Peace Party stronghold known for political corruption. Belgarden is Ardenia’s fourth-largest city

  Benchford Armory – the maker of an inferior military rifle

  Blue Pox – a dread highly-infectious hemorrhagic viral plague used as a bioweapon

  Bergod (Berr-GOAD) - a port in the nation of Thosia.

  Carmody Farm – the site of the First Airfighter Squadron’s home base north of Trenory

  Cavol (Kuh-VOLL) - a nation across the Great Sea; the home of the infamous Mottled Men

  Divinate (Duh-VINE-et) Academy- the most prestigious religious school in Ardenia

  Deciran - the unit of Ardenian currency, based on the value of 1/10th of an ounce of gold

  Dulsey – the maker of an inferior chain gun

  Dunnansport – a small city (pop. 5,000) located at the mouth of the river Tweade

  Faith Supernal - the national religion in Ardenia

  Fort Bountiful – one of six forts near the Udar border and three located in The Throat

  Fort Claire – one of six forts near the Udar border, eventually retaken by Will Forling’s 11th Cavalry Division

  Fort Harrow – one of six forts near the Udar border, located in The Throat

  Fort Murtaugh – one of six forts near the Udar border, located on the Sunset Sea

  Fort Stuart – the Ardenian military stronghold in Dunnan’s Claim and the eventual home of the First Airship Squadron

  Fort Walder – one of six forts near the Udar border, located in The Throat

  Gray Demons – the name given to Reese Bloodworth’s counterintelligence unit by the Udar

  Lord of All - the deity worshipped in Ardenia according to the Faith Supernal

  Mountaineer – the maker of a hunting rifle used by the military as a substitute for the inferior Benchford

  Peace Party - the dominant political party in Ardenia, holding the large majority of Delegate seats in the Parliament

  Port Excelsior – a large (pop. 2,500,000) city on the eastern seaboard of Ardenia, the second-largest city in the nation

  Port William – a large (pop. 300,000) city at the mouth of the Sornan River

  Principia – the capital city (pop. 6,000,000) of Ardenia, located at the mouth of the Morgan River

  Prosperitans - one of two opposition parties in Ardenia. When the former majority party the Party of Enterprise split apart, Prosperitans and Terrorialists became competing opposition factions to the Peace Party.

  Resinan (Rez-ZINN-un) - principal city of Leria

  Societam (So-SY-et-um) - The legislative seat of Ardenia, akin to the U.S. Capitol. The Ardenian parliament, composed of delegates, meets at the Societam.

  Sounder Company – a maker of airships headquartered in Trentham

  Strongstead - a massive Ardenian fortress located on the coast of Leopold Bay, on a shoreline the Udar call Gana'fali. Thought impregnable.

  Sunrise Temple - one of Principia's most prominent institutions dedicated to worship of the Lord of All and provision of social aid; located in the mostly-poor Ackerton District on the east side of the capital city.

  Territorialists - one of two opposition parties in Ardenia. When the former majority party the Party of Enterprise split apart, Prosperitans and Terrorialists became competing opposition factions to the Peace Party.

  The Throat - a mountainous isthmus dividing the northern and southern portions of the Great Continent. Closing The Throat to the Udar is a national-security imperative the Ardenians have, according to critics, paid insufficient attention to.

  Thosia – a nation across the Great Sea and a trading partner of Ardenia

  Thurman Rifle Company – the maker of the world’s best rifle, located in Trenory

  Trenory (TRENN-or-ry) - The largest city in southwest Ardenia, pop. 200,000

  Trunxton – the maker of the best chain gun in the world

  Valoria – a large (pop. 400,000) city along the Castoria River north of Principia at which the Ardenian Army Officer College

  Waldiver (WALL-div-ver) - a prominent finishing school for girls in Trenory

  Willow Falls – a medium sized (pop. 125,000) city near the source of the Morgan River


  Ago'an (AH-go-AWN) - an Udar military commander, brother of the Udar king and in charge of the Udar invasion of Ardenia

  Aqor (AY-core) – the first sa’halet, or ruler, of all the Udar, whose prophecies are still influential in its governance some two thousand years later

  Baker, Patrick - a naval commander and captain of the Ardenian naval ship Adelaide

  Blake, Heather – a reporter for The Conciliator who becomes Abraham Dees’ love interest

  Bloodworth, Reese – an Ardenian spy and counterintelligence operative

  Blue, Milton – a cavalryman stationed in The Throat; Butch Henry’s initial platoon commander

  Bradbury, Mark – a former race-car driver recruited to pioneer biplane flight; Bradbury commands the First Airfighter Squadron

  Broadham, Joseph - translator on the Ardenian naval ship Adelaide, and son of famous Ardenian author Georgia Broadham

  Crain, Bill – a cavalryman stationed with Butch Henry in The Throat

  Cross, Preston - father of Sebastian Cross; the head of a super-rich Morgan River Valley family

  Cross, Sebastian - a famous aviator who circumnavigated the planet in an airship; CEO of the Airbound Corporation, an airship line

  Dees, Abraham - an Ardenian general, the head of the Army-Navy Office of Special Warfare

  Dutton, Henry – a wealthy landowner and venture capitalist from the rich Morgan River Val

  Edyene (Edd-YENN-ay) - an Udar female captured at sea by the Ardenian vessel Adelaide; she asked for and was granted permission to defect

  Fletcher, Veronica– eldest daughter of Adam Thorne

  Forling, John – older brother of Will Forling; a mining magnate living in Azuria at the outbreak of war

  Forling, William - the youngest son of John and Lillian Forling of Grayvern Farm in the Dunnan's Claim territory; a cavalry officer involved in the defense of Ft. Stuart and the retaking of Battleford

  Gale, Dan – an Udar assassin, bombmaker, terrorist and spy

  Gray, Ralph - a powerful Delegate of the Ardenian Parliament from Belgarden

  Greene, Catherine – the president of Ardenia; a member of the Peace Party

  Gregg, Madison - the Cross family solicitor and a powerful lobbyist at the Ardenian capitol

  Gregory, Winston - a prominent Peace Party political boss from Belgarden

  Gresham, Winford - an aviation engineer and Sebastian Cross' business partner in the Airbound Corporation airship line

  Harms, Horace - a powerful Delegate to the Ardenian Parliament from the city of Belgarden

  Hays, Samuel – an Ardenian inventor kidnapped and brought to Uris Udar to work on his invention of the wireless communications machine

  Henry, Ann – mother of Butch Henry

  Henry, Butch – a young cavalryman originally stationed at Ft. Walder in the Throat who becomes a hero at Strongstead

  Irving, Boyd - an Ardenian Marine captain in charge of customs at the river port of Barley Point

  Irving, Helen - sister of Boyd Irving and a resident of Barley Point

  James, Paul – the cavalry captain in charge of Fort Harrow

  Kyle, Bradley – an airship pilot in the Ardenian Air Force

  Latham, H.V. - an architect from Port William engaged to design an upgrade to Hilltop Farm

  La’ufa – An Udar scientist collaborating with the captured Ardenian inventor Samuel Hays on the development of the Udar wireless communications machine.

  Mills, Michael – an airship pilot in the Ardenian Air Force


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