Found at the Rock Concert

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Found at the Rock Concert Page 20

by Christi Snow

  Whatever they needed. Whatever they wanted. He was here and willing to relinquish it, and that was before they started moving.

  Daniel breathed out a harsh breath against the back of Austin’s neck as he became fully seated inside his ass.

  Luke cupped Austin’s cheek. “You okay?”

  Words wouldn’t come right now, so he just swallowed and nodded.

  “Good,” he finally croaked out, even as tears flooded his eyes. But it wasn’t in response to the pain, although there was that, too. No one could be this full and not experience some burn.

  No, this moment simply overwhelmed him when all three of them were joined as one. He wasn’t one to get sappy, but fuck...this felt momentous.

  “I think...” His chest hitched as he chased his words and kept his body immobile. “I think someone should probably move now.”

  Luke met Daniel’s gaze over his shoulder. “You or me?”

  “You first,” Daniel said, “and I’ll match my rhythm to yours.”

  Both men grabbed hold of his hips, but it was Luke who thrust up slowly as he pulled Austin in tight. Then he slowly slid out and pushed him back as Daniel slid in tighter. They began to move in tandem, slowly finding their rhythm, going faster and harder.

  Austin growled low. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.”

  With the tight fit, constant pressure lifted and stroked his prostate. He’d totally missed his erection deflating when the two of them filled him, but now every blood cell in his body felt like it flooded south, filling his cock to the extreme in moments. His heart pounded in his chest and he couldn’t breathe. His balls were tight and the pain of needing to come mixed with the general confused signals flooding his entire groin area.

  “Luke,” Daniel choked out as his rhythm faltered, “tell me you’re close.”

  Austin clung to Luke’s shoulders as Luke answered with a groan, his dick pulsing deep inside Austin’s ass.

  “Thank fucking god,” Daniel sighed as he thrust once more and then held, his groan echoing in Austin’s ear.

  To know both men were orgasming inside him sent Austin over the edge. His dick surged, untouched, as thick jets of cum shot out the tip.

  When his body at last relented, he collapsed against Luke’s chest, his breath panting out in gusts.

  Daniel lay draped over his back. “I don’t think I will ever be able to move again,” Daniel said.

  Austin murmured his agreement. His muscles had dissolved into mush and he wanted to drift off to sleep. Both the cocks inside him were softening, leaving him with a sated pleasant sensation that he didn’t want to let go of anytime soon.

  But Luke—ever the man in charge—nudged the two of them. “Come on. Everyone up. We need to get inside before you two pass out and this snow gets worse.”

  As Daniel slipped off his back and out of his ass, Austin lifted his head, just now noticing that the snow had begun to fall again. The hot tub was protected from the elements by an open-sided roof so he hadn’t realized it before.

  By unspoken agreement, Luke and Austin worked in tandem to avert any awkwardness for Daniel. As Austin got out of the hot tub and gathered up all their things, Luke grabbed Daniel and pulled him into a tight embrace, kissing him luxuriantly. He then rose out of the water, carrying Daniel with him as they continued to make out.

  Austin stood nearby to offer a hand in case Luke got off balance, but those incredible muscles weren’t just for show. They moved and flexed with complete control as Luke got both him and Daniel out of the hot tub.

  They scrambled across the deck and inside, out of the freezing cold temperatures.

  Without anyone saying a word, they headed straight toward the bedroom.

  As Austin settled under the covers between these two incredible men, he sighed in contentment.

  His body ached in all the right places, two men held him like he were the most precious person in the world, and his mind had mellowed in the sated aftermath of their lovemaking.

  For so many years, he’d thought that topping was his preferred method of sexual penetration, but he was so wrong. Everything was different with Luke and Daniel. They fulfilled him in a way he’d never known before.

  This moment was perfect.

  He just wasn’t sure what that meant for the future.

  Chapter Seventeen


  “ I did not expect this.”

  Daniel awoke to a familiar sounding feminine voice.

  Feminine? There were no women here.

  “Remind me of this whenever I say that boss-man has a stick up his ass again.” A male voice this time.

  But Daniel didn’t recognize it. What the fuck?

  He probably should open his eyes, but damn, it felt like they’d just gone to sleep.

  “Who knew Austin was capable of such sexy times?” That came from the guy again.

  Daniel didn’t understand what was happening and he just wanted to snuggle into Austin’s chest and go back to sleep. Their lovemaking from the hot tub had continued when they’d come inside and lasted until the wee hours of the morning.

  But someone apparently had other plans for him besides sleep.

  Daniel lifted his head from where he’d been sleeping on Austin’s bare chest. His scowl shifted to the doorway and the owners of those voices.

  “Morning, sunshine,” his cousin Brady said with a sing-song voice and a smirk. He stood just inside the doorway with his wife, Emily, and another put-together, slim man that Daniel didn’t know. All three of them were smiling gleefully into the room.

  “Oh, fuck,” he whispered as he glanced over at his still-sleeping bed companions, both of whom were showing enough skin in the fire-warmed room that the group at the door couldn’t doubt their nudity.

  But then Luke lifted his head and frowned at Daniel. “Whu...what’s wrong?”

  “We need to get up. We have guests.” He nodded his head at the doorway and their very rude guests.

  “Oh, fuck,” Luke said in a repeat of Daniel’s expletive just moments earlier.

  “That’s what I’m saying,” the strange man at the doorway said as he leered at them more. “It’s been too long since I’ve been fucked. How can I get myself a man-sandwich like that?”

  “Um, Prescott,” Emily whispered, but Daniel could hear her laughter trying to break through. “That may be too much information. How about we give them some privacy so they can get up?”

  “That’s okay,” Prescott said. “I think I’ll stay here and enjoy the view.”

  Whoever Prescott was, he was obviously a world-class flirt.

  “Do you want Austin to fire you? Come on.” It sounded like Emily and Prescott had a mild scuffle at the doorway before the door shut firmly behind them.

  Prescott may have muscle mass over Emily, but Emily was tougher than nails. She’d always win that battle.

  Daniel met Luke’s concerned gaze over Austin’s chest. “I think we wore him out,” Daniel whispered.

  He didn’t want to wake Austin up. He didn’t want their romantic rendezvous to end. He didn’t want to face up to reality yet.

  That had been the story of his life over the past few years.


  He had no idea how Austin would react to other people knowing about them. They’d assured him that wouldn’t happen.

  His chest grew tight. If they woke Austin up, would they ever have a moment like this again with just the three of them? Daniel didn’t think so. He hadn’t missed the fact that Austin never discussed them doing anything together once they left this little cabin. He wasn’t ready to lose this, to lose the two of them, these two men who’d come to mean so much to him in such a short amount of time.

  Luke reached across Austin’s chest to cup Daniel’s cheek. “We knew we’d have to face reality eventually, right?”

  “Yeah,” Daniel threaded his fingers through Luke’s. “I’d just hoped that we could put it off a little longer.”

  “What are you two yammering abou
t? It’s still the middle of the night. Some of us need sleep.” Austin’s words were sleep-filled and grumpy, but Daniel could hear the affection in them. Austin’s hand stroked down Daniel’s bare back, reminding him they were all still naked.

  No matter that they’d made love for the last time just a couple of hours before his body and dick flared to life under Austin’s touch.

  “Unfortunately,” Luke said as he nuzzled against Austin’s neck, “sleep’s no longer an option. Our interlude has been rudely intruded upon. We have guests in the cabin and need to get up.”

  Until that point, Austin had been relaxed and visibly sinking into the mattress and the heat of his two men, but at those words, his eyes shot open in alarm and he tensed. “Someone’s here?” He sat shot straight out of bed and over Daniel and began to scramble around for clothes.

  “Who is it? Did they see us? Oh, fuck. It will happen again.”

  Daniel looked over at Luke in alarm even as he started fitting on his prostheses. Austin was in a full-blown panic and they had to help him.

  Luke jumped out of bed and strode across the room to Austin, completely blasé about his gorgeous, naked body. “Hey, Austin, it’s okay.” Luke pulled Austin to a stop, grabbing Austin’s chin to make Austin meet his gaze. “It’s just Brady and Emily and your PA. No one that you can’t trust. Relax.”

  Austin’s shoulders visibly drooped. “Oh. Okay.” He ran a shaking hand through his hair. “That’s good. Right?” He asked, but purposefully avoided meeting either his or Luke’s concerned gazes. “We can keep this contained.”

  This didn’t bode well.

  “Um, I guess we’re rescued, right? Yay.” Austin’s voice cracked on that final word. “Let me go see how the roads are.” Then Austin left the room without ever looking at the two of them again.

  Luke turned to him and ran a frustrated hand across his scalp. “Well, that could have gone better.”


  Seriously, such an understatement. “We probably should get dressed. He’s so worked up, I wouldn’t put it past him to take off before we can even get out there.”

  “Damn. You’re right.” Luke scrambled to grab their clothes off the floor, throwing Daniel’s to him.

  They had to salvage this. Right?


  In the bedroom, Luke had seen the panic in Daniel’s eyes.

  In the living room, he started to feel his own panic.

  Austin scrambled around the room, cleaning and gathering up his possessions. At the same time, he drilled both Emily and Prescott about what he’d missed at Hodges Media. This was the CEO taking charge of his realm. It would be hot if Luke didn’t see that with every statement and movement, Austin was removing himself further and further from Daniel and Luke’s reach.

  “No one knows I’ve been here, right?” Austin asked.

  At Prescott’s affirmation, he nodded quickly. “Good. Good. We’ll keep it that way.”

  “Austin, slow down. Relax.” Luke would have gone over to connect to Austin by touch to relax him if Austin wasn’t completely ignoring that he was in the room. “Slow down, and let’s figure out a plan for the holiday.”

  For a moment, devastation crossed Austin’s expression, but then he cleared it with a shake of his head, even as the other three people in the room waited with concern wreathing their expressions.

  “The plan is that I need to get back to New York before anyone figures out I’ve been away. No one can know I was here.” He’d finished throwing items into his bag and now patted his pockets for his wallet and cell phone.

  Everyone could see that Austin was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack and no one wanted to be the one to set him off. He wasn’t meeting anyone’s gaze.

  “Luckily, Prescott realized I was missing, so he came up to rescue me,” Austin was speaking at what sounded like a million words per minute, like if he got the words out fast enough, no one could dare to debate them. “So, now I can get out of here and leave you and Daniel alone like I meant you to be.”

  Daniel made it into the room to hear the final part of that announcement. “Like hell you will. You’re staying here with us.”

  Austin stilled. Everyone in the room seemed to hold their breath. He stood there for a moment staring at the floor, then he closed his eyes and swallowed hard. For a moment, Luke thought Daniel might have gotten through to him, but then Austin shook his head, still not looking directly at them.

  Luke’s stomach plummeted.

  “No, that was never the plan,” Austin said. “I have things that I need to get back to New York for. I have a life and work and...” he waved a hand in the air, becoming flustered. “I’m needed in New York. Come on, Prescott. Let’s go.”

  Emily crossed her arms over her chest as she studied her cousin. “Nope. That won’t happen. For one thing, we all arrived in the same SUV—it has three row seating, so plenty of room for everyone—so we’ll all be leaving together. For another, it’s two days until Christmas and there is no way I’m letting you go back to New York to work over the holiday. Stay here or come with us. We’ll all go to the Gresham Compound and spend the holiday together. Prescott, does that work for you or do you have a family you need to get to?”

  “Well, when Austin went missing, and I realized I would be in the area, I booked myself a little Gays on the Slopes weekend in Aspenridge, so you can just drop me in town.”

  Austin huffed out a breath of annoyance at his assistant. “Obviously you were very concerned about my welfare.”

  “Meh.” Prescott shrugged, but the corners of his mouth quirking up showed that he might just be pulling Austin’s chain a bit. “I knew you to be the enterprising CEO you are. I figured you’d found someplace warm and cozy to hunker down for the storm. And lookie there...”

  Prescott smirked at the group of men. “There’s warm.” He waved at Luke. “And cozy.” He signaled toward Daniel. “I knew you’d come out on top...or bottom...or with there being three of you, I’m guessing both.” He winked at Austin whose face had become incrementally redder the longer Prescott spoke.

  “Prescott,” Austin said in a monotone voice that belied the anger brewing in his expression.

  “Yeah, boss?”

  “You’re fired.”

  “Okay.” Luke grabbed hold of Austin’s shoulders before he did something he’d regret. Austin looked close to physically attacking his PA. “Austin, I think you forgot something in the bedroom. Let Daniel show you.” He passed Austin to Daniel and gently shoved the two of them toward the bedroom.

  But Austin wasn’t having any of it. He turned on Luke with his arms folded across his chest, revolt broadcasting in his stiff posture and his hard gaze that he’d finally directed at Luke. “Are you going to tell me I’m not allowed to make my own decisions now?”

  “No. You’re an adult fully capable of making all the bad choices you want, but you may want to slow your roll before you alienate the people in this room who are on your side no matter what...” Luke waved over at Brady, Emily, and Prescott, “unless you become too big of an asshole for them to overlook.”

  Austin closed his eyes for a moment and then blew out a big sigh on opening again. He let his arms drop. “You’re right.” He turned toward their three rescuers. “I’m sorry.”

  Emily walked over to him and took his hand. “We took you by surprise. You’ve never liked those. Relax. No one here will judge you. No one at the Compound knows or cares about what’s been going on between the three of you. The only thing they care about is if Daniel is happy and healthy.” She glanced behind the two of them where Daniel lingered looking hopeful that Austin’s sister could convince him to come to spend Christmas with all of them. “I’m guessing that you spending Christmas with him would go a long way toward that happiness.”

  Daniel nodded, and she winked at him.

  “But if it makes you feel better about it, stay with Brady and I at our cabin in the Gresham Compound. No pressure, but all the hot toddies you cou
ld want. Come on, Austin. I miss getting to relax with my big brother. We’ll have fun.”

  As she’d been speaking, Austin’s stiff posture had slowly relaxed.

  Scared to hope, Luke held his breath.

  For a moment, Austin was quiet, but then he nodded his head. “Okay, but I’m coming as your brother.” He glanced over at Luke and then Daniel. “Nothing else.”

  Message received.

  Hearts broken.

  But he wasn’t beyond their grasp yet, so they still had hope.

  Luke met Daniel’s gaze and could see the same determination that he felt. They had time to convince Austin.

  This wasn’t over yet.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Daniel’s diminutive mother wrapped her arms around his back, even as she murmured, “I knew in my mind you were safe and secure, but I’m so happy to see you with my own eyes.”

  Her voice cracked with emotion.

  While she’d driven him nuts the last few months with her hovering, he couldn’t deny his guilt over feeling that way. He’d almost died in the plane crash.

  While he wasn’t a parent, he couldn’t imagine the pain that had caused her. He’d seen the aftermath enough to know his death would have been her nightmare. He knew that she loved him more than anything else in her life, besides maybe his dad and younger brother. They were all on a level playing field for his mom’s devotion.

  “I’m good, Mom.” He patted her back. “Better than good, in fact. I had company through the storm. It’s a bit complicated, but Emily’s stepbrother, Austin, and Brady’s bodyguard, Luke, were both at the cabin with me.”

  His mom stepped out of his arms and sent a confused gaze to Luke who stood close behind him. “Luke, it’s good to see you again,” she said, polite as ever to the man who’d been his cousin Brady’s shadow for the last seven years.

  He took a deep breath. While he’d rather be boiled in tar than share his sexual exploits with his mother, he needed both these men in his life to know how seriously he felt about them. “If I have my way, you’ll be seeing a lot more of him and another man named Austin. He’s Emily’s ex step-brother and staying with her and Brady.”


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