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Torque Page 9

by Gillian Archer

  We both laughed as we heard James’ disgusted huff from off to the side.

  Stepping back, Austin gave me a side eye. “So who were you texting with before?”

  “Someone important to me.”

  “Really?” Austin’s eyebrows went up. “That’s all I get?”


  “Fine. But you’ll let me know when you’re ready to introduce her to the family.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Sure. You’ll be the first to know.”

  “Good. Gotta make sure she’s good enough for my little brother.”

  “Pretty sure when the time comes, it’ll be the other way around.”

  “What the hell does that mean?”

  I laughed. “You’ll see.”

  “Huh, sounds like you’re actually serious about this one.”

  I closed my eyes with a sigh. “Seriously?”


  “It’s bullshit like that that got us in this shit in the first place.”

  Austin’s brows twisted as he thought over what he’d just said before he nodded slowly. “Maybe I should just shut the hell up.”

  “Smartest thing you’ve said all day.”

  “How would you know? You’ve had your face buried in your phone texting with your girl all morning.”

  My girl. It was too early for talk like that, but still I didn’t correct him. I didn’t want to. “I stand by what I said.”

  “You ready for lunch?”

  “Sure, is it just the two of us?”

  Austin walked over to his bench to put away his pliers. “Ryan had to run home and check on Fliss and Hope. Sabrina is at the animal shelter, and I don’t think Dylan is here today.”

  He said the last like it was a totally normal statement. “Then where the hell is he?”

  “I dunno. Working on his art or some shit? He finished up painting the cans last night.” Austin nodded at the gas tank and fenders emblazoned with the cereal company’s design. The fenders painted to look like giant-sized pieces of cereal. “We don’t have any other jobs going until next week. I doubt he’ll be in until the unveiling Friday.”

  “So why don’t we have him on the phones then? Why are we hiring someone to do a job when Dylan is already getting paid to be here?”

  “Huh, that’s an idea.”

  “Won’t work,” James interjected.

  I turned to find the cameramen packing up. And the only reason James had interrupted us. Aside from our “talking head” interviews, he never addressed us during filming.

  “Why’s that?” I asked.

  “Dylan spends at least half the week in the paint shed working,” James replied. “And if you guys have more than one bike going, he’s even busier. You need someone else on the phones.”

  “Fine. We’ll hire a girl.” I turned and gave Austin my done-with-this-shit expression. “You ready for lunch?”

  “Yup, let’s get going.”

  We left James behind us without even a goodbye. Apparently, the asshole was getting to Austin too. But as we pushed the outer doors open, Austin turned to me. “So about this girl you’re seeing…”

  I groaned and tipped my head back to look at the sky.

  Apparently, Austin wasn’t done getting to me yet either.

  Chapter Eleven


  My boss, Neil, clasped his hands as he stood in front of the four of us at our staff meeting. “I’m sure you’ve all heard the news. The state is going through a budget crisis, and as you all know libraries tend to shoulder the brunt of the cutbacks.”

  My stomach dropped even as I knew what he would say next.

  “No decisions have been made yet, but I wanted to clear the air about rumors that have been going around.” He paused and sent a significant look Elaine’s way. “You should expect cutbacks. Our community spending will be cut back—that means money for children’s crafts, outreach programs, and computer upkeep. And as it’s been speculated, there will most likely be staffing cutbacks. But contrary to speculation, no one’s job is safe, not even mine. They might cut some of us or all of us or none of us. But be ready.”

  A tense silence thrummed after Neil’s announcement. I saw the wide-eyed fear reflected in my colleagues’ faces. Even catty Elaine looked a little green at the prospect of unemployment.

  After a few beats, Steve raised his hand. “When do you think they’ll make decisions?”

  “State assembly meets next week to hash out budget concerns, so I imagine a week or two after we’ll have some definite decisions.”

  The meeting broke up after that, no one really eager to linger as a death knell all but rang around us.

  It was all I could think about as I drove home. Homeless. Probably jobless in less than a month. Life was pretty depressing. I had to swipe at my cheeks a few times to stem the flow of tears. I’d known it was coming but hearing it from my boss’ mouth somehow made it all the more real.

  As I pulled up to my parking spot at Dylan’s condo, my phone buzzed with an incoming text. An unwanted dick pic to round out my awesome night? I really needed to delete that dating app.

  But when I pulled my phone out of my purse, I found a text from Nathan instead.

  Nathan: Is your meeting over? Have you had dinner?

  Before I could even process that message another one came through.

  Nathan: Or do you want to come over for some dessert and a movie?

  Did he really just invite me over for a Netflix and chill date? Wasn’t it a bit too soon?

  Although after the day I’d had, gorging myself on ice cream sounded like a smart decision. I just didn’t want Nathan front and center witnessing me eat my feelings. I wanted to wallow and just be depressed before I had to pull up my big girl panties and get back to “the plan” AKA getting my life back on track.

  Me: Meeting was rough. Raincheck?

  I didn’t wait for his reply. I was exhausted. I shoved my phone into my purse, crawled outta my car and headed for my home on the couch.

  As I walked past Nathan’s front door, it opened. “Maddie?”

  I stopped and muttered a curse. “Yeah?”

  “Do you want to talk about it?”

  “Not really.” I wanted to turn around and see him leaning all perfect against his door, but I didn’t want him to see what I looked like when I was barely holding it together. Most of the tears had dried on my cheeks, but I knew I looked a mess. And I really didn’t want to see the pity in his eyes.

  “Want to come over and make out?”

  I blinked. What the…

  This time I couldn’t resist the urge to turn and face him. And he looked just as delicious as I’d imagined. More so. His tight, white t-shirt stretched across his chiseled chest, displaying his muscles but hiding them at the same time. His right arm braced his body against the doorframe, making his bicep pop in a fascinating show of musculature while at the same time drawing my attention to the slash of gears and skulls tattooed on his arms. I wanted to trace them with my tongue. My mouth salivated at the thought.


  I blinked and looked back at his face in confusion. Crap, did I say that out loud? “What?”

  “I’m gonna take that as a yes. Feel free to change your mind at any time.” He grabbed my hand and tugged me inside his condo, the door slamming behind me.

  “Wha—” I didn’t get a chance to finish the word as his lips swooped over mine. He kissed me like he could never get enough of me. Like he was hungry for me.

  I wasn’t really capable of much thought after that. My purse fell from my shoulder with a crash, but we continued to kiss. I wrapped my arms around him, my fingers brushing against the back of his head where his hair was shorn. It prickled against my fingertips. About a zillion sensations swept through me, but all I could do was hold on and kiss him back.

  He took a few steps backward and I drunkenly followed him, his lips still pressed against mine. I didn’t know where we were going, and I didn’t care. All I w
anted was for him to keep kissing me like that.

  Somehow, we ended up on his couch, his body on top of mine. We kept kissing. We kissed as my body thrummed with need. He had fucking magical lips. Lips that could heal anything. I forgot all my problems, all my worries. All I could think was how much I wanted him. How much I wanted that hard cock hiding behind his scratchy jeans, pressing into me. I wanted it plunging into me.

  We kept kissing until I had to pull away because it was suddenly hard to breathe. “Oh my god.”

  “Ditto.” Nathan panted against my cheek as his lips cruise across my face to the delicate skin under my jaw. His teeth rasped against me before he tugged a bit of my flesh into his mouth.

  “No,” I gasped, pulling away. I shook my head. “No marks.” I didn’t want to have to cover them up—it never worked—and I didn’t want to have to explain to Hope or Sabrina where I’d gotten a hickey. Or who’d put it there.

  “No problem,” Nathan murmured as he continued to tease my skin with his teeth and lips; this time not in a way that would leave me with a mark later.

  I lay back and let him at first, just enjoying the sensation of having Nathan’s large body pressing into me. The feel of his lips on me. I clutched the back of his head in my hand as I arched up into his body. My other hand bunched in his shirt. His still jean covered cock pressed into the center of my splayed legs, my skirt and panties a thin barricade against his heat.

  Oh god. I wanted to feel him. Every part of him.

  No longer able to just lie back and take it, I pressed a hand against the middle of his chest and pushed.

  “What’s wrong?” Nathan’s question ended in a chuckle when I tugged his shirt up his body. He helped me pull it the rest of the way off and tossed it somewhere on the other side of the room.

  My greedy hands immediately cruised across his tanned, tattooed skin. My every fantasy was suddenly at my fingertips—literally. I had dreamed of being with Nathan like this for as long as I knew that this was something boys and girls did together. It was surreal. And yummy. And so worth all the anticipation. He was gorgeous. All hard planes and muscles and tattoos.

  Nathan groaned. “Christ, if you could see the expression on your face…”

  I froze, my fingers still pressed against the Badass Builds tatt on his left pec. “What?”

  Nathan huffed. “Should’ve kept my fool mouth shut. Now you’re all tense and second-guessing yourself. Stop it, Maddie. You’re beautiful. I want you.” He ground his pelvis into me as his lips kissed mine again. He kissed me until my breathing grew strained. Until I forgot what the problem was again. Finally, he pulled back and that hella hot, smug smile stretched across his lips again. “There she is.”

  “Who? Me?”

  “The doe-eyed seductress who seduced me in her bikini without even knowing. The siren who called to me from a fucking app she is too good for. I don’t know how it took me so long to see you, but I do now.” He shook his head slightly as his eyes ate me up. “I want to see more of you.”

  My breath hissed as he tugged at the bottom of my shirt. “I thought it was my turn.”

  “I thought you were too shy.” Nathan sat back on his heels as he raised an eyebrow. “But if you want to have a turn petting my body, I’m not gonna stop you.”

  I had to laugh at that. But my fingers didn’t hesitate to take up their earlier exploration. I brushed them against his chest, learning all the crests and valleys of his muscles. The way his eyes darkened when I brushed against his erect nipples. The way his stubble rasped against my skin as I leaned up to explore what made him shudder. He had a sensitive spot just below his jaw. I’d probably have stubble rash tomorrow, but I really didn’t give a crap. Nothing mattered now that I had him under my fingers.

  With a growl of frustration, he sat back against the couch and pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him.

  “That’s more like it. You can pet me and I can—” His words were swallowed by a moan as I leaned down and ran my tongue around the shell of his ear.

  “I can have my evil way with you, and you can sit back and like it,” I murmured into his ear.

  “I’m not gonna complain, sweetheart.” Nathan gave this soft chuckle that made goosebumps break out all over me. “As you were.”

  This time I was the aggressor. Kissing him until he was the one groaning and arching into me. I felt powerful as I broke away to nibble my way down his jaw to his neck. I teased the flesh there with a rasp of my teeth. “You got any rules for me?”

  “I don’t give a fuck. Do whatever you want to me, baby.”

  Oh sweet baby Jesus. He really should say shit like that to me. I groaned and ground my aching center into his jeans while I sucked and nibbled on his stubble covered neck.

  But unlike me, Nathan wasn’t content to sit back and take it. His clever fingers were busy fondling my still clothed breasts. He cupped my breasts while torturing my nipples with his thumbs. Rubbing. Flicking. Pinching. Tormenting me.

  Until I couldn’t take it any longer.

  I pulled back and ripped my blouse over my head. I had to feel him against me. Feel those fingers on my skin.

  Of course, I didn’t have to tell him as much. Because as soon as my bra joined my blouse on the floor, his hands were on me. He cupped my naked breasts in his hands, and I shuddered at sensation. Rubbing a thumb over one erect nipple, he leaned down and tugged the other into his mouth.

  Sparks shot out behind my closed eyelids. I groaned and threaded my fingers through his hair, holding him to me. He sucked harder. I felt an answering pang between my thighs. Without conscious thought, I ground myself into his lap. The ridge of his jean clad erection dug into the thin material covering me. But I still felt the friction on my clit.

  It was everything.

  Nathan must’ve thought so too because he groaned, his lips still wrapped around my nipple. I felt the vibrations deep inside me and ground myself down harder on him. We kept going, sucking and grinding, until I felt the telltale rush of endorphins. A few more tugs and… I crashed over the peak. Shudders wracked my body as I made a muffled little cry.

  Nathan froze under me then pulled away from my breast. “Christ. I can’t—I don’t want—”

  He made a pained grunt and then tugged my head down so he could kiss me. His mouth all but swallowed mine as he kissed me so freaking aggressively. It was exhilarating. Then, a beat later, he sighed and pulled back, leaning his forehead against mine.

  We both rested there, our breath coming in harsh, winded pants.

  That had been singularly the most amazing orgasm of my life.

  And I was still wearing my panties.

  Nathan collapsed against the back of the couch, leaving me still sitting on his lap. Laughing, he shook his head. “Christ, I don’t think I’ve done that since high school.”

  “Really? I would think you’ve given many girls orgasms without taking all their clothes off. It was a first for me, though. I don’t think I’ve ever had an orgasm with my panties still on.”

  Nathan sat up slightly and sent me his patented smirk. “I wasn’t talking about you, sweetheart, I was talking about me coming in my pants like a fucking teenager. Speaking of which, I need to go clean up. Stay here.”

  He lifted me up, stood, and plopped me down alone on the couch where he’d just been. Without another word, he took off down the hall.

  I reclined back on the couch and covered my face with my hands. I didn’t even know where to start. I’d come. I’d made Nathan come without so much as a finger going inside me. I wanted to make a little squeal in triumph, but I didn’t want him to hear me. Instead, I hid my big, wide grin behind my hands.

  I felt powerful. Like I could take on the world all on my own.

  I’d made ladies’ man, Nathan Burns, come in his pants like a freaking teenager. Clearly, I had some amazing, sexual prowess heretofore unknown to me. Or maybe Nathan just brought it out in me. Either way, the combination of him and me was powerful. I’d never
felt like this with any of my previous lovers. It was usually fumbling, confusion, and the occasional orgasm that wasn’t nearly as powerful as the ones I was capable of giving myself.

  At that moment, I knew I was right where I needed to be. With the man I needed to be with.

  A door down the hall clicked closed, and I realized that I was still naked from the waist up. Cursing myself, I nabbed my blouse from the floor and tugged it into place. Screw my bra. I hated wearing the thing anyhow.

  Nathan came back into the room, his face soft with satisfaction and a small smile curving his lips. Instead of jeans, he now wore soft grey sweatpants but with that gorgeous chest of his still naked. God, I could look at him for forever. His smile turned into a smirk when his gaze landed on my bra still on the floor. He snatched it up as he walked toward me. “Forget something?”

  I rolled my eyes. “No, I’m just not gonna bother putting it on to walk thirty feet home. It pinches.”

  Nathan bounced down on the sofa next to me, still clutching my bra. His fingers traced over the lace flower on one cup. His gaze flickered to my braless chest. “I think I might just keep it.”

  “Ha. Funny, but no. That one cost me seventy dollars.” I pulled the bra from his hands. Tucking it into my purse at my feet, I muttered to myself. “And might be the last one I can afford for a while.”

  “What?” Nathan’s wrinkled forehead told me that maybe I hadn’t said it softly enough. “Something happen at your staff meeting? You wanna talk about what had you all worked up?”

  Exhaustion tugged at my shoulders. “Not really. I just wanna collapse and sleep for a decade.”

  “How about you let me hold you for a while before you go home?”

  I couldn’t help but smile at the tender way he’d said that. “I could do that.”

  And that was how I found myself spooning Nathan on his large, fluffy sofa while ESPN played on the tv.

  It was about the closest thing to heaven I’d ever felt.


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