Creations Collection 2: sci fi alien romance

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Creations Collection 2: sci fi alien romance Page 2

by Marie Harte

  “Because you don’t need to, not for this.” Dreyk joined him on the bed. Ryen could feel the heat of the male’s body bleeding into his own. Far from repulsing him, that heat had him squirming to get closer. “Remember when I healed you?” Dreyk asked.

  “You bled on me.”

  “The healing agent I possess is in my fluids.” Dreyk paused. “I know you’re still hurting. I see it when you move, and you don’t smell the same.”

  “How do I smell?” The thought amused him, though he couldn’t have said why.

  “Like you need me.” Dreyk’s quiet answer puzzled him.


  “I’m going to give you something to ease your pain.” Dreyk seemed to be waiting, for what Ryen didn’t know.

  Ryen caught a different scent. Something soothing, a tangy wildness that lingered just beneath calm, centered male. Dreyk. Ryen breathed deep, wanting more.

  “That’s it.”

  A hand stroked his face, and Ryen turned into the unfamiliar comfort of touch. Fiery need raced through his body.

  “I didn’t want to do it this way, but you’re so damn stubborn.” Dreyk sighed. “The sad part of it is you won’t remember it later.” Dreyk shifted on the bed and Ryen sensed the male over him. “I’m going to give you the release you’ve been craving.”

  Ryen’s body tightened with understanding, even if he still felt fuzzy about what Dreyk meant. Did Dreyk mean release as in—

  He hissed as a mouth engulfed him completely. Delicious, wet heat surrounded his cock. The suction stole his breath before it disappeared. Ryen growled in frustration, arching his hips for more.

  “You need that, don’t you? But the only way to get what you want is to open that mouth wide. Take what I give you and swallow it down. Understand?” The silky command underlying Dreyk’s question prodded the submissive tendencies buried deep in Ryen’s psyche.

  To his astonishment, the menace in Dreyk’s voice aroused him even more. Ryen nodded, too much in need and overpowered by whatever Dreyk had given him to think straight. He felt Dreyk maneuver over him. Operating on feeling, he opened his mouth wide.

  Something brushed his lips and pushed through.

  Dreyk’s cock.

  Ryen’s handler would have been repulsed. Men and women copulated for pleasure, but men who used men were perverted, unclean. Such had been drilled into Ryen the one and only time he’d questioned same-sex couplings. Despite his handler’s teachings, the impulse to push a male away didn’t come. Whether Ryen’s acceptance was due to the mutual pleasure he expected or not, he didn’t know. A surprising need to take what was offered shook him. He pulled harder on the chains binding him tight and closed his mouth around Dreyk, sucking as he did so.

  Dreyk groaned and released Ryen’s shaft. “Just so you know, my saliva would work as well to heal you, but in such small quantities it would take forever to restore you.”

  Ryen half heard what he said, his focus entirely on the foreign but sweet flesh in his mouth. The more he tasted, the greater his thirst. He sucked, pulling on the shaft with lips and tongue. Dreyk withdrew, then pushed back in, a light thrust that surged a fraction deeper. Ryen grunted and sucked him harder, and Dreyk pushed in so hard he nearly gagged.

  “Take it all,” Dreyk said thickly. “Like this.” He took Ryen back in his mouth, cupping his balls with his hand. The pleasure extreme, Ryen mimicked everything Dreyk did with his mouth. They surged inside each other, mouths and tongues sucking and licking.

  Ryen didn’t understand why or how, but the fury normally balled up inside him began to dissipate even as his hunger to release grew. Dreyk fucked his mouth while Ryen arched up into the ecstasy of Dreyk’s warmth. Moans and grunts circulated between them, animalistic need building as finesse was lost under raw hunger.

  Time seemed to stand still as they exchanged pleasure.

  Ryen sucked especially hard. With a low groan Dreyk came, his seed rushing down Ryen’s throat. Excited by the taste of Dreyk’s passion, Ryen continued to swallow as he bucked under Dreyk’s persuasive tongue. Those hard, callused hands cupping and massaging his balls teased at his thighs, his ass.

  And then Dreyk stunned him by sliding a finger toward Ryen’s anus. Dreyk swirled his tongue along the base of Ryen’s cockhead, and with a particularly hard suck, shoved the tip of his finger between Ryen’s cheeks. The intrusion shocked Ryen past control. Forcing Dreyk’s cock from his mouth, he caught his breath as ecstasy crashed over him. Dreyk pushed his finger in deeper, triggering the desired effect.

  Coming hard, Ryen exploded down Dreyk’s throat. Shoving deeper when that small finger inched higher, Ryen strained against the chains holding him tight, trying to get as deep as he could into Dreyk’s perfect mouth.

  Moments later, when he could think again, calm settled over him. Ryen could only lie there, his eyes glued shut, his mind and body lethargic.

  “Sleep now. You’ll be better by morning.” A soft touch caressed his forehead, the press of hard lips warm with passion. The need for rest overtook him, and within moments Ryen fell asleep, at peace for the first time in his short life.


  Dreyk frowned at Ryen’s slumbering form and left before he succumbed to temptation and joined him in bed. He grabbed a set of clothes, dressed, and headed out the door, sealing the unconscious male inside.

  For the past few weeks he’d watched and waited, wondering how long Ryen might take before asking for help. He should have known better. Erin, Ryen’s sister, had told him as much. But he’d thought he could outwait the stubborn male.

  “Why the hell live in pain if you don’t have to?” Granted, Dreyk doubted Ryen had considered a blow job as a means to heal. His dick twitched, feeling Ryen’s mouth all over again. Good night, but he hadn’t expected to feel any of that.

  The sexual frenzy Dreyk had anticipated. He’d felt a furious attraction from the minute he’d laid eyes on Ryen. Though Ryen avoided any subject pertaining to his own needs, Dreyk wasn’t unaware of the lingering stares Ryen gave him when he thought no one was watching. But the quagmire of feeling accompanying his physical reaction... Dreyk didn’t know what to make of it.

  He’d experienced much in the millennia of his existence, but never such chemistry with another. Perhaps that explains it. Chemical attraction. Dreyk also couldn’t ignore the empathy he felt for Ryen. He’d seen Ryen tear men apart, had witnessed the male injured, nearly dead, which brought back memories of Dreyk’s first time away from the labs, a memory he quickly suppressed.

  Freedom always came at a price, Dreyk reminded himself as he entered his rover and manually drove to his associate’s house. He needed distance, time to get his mind off Ryen and back on his job. His friend and partner, Rafe of Mardu, was an undercover peacemaker who used the cover of a criminal with connections the System wide.

  As only one of a handful of people who knew what Dreyk truly was, Rafe held a coveted tenet of trust. The rest of the System wouldn’t hesitate to kill a hated Creation—a being not born from under the gods’ watchful eyes but by man’s clumsy hands.

  The current standing order among both civilians and peacemakers mandated annihilation of any and all Creations. The System council had justification for enacting such a decree. Years before Dreyk’s time, scientists on planet Eyra created beings meant to serve the greater good.

  Instead, those same Creations had turned into genius, raving psychotics that killed half the planet’s inhabitants and began a takeover of the System. The Eyran War of 2845 had ended badly for all involved, with the Creations and their creators deemed the biggest losers.

  The war and the law hadn’t stopped the scientists on Eyra from producing more Creations. Those handful who’d survived from Dreyk’s generation blended into the populace, unlike Ryen and his family. He and his sisters had the eye and skin color that could only belong to an artificial being. Not to mention Ryen’s sheer size and strength, which topped even that of most Raggas.

  Memories of Ryen’s
power stirred Dreyk’s libido, and he worked to suppress the unwanted desire that continued to plague him whenever he thought about the troublesome male. His skin itched, his temples throbbed, and his cock burned with an unnatural hunger; the plague of his Created existence. Sometimes it hit harder than others. His fierce attraction to Ryen wasn’t helping matters, but Dreyk resolved to push past it. He had more control than this.

  Breathing deeply, he called on the meditation techniques that helped him sate the beast within. Though thoughts of Ryen still plagued him, he managed to accept his physical attraction and desire, forcing himself to be patient. Grumbling under his breath, he welcomed the rover’s sudden deceleration in speed.

  The rover pulled in front of the Cheltam residence. Located in one of Tekar’s greater slums, the north-eastern sector of the small province catered to the criminal element. Cheltam—Rafe’s alter ego—fit in right at home. The area around the street remained empty, though plenty of eyes watched his progress as Dreyk made his way into Rafe’s secure mausoleum. After several twists and turns, Dreyk found the study and entered unannounced.

  Rafe, as usual, sat at his desk, his golden eyes narrowed as they stared at Dreyk without welcome. Dreyk glanced to Rafe’s immediate, aware his lack of greeting had more to do with Erin’s state of undress than any real hostility on Dreyk’s behalf.

  Erin didn’t seem to mind. She smiled in welcome. “Dreyk.”

  He smiled back at the scantily clad woman. Erin wore a black skirt that barely covered her ass. Her shirt was unbuttoned to her navel. Golden skin glittered with arousal as she nervously stepped away from Rafe. The woman glowed with happiness, and Dreyk couldn’t fault Rafe for wanting to keep her all to himself. Erin had beauty and brains, and a fierce love for the man she’d claimed with her whole heart.

  “Erin. You look wonderful.” He crossed to kiss her cheek, aware the action would annoy Rafe to no end.

  “You need something, Dreyk?” Rafe growled.

  “Just wanted to double-check the status of our next job.” Dreyk sat in an antique Elaran armchair across from his “boss.”

  “Make yourself comfortable,” Rafe muttered then began an hour-long discussion on their next project—exposing a detailed scam involving crooked peacemakers and illegal mining from the Cortami caves in barbarian lands. “But the mining ring isn’t going anywhere. Like I told you before, we’re clear for a solid week.”

  “Good. I can use the break.” As can Ryen. “So, what’s the story on your brother?”

  “Which one?” Rafe snorted. “Gar has a lead on Sernal, finally. The ass doesn’t want my help, so I’m not going to interfere. Yet.”

  Dreyk wondered at Rafe’s calm. Sernal, Rafe’s oldest brother, had been missing for several days. The second oldest, Gar, was after him. And Gar on his own, without someone to rein him in, was never a good idea. “You’re letting Gar take charge of Sernal’s rescue?”

  “We still don’t know it’s a rescue,” Erin added, circling behind Rafe. She twined her arms around his neck and leaned close. “Gar only said he’d found Sernal and would soon bring him home.”

  Dreyk chuckled. “Have I told you how glad I am that I don’t have brothers?”

  “Speaking of brothers...” Erin stared, obviously waiting for a report on Ryen.

  “He’s doing better.” Since I forced him to ease up. Dreyk crossed his legs recalling such ease. Who knew Ryen had such a talented mouth?

  “He wasn’t the last time I saw him.” Erin frowned. “Ryen looked aggravated, more so than usual. He needs me to help him.”

  “He’s not ready to see you yet. Your brother is a stubborn, arrogant ass. He has no concept of what the phrase ‘I need help’ means, and he gets a thrill from bugging the crap out of me.”

  “He likes you.” Rafe grinned. “I say that with surety because you’re not dead yet.”


  “Erin.” Rafe shook his head. “You know I’m right. Ryen’s a lot calmer around Dreyk than he is around the rest of us. Besides, Dreyk’s dealt with this kind of situation before. Let him help your brother.”

  Erin studied Dreyk for a moment then sighed. “All right. But I want you to bring him by soon. Please?”

  He nodded. “I will. I promise.”

  “Erin, would you mind giving us a chance to talk? Go wait for me in the bedroom and take off your clothes. Oh, and make sure you’re nice and wet for me.”

  Erin flushed. “Not in front of Dreyk.”

  Dreyk didn’t know why she felt embarrassed. Not long ago he’d watched her and Rafe engage in some delightful carnality that made him long to share the same...with Ryen. He could all too easily imagine taking Ryen’s no doubt virgin ass, of wrapping his fist around that monstrous cock and watching it explode.

  “Do it now.” Rafe’s order had the desired effect. Erin glared at her mate before turning on her heel. Despite her glower, arousal wafted around her. The natural submissive in Erin responded to the dominance in her mate.

  Dreyk couldn’t help wondering if Ryen would ever respond in kind.

  “That scent goes straight to your head,” Dreyk said as she flounced from the room.

  “It does. She’s not happy with me, so she’ll make me pay. I love it when she makes me pay.” Rafe grinned, and Dreyk grinned with him. “Now tell me what the hell is really going on with Ryen.”

  “Like I told Erin—”

  “Please. After five years, I know you a little better than that. Is Ryen as bad off as I think he is?”

  “Not now.” The orgasm and the amount of seed Ryen had swallowed had healed much of his pain and rage. How long that would last was anyone’s guess. “He needs time to relearn.”

  “Relearn what?”

  “How to respond to others without violence. Even when he spent time with Anin, he was always poised to protect her. The man was bred to fight.”

  “Which makes him perfect to work with us. Imagine the two of you working for Cheltam. I’ll be the talk of the town.”

  “Braggart. You already are. No one can take their eyes off Erin. I do believe her Creators took the best of every Nebite pleasurer in existence to create her. Every male in the System wants her.”

  Rafe took his measure, testing him. “But not you.”

  “Why, because my last lover was male? I’m not discriminating about gender when it comes to relationships. Erin is a walking wet dream.” Dreyk wanted to laugh. Damn, the Mardu was fun to rile. “As entertaining as I find your jealousy, no, I don’t want her. I find myself interested in her male counterpart. Ryen is every bit as beautiful as she is. He’s just...harder.”

  “Really?” Rafe smirked.

  “That’s not what I meant.” Though come to think of it, Ryen had been deliciously solid. “I meant he’s harder to get to know.”

  “You just make sure you can handle him. I won’t have you or Erin hurt by an uncontrollable warmonger.” Rafe sobered. “If it comes to it, I’ll take care of the situation.”

  Dreyk knew he meant it. “Don’t worry. I’ve been around enough of my kind to know when to pull back. Ryen is far from that edge.” Or so Dreyk hoped. “I’m going to take the next few days to work some intense therapy with him. You have no idea what they did to him in there.”

  “Erin told me some of what she went through. She said Ryen suffered ten times worse. After seeing what he did to those assholes at the labs, I can readily believe it.” Rafe grimaced. “Help him, but be careful. I’ve gotten used to that ugly face of yours. I don’t want to break in a new enforcer.”

  “You still owe me from the last job we did. I’m not going anywhere until I’m paid in full, Cheltam. Now go take care of your woman before she brings half the city down on your bedroom. Her pheromones are all over the place.” Dreyk stood sporting a hard-on. “Unless you don’t want her, because I’d be happy to—”

  “Get the hell gone.” Rafe cursed and stormed from the room. “Erin,” Dreyk heard him yell. “Tone it down before I smack that ass bright
red. And if you don’t want to be punished all night, I suggest you be waiting for me on your hands and knees.”

  “Ah, true love.” Dreyk let himself out the front door, eager to return to the male he considered his responsibility.


  In the rover heading home, he pondered his troubled housemate. The drugs Ryen had ingested would wear off in a few hours. How would Ryen behave then? He wouldn’t remember what Dreyk had done. From what Ryen had told him about his psychotic handler, Dreyk thought it was probably for the best.

  Synster, that homophobic prick, had tortured Ryen repeatedly for four years. The physical and emotional abuse had forced Ryen to shut down, letting his anger build. That constant rage needed an outlet, one provided by the labs in the forms of warfare and orgiastic repast with many partners. Considering what Dreyk knew about Ryen’s appetites, it was no wonder the male had a hard time releasing that inner rage.

  Yet it was that storm in Ryen that gave Dreyk hope. The violent Creations Dreyk had encountered over the years wouldn’t hesitate to hurt others to relieve that pressing ache. Ryen now refused to take a female, worried for her safety. Such consideration spoke of his character even as it added to his burden. If he wouldn’t sate his needs, they’d grow. And they had. The Cortami barbarians should consider themselves lucky they’d only lost two of their number when Ryen could have easily killed them all.

  It had taken strong pheromones along with the opiate he’d given Ryen to calm the male. Though Dreyk didn’t want to presume, he thought perhaps his seed had done the same. Ryen certainly succumbed to passion quicker than Dreyk would have thought, especially considering Ryen’s bias against same sex-encounters. Then again, Ryen had need.

  Dreyk shifted to relieve some of the tension from his uncomfortable erection. Just thinking about Ryen aroused him. An irritating reaction, one he couldn’t remember ever having before, even with Master. What that man could do with restraints...


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