Against the Odds: Book One; The Candidate

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Against the Odds: Book One; The Candidate Page 18

by Lee Taylor

  She shook her head, not willing to let him see how upset she was, but admitted that she wanted to be closer to him. Struggling with her warring emotions, she didn’t resist when he led her over to the padded leather sofa and eased her onto it. At one level she knew he was upping the ante that was already well beyond her emotional limits, but at least for the moment she didn’t object. Instead, she pressed her lips together and refused to meet his gaze, acknowledging she was unable to come up with an appropriate response to his subtly aggressive move.

  Logan saw that she was upset, but congratulated himself when she didn’t rebuff his overture. That she’d allowed him to settle her on the sofa was an important step to move ever closer to his overriding goal for the evening. He did it purposefully. He wanted to make it clear that tonight was about taking her as fully and aggressively as he intended. Although she’d been offended by his threat to spank her, he hadn’t missed her give-away flush. While he was sure that she’d deny it vociferously, he knew she was turned on by his intentional dominance. It wasn’t only her rosy cheeks that confirmed her untoward response. It was her startled gasp and obvious tremor. Which were all to the good. As he’d warned her when she’d teased him, down and dirty was a key component of his sexual prowess. And no woman in his life had lit that dangerous match like the black-haired sexual goddess he intended to conquer tonight. Even as he thought it, he snorted, knowing that the conquering would be mutual.

  Logan admitted that he’d been hot for the sexy woman since she’d audaciously crashed the Empress Event. That carefully conceived assault and all of her later shenanigans had not only impressed him with her daring but intrigued the hell out of him. There was no question from the first time he saw her that he would fuck her. It was a given. At some latent level he was sure that she knew it as well as he did. And they both knew that, without question, tonight was the night for consummation.

  The challenge was that she’d been deeply injured. Not only by a lifetime of hurts from her outrageous father but now a grievous assault to her self-image from yet another man in her chosen arena. That Aiden Maxwell didn’t belong in the same political universe as her exceedingly talented reprobate of a father was a given. But the injury he’d caused was as significant, perhaps more so. Gia had handpicked Aiden. She was responsible for him. Logan knew that she’d created him as a foil to her father. The prepster was her claim that her skills were so significant that she could elevate a political neophyte to power—even one as unworthy as Aiden Maxwell. Once again she’d been thwarted by a man. That his betrayal was sexually based was the nail in the coffin, confirming that men were the untrustworthy, degenerate scamps she knew they were.

  Knowing what he was dealing with, Logan forced himself to speak casually. “I hope you don’t have anything against freshly baked bread as long as it is served with roasted vegetables.”

  Gia was amazed when he placed a tray of crispy, toasted bread in front of her. It was apparent from the heady smell that the freshly baked bread had been drenched with butter and garlic. He added a glass bowl filled with a colorful panoply of roasted heirloom tomatoes ranging from golden yellow to scarlet to deep purple. Next to it he placed a small dish of smashed avocado. Gia stared at the beautiful display, then raised her hands and said helplessly, “God, Logan, I don’t know what to say, much less what to do. This is so beautiful and surprising.”

  Logan brought the bottle of wine from the counter and sank down beside her. Pouring several inches of wine into each of their glasses, he said, “Actually, Gia, this is what you call peasant food—although I’ve added a bit of a twist.”

  Gia snorted. “I’d like to see the peasants who know how to make this.”

  “The dish goes by the name of caprese, but is simply oven-roasted tomatoes.” As he was talking, he spread a layer of avocado on a piece of the toast, then topped it with the multi-colored tomato collage. Smiling at her, he held it up to her mouth, “Try this, Gia, and tell me when you’ve had a simpler, tastier dish?”

  Allowing the complex flavors to burst on her tongue, Gia was stunned that the simple act of his feeding her was as erotically stimulating as it was. She raised her hands in defeat. Unable to keep from staring at him, she acknowledged the tremors wafting over her had to be obvious to him. As a defensive measure, she reached for her wine glass and emptied it.

  He smiled at her and said with a wink, “Can I assume that as quickly as you quaffed that wine that you like it and no doubt want more?” When she shook her head no, he said, “I think before I open our third bottle of wine, I’m going to speed up the food service.” Retrieving a covered tray from the warmer, he placed it on the low table in front of them. Removing the domed silver cloche, he revealed two full-sized lobsters. Logan laughed at her surprise. “Yes, sweetheart, as you can see, I’m sticking with Aphrodite and the food from the sea metaphor. I hope you like grilled lobster.”

  He reached for the remaining bottle of wine on the counter and grinned as he uncorked it. Answering her unasked question, he said, “No, we don’t have to finish this bottle any more than we did the previous two. I just want to demonstrate how the appropriate wine enhances beautiful food.” Pointing to the impressive lobsters, he said, “And of course, these elegant crustaceans deserve a wine worthy of their rugged richness. Which is why I chose this hearty chardonnay.” Sinking down beside her, he poured several inches of the straw-colored wine into their glasses. He lifted his to her and said softly, “To you, Gia.”

  He waited for her to take a sip, then grinned. “As you can see, one of my goals tonight is to bring you to that compelling edge of just enough wine to lower your defenses. From the lovely flush on your cheeks, I think we may be nearing that point. But before we do, we need to break into these babies.” He picked up one of the lobsters and cracked the shell. Spreading it open, he revealed the stark pink and white flesh trapped in the blood orange shells. “What I like about lobsters, particularly for a sensualist like me, is that they beg to be eaten with your fingers.” He tore off a piece of the succulent flesh and said softly, “Open your mouth, Gia.” When she reached for it, he shook his head. “Uh-uh, princess, let me feed you.”

  Holding her wide-eyed gaze, he held the titillating piece close to her lips, then murmured, “Before you eat it, sweetheart, lick the butter off of it.” At her startled gasp, he intoned softly, “Show me, Gia, show me how you lick it.” When she tentatively obeyed, he shook his head. “Uh-uh, baby, lick all around it, and then bury your tongue right on the end.” When she groaned and tried to take it into her mouth, he leaned forward and caught half between his teeth, then growled softly. “Fight me for it, sweetheart.” When she cried out, then tangled with his teeth over the morsel, he groaned, “Yeah, baby, like that.” He dipped his fingers into the oily sauce. “Now I want you to suck on my fingers. That’s the way, my sexy lady. Suck each of them . . . Oh yeah, sweetheart. Suck them like that . . . ” Reveling in her flushed gasp, Logan brushed some of the juice and butter on her lips. “Mm, this makes your puffy lips even more inviting. Let me see how they taste.” He licked across the seam of her lips, then pressed his tongue inside of her mouth and ordered, “Open for me, Gia.” Biting down on her tongue, he reveled at her surprised cry.

  Her low, quivering moan as she clutched his shoulders was the deal breaker. He reached over and scooped her up in his arms as he rose to his feet. His ironic chortle was strained. “Apparently, we’ll be having lobster bisque tomorrow. Right now it appears that we are more than ready to move on to the fourth course.”

  As he strode toward the bedroom, clasping her tightly against his chest, he murmured, “By the way, princess, we won’t need wine for this progression. Knowing what I’m about to do to you is more than intoxicating enough.”

  Chapter 25

  Logan carried her into the bedroom, then stood her in front of the full-length mirror. Holding her tight against him, he met her gaze in the mirror. “I want to look at you, Gia. I want to watch what happens to your beautiful body wh
en I undress you.”

  Staring at herself in the mirror and the powerful man behind her studying her through his narrowed, passion-filled eyes, Gia couldn’t overcome the panic that shook her. Seeing him frown, she knew she’d given herself away. But knowing that she couldn’t do this, she shoved at his hands. She was grateful her voice was strong as it was. “No, Logan, don’t!” Trying to wrestle out of his firm grip, she met his troubled gaze.

  “Don’t do what, Gia? Don’t hold you back against me like I’m doing? Don’t press you against my fucking dick that is in danger of breaking through my pants? Or maybe don’t look as though I’m about to eat you up? I admit, princess, if that’s how I look to you, I’ve given myself away.”

  Feeling the panic wash over her, she shook her head fiercely. “You don’t understand, Logan. I’m not good at this.” At his deepening frown, she struggled to break away from him, then said sharply, “Actually that’s wrong. I am good at this, dammit. You probably won’t be disappointed, but I will be. I’ve given up. Men don’t get me.”

  Holding her firmly against him, he narrowed his gaze further, then said carefully, “Hmm, I see we have an issue of sorts . . . ”

  Frustrated, she slapped at his hands. Given how aroused he clearly was, she refused to subject herself to what was sure to be disappointment. Certain that it would be all over before it started, she was fierce. “You think you’re powerful, and I’m sure you are. But I know what I need. I . . . I do better by myself. If . . . if I had a vibrator, I could show you . . . ” Horrified at her absurd assertion and seeing his surprised brow arch, her voice trailed off.

  Tightening his hold, he maintained her gaze in the mirror and responded carefully. “Let me see if I understand, Gia. In the past, you found that you could make love to yourself better than your insipid men could?” When she just pressed her lips together and refused to answer, he persisted. “Is that what you’re saying?”

  At her fearsome scowl, he nodded as if in agreement. “Okay, I think I understand. But first, tell me about those men, Gia. What did they do—or perhaps a better question is what didn’t they do?”

  Not intending to answer him, she was surprised when the words spilled out of her mouth. “They were so . . . fast. They were there and then they were done and gone. It was as if because they got off inside of me that was all I should need.”

  Needing him to understand, she hesitated, then knowing she’d already made a fool of herself, she forged on. “I . . . I will give you an example. After Aiden and I ‘made love,’ it was over in a little more than a minute and he was asleep in less than two. If you want to know how bad I am . . . When I was sure he was asleep, I went in the other room. I dug out my vibrator and one of my videos and came as hard as I usually do. We . . . we never made love again.”

  “Hmm. And yet you were willing to marry him . . . ”

  She snapped. “I told you the only reason I planned to marry him—”

  Logan interrupted her. “Ah yes, I remember. Your power behind the throne theory—hmm, more on that later. To be clear, I’m not interested in injecting Aiden or any of your other men into this important conversation, Gia.”

  She shook her head, cutting him off. “There weren’t many . . . But enough for me to learn that it didn’t work for me.”

  Seeing her embarrassed unease, Logan wrapped his arms more tightly around her and nodded contemplatively. “Thank you, sweetheart. This is useful information. As an aside, may I say that in my mind, the way you finished off your bodily fluid exchange with Aiden was a ten-strike. It speaks to what makes you an incredibly sexy woman.”

  Trying to jerk away from him, Gia was curt. “I know you’re making fun of me, Logan.”

  He shook his head and tightened his grip. “No, princess, I’m not. That you were willing to take your orgasm into your own hands—so to speak—refusing to settle for less than what your body demanded speaks to your significant sexual appetites.”

  Not able to completely to mask his humor, Logan quirked a brow. “Don’t misunderstand. At some time in the future, I will insist that you and your vibrator perform for me. I’m more than happy to get off on what I’m sure is an impressive demonstration of woman power. However, I’m feeling particularly participatory tonight. To be specific, I plan to show you what happens to your body when my hands and mouth catch up with it. Indeed, my fierce little she-devil, I plan to demonstrate that, at least when it comes to sheer power, there’s nothing quite as potent as a hungry male animal who is about to capture his mate.”

  Meeting her tremulous gaze in the mirror, he said softly, “The problem with your tale of woe and the inadequacy of male partners is, if you’ll pardon the pun, shortsighted. I won’t speak for the entire male gender, but to put it simply, your theory ain’t true. You just happened to hook up with guys who weren’t up to you. If they were relatively inexperienced and ran into your body, I can’t blame them. I wouldn’t be surprised if they shot their wad at just the sight of you. And let’s banish Aiden Maxwell from this discussion. His issues inhabit a reprehensible and debilitating universe of inadequacy. One that drove him from you to a sixteen-year-old girl. But rather than dwell on specifics, let’s assume that your problem isn’t about men per se. Rather, it’s about you.”

  When she reared back, he put his fingers against her lips, stopping what was sure to be an aggrieved denial. “Don’t forget, sweetheart, you’ve already shown me what a hot piece of ass you are. When I broke into your house, you more than gave yourself away. I think you will admit that if I had been so inclined, I could have laid you out and taken you on your hallway floor.” Smiling at her startled gasp, he continued. “And if I remember correctly, you practically climbed up my leg in the HT&M parking lot, eager to press your hot little pussy against my prodigious dick.” Delighted at her sharp intake of breath, he added, “And please don’t think I didn’t see your powerful reaction to my assurance that at some point I’m going to turn you over my knee and spank the hell out of you.” He grinned and pinched her scarlet cheek. “Hmm, I guess your heated flush confirms that issue.

  “Just know, those provocative examples of your untoward reactions prove my point. You are an outrageously sexy woman with gargantuan needs. Your problem was the men you hooked up with. Not only were they newbies, likely one-pump chumps, but at some intuitive level, they got a sense of your considerable sexual needs and were intimidated as hell.

  “Which brings us to you and me. Before I spank you, Gia, I plan to make love to you. My only question about tonight is how many orgasms I will give you.”

  At her gasp, he added with a shrug, “And of course there’s the issue of whether I will tie you to the bed and blindfold you. But if you promise to be a good little girl and do exactly as I tell you to do, I may not have to bind you.”

  At her shocked mutter, “You wouldn’t dare . . . ” he met her startled gaze in the reflection. Gia was shocked at how flushed she was, how wide-eyed she seemed. And frankly, how sexy. In contrast, Logan’s expression was shaded with a whisper of a smile, but more than anything, he looked dark, forbidding . . . and powerful.

  He quirked a brow and his voice dropped compellingly lower. “We’ve settled the question of what I will dare to do to you, but enough history, princess. On to the present and how we are going to make good on the sexual dance we’ve been engaged in since that first night at the art museum. A caveat, Gia, before we begin. About your orgasms.”

  When she choked, obviously embarrassed, he asserted, “Just as you’re in charge of your orgasms when you and your trusty vibrator hang out, I’m in charge tonight. Not only regarding how many orgasms you will have, but how and where I will stimulate you to achieve them. Will I bring you to a climax by playing with your gorgeous breasts? For sure. Will I lay you on your back and spread your legs wide and feast on your gorgeous pussy?” At her startled cry, he grinned, rubbed his fingers over her lips, and drawled, “Count on it, sweetheart. Will I put you up on your hands and knees and take you from behind?
More than likely, I will do all of those erotic things and many more.” At her gasp, he was firm. “To be clear, my haughty woman, who is always in charge—except when she is with me—I will decide when and how you orgasm. And, princess, when I finally enter you? I daresay, in the future, you will have a hard time settling for that slender, one-trick-pony vibrator of yours.”

  Stunned at the electric sparks storming her body, Gia didn’t know how much more she could take when he narrowed his gaze further. “Now that we have that settled, my sexy, brassy woman, I want you to take off your clothes. Slowly, sweetheart, so that I can feast on every inch of your naked glory as you unveil it. Oh and, princess, I will tell you how and what to do each step of the way.”

  He wrapped his hand around her hair, weaving his fingers tightly into the curly mass. Dragging her head back, he bared her throat. Leaning down, he nipped at the sensitive skin below her ear, then bit down on her earlobe. At her startled cry, he shook his head. “Uh-uh, baby, don’t close your eyes.” He pointed to the mirror. “Look at me, look at you.”

  When she gazed at their reflection, she gasped, seeing that her eyes were dark with desire. He nodded in approval. “That’s what I want you to see, sweetheart. Do you see the passion flaming in your eyes? Can you see how, even fully dressed, you are writhing, struggling to bare your body to me? Do you want to take off this stunning gown containing the gorgeous body hovering beneath? Mm-hmm. That’s what you want to do, isn’t it, Gia? I think you’re aching to show me how sexy, how beautiful, your naked body is. God, baby, even as revealing as this enticing garment is, it’s too much, isn’t it, sweetheart?”

  He reached behind her and slid the zipper down from the scooped neckline to the where it ended just above her crack. “There, baby, that’s better, isn’t it? Now you can slip it off and show me what you’ve been taunting me with all night. What I’ve been craving to invade since the Empress Event, when you sauntered toward me in that outrageous green dress. Christ, it was like the seas parted for you. The seas of gaping aroused men and aggrieved women, that is.”


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