Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism

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Historical Dictionary of Chan Buddhism Page 42

by Youru Wang

  Studies on Sects/Schools and Lineages

  Barrett, Timothy H. “Kill the Patriarchs!” The Buddhist Forum 1 (1990): 87–97.

  Du Hanfeng 杜寒風. Wantang Linjizong Sixiang Shuping 晚唐臨濟宗思想述評 (A Study on the Thought of the Linji School in the Late Tang dynasty). Taibei: Foguang Chubanshe, 1996.

  Faure, Bernard. The Will to Orthodoxy: A Critical Genealogy of Northern Chan Buddhism. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1997.

  Foulk, T. Griffith. “The Ch’an Tsung in Medieval China: School, Lineage, or What?” Pacific World, n.s., 8 (1992): 18–31.

  Han Chuanqiang 韓傳強. Chanzong Beizong Yanjiu 禪宗北宗研究 (Studies in the Northern School of Chan). Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2013.

  Hanson-Barber, A. W. “No-Thought in Pao-T’ang Ch’an and Early Ati-Yoga.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 8, no. 2 (1985): 61–73.

  Hirai Shun’ei 平井俊榮. “The School of Mount Niu-t’ou and the School of the Pao-T’ang Monastery.” Translated by Silvio Vita. Philosophy East and West 37, nos. 1–4 (1987): 337–72.

  Huang Chi-Chiang 黃啟江. “Yunmen Zong Yu Bei Song Conglin Zhi Fazhan 雲門宗與北宋叢林之發展 (The School of Yunmen and the Development of Monasteries in Northern Song).” Dalu Zazhi 大陸雜誌 89, no. 6 (1994): 246–67.

  Huang Xianian 黃夏年, ed. Linjichan Yanjiu 臨濟禪研究 (Studies in the Chan School of Linji). Hunan: Zhongzhou Guji Chubanshe, 2011.

  Huang Xianian 黃夏年, ed. Dongshan Famen Yanjiu 東山法門研究 (Studies in the East Mountain Teaching). 2 vols. Zhengzhou: Daxiang Chubanshe, 2013.

  Huang Yansheng 黃燕生. “Tangdai Jingzhong Baotang Chanpai Gaishu 唐代淨眾保唐禪派概述 (A Survey of the Jingzhong-Baotang Chan Sects of the Tang Dynasty).” Shijie zongjiao yanjiu 世界宗教研究 4 (1989): 66–80.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. “Igyōshu no seisui 潙仰宗の盛衰 (1–6) (The Ups and Downs of the Guiyang School).” Komazawa daigaku bukkyō gakubu ronshū 駒澤大學佛教學部論集 18–22, 24 (1985–1991, 1993): 111–62; 96–138; 28–76; 85–110; 87–123; 83–121.

  Jia, Jinhua. The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism in Eighth- through Tenth-Century China. Albany: State University of New York Press, 2006.

  Liu, Ming-Wood. “The Madhyamaka Spirit in the Teaching of the Niu-t’ou School of the Ch’an Tradition.” In Madhyamaka Thought in China, Ming-Wood Liu, 242–57. Leiden: Brill, 1994.

  Mao Zhongxian 毛忠賢. Zhongguo Caodongzong Tongshi 中國曹洞宗通史 (The Complete History of the Caodong School in China). Nanchang: Jiangxi Renmin Chubanshe, 2006.

  McRae, John R. The Northern School and the Formation of Early Ch’an Buddhism. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1986.

  McRae, John R. “The Ox-head School of Chinese Ch’an Buddhism: From Early Ch’an to the Golden Age.” In Studies of Ch’an and Hua-yen, edited by Robert M. Gimello and Peter N. Gregory, 169–252. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1983.

  Min Yonggyu 闵泳珪. “Ssu-ch’uan chiang-t’an: Ch’u-chi Ch’an-tsung shih ho Chiennan-tsung 四川講壇: 初期禅宗史和劍南宗 (Sichuan Lecture: the School of Jiannan and Early Chan History).” Translated by Li Ch’ien-shih 李千石. Tongbang hakji 東方學志 75 (1992): 193–211.

  Poceski, Mario. Ordinary Mind as the Way: The Hongzhou School and the Growth of Chan Buddhism. New York: Oxford University Press, 2007.

  Schlütter, Morten. “Silent Illumination, Kung-an Introspection and the Competition for Lay Patronage in Sung-Dynasty Ch’an.” In Buddhism in the Sung, edited by Peter N. Gregory and Daniel Getz, 109–47. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1999.

  Schlütter, Morten. “The Twelfth-Century Caodong Tradition as the Target of Dahui’s Attacks on Silent Illumination.” Komazawa daigaku zengaku kenkyūjo nenpō 5 (1995): 53–114.

  Solonin, K. J. “Hongzhou Buddhism in Xixia and the Heritage of Zongmi (780–814): A Tangut Source.” Asia Major 16, no. 2 (2003): 57–103.

  Su Shuhua 蘇樹華. Hongzhou Chan 洪州禪 (The Hongzhou School of Chan Buddhism). Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe. 2005.

  Welter, Albert. “Lineage.” In Encyclopedia of Buddhism, edited by Robert E. Buswell Jr., 461–65. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, 2004.

  Wu Limin 吳立民, Xu Sunming 徐孫銘, et al. Chanzong zongpai yuanliu 禪宗宗派源流 (The Origin and Evolvement of Chan Schools). Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 1998.

  Xing Dongfeng 邢東風. Chanwu Zhidao—Nanzong Chanxue Yanjiu 禪悟之道—南宗禪學研究 (The Way of Chan Enlightenment: A Study on the Southern Chan School). Xindian, Taiwan: Yuanming Chubanshe. 1995.

  Xu Wenming 徐文明. “Caodong Zong Guizong Qingyuan Yixi De Yuanyin Chuxi 曹洞宗歸宗青原一系的原因初析 (A Preliminary Analysis on the Cause of the Caodong School’s Associating itself with the Lineage of Qingyuan).” Pumen Xuebao 2 (2001): 126–36.

  Xu Wenming 徐文明. Tang Wudai Caodongzong Yanjiu 唐五代曹洞宗研究 (Studies in the Caodong School in the Tang and Five Dynasties). Beijing: Zhongguo Shehui Kexue Chubanshe, 2012.

  Yanagida Seizan 柳田聖山. “Hokushūzen no shisō 北宗禪の思想 (The thought of Northern-school Chan).” Zenbunka Kenkyūjo kiyō 禪文化研究所紀要 6 (1974): 67–104.

  Yan Mengxiang 閻孟祥. Songdai Linji Chan Fazhan Yanbian 宋代臨濟禪發展演變 (The Development and Transformation of the Linji School in the Song). Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2006.

  Zeuschner, Robert B. “An Analysis of the Philosophical Criticisms of Northern Ch’an Buddhism.” PhD diss., University of Hawai’i, 1977.

  Zeuschner, Robert B. “Awakening in Northern Ch’an.” In David W. Chappell, ed. Buddhist and Taoist Practice in Medieval Chinese Society, 85–108. Buddhist and Taoist Studies, 2. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1987.

  Zeuschner, Robert B. “The Concept of Li-nien (‘Being Free from Thinking’) in the Northern Line of Ch’an Buddhism.” In Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, edited by Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster, 131–48. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series, 1983.

  Zeuschner, Robert B. “The Meaning of Hinayana in Northern Chan.” Eastern Buddhist, n.s., 11, no. 1 (1978 ): 37–49.

  Zeuschner, Robert B. “The Understanding of Mind in the Northern Line of Ch’an (Zen).” Philosophy East and West 28, no. 1 (1978): 66–79.

  Zheng Suwen (Tei Shukubun) 鄭夙雯. Sō shoki Rinzaishū no kenkyū 宋初期臨済宗の研究 (Studies in the Linji School of Early Song). Tokyo: Sankibō busshoring, 2006.

  Zurcher, Erik. “Chinese Ch’an and Confucianism.” In Zen in China, Japan, and East Asian Art: Papers of the International Symposium on Zen, edited by H. Brinker, R. P. Kramers, and C. Ouwehand, 29. Zurich University, Swiss Asian Studies, Research Studies, vol. 8. Bern: Peter Lang, 1985.

  Studies on Figures

  Adamek, Wendi L. “Imagining the Portrait of a Chan Master.” In Chan Buddhism in Ritual Context, edited by Bernard Faure, 36–73. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.

  App, Urs. “Facets of the Life and Teachings of Chan Master Yunmen Wenyan (864–949).” PhD diss., Temple University, 1989.

  Araki Kengo 荒木見悟. Unsei Shukō no kenkyū 雲棲祩宏の研究. Tokyo: Daizō shuppan, 1985.

  Araki Kengo 荒木見悟. Yōmeigaku to Zengaku: Toku ni tongo no mondai ni tsuite 陽明學と禪學: 特に頓悟の問題について (The Study of Yangming and the Study of Chan: Especially on the Issues of Sudden Enlightenment). Tokyo: Shibunkai, 1958.

  Broughton, Jeffrey Lyle. “Kuei-feng Tsung-mi: The Convergence of Ch’an and the Teachings.” PhD diss., Columbia University, 1975.

  Burr, Ronald L. “Lin-chi on ‘Language-Dependence,’ An Interpretive Analysis.” In Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, edited by Whalen Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster, 207–27. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series, 1983.

  Chappell, David W. “The Teachings of the Fourth Ch’an Patriarch Tao-hsin (580–651).” In Early Ch’an in China and Tibet, edited by Wha
len Lai and Lewis R. Lancaster, 89–129. Berkeley, CA: Berkeley Buddhist Studies Series, 1983.

  Chen Hao 陳浩. “Sui Chanzong Sanzu Sengcan Taming Zhuan 隋禪宗三祖僧璨塔銘磚 (The Tile of the Epitaph for the Third Chan Patriarch Sengcan of the Sui Dynasty).” Wenwu 4 (1985): 8.

  Chen, Jinhua. “One Name, Three Monks: Two Northern Chan Masters Emerge from the Shadow of Their Contemporary, the Tiantai Master Zhanran (711–782).” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 22, no. 1 (1997): 1–91.

  Chen Zili 陳自力. Shi Huihong Yanjiu 釋惠洪研究 (Studies on Monk Huihong). Beijing: Zhonghua Shuju, 2005.

  Choi, Byon-hon. “On the Legend of the Sixth Patriarch Hui-neng as recorded in the Ssanggye-sa-gi.” In Fo Kuang Shan Report of International Conference on Ch’an Buddhism, 272–77. Kao-hsiung, Taiwan: Fokuang Publishers, 1990.

  Cleary, J. C. Zibo: The Last Great Zen Master of China. Berkeley, CA: Asian Humanities Press, 1989.

  Dalia, Albert A. “Mt. Ox-head, Fa-rong: A Forgotten Exegesis Master in the Rise of Tang Buddhism.” Hualin 華林 3 (2003): 313–30.

  Dalia, Albert A. “The ‘Political Career’ of the Buddhist Historian Tsan-ning.” In Buddhist and Taoist Practices in Medieval Chinese Society, edited by David W. Chappell, 146–80. Buddhist and Taoist Studies 2. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1987.

  Dalia, Albert A. “Social Change and the New Buddhism of South China: Fa-jung (A.D. 594–657).” PhD diss., University of Hawai’i, 1985.

  Deng, Keming 鄧克銘. Fayan Wenyi Chanshi Zhi Yanjiu 法眼文益禅師之研究 (A Study of Chan Master Fayan Wenyi). Taibei: Zhonghua Foxue Yanjiusuo, 1990.

  Dong Qun 董群. Ronghe De Fojiao—Guifeng Zongmi De Foxue Sixiang Yanjiu 融合的佛教—圭峰宗密的佛學思想研究 (Buddhism of Reconciliation and Harmonization: A Study on Guifeng Zongmi’s Buddhist Thought). Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2000.

  Dong Qun 董群. “Yanshou Dui Zongmi Chanjiao Ronghelun Sixiang De Jicheng He Fazhan 延壽對宗密禪教融合論思想的繼承和發展 (Yanshou’s Continuation and Development of Zongmi’s Syncretism of Chan and Doctrinal Teaching).” In Yongming Yanshou Dashi Yanjiu 永明延壽大師研究 (Studies on Great Master Yongming Yanshou), edited by Hangzhou Foxue Yuan, 67–72. Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2005.

  Fan Jialing 范佳玲. Zibo Dashi Shengping Jiqi Sixiang Yanjiu 紫柏大師生平及其思想研究 (Studies in the Life and Thought of Master Zibo). Taibei: Fagu Wenhua, 2001.

  Faure, Bernard. “Bodhidharma as Textual and Religious Paradigm.” History of Religions 25, no. 3 (1986): 187–98.

  Feng Xuecheng 馮學成. Zhongfeng heshang Mingben dashi zhuan 中峰和尚明本大師傳 (The Biography of Great Master Zhongfeng Monk Mingben). Gaoxiong: Foguang Chuban, 2004.

  Furuta Shokin 古田紹欽 and Tanaka Ryōshō 田中良昭. Enō 慧能 (Huineng). Toyko: Daizō shuppansha, 1982.

  Gernet, Jacques. “Biographies du maître Chen-houei du Ho-tsö (Biographies of Master Heze Shenhui).” Journal Asiatique 239 (1951): 59.

  Gómez, Luis O. “The Direct and Gradual Approaches of Zen Master Mahāyāna: Fragments of the Teachings of Mo-ho-yan.” In Studies in Ch’an and Hua-yen, edited by Robert M. Gimello and Peter N. Gregory, 69–167. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1983.

  Greene, Eric. “Another Look at Early Chan: Daoxuan, Bodhidharma, and the Three Levels Movement.” T’oung Pao 94, no. 1–2 (2008), 49–114.

  Gregory, Peter N. “The Integration of Ch’an/Sŏn and the Teachings (Chiao/Kyo) in Tsung-mi and Chinul.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 12, no. 2 (1989): 7–19.

  Gregory, Peter N. “Sudden Enlightenment Followed by Gradual Cultivation: Tsung-mi’s Analysis of Mind.” In Sudden and Gradual: Approaches to Enlightenment in Chinese Thought, edited by Peter N. Gregory, 279–320. Honolulu: University of Hawai’i Press, 1987.

  Gregory, Peter N. “Tsung-mi and the Problem of Hongaku shisō.” Komazawa daigaku zengaku kenkyūsho nenpō 5 (1994): 200–151.

  Gregory, Peter N. “Tsung-mi and the Single Word ‘Awareness’ chih.” Philosophy East and West 35 (1985): 249–69.

  Gregory, Peter N. Tsung-mi and the Sinification of Buddhism. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1991.

  Guoxiang 果祥. Zibo Dashi Yanjiu 紫柏大師研究 (A Study of Master Zibo). Taibei: Dongchu Chubanshe, 1987.

  Guo Xiaoting. Adventures of the Mad Monk Ji Gong: The Drunken Wisdom of China’s Famous Chan Buddhist Monk. Translated by John Robert Shaw. Tokyo: Tuttle Publishing, 2014.

  Hangzhou Foxue Yuan 杭州佛學院 (Hangzhou Buddhist College). Yongming Yanshou Dashi Yanjiu 永明延壽大師研究 (Studies on Great Master Yongming Yanshou). Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2005.

  Hattori Kendō 服部顕道. Tenmoku Chūhō kokushi no kenkyū 天目中峰國師の研究 (Studies on National Teacher Tianmu Zhongfeng). Tokyo: Yachiyo shuppan, 1980.

  Heine, Steven, and Dale S. Wright, eds. Zen Masters. New York: Oxford University Press, 2009.

  Heller, Natasha. “Between Zhongfeng Mingben and Zhao Mengfu: Chan Letters in Their Manuscript Context.” In Buddhist Manuscript Cultures, edited by Stephen Berkwitz, Juliane Schober, and Claudia Brown, 109–23. London: Routledge, 2009.

  Heller, Natasha. Illusory Abiding: The Cultural Construction of the Chan Monk Zhongfeng Mingben. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Asia Center, 2014.

  He Mingdong 何明棟. Xuyun Heshangzhuan 虛雲和尚傳 (A Biography of Monk Xuyun). Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2000.

  Hsieh, Ding-hwa Evelyn. “A Study of the Evolution of K’an-hua Ch’an in Sung China: Yüan-wu K’o-ch’in (1063–1135) and the Function of Kung-an in Ch’an Pedagogy and Praxis.” PhD diss., University of California, Los Angeles, 1993.

  Hsieh, Ding-hwa Evelyn. “Yüan-wu K’o-ch’in’s (1063–1135) Teaching of Ch’an Kung-an Practice: A Transition from the Literary Study of Ch’an Kung-an to the Practical K’an-hua Ch’an.” Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 17, no. 1 (1994): 66–95.

  Hsü, Sung-peng. A Buddhist Leader in Ming China: The Life and Thought of Han-shan Te-ch’ing, 1546–1623. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1979.

  Huang, Chi-chiang. “Experiment in Syncreticism: Ch’i-sung (1007–1072) and Eleventh-Century Chinese Buddhism.” PhD diss., University of Arizona, 1986.

  Huang Xiyuan 黃西元. Yidai Jujiang, Liangzong Zushi: Yongming Yanshou Dashi Jiqi Yingxiang Yanjiu 一代巨匠,兩宗祖師:永明延壽大師及其影響研究 (One Giant, Patriarch of Two Schools: Studies on Master Yongming Yanshou and His Inflence). Beijing: Zongjiao Wenhua Chubanshe, 2009.

  Huang, Yi-hsun. “Chan Master Xuedou and His Remarks on Old Cases in the Record of Master Xuedou at Dongting: A Preliminary Study.” Chung-hwa Buddhist Journal 22 (2009): 69–96.

  Huang, Yi-hsun. “Huayan Thought in Yanshou’s Guanxin Xuanshu: Six Characteristics and Ten Profound Gates.” In Reflecting Mirrors: Perspectives on Huayan Buddhism, edited by Imre Hamar, 241–59. Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz Verlag, 2007.

  Huang, Yi-hsun. Integrating Chinese Buddhism: A Study of Yongming Yanshou’s Guanxin Xuanshu. Taibei: Dharma Drum Publishing Corporation, 2005.

  Huang, Yi-hsun. “A Study of the Development of Yongjia Xuanjue’s Biographies: With a Focus on Their Relationship to the Concept of School (zong宗) in Chinese Buddhism.” Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal 23 (2010): 117–30.

  Huang, Yi-hsun. “Yongming Yanshou Zhi Jingtu Famen: Yi Zhijue Chanshi Zixing Lu Wei Zhongxin 永明延壽之淨土法門-以《智覺禪師自行錄》為中心 (Yongming Yanshou’s Teaching of Pureland: Focusing on the Record of the Self Practice of Master Zhijue).” In Ran Yunhua Xiansheng Bazhi Huadan Shouqing Lunwen Ji 冉雲華先生八秩華誕壽慶論文集, edited by Wang Sanqing 王三慶, 329–53. Taibei: Faguang Chubanshe, 2003.

  Hu Jianming 胡健明. Zongmi Sixiang Zonghe Yanjiu 宗密思想綜合研究 (A Comprehensive Study of Zongmi’s Thought). Beijing: Zhongguo Renming Daxue Chubans
he, 2013.

  Hurvitz, Leon. “Chu-hung’s One Mind of Pure Land and Ch’an Buddhism.” In Self and Society in Ming Thought, edited by William Theodore de Bary, 451–76. New York: Columbia University Press, 1970.

  Hu Shunping 胡順萍. Yongming Yanshou “Yixin” Sixiang Zhi Neihan Yaoyi Yu Lilun Jiangou 永明延壽 “一心” 思想之內涵要義與理論建構 (The Essential Meanings and Theoretical Construction of Yongming Yanshou’s Thought of One Mind). Taibei: Wanjuanlou Tushu Gongsi, 2004.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. “Daie Fukaku zenji nenpu no kenkyū 大慧普覺禪師年譜の研究 (Studies in the Chronicle of Chan Master Dahui Pujue).” Pts. 1, 2 and 3. Komazawa daigaku bukkyō gakubu kenkyū kiyō 37 (1979): 110–43; 38 (1980): 97–133; and 40 (1982): 129–75.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. “Fuyō Dōkai to Tanka Shijun 芙蓉道楷と丹霞子淳 (Furong Daokai and Danxia Zichun).” Komazawa daigaku bukkyō gakubu ronshū 3 (1972): 67–81.

  Ishii Shūdō 石井修道. “Wanshi Shōgaku to Tendō Nyojō 宏智正覺と天童如淨 (Hongzhi Zhengjue and Tiantong Rujing).” In Sōdai no shakai to shūkyō 宋代の社會と宗教. edited by Sōdaishi kenkyūkai 宋代史研究會, 51–80. Tokyo: Kyūkō shoin, 1985.

  Jan, Yün-hua [Ran Yunhua] 冉雲華. “Ch’i-sung.” In Sung Biographies, edited by Herbert Franke, 185–94. Wiesbaden: Franz Steiner, 1976.

  Jan, Yün-hua [Ran Yunhua] 冉雲華. “Donghai Dashi Wuxiang Zhuan Yanjiu 東海大師無相傳研究 (A Study of the Biography of the Korean Master Wuxiang).” In Zhongguo Fojiao Wenhua Yanjiu Lunji 中國佛教文化研究論集 (An Anthology of Studies of Chinese Buddhist Culture), 42–64. Taibei: Dongchu Chubanshe, 1990. [Originally published in Dunhuang Xue 敦煌學 4 (1979): 47–60.]

  Jan, Yün-hua [Ran Yunhua] 冉雲華. “K’an Hui or the ‘Comparative Investigation’: The Key Concept in Tsung-mi’s Thought.” In Korean and Asian Religious Tradition, edited by C. S. Yu, 12–24. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977.


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