Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention

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Beyond The Wall 2: Noble Intention Page 15

by Pwyll Duggan

  "You're getting further behind."

  I glare at her and pump up. Strength is my domain and I just pump up and down, bouncing on the bed. I grab her hips and hold her and just let it all go wild. And we go wild together for some time.

  The wall clock says 11 when she finally gives out, an hour later than I thought she would. After wild we went slow. Then wild again. She preferred wild, I liked slow, so we took turns. She's resting on an elbow next to me, fingers tracing my side and anything of Doll she can see.

  "We're not going to see each other again, are we?" I'm staring up thru the lace on the bed, pretending to see the stars of home, relaxed.

  "I'll see you tomorrow." She pokes me hard.

  "Not what I mean." She's got a sadness in her voice.

  "Well, I'll see you at the 'Presentation' Ball tomorrow. All you young lords and ladies coming out into the great noble circle of life." That gets me a slap on the chest.

  "I mean this." She sighs.

  "All the boys at home dream of being a Shielder somewhere else, 'all the girls you can eat' they say. Why are you any different?"

  I laugh at that, seeing as no one seems to listen when I tell them.

  "I just am. All I can say these days. If you want to 'see' me tomorrow, the only thing stopping you is you. And what meetings I have. But otherwise you."

  I see a smile out of the corner of my eye, and she lays her head down on me, scooting down and closer to me.

  "How long can you stay?" I breathe deep.

  "12ish. I need some sleep to get up around 4, get a few things done before the Gaggle come and do tricks for me."

  "Gaggle is mean. True but mean. I'll take that - it's mine now." Wow, just like the internet back home.

  She is breathing on my chest, then licking me and breathing again, making me shiver.

  "What are your other women like?" I pause and stop breathing and she goes on.

  "Sorry, just want to know all these nobles that you hang around with." I giggle fast at that, bouncing her head. I gently roll her off me, putting her head on the next pillow with a light kiss.

  "You are the only noble I've really been with. There are three women 'gifted' to me in the village, but that was for kids. And now friendship. One is a dark elf, another a half-orc and the third is the human daughter of the local trade officer. Bunny, the half-orc is a blacksmith and the woman I 'go home' to when I'm there."

  I tell her about them all and Nyssa. Her eyes widen at that and she yawns, so I tell her about everyone as sleep claims her.

  I wait awhile, untangle and get up. Using a basin for a quick wash I then get dressed and head out, finding guards outside the door. It's almost 1 by the time they escort me back to my suite. The guards there nod and open the door for me. Just another night for them.

  My rooms hot, fireplace roaring away. Sonya is on top of my bed, heavy pajama's on, partially wrapped in a duvet like blanket. She's also hugging a pillow and a small teddy bear with a plush snake body. Teddy Lamia? Her dirty tan blonde hair is everywhere. I strip off and lay down on the bed next to her. Even on a bed this big, she has most of the room. I watch her tongue flick out a few times, and she sighs. Hands behind my head I stare up again. Well I did tell myself I would adapt. Girl in every port indeed.

  I stir as some hair decides it's a good time to go into my mouth. Sonya's curled up with her head next to mine, hair trying several avenues of attack. I get up and away, looking for one of the elusive clocks everyone else seems to have. Ah, there. Just about 4am for me. Might as well start today's troublemaking. I go to the door and open it, getting the guards attention.

  "I'll need a trolley for 10 small chests. And how many servants does the Duke have here." A different guard comes forward at that.

  "Just under 200 are the Dukes. The others are from nearby nobility." He smiles. "My sister cannot believe you are going to pay some of them 100 imperials. Some of the guards are a bit miffed." I slap his armour.

  "200? Okay get two trolleys. And don't worry about the guards. I figure they want magic items more than money. Well some of them will." All the guards turn to me at that.

  "Trust me boys - I have a cunning plan. It'll just take time. I'll show you."

  I duck back in the room, summon a pack of 4 spears from my storage and take one. I lean out the door again and pass it to the nearest guard.

  "Stuff like this, some swords and dagger." I wave off the guard as he goes to hand it back.

  "You lot share it around, practice and see what it can do later. Then report your findings to me. Get a scribe or someone to write it all down for you. Tell your Captain I asked you if you have a problem." They stare blankly as the first stands to attention and Salutes, with a very quiet.

  "Yes Sir!" The rest quickly follow. Bribery works wonders when done in good faith. Just say I'm working on credit and you'll get the idea.

  "Oh, I need those trolleys as soon as you can." I duck back, closing the door behind me.

  A quick wash and I don pants and my adventurers’ boots, charging them as I do so. I re-up my enhancements and fly, adding tongues just in case. Looking in the mirror at my back I notice Doll is taking up more real estate back there.

  "Spreading out I see." I get her warm feeling back and a small longing for the sun, I think. "Fine, I'll carry Princess and you can show yourself off - if you behave. Don't scare the Gaggle." That gets me a sense of mirth and a reply.

  Friend has more friends? Mating friends?

  "Sort of. Need you to keep an eye out again today. Trouble seems to be our friend."

  Your friend. I am good girl.

  "Somehow I just don't believe that."

  I leave the bathing area, bare chested. It's nice to actually have a chest with muscles again. The necklace I wear hangs loose and vines shoot over my shoulders, holding it in place. They twist themselves thru the chain and hold it down.

  "Nice idea Doll, thanks." I get another sense of warmth from her.

  You need to praise her more.

  "I need to thank both of you more. You are BOTH the only reason I am still alive. So, thank you again." I stop before the door and add. "Do you both get to see the lake when I dream?"

  It's our lake too now.

  Wow, thanks. More to ponder about.


  I open the door as the guards’ race back to positions, most of them gathered over the spear, examining it. Both trolleys are there. I wheel them in smiling at them.

  "Be a minute, then we're off to the staff kitchen."

  I get some nods as I close the door. I quietly try and drop the chests from my storage on there, only stopping a few times as Sonya stirs. All done I push one, then the other outside and close the door.

  The guards give me a look, indicating my bare chest. I throw a thumb over my shoulder.

  "She wanted more sun."

  And I push both carts forward, one hand on each. They see Doll and shrug, taking positions around me. Four stay and I stop as I remember.

  "Tell my servant I'll be at the Staff kitchen area and she can attend as soon as she is ready. Say combat gear attired, please guys. Thanks."

  Time to make a whole lot of trouble. Suck me into another world will you bwuahahahahaha.

  I so need my coffee.

  Chapter 23

  "So, you have an arachne girlfriend that made you that steel like cable/rope? And armour and packs?"

  "Yeah, that’s why the cable can take the trolley’s weight down the stairs. They're too big for the dumb waiters and this way I can lift them alone. No-one gets hurt."

  "You Shielders are weird."

  "Tell me about it - you try being summoned to a new world and showing up naked. NOT. FUN."

  The guards all laugh as we push the two trolleys into the staff kitchen, right at the middle rear of the palace part of the lodge. It's like a huge industrialized kitchen, people going everywhere, even at 5 in the morning. Pots cooking, pots boiling, frying stations and that oh so sweet smell of baking bread. And the
n the matron of this place approaches, all covered in white and flour, hair covered in a bonnet. Time to bend the knee.

  I drop fast as she gets near.

  "Queen of the Kitchen. We apologize for this intrusion, but I was told we are handing out my wager here." She skids to a stop, her harsh look disappearing in an instant.

  "Lord Shielder," she's a little taken back, voice wavering from normal. "Thank you for the greeting. There is a table by the main rear doors for everything. The major domo will be along shortly to start. It's a pity only those who had time yesterday get this benefit." Standing and talking loud enough for my voice to carry.

  "Never fear, I bought enough for all that work for the Duke. Seems only fair." Suddenly the busy kitchen stops, the only sound the cooking of food.

  She’s taken back.

  "Truly?" I lean in and whisper.

  "I'm not stupid. You guys run the place. And I need as much help as I can get. I'll never spend that much money. You cool with that?" She nods, flour falling off her apron to the floor.

  "These guys said the best place for me to work out is near the tall tree out back there.” She nods, looking at the chest.

  "Lots of room and lots of marble benches. We use that as our break area when no guests are about."

  I bow and ask.

  "Can we have a small table and food, drinks bought out for me and some guest that will show up soon? And a barrel of water and some buckets?" she's nodding. She looks back up and nods again.

  "Back to work everyone. Busy day and the Shielder needs breakfast out in the gardens. John, get the Stables to get some barrels of fresh water and buckets out there. Sam, tables and chairs, hardy ones. Tony, get your sister and get it all laid out. Mary get some bacon on and check with the bakers what we can take now." She claps twice, loudly.

  "Duke's counting on us and we never let the Duchess down. Go!" she turns to me. "You really doing this? The land the Duke is offering will set most families up for life. And it's only an hour away! We could be in our own homes every night!" I can't stop grinning.

  "Absolutely. Can you have someone point out what the foods are when they come. I really have no clue." She nods and smiles now, backing away to get to work.

  The guards have already wheeled the trolleys over and are standing prepared. I look at them.

  "Send a runner to the barracks quartermaster. I need practice weapons, as many target dummies he can spare for out there. And two wheelbarrows full of loose rocks." That gets me a few looks.

  "You'll see." I wave and walk out, Princess in hand now that my hands are free.

  The sun is barely starting to brush colours into the world as I enter the cloudless gardens. I cross the pebble wide road, delivery wagons already at work. I dash past one wagon, waving thanks as they slow down. A huge tree towers over a few squared and hedged off grounds. Marble seats scattered around.

  "Where are you watching from Princess?" she nudges me.


  I put her down, blade down so she can watch near a side bench. It also gets her a view of the surroundings, looking away from the stables. All unburdened I start warming up. Stretching arms and legs as two tables appear, one getting chairs for eight, the other getting a white tablecloth and a few pitchers and glasses to start. I wave to each delivery group, making sure they all get a smile also. Need friends in all places I do.

  Feeling loose, I do a few laps of my square. Must be 40 feet by 60 here, or a good 10 by 20 meters. Enough room for me to punch air and look stupid once the crowds arrive. Going back to the centre, I start boxing imaginary foes, getting the blood pumping while getting faster at it. I switch to palms instead of fists, getting all the kinks out. I start bouncing on the balls of my feet, hands dropping into a more martial stance, nice and easy and flowing. I start adding kicks, forward and side, trying to remember katas I've seen before.

  I start spin kicking, throwing and twisting my body as I do so, wind whipping past me. I get used to my agility after a few disasters and really throw myself around, looking like I'm on wires like movies back home. I add a few stomps, using my new strength to propel myself up, then around. I can leap up a whole story of a house now, no problems. Leaping the length of the square, either way is child play, almost no run up required. Pushing myself of with a hand almost shoots me up that far also. This is something I need to use. And to do that I need to practice. So, I practice.

  The world outside is a blur as I stop, seeing the table piled and ready. A few claps and I notice Sara watching, wearing little more than gym clothes, body all tanned and muscles. She's a gym rat with the implants to boost her assets. She hands me a glass of water, which I guzzle and grab a pastry of bacon and eggs.

  "Terrible form." is her only comment.

  "Oh, I don't know. Pretty good for a week." Crumbs fall on the ground and I grab another pastry and more water.

  I look at her and she looks at me, tension building. I break first, finishing my food and drink, walking away.

  "I know, I'm supposed to ask, 'oh sensei, please teach me your impressive knowledge.' But that's bullshit and never going to happen. BUT you do want to kick my smug arse all over this little square. So, come on, come bitch-slap me about. If you can of course." I turn around and she's in my face, grinning, mad light in her eyes.

  "With pleasure." She goes and starts, punching me in the face.

  My head flies back, nose breaking as I tumble back and she's moving in on me, legs pumping. I let her hit my legs with hers, expecting to break bones and it only bounces off. I keep tumbling back, landing on my feet, dancing side to side. I put a thumb to my nose, push it back in to place, then flick the thumb forward.

  "I know Kung Fu." She'll never get the reference.

  She comes in hard, feet and fists a blur. I block with ankles and forearms, but some blows get past. She's tries directed strikes, going for the floating ribs, nerve clusters and the throat. She hits most of them and it hurts, but my muscles are no longer human, neither is my skin, so it only hurts and not cripples me. She leaps back, concern on her face.

  "We can stop so you can heal." She says.

  "To heal I would need to be injured" I taunt her back.

  I get a sneer and she leaps. Lucky I can learn. And I cheat. I use charge as she's in the air. Unlike movies or anime, once airborne you can't change your path, unless you can fly. Her body rolls into a ball, legs and arms in close as I body slam her, sending her flying away. I leap back, not pushing it. I don't need to hurt her. I'm here to learn. And not kill anyone. At least not yet today.

  She lands as the ball, rolling then leaping into a stance, ready to go. As I am away from her, she goes all Jackie Chan, shaking her arms and legs where they got hurt. Now that is from movies, and the ones I like at that. She twists her feet, digging into the ground and motions at me, taunting me forward. Fine, my turn then. I grin.

  "Hulk SMASH!" and I run in arms wide.

  Her stance goes low, ready for me as I slam my hands together, trying to aim a clap her way, just for the sound. It not as loud as the comics, but is loud as I twist, leg spinning out in a kick. She goes to grab the foot and I keep spinning, other leg coming over and down. I clip her arm and it snaps, my foot doing down, impacting the ground in a shockwave. Using my arms, I flip back up and start punching, speeding up with each one. Her eyes can't follow them and the pain in her arm doesn't help. She blinks, and I strike, straight to her other blocking forearm, bone breaking and gasps coming from afar. My left arm darts out, clawed finger grasping her windpipe. Blood dripping from both arms and the eyes are in immense pain.

  "I win." I say in a cold voice, left hand glowing green as Healing kicks in and I turn and go for more food.

  "Morning Jane, Tessa. You're early. Breakfast is on the table. This is Sara."

  They both are in shock, as is Sara, looking at her healed arms, rubbing the blood on her arms to see if there are any scars. The barrels of water are here. Good. I fill a bucket and walk over to Sara, still standing agh
ast. I wash off her blood, slowly with my hands, eyes only on my job.

  "You dishonoured me." She starts, and I cut her off straight away.

  "No, I showed you what I can do. I fight to win 'cos I know nothing else. I don't really know holds or disarms. The Stone given skills I have are just that - given. I know not how to use them. So, I try and be careful, so I don't kill people I know." I touch her hands and finally look at her.

  "I didn't want to hurt you. But now you know. As I said to the Duchess last night - 'Be Polite. Be Professional. And have a plan to kill everybody you meet'." That gets me a smile, waking her up.

  "I like that." She breathes, "we shall eat. Greet your guests then start. You have a lot to learn."

  "Um, that’s not, um. Shit. Okay whatever."

  Over at the table, Jane is piling a plate as her mother walks back with one. She gets two glasses and sets up a seat for us.

  "Feeding me again?" She grins.

  "Someone has to keep your energy up. Just all muscle there. And your Heartwood needs water."

  She has very practical clothes on. Rugged boots, pants and a tabard style top, hanging down and arms free again. Her hair is in one plat, running around her head, all very stern looking. Under the tabard is a loose shirt, something the winking girl lets me see, none too subtle either.

  Her mother is in a nice summer-dress with half jacket. Jewellery dots her body, with a bright brooch on her jacket, taking pride of place. Heraldry saves me, telling me it's her Barony’s crest. Her hair is done the same as her daughters, those same eyes smiling at me. Sara bows to Tessa.

  "Baroness Sumner." She acknowledges her with a smile

  "Sara of the Sand Wastes. I have heard many a good thing of your deeds. How does Charlotte manage to keep you busy?"

  "Mainly by doing stupid things these days. Hunting for monsters and other not so fun things." Tessa laughs.

  "Thank you for your candour. I would be honoured if you sat with us. Please. You can regal us with stories of your travels." She pauses and takes a bite from some fruit.


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