Fairplay Shifters Boxset

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Fairplay Shifters Boxset Page 8

by Serena Meadows

  Growling deep in his throat, the sound almost primal, he stood with her still in his arms. “Which way to the bedroom?” he asked, the look in his eyes so fierce all Annabelle could do was point towards a hallway he hadn’t seen before.

  When they got back to the bedroom, he set her on her feet then reached behind her and unzipped her dress, which fell in a puddle at her feet. His eyes became even greener as they roamed over her body, covered only by the thin silk of her bra and panties, and she was sure that they were glowing in the dim light.

  “Take those off,” he ordered, watching as she stripped them off, his chest rising and falling with the intense desire that was flooding his system.

  She watched fascinated as he stripped off his clothes, the sight of his naked body increasing the frantic pounding of her heart and the coil of desire that had her entire body tingling. He stepped up to her and pulled her into his arms and held her there for a long time as if he’d just found something that he’d lost long ago.

  When he finally released her, he reached up and framed her face with his hands. “I’ve been dreaming about this night for so long, but nothing I could have imagined can even come close to how wonderful you make me feel,” he said, meaning every word.

  Unable to help herself, Annabelle pulled his head down and kissed him knowing that words were impossible for her at that moment. Justin understood and lowered her to the bed, slid between her legs, and entered her soft velvety wetness with a groan that he couldn’t suppress. The moment their bodies became joined, Annabelle’s body erupted in the most glorious waves of pleasure she’d ever felt, and with each thrust of his hips, they grew, until shuddering and digging her nails into his back she climaxed.

  Justin soon followed her into bliss, his body rigid with pleasure, the growl escaping his throat so deep and primal. Annabelle opened her eyes and found his eyes locked on hers. His eyes were glowing again, the look of pleasure in them so intense she felt her body respond, another wave of pleasure that took her breath away and left her panting in his arms.

  Much later, Annabelle woke to Justin snoring quietly beside her, and for a moment she thought that it sounded like he was purring. Shrugging the thought off, she snuggled deeper in his arms, knowing that by morning he’d be gone, but that they’d begun something that was both wonderful and frightening.


  Winter passed in a blur of happiness for Justin; now that he’d finally torn down the barriers that separated he and Annabelle, he was free to discover love again. They spent as much time together as they could, including Chloe in their plans more often than not, but at least once a week they stole time alone together, time they used to get to know each other. That time only made the passion between them stronger, and Justin knew how lucky he was.

  As spring began to show signs of coming to the valley, if not the high mountains, Justin knew that the day was coming when he was going to have to tell Annabelle the truth about his family. But he had no idea how to approach the topic, hoped that she wouldn’t turn from him disgusted, or worse, frightened. He’d begun avoiding Penny, who never missed an opportunity to point out that the longer he waited, the worse it was going to be.

  The last time had almost turned into a fight. “Justin, you have to tell her and soon,” Penny said in that infuriating way she had.

  “I will when the time is right,” he said, trying to brush her off.

  “And when is that going to be? Your wedding night? Or maybe when you have to run off for weeks to protect the valley from shapeshifting wolves, or were you going to lie about that too? The longer you wait, the worse it’s going to be,” she’d said, pointing out what he already knew, but she wasn’t finished. “I’ve gotten to know Annabelle, and I don’t want to see her get hurt.”

  “You think I’m going to hurt her? That’s the last thing I want to do; I love her, Penny,” Justin said, voicing for the first time what he knew to be true.

  Penny’s heart sank; she’d been afraid that was where this was leading. “Are you sure? I mean, I don’t know if…”

  Justin whipped his head around and stared at Penny for a second, then demanded, “What do you know that you’re not telling me? Have you seen something?”

  “No, it’s not that; the truth is I haven’t been able to see much of anything about you two, and that’s what worries me,” Penny answered honestly.

  “But there’s still something that’s bothering you,” Justin said, knowing that there was more she wasn’t saying.

  Penny didn’t answer at first, trying to find the right words. “Annabelle is different, Justin. I can’t explain exactly what bothers me about her. Sometimes she seems to know more than she should, and when Chloe fell off her horse a few weeks ago, I would have sworn that her arm was broken, but Annabelle got there first and other than a bruise, she was fine.”

  “So, what does that prove?” Justin was beginning to get angry.

  “Nothing, I guess, it’s just a feeling I have that there’s more to Annabelle than we’re seeing. Just promise me that you’ll talk to her soon; if she cares about you like I think she does, she’ll understand,” Penny said. “If not then it wasn’t meant to be, and you should find that out sooner rather than later.”


  Opening the stove carefully, Annabelle looked at the cake that was rising perfectly and took a deep breath of the sweet smell thinking that Justin would love this recipe. She’d always loved to bake but had discovered that it wasn’t quite as easy in the high altitude of Fairplay. Over the last few weeks, they’d eaten enough flat cakes to last them all a lifetime, but she’d finally gotten it right; this cake would look and taste exactly like it was supposed to.

  Justin had laughed at her efforts, not understanding why it was so important to her, and suggested she simply buy a boxed mix, but it had become a challenge, and she never walked away from a challenge. When she’d explained, he’d given her one of those kisses that still took her breath away, then stuffed a huge bite of flat cake in his mouth. But tonight, they wouldn’t be eating flat cake, and she’d have the satisfaction of knowing that she hadn’t given up; it was a small battle, but a win was still a win.

  The last few months had been some of the most wonderful of her life. Justin was everything she’d hope he would be and more. She knew that she was falling in love with him and was both excited and scared by the possibility that she’d finally found the man for her. But the reality of life was never far from her mind, and although she was ignoring it, for now, there would come a day when she’d have to tell him the truth.

  She’d rehearsed what she was going to say over and over in her mind but couldn’t get it right; there was just no easy way to tell someone that you’re a witch: a very powerful witch. Her biggest fear was that he wouldn’t believe her, that he’d make her prove it, then tell everyone in town, and in a town this size, it would mean the end of her time in Fairplay. No matter how many years had passed, how sophisticated society had become, people would still be scared of her, afraid that she’d do something to harm them; that would never change.

  Not for the first time, she wished that she had someone she could talk to about her fears, someone who would listen and understand. Joslin would have been her first choice, but she was traveling in Europe. In the old days, she would have talked to her parents, but that was out of the question; they were still upset about her moving here, finding out that she was falling in love with a mortal would only make them more upset.

  When the timer for the cake went off, she was happy for the distraction from her thoughts, but just as she started to head for the kitchen, her doorbell rang. Surprised to have a visitor, she was torn between the cake and the door, but finally chose the cake, ignoring the bell when it rang again. Whoever was there would just have to wait until she’d gotten her first perfect cake out of the oven.

  Chapter 13


  The last thing she expected was to find Joslin standing on her front porc
h when she opened the door. When all she could do was stare at her sister, Joslin asked, “Well, aren’t you going to invite me in?”

  Annabelle launched herself into her sister’s arms, almost knocking them both down. “I was just thinking how much I needed to see you,” she said when they finally made it into the house.

  “I knew you needed me; I was in Venice when I got a feeling that I needed to come here,” Joslin said, looking around the room. “It looks like you’ve made yourself at home.”

  Annabelle smiled, “You know how much I love my plants; it wouldn’t be a home without them. Let me show you the rest of the house,” she said, taking Joslin’s hand and leading her back to the kitchen.

  When they’d finished the tour, Joslin said, “I have to tell you that I thought you were crazy when you bought this place, but it’s amazing and exactly the kind of house I’d expect you to live in.”

  Annabelle hugged her sister. “I’m so glad you’re here; so much has happened in the last few months that I don’t even know where to begin.”

  “I think we should start with a piece of that cake I saw in the kitchen,” Joslin said. “Since when do you bake?”

  The blush that appeared on Annabelle’s face and spread down her neck told Joslin all she needed to know. “You’ve got a man.”

  Annabelle couldn’t suppress the smile that spread across her face. “That’s not why I started baking,” she said, a bit too fast for it to be true.

  “You can’t lie to me, and you know it. Spill,” Joslin said, pulling her sister over to the couch, but before they could sit down, the double doors opened, and Justin walked in.

  Justin had his mouth open to say something, but when he saw Joslin, he closed it, then looked from one sister to the other as people often did when they saw them together for the first time. Annabelle pulled her hand from Joslin’s and went to Justin’s side.

  “Joslin, I’d like you to meet Justin; he and his family own a ranch a little way from here. His daughter, Chloe, is my helper from the seventh-grade,” Annabelle said, looking up at Justin.

  Joslin was staring at Justin, her mouth open, but finally managed to close it. “It’s nice to meet you,” she said, stepping forward to shake his hand. “I’d like to say that I’ve heard a lot about you, but Annabelle has been amazingly closed mouthed lately.”

  Justin could sense when he wasn’t needed. “I just stopped by to tell you that my mother loved the cookies you baked.”

  Annabelle smiled. “That’s good, I hope she’s feeling better.”

  “She was back to her old self today, ordering us all around like we were kids,” Justin said, laughing.

  “Good,” Annabelle said, feeling very awkward when silence fell in the room.

  When the silence continued for too long, Justin said, “Well, I guess I’d better head home. Chloe’s expecting me. It was nice to meet you, Joslin; I hope we’ll get a chance to get to know each other while you’re here.”

  “That would be nice,” Joslin said, but her words didn’t match the suspicious look on her face.

  Annabelle didn’t like that look, so she said, “I’ll walk you out.” She took Justin’s hand and led him back through the big double doors.

  When they got outside, she said, “I’m sorry, I didn’t know she was coming.”

  “That’s okay. Clearly you haven’t seen her in a while if she doesn’t know about us. Does any of your family know?” Justin was surprised to find that he was upset that she’d kept their relationship a secret from her family.

  Annabelle was afraid that they were about to have their first fight, so she tried to explain. “I’ll tell them eventually; it’s just that they were already so unhappy with me moving here, I just couldn’t tell them about us. They still think I’m going to move back there someday.”

  “Are you going to?” Justin asked, a question that had been plaguing him since they’d become involved.

  Annabelle had to answer him honestly, “I don’t know; that life seems so far away right now, but someday I might not have a choice. But I promise you that I know with all my heart that I’m where I’m meant to be. I think we have to be happy with that for right now,” she said, then stood up on her toes and kissed him on the cheek. “Don’t let what might happen in the future ruin the present, Justin.” Then she turned and walked back inside.

  It was the hardest thing she’d ever done, to walk away, but it was also the best answer she could give him, and again she wondered if the time had come to tell him the truth. Then she could explain everything: why she’d run from her family and made a new life for herself, why she’d turned her back on a part of herself to live like a normal person. Most importantly, she could explain why someday she might have to go back to that old life, whether she wanted to or not. He would understand that at least: the sense of responsibility she felt and couldn’t shrug off no matter how hard she tried.

  Feeling defeated, she went back into the house only to have Joslin jump on her as soon as she walked into the room. “He doesn’t know that you’re a witch,” she said.

  Annabelle sighed and sat down heavily on the couch. “No, I haven’t told him; it’s not exactly an easy thing to tell someone.”

  “You’ve let yourself fall in love with him,” Joslin accused. “I could see it when you looked at him; it was that same look you had with Tommy Spencer in elementary school.”

  Annabelle snorted. “Hardly, we were only kids then. This is so much different, I’m not sure I can even explain how I feel about Justin. I’ve never felt this way before, and he’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man.”

  “Except that he’s not a witch,” Joslin said, pointing out the obvious. “What do you think your rancher is going to think when you tell him? Do you think he’ll just say okay and go about life? I don’t think so. This is a bad idea, Annabelle; you don’t belong here, you belong at home in New York.”

  “Do you think I don’t know that I’ve gotten myself in a mess? But I love him, Joslin, and I can’t change that. There’s just something about him that I can’t resist. I’m drawn to him like I’ve never been drawn to a man before; he makes me feel complete when I’m with him.” Annabelle could feel the tears forming in her eyes and wished they’d go away.

  “Oh, Annabelle, don’t cry,” Joslin said, rushing over to her. “I just think you’d better tell him, and soon; the way he looks at you makes me think there might be wedding bells in your future.”

  Annabelle knew that Joslin was telling her that she’d back her if it came to that. “Thank you, and just wait and see; you’ll love Justin just as much as I do.”

  “Hmm, I think I’ll let you have him, but maybe he has a brother,” Joslin said, trying to make Annabelle laugh.

  “He does actually: three of them and a twin sister,” Annabelle said, then gave Joslin a huge smile. “I’m thinking Steve might be perfect for you.”


  Justin drove away from Annabelle’s a bit confused; he was trying to understand why Annabelle had kept their relationship a secret, but without more information, that understanding wasn’t going to come. But the longer he thought about her words, the more he began to realize that Annabelle felt a sense of responsibility to her people back home, and that he could understand.

  As the oldest in the family, if only by a few minutes, he was the one who everyone looked to when decisions had to be made. He’d known for as long as he could remember that someday he would take over, run the ranch, and be the leader of the shifters in the valley, and that came with a lot of responsibility.

  Over the last few months, he’d been able to push that sense of duty away and just enjoy his time with Annabelle, but clearly, that time was over. Reality had come to town with Joslin, bringing with it all the things they’d both been avoiding for months, too caught up in their love to worry about them.

  When he got home, Penny sensed his mood at once and sent Chloe up to her room to finish her homework. “You look like the world just came crashin
g down around you,” she said, handing him a cup of coffee and pouring one for herself. “Sit down and tell me about it.”

  “Annabelle’s sister Joslin showed up in town today,” he said.

  “The twin?” Penny asked, immediately intrigued. “What’s she like?”

  “I only saw her for a few minutes, but she looks almost exactly like Annabelle, except she’s different,” Justin said, unable to explain what he meant.

  “You’re not attracted to her; that’s what you mean,” Penny said, wisely.

  Justin hadn’t realized that was the difference, but now it made sense. “No, not at all. It was weird looking at them both there together and feeling nothing for one and everything for the other.”

  “It’s something you’ll have to get used to; I’m just glad we’re not identical,” Penny said, pretending to shudder. “I’d hate to have to walk around with that face.”

  “That’s the thing; I don’t know if I’ll be getting used to it or not. Annabelle hasn’t told her family about us, not a word, not even to her sister,” Justin said, the hurt welling up again.

  “Did you talk to her about it, ask her why?”

  “She said that it was complicated and that someday she might have to go back there; it sounded like it was a duty, something she had to do out of responsibility. I can’t help but think about what’s going to happen if that day comes, that I’m getting involved with someone who might not be there in the future,” Justin said, the thought of losing Annabelle suddenly weighing him down.

  “Justin, you of all people should know about responsibility, but that doesn’t mean that it can’t work between you two,” Penny said, feeling her brother’s pain.

  “I thought you were against this relationship,” Justin said, looking at his sister for the first time.


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