The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series) Page 1

by Emma Shae

  The DECEIT Series



  Book 1 His DECEIT

  Book 2 Her DECEIT

  Book 3 The Ultimate DECEIT

  Book 4 The Final DECEIT




  June 11, 2020

  All rights are reserved. Contents are original and may not be reproduced in any form without written permission from Emma Shae. A reviewer may quote brief passages in a review for reference purposes only for newspaper, television, magazine, or journal ads. All characters are fictitious, as well as locations. This novel is a work of fiction straight from the mind of the author. Any resemblance to persons, either living or dead, is purely coincidental.

  The DECEIT Series Book 1




  Lockheed International is family-owned, and one of the wealthiest companies in the world. Damon will soon be the last living male heir, due to his older brother, Emry’s incurable disease.

  Vanessa, the aging grandmother, cannot stand idly by and watch everything her husband created, fall apart. Damon’s heart is broken, though, so the thought of marriage is the last thing on his mind. Vanessa is going to have to find a way to force Damon into fatherhood. Otherwise, his family linage will disappear forever, along with everything that Vanessa has worked so hard to preserve. The answer, Sasha, a gorgeous, driven young woman in a desperate situation, but will the lies and DECEIT be too much?


















  Damon slowly rolled Sasha onto her belly, allowing him full access to her back and firm bottom. A soft moan escaped her pursed lips as he caressed the curves of her back. Sasha became caught up in the waves of passion as the pleasing sensations wafted across her senses. She let out a soft moan that drew her partner's attention, but only for a moment. Damon smiled inwardly, knowing that his efforts were being well received. He then resumed his playful motions to the delight of his partner.

  After a few more pleasurable seconds, Damon began to kiss between her shoulder blades and down the center of her back. Sasha inhaled slowly, and then another soft moan could be heard as Damon continued his passionate assault. He then slowly eased his hands between her thighs as he continued with hot kisses down the delicate center of her back. Once Damon reached the base of Sasha's spine, he gently spread her legs apart, giving him complete access to her inner thighs. Sasha moaned again as Damon now had her entirely at his will. At his coaxing, she slowly began to raise her knees and was met with the coolness of Damon's manhood as he gently entered her.

  It was then Damon's turn to moan as the heat from Sasha's body washed over him upon entry. He stopped moving for a few seconds so he could get control of his passion once more, but Sasha began to undulate beneath him, drawing him back into motion once more. Her need drove him, and his drive elevated her to ecstasy. Once Damon felt Sasha reach her pinnacle, he too gave way to his climax. They both then fell silent, and after several seconds of complete silence, Damon stood, and then slowly walked to the bathroom. Once alone, Sasha lay on her belly, sated and relaxed upon the bed. She was so relaxed at that point that she wanted nothing more than to languish there for a little while longer, but then she heard Damon softly close the door behind him as he left the room. That action snapped her back to the present. Sasha looked at the clock on the nightstand and realized that she only had about an hour to get home before it was time to give, Emry, her husband, his next round of medication.

  Sasha took a quick rinse off, dressed, and then hurried to her car. While walking to her car, she smiled inwardly, thinking of the pleasurable evening that she had just spent with her lover. As Sasha drove away from their rendezvous point, she thought about the weekly meetings with Damon and how enjoyable the time spent with him was to her. Sasha knew her encounters with Damon were all designed by others for an ultimate purpose, but it did not hurt the fact that she enjoyed them immensely.



  "Damon, I'm only asking you to do this because I know that Emry will never be well enough to father a child, and since you have never shown any desire in ruling the family dynasty, I need an heir. Emry is dying, and I've done everything in my power to help him. I'm now grasping for straws with this effort to get a great-grandchild."

  Damon knew about his grandmother's efforts in the field of cancer research. She had poured millions into trying to find a cure for Emry's cancer, as well as other forms of that disease, but time was running out for his brother. Emry was barely holding on, but it was evident that he was losing his battle to live. Lately, almost every day, Emry would say something about dying or killing himself. He had told his family that he had all but given up hope for finding a cure, and it was taking a toll on him. Emry was not eating and losing weight. Damon's grandmother, Vanessa, who he lovingly called grams, broke his moment of thought.

  "I can't thank you enough for stepping up, Damon," Vanessa said. "This family is the most important thing in the world to me. You understand that, but Emry never will. To him, our money is the only thing that matters, but he's wrong. Without the family business, there would be no money, and when I'm gone, there will be no one left to run the business."

  "What is your plan if Sasha doesn't get pregnant, grams?"

  "It will happen, Damon. I know that with your charm and winning ways, it is only a matter of time."

  "What if Emry passes away before Sasha conceives?"

  "You let me worry about that, Damon. You just stick to keeping Sasha happy and sated. She will bear me a great-grandchild, and when that happens, you both can go your separate ways. I know you are getting impatient having to stay in one place but try to be patient until the deed is complete, and I will forever be in your gratitude."

  "I still can't believe that Emry is okay with me fathering a child for him. I realize that his health will not permit him to perform, but this whole plan sounds incredible to me."

  "Well, that is the big difference between you two. Emry has never cared for family values. He only cares about himself. The only ambition that Emry ever had was to get his hands on the family money. Even now, knowing that he is dying, Emry is only concerned about the money. He cannot wait for Sasha to get pregnant so that he can get his hands on his inheritance. Even on his death bed, that is all that he can think about."

  "What is going to happen to Sasha when Emry passes away?"

  "It is in Sasha's contract that she is to walk away with a hefty purse of five million dollars as soon as the child is born. I have promised to set her up in a lovely apartment in the city, complete with maintenance staff for the rest of her life. It is also in her contract that Sasha is never to have any contact with our family or the child, or her payments and living arrangements will be null and void. Why are you concerne
d with what is to happen with her in the future, Damon? Please, do not tell me that you're starting to have feelings for the girl. You need to understand that a relationship with her is out of the question. Once she becomes pregnant, you must sever all ties with her. She cannot be allowed to have any communication with our family ever."

  "I'm aware of the plan, grams, and I will stick to it. I just do not understand why we have to carry on with all of this secrecy. I feel like I'm lying to Sasha by not telling her that I'm Emry's brother."

  "I don't think that it is wise of us to give Sasha that information. I think the less she knows about our family, the better."

  "I hope you are right grams, and this thing doesn't blow up in our faces. I'm beginning to think it would have been wiser if I would have just married Sasha in the first place."

  "Well, it's too late for all of that now, Sasha and Emry are married, and with his failing health, the only way to give him an heir is for you to be the child's father. We have to go forward with this plan now, Damon, because we don't have enough time to come up with another idea."

  "I know you're right, grams. It just seems wrong to keep secrets from Sasha. You don't have to worry. I'll do my part and keep my mouth shut because I promised you that I would."

  "Thank you, Damon. You are doing the right thing. You will see as time passes; this is the only choice we have. Everything will work out, as long as we stick to the plan."



  Emry watched the clock as he impatiently waited for Sasha's return. He had occupied his time staring at the walls, counting the strips in the wallpaper — outlining the tufted leaves in his bed covers with his fingertip multiple times and watching the ceiling fan as it made its rounds for the millionth turn. Emry was so bored he could scream. He had paced the floor so many times until he knew exactly how many steps it took for him to get from his bedroom door to his bed in the middle of the room, and exactly how long it took for him to walk that distance.

  Emry had finally mastered putting his IV tube in and pulling it out without throwing up. It had made him sick to touch it at first. The IV bag that was supposed to have his cancer medication in it, after all, was only for show. There was not any medication in the IV. It contained saline only. What would be the purpose? Emry was not dying. He was not even sick.

  Grandma Vanessa demanded an heir before she was willing to turn loose of the family cash. Vanessa had forced Emry into being devious to get his inheritance. It was the only way that he could think of to escape her control. Emry had come up with the idea that would give Vanessa what she wanted and allow him to get what he wanted at the same time. The only hitch in Emry's plan was that he had to marry to provide Vanessa, a legal heir.

  The idea of being with a woman was not appealing to Emry. He was not attracted to any female and never would be. Emry had a secret male lover, James Bonet, who he planned to marry one day, but for now, he would appease Vanessa and marry the perfect female of her choosing. Then he would set his plan into action.

  Emry figured the only way to pull off the scam of the year was to marry, as Vanessa requested, to make his child legal. That would give Vanessa the heir that she demanded, and then shortly after saying, 'I Do' at a quickie marriage ceremony, Emry would become deathly ill. That would allow him to skip the honeymoon, which would have been a disaster without a doubt. Then Emry would inch further into his deadly illness that would quickly take his life.

  Emry took all precautions in setting up his planned deaths. A paid off doctor was essential, and of course, a body to take his place when the time came, and all the proper paperwork had to be correlated and placed on file. Emry went to great links setting everything up beforehand and felt that he was finally ready to move forward. Now all he had left to do was to die.

  Of course, Emry was not dying. His plan to fake his death, after providing Vanessa with her bastard heir, would net him his money and a means of escape. Then he and James, his beautiful lover, could disappear with his inheritance intact, to some far-away non-descript island and languish away. So far, everything was going as planned. Things just weren't moving fast enough to suit Emry.



  As Sasha pulled into the driveway, she noticed a black Mercedes pulling out of the drive. She could not see the driver but assumed it was someone who knew Emry because she had seen the car before. After parking her car in the garage, she rushed into the house and straight up to Emry's room. They did not share a bedroom. Since the day they married when Emry first became ill. They had not slept together. He had been physically unable to consummate their marriage. Emry said that he was in so much pain continuously that he tossed and turned a lot. Because of his restless sleeping condition, he preferred not to share a bed with Sasha. He said that it was for Sasha's sake as well because he did not want to keep her awake with his thrashing and moaning during the night.

  When Sasha entered Emry's bedroom, it was cold and dark, that was the way he liked it. Sasha would have opened the drapes, but Emry preferred being in the darkened room. He said that he could rest better with the room dark. Sasha went directly to Emry's nightstand, where she had placed all his medicine bottles. She turned on the small lamp that was sitting on the table and then looked at Emry. "How are you feeling today, Emry?"

  Slowly Emry opened his eyes, and in a slow, gruff sounding voice, he answered, "I'm dying, how you think I feel?"

  Sasha cleared her throat as she averted her gaze and continued preparing his medications.

  Emry had dismissed all of the nurses that his grandmother had hired, saying that they were incompetent and noisy. He said he preferred the room dark and quiet and only wanted Sasha to be by his side and care for him until the end. Sasha was not a trained nurse and felt uncomfortable being the one to administer his medications, but to please Emry, she followed his edict.

  Sasha gently raised Emry's bed, being cautious of the tubes and wires hooked to his body for monitoring and medications. After fluffing up his pillow, Sasha gave Emry his evening round of pills, and then she handed him a glass of chilled juice from the mini-fridge she kept in his bedroom. Emry muttered something rude under his breath after swallowing the last of the tablets. He hated taking all of the required medicine because he said it made him nauseous and gave him a headache, so he always snapped at Sasha as soon as the last tablet went down. "Now, get out of my room and leave me be. Turn out those lights on your way out, and don't bother me anymore."

  Sasha meekly backed away from the bed and then made a hasty retreat. She knew that Emry was in pain and thought it best to do as he said. Sasha did not know of anything else she could do for him, especially since he always dismissed her so abruptly.

  Sasha made her way to the kitchen to see if there were any leftovers from lunch, and after Maida, the cook, warmed her plate of food that she had saved for Sasha, she sat down at the small dining table in the kitchen to eat her supper. The oversized table in the dining hall was far too impersonal to eat at all alone. Besides, Maida always chatted with Sasha while she ate. Maida was the only staff member at the mansion that Sasha felt comfortable talking too.

  The rambling mansion always felt cold and uninviting, so Sasha mostly stayed in her room while she was at home. Home-was a strange word to call the estate. It was not her home, and it never would be. Sasha knew that staying at the mansion was only temporary. As soon as she had the baby, Vanessa Lockheed had made it crystal clear to Sasha that she was to leave and never return. Sasha was to have no contact with the baby or any of the family members in the future. Sasha had initially agreed to the arrangement that she had made with Vanessa because she needed the money. Her father, John Mason, was deep in debt, from trying to salvage his construction company after the housing market bottomed out. They were about to lose their home, and there was no way that Sasha could continue college. She had to drop out with only one more year left to graduate. When Sasha saw Vanessa’s ad, it sounded like the only way that she c
ould help her Dad, but now she was having second thoughts.

  Now, the idea of giving up her baby did not seem as simple as it had sounded initially. Sasha had signed a contract with Vanessa, though, and accepted the first installment of a hundred thousand dollars, so she was now stuck as far as the money went. There was no leeway for negotiation in Vanessa's arrangement. Sasha had to give up her baby, or she had to return the money. Those were her only two choices. John had already spent most of the cash bailing his company out of bankruptcy, so Sasha had no way of paying Vanessa back. Sasha found herself caught between the proverbial rock and a hard place.

  Contemplating her situation made her lose her appetite, so she pushed her plate away, drank her glass of tea, and headed upstairs. Maida knew a little about the situation Sasha had gotten herself into, staff members talked. She felt sorry for Sasha, but there was nothing that she could do to help her.

  Sasha slowly climbed the long set of steps up to her bedroom. She would watch a little television in her room, read a little, and then go to sleep in her big bed all alone. At least she could think about Damon and the sweet time that she had spent with him and wonder where their next rendezvous would be. He always came up with a different place to meet each week, which made their meetings even more special. Sasha could dream of Damon, and maybe, for a little while, she would be able to make her living in this house a little more bearable.


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