The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series)

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The DECEIT Collection: A Romantic Suspense full of lies, deception, passion, and DECEIT... (The DECEIT Series) Page 15

by Emma Shae

  Sasha had nursed her hungry son, and shortly afterward, he was fast asleep. She continued to hold Trenton in her arms until she felt the blood draining from them and was finally willing to turn loose of him.

  Sasha looked over at Damon, who was still sitting quietly in the rocking chair. He continued contemplating the events of the day and how different things could have turned out. Worry lines were etched across his forehead. Damon could not stop thinking about how badly his brother had hurt all of them. Deceiving Vanessa was bad enough, and cheating their company could have been detrimental, but going after his family was something that Damon could not forgive, and he was going to have to deal with it.

  When Damon finally looked up, Sasha was staring at him. He tried to force a smile, and so did she, then she asked, “Can you put Trenton in his crib for me? I think my arm is asleep.”

  Damon took his sleeping son, and after kissing him on the cheek, he put him into his crib. Damon stood looking down at Trenton for several minutes, thinking how lucky he was that Vanessa had been quick thinking, and her actions had probably saved his son’s life. Damon slipped the tiny blue blanket under Trenton’s chin and backed away.

  Sasha had slumped down in the bed covers and closed her eyes. Damon watched her sleep peacefully for several seconds. Then he placed a blanket over her, kissed her on the cheek, and then walked downstairs to check on things.

  The new guards were in place at the front door. Damon knew all of them since they were Lockheed employees. He acknowledged the men after checking in with them and then walked to the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. Damon did not feel hungry, but since he hadn’t eaten anything since their morning croissants, his stomach was growling.

  William had pitched in to help Maida prepare a large tray of sandwiches for the policemen and guards, so Damon grabbed a couple of them from the platter, and then he went to check on Vanessa.

  When Damon opened her door, her eyes were closed, so he was about to back out of her room and let her sleep, but then she spoke. “Please come in Damon and have a seat,” Vanessa said as she patted the edge of her mattress. I have something that I need to tell you.”

  Damon closed the door and sat down on the side of the bed. Vanessa fluffed a couple of pillows behind her head, and then she sat up her bed. After clearing her throat, she said, “I went to see Emry at the jail this evening. Do not be upset with me. I had to go because David is going to have to release him tomorrow, and there were a few things that I had to discuss with him.”

  “Oh my God, no, David can’t let him go. Emry is out of control, and there is no telling what he might do next.”

  “I played him, Damon. I allowed Emry to think that I believed those two men were going to kidnap Trenton if I did not pay them off. Emry swore that he could work out a deal with them to pay them back, and they would leave. Those are dangerous men, Damon, and they want their money. I could tell that Emry was lying to me and planned to take the money and run. Emry owes them a lot of money for his gambling debts, and I’m sure that if I paid them off, Emry would just get back into trouble again with some other loan shark. I’m going to have Emry set up a drop point, but Steve is going to meet with them.”

  “Vanessa, you can’t work out a deal with these kinds of people. As you said, they are dangerous.”

  “That is the exact reason why I’m letting Steve handle it. He can take care of the problem for us.”

  “I think that we should just allow the police to handle the situation and stay clear of working directly with them.”

  Vanessa smiled, and then said, “With a business as large and well known as Lockheed, we have always had to deal with these types of people, Damon. I’ve had to take care of problems like these for years. Now that you are taking over the company, it’s going to be your responsibility to take on these types of problems. People like this do not back off, they don’t give up, and they never quit. Now that they know where we live and that we have money, they will keep coming back for more. The police will never catch them, and they will never be able to stop them, not using legal methods, anyway. When faced with an impossible situation, like this one, always trust Steve. He and his crew are on salary with Lockheed, and all they do is handle situations like this one. He is a professional and quite capable of handling this quietly. Emry will contact these men for us because he wants the money. I have told Emry that he must have the men meet him at a specific location, and I will see that the money is there waiting for them. Then Steve will handle it from there. These two are not the only ones that will come after Emry. I am sure of it, but Emry is so money hungry he is foolish enough to think that he can outsmart them. He is going to end up getting himself killed over money if I do not stop him here and now. I must have Emry committed. That is the only way that I can save him from himself. I hate to do it, but it is for his own good.”

  “I know that your right, Grams. I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around all of this. I’ve never had to deal with anything like this before. I’ll let you handle it the way you’ve outlined and pray that it works.”

  “Trust me, Damon, this is what I do. In time, you will learn. Steve will help you along the way, anytime you need him. Steve and his team are always ready to take care of things. Keep him on the payroll when I am no longer with you. He will one day be your best friend, I promise you.”

  “I understand what you’re saying, and I’ll do what you ask. I have to admit that I have a lot to learn about running Lockheed but having you as my teacher means I won’t lack for direction. Keep me informed. I need to be aware of what you expect.”

  “I set Emry up a hotel room at the Regency. He is supposed to contact those men tomorrow and tell them to meet him at his hotel at 10:00 AM. I have briefed Steve, and he will handle everything. The psychiatric hospital is supposed to pick Emry up early tomorrow morning. If everything goes as planned, Emry will be out of your hair tomorrow. I am so sorry that you and Sasha have had to deal with all of this. Hopefully, by tomorrow, everything will be over and done.

  “This couldn’t be helped, Grams. You do not have anything to apologize for. None of this is your fault. If it was not for you, I might have already lost Trenton. Thank you for all that you have done. I appreciate you more than you will ever know. Damon bent and kissed his grandmother on the forehead and turned to leave the room.

  After Damon had left, Vanessa could not help but smile. There was so much more that she needed to tell him, but she was tired now and needed to rest. After tomorrow things would start to improve. Vanessa was sure of it.

  The DECEIT Series Book 4

  The Final DECEIT













  The Final DECEIT


  The final book in the DECEIT Series. Sasha and Damon finally become one and just in time to avoid another deadly plot by Damon’s brother, Emry. Emry’s spiteful acts of vengeance force Vanessa to reveal to Damon some long-hidden secrets that she has carefully guarded for many years.

  Damon isn’t prepared to hear some of the information that Vanessa must now share with him. As the skeletons come pouring out of the closet, Damon will have to learn to cope with these new family secrets. Betrayal, murder, passion, lies, and DECEIT ensues......



  As Damon climbed the stairs to join Sasha in her bedroom, he reminisced over the revealing conversation that he just had with Vanessa. He was still reeling as he tried to take it all in. Vanessa had shared a lot of information with him, but it was apparent that s
he had much more that she wanted to tell Damon, but she had hesitated for some reason.

  Damon didn’t want to have to commit his brother, Emry, for psychiatric detention, but Vanessa was right, it was the only way that they could save him.

  Emry had allowed his jealousy and greed to dictate his life for too long. Damon was sorry that he hadn’t recognized that Emry had so many problems much sooner, but hopefully, it wasn’t too late to help him.

  When Damon reached Sasha’s bedroom door, he knocked lightly and announced that he was coming in. He found Sasha curled into a tight ball, asleep, with Trenton nestled close to her. Damon couldn’t help but smile. The two of them had just weathered a very tuff day. It made sense that Sasha needed her baby close. The motherly instinct in her was to protect, and it was apparent that was what she was doing.

  Damon grabbed an extra blanket and stretched out on the bed beside Sasha, being careful not to disturb her. It was very late at that point, and Damon was exhausted too, so sleep came quickly for him.

  Trenton slept through the night but woke early the next morning, ready for his breakfast. Damon also awoke when he heard his son’s mild whimpering and slowly rolled over to see the loveliest sight that he had ever seen.

  Sasha was nursing Trenton, and he started cooing. Sasha hadn’t noticed that Damon was awake and watching her. She began to hum to the baby softly while he nursed. Damon lay still, not wanting to upset such a special moment, but Sasha felt his eyes on her and spoke to him.

  “Did you get any rest at all last night?”

  “Yes, I think I died. I was exhausted. I don’t think that I moved all night long-how about you?”

  “I’m surprised, but I feel rested. Do you know if the police have caught those two men that tried to kidnap our baby yet? I would like to know what’s going on with Emry.”

  “As of last night, they hadn’t caught the men, and as of last night, Emry was still in custody, but I haven’t checked this morning. I’ll go downstairs and find out if there is any new information. Are you hungry?”

  “Yes, I’m famished. Scrounge through Maida’s fridge and see if you can find something for us to munch on.”

  “Oh, I’m sure Maida has something fresh that is much more appetizing than cold leftovers.”

  “Bring some orange juice too.”

  “Yes, ma'am, your wish is my command.”

  Sasha stuck her tongue out at Damon as he walked out the door, and he laughed.

  Sasha finished feeding Trenton, kissed him, and then put him back in his crib. She sat on the edge of the bed then, waiting for Damon to return. After several minutes Sasha figured that Damon must have gotten detained, so she decided to take a shower. As she was rinsing off, she heard Damon returning. Sasha hurriedly toweled off and, upon returning to the bedroom, saw a large platter filled with food waiting for her.

  “Maida prepared a feast for us. She said that she knew we would be hungry. Dive in.”

  There was an array of fruit and finger sandwiches, along with pancakes and breakfast sausage. Sasha dove in, almost inhaling her food. She had finally got her appetite back and was famished.

  Damon laughed as he saw her devouring everything in sight, “You were starving, weren’t you? I’m sorry. I should have brought you something to eat last night.”

  “I was too worried last night to eat anything, but I’m making up for it this morning. Everything is delicious. Stop watching me eat and join me.”

  Damon began to eat then, too. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was until he started to eat. After he ate his fill, he told Sasha, “William brought over some of my clothes, so I think I’ll take a shower if that’s okay by you.”

  “Go ahead. I’ll be fine. I feel a little more relaxed this morning.”

  “I’m glad. I was worried about you. I think today is going to be a better day, and everything is going to work out.”

  “I hope you’re right, Damon. I’m ready for some good news. Did you find out any news when you went downstairs?”

  “No, but I haven’t had a chance to talk to Vanessa or police chief, David, since last night. As soon as I take my shower and get dressed, I’ll see talk to Vanessa and find out if there is any news. For the time being, though, I think that you should stay put in this room, at least until we know that it’s safe to venture out.”

  “I agree, I have no problem staying put, I feel safe here with you.”



  While Damon took his shower, Sasha finished enjoying the platter of food that Damon had brought to her.

  After completing his shower, Damon was anxious to find out if there was any new information about Emry, but in the same sense, dreaded hearing that something had gone wrong, and he was about to receive bad news. He grabbed a robe and loosely tied the belt at his waist and headed back into the bedroom, where Sasha was still lounging on the bed.

  Sasha could tell from the quiet mood that Damon had shifted into, that he was troubled. Sasha was afraid that it concerned the two killers that were still on the rampage, or possibly Emry causing even more problems. She hesitated to ask but was anxious to know.

  “I know that you’re worried about everything that’s going on, and I am too, but I’m sure that things are going to settle down soon. I feel certain that the police will find those men and Emry too, hopefully, today, and then everything will get back to normal again.”

  “Well, at least for this morning, you probably should continue to stay inside your room. Until I can find out what transpired overnight, we both need to be cautious.”

  “I’ll be careful and stay put. I don’t mind having you wait on me. In fact, it’s kind of nice having a slave take care of me.”

  “Oh, I’m your slave now, am I?”

  “Well, at least for this morning, I would say. Do you mind taking care of me?” Sasha asked as she stretched out across the big bed. She then let her head hang low off the end of the bed, looking up at Damon, as she allowed herself to appear helpless.

  Looking down at her like that, Damon couldn’t help but feel desire for her.

  As Sasha allowed the oxygen to flow freely to her head, she began to feel completely relaxed. Then she slowly extended her arms over her head, making her feel as though she was floating for a few seconds, and it felt wonderful.

  Damon eased down onto the bed beside Sasha softly saying, “Now, don’t you look too comfortable, may I join you?”

  Damon grabbed Sasha around the waist and slowly slid her back up onto the bed beneath him. Sasha had her eyes closed until that moment, and as she began to smile, she said, “Of course you may join me, kind sir.”

  Then, Sasha opened her eyes, and emerald green ones greeted her as Damon smiled back at her.

  Damon’s robe was open, revealing his bare chest, encouraging Sasha to reach up and touch him. She loved feeling Damon’s skin, he had a fine mist of hair across the front of his chest that was soft to the touch, and his abdomen was flat and full of rippling muscles.

  Damon then bent low over Sasha’s neck and placed feather-light kisses all around her neck and ears. He then slowly worked his way around her throat until he reached her mouth. He stopped there and returned to Sasha’s neck.

  Then Damon began to work his way back down her belly, streaming kisses over her entire body. Sasha could feel her body start to tingle as a warm shiver ran through her, and it was very pleasing.

  Damon continued to kiss her neck and only stopped long enough to slip the gossamer gown that Sasha was wearing up over her head. After removing the almost transparent covering, Damon had full access to her breasts, which were now fully exposed for his viewing pleasure.

  Damon then plied kisses to her breasts as he softly whispered to her, “I love you, so much.”

  Damon then returned to the center of her breasts, kissing Sasha there before moving back to her nipple.

  Sasha could feel his sweet breath flow over her, causing her whole body to tingle. As Damon took Sasha’s nipple in
to his mouth, he began to rotate his tongue around the areola gently. The ecstasy was almost more than Sasha could take.

  Intense sensations were flowing all over her body. It felt like Damon’s hands were all over you at one time, but he was only touching her with his mouth.

  Damon traveled from one breast to the other and then back again, then he began to move down her waist and onto her belly. He was giving her such pleasure, Sasha wasn't sure if she could take any more. Then Damon dipped his tongue inside her navel and began to rotate it there.

  Sasha desired to feel Damon inside of her as she slowly lifted her hips toward him, only to be met by his tongue as it worked its way onto her thigh. Then with a gentle nudge, Damon inched her legs further apart and placed himself between them.

  He didn’t enter her yet, though, he continued to assault her with his tongue. Then, with devastating precision, Damon started circling her clitoris with his moist tongue. Slowly he rolled his tongue around and around, lightly dipping in and out of her vagina. Then Damon returned to her clitoris with a twirling motion while gently sucking and fluttering her clitoris with his tongue. Sasha felt that she couldn’t take any more of this sensational pleasure as she began to pant faster and faster until ultimately, she had the most fulfilling orgasm. Sasha had never experienced such an overwhelming drain of all her strength. She felt utterly spent at that moment, but Damon wasn’t through, he continued licking her, forcing her to rise to his demand, Sasha could feel her passion returning as she craved more. Her panting returned, and she could feel her climax returning, but she desired to feel Damon’s cool manhood inside of her to reach her ultimate peak.


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