Fatal Connection: A Phoenix Agency Crossover Novella (Phoenix Agency Universe Book 15)

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Fatal Connection: A Phoenix Agency Crossover Novella (Phoenix Agency Universe Book 15) Page 13

by Anna Blakely

  With a semi-clear head, Alex fought against every protective instinct he had and eased forward, inch by tortured inch, in order to get a good look at what they were up against.

  “You’re lying!” Josiah accused loudly.

  “No, Josiah. I’m not.”

  When he heard the man hitting Eden again, Alex closed his eyes and tried like hell to maintain his control. With his breaths pumping in and out at a dangerously fast pace, his hand squeezed around his pistol, the force causing him physical pain.

  “Stop. Lying!”

  When he heard Eden’s low moan following what sounded like another punch to the face, Alex lost it. He refused to stand by another second while the woman he loved got beaten.

  Without warning, he turned the corner, his and Dan’s trained footfalls silent as they made his way to where Eden lay.

  “Who says I just got started?”

  Alex committed Josiah’s whispered words to memory, knowing they’d need to be revisited later. Focused on getting the other man as far from Eden as he could, Alex continued covering the small distance between them until he was standing directly behind the fucker.

  Because Josiah was so focused on Eden, he didn’t realize Alex and Dan had entered the dark and musty space until the barrel of Alex’s gun was pressing against the back of the bastard’s neck.

  “Drop the knife.”

  Making sure Josiah knew there were two of them, Dan kept his own weapon trained on the target while he walked around Eden’s feet to the other side of the table.

  “Alex?” Eden moaned, his name slurred as it fell from her swollen and bleeding lips.

  He couldn’t believe she was still conscious. Not after having this man’s hands on her, not to mention the beating she’d been forced to endure. Just more proof that what she’s said was true.

  Eden had gained a hell of a lot of strength over her power since the last time they’d worked together. She was stronger than he’d ever hope to be.

  That’s my girl.

  God, he wanted to touch her. To hold her and tell her everything would be okay. But there was one thing he had to take care of before that could happen.

  Josiah’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Hello, Detective Bennett. I guess I should have known you’d find me.”

  “Drop the fucking knife and step away from her, or I swear to God, I will kill you where you stand.”

  Giving him an almost indiscernible shake of his head, Dan let Alex know the asshole wasn’t complying.

  “This blade is very, very sharp, Detective. I’m certain I will die if you shoot me. But how sure are you that she won’t, too?”

  Goddamn it. Josiah was right.

  The guy had his hand rested on Eden’s left collar bone, positioning the blade perfectly above her carotid. If Alex shot him now, chances were the man’s muscles would jerk on reflex, sending the blade slicing across her delicate skin.

  “Josiah, no one else has to die,” Dan spoke calmly, trying to get through to him. “Eden told us about your family. About what happened to your sister. That shit wasn’t your fault, man.”

  “You don’t talk about my sister,” Josiah warned.

  “Look, man…” Alex followed Dan’s lead. “We get it. You think by killing these women, you’ve been helping them. Hell, you probably did.”

  “That’s right.” Dan nodded. “Alex and his team spoke to their families and the few friends they had. From what they’ve said, the women you killed were miserable.”

  “Hell yes, they were.” Alex continued slinging the bullshit in hopes they could talk the monster down. “You truly were their liberator, Josiah. They had no one to turn to. No one cared about their pain until you came along.”

  Josiah nodded. “You’re right. I was the only one who could give them the peace I knew they longed for.”

  “But I don’t long for that anymore, Josiah,” Eden whispered weakly. “You know this to be true.”

  Anymore? Jesus, she was breaking his heart.

  “We can get you help. You just have to drop the scalpel and step away. You do that, I’ll get you into the best hospital in the city. You have my word.”

  “I’ll do you one better, Josiah,” Dan tried to sweeten the pot. “You don’t know me, but I’m a man with a lot of power and even more money. I can get you treated by the best doctors in the world.”

  As if he hadn’t heard a word either man said, Josiah told them, “I helped those women.”

  “We know, Josiah.” Eden’s voice slurred even worse than before. “But you’re not…helping…me.”

  “She’s right, man,” Dan kept on, his eyes bouncing back and forth between Eden and the other man. “You can argue what you did to those women, you did all that to help them. But Eden?” Dan shook his head. “You kill her, its nothing more than cold blooded murder.”

  When Josiah still didn’t budge, Alex decided to try another approach.

  “Think of Mary Grace. This whole thing started with her, right? Would she really want you to do this? To kill an innocent woman who doesn’t want to be liberated?”

  Everything seemed to happen all at once.

  At the mention of his sister’s name, Josiah swung his right arm—and the scalpel—around. The sudden move took Alex off guard, and he threw his hand up to protect himself from the blade. When he did, his forearm collided with Josiah’s, causing his gun to fire at the wall to his right just before it flew from his hand.

  With the blade still headed straight for Alex’s face, Josiah growled as he tried to kill him. Thankfully, Alex’s training trumped the other man’s strength, allowing him to gain control of Josiah’s wrist and twist.

  The snapping of bone filled the damp space just before Josiah’s loud roar of pain. The scalpel fell to the floor next to Alex’s feet, but Josiah still didn’t stop.

  Rather than accept defeat, the crazed man continued to fight. Using the muscles in his legs for leverage, he screamed and shoved Alex back. Josiah continued the motion until he slammed Alex against the rough, rock wall.

  Alex’s back and head hit with enough force to momentarily stun him. If they’d been alone, he had no doubt Josiah would have overpowered him then. But they weren’t alone.

  With a hard yank, Dan ripped Josiah away from Alex, tossing the man to the ground behind him. Alex dove for his gun, picking the weapon up just as their target began charging them again. It was the last thing Josiah ever did.

  The sound of deafening gunshots echoed off the stone walls as both Alex and Dan emptied their weapons. Simultaneously, the two men pulled their triggers, again and again. Neither stopped until every bullet in their mags had been spent.

  Knowing they’d finally ended the bastard, Alex shoved his empty gun into his waistband and ran to Eden’s side. His heart dropped to his stomach when he saw the fresh blood on her throat.

  Chapter Fifteen


  Alex rushed to her side, his hand flying to her neck to put pressure against the source of the blood. He blew out a breath, his relief from discovering the cut was shallow pouring down at her from his worried eyes. It was short-lived, however, and they became wild with worry again as he took in the rest of her physical state.

  “Ah, God, baby.”

  “Get me out of these,” she begged breathlessly. Unprecedented panic set in and she began yanking on the metal cuffs at her wrist. “I tried, but…I couldn’t…get free. I have to…please, Alex…”

  With a low curse, he lifted his head to speak to Dan. “Check him for keys.”

  Alex’s handsome face filled with agony once more as he looked back down at her. Gently cupping her tender face, he kissed her forehead.

  “We’ll get you out, sweetheart, but I need you to quit fighting the restraints. You’re only hurting yourself more.”

  “Got ’em!” Dan hollered out from somewhere behind her.

  Within seconds, Eden was free and being scooped into the warmth and protection of Alex’s strong arms. Once outside, he caref
ully set her down on her feet and turned on a small flashlight she didn’t even realize he had.

  His jaw clenched together tightly as he began assessing her from head to toe. He took some time to study the scrapes and cuts she’d gotten from the shackles, paying a little more attention to the deeper one on her right wrist.

  Moving the light closer to her face, Alex failed to hold back a hissing breath from the bruises she could already feel forming. He swallowed hard, his voice low and deadly when he asked, “Where else did he hurt you?”

  “He c-cut my side, but I’m okay.”

  Using his light, Alex inspected the area, growling when he spotted the injury. Eden thought the bleeding had slowed, and she was pretty sure Josiah hadn’t gone deep enough to cause any major damage.

  “You’ll probably need some stitches.”

  “I-I’m okay,” she repeated, only then realizing how badly she was shaking. When did that start?

  “It’s the adrenaline,” Alex explained, sensing her concern. “It’ll pass.” When Eden nodded, he asked, “Do you think you can walk? The chopper’s just a little over a quarter mile from here. I’ll have the pilot fly us directly to the hospital and—”

  “No.” Eden shook her head. “N-no hospitals.”

  Understanding crossed over his face. “Sweetheart, I know you hate them, but your ankles and wrists are torn up pretty badly. They need to be treated, as well as your side. And you probably should start a round of antibiotics too, just in case.”

  Damn. She hated that he was right. “C-can’t we just c-call someone…have them come t-to your apartment?”

  “I can arrange for that.”

  They turned to see Dan coming out of the cellar. Alex gave him a look. “Let me guess, you know a guy?”

  Not bothering to answer, Dan made his way over to them. Stopping in front of Eden, he frowned. “You okay?”

  Eden didn’t answer yes, because she refused to lie. Instead she responded with, “I-I will be.”

  Surprisingly, given the circumstances, the powerful man smiled. “Yes.” He nodded. “I believe you will be.”

  After calling Sergeant Murphy and Garrett to explain what happened, Murphy instructed Alex to get her out of there. He told Alex they’d stay back and wait for the other authorities to arrive, and Eden was more than happy to go along with that plan.

  About five minutes into the walk, a wave of dizziness hit Eden, causing her to sway.

  “Whoa.” Alex wrapped his arm around her just before her knees gave out.

  “I’m…fine.” Okay, even to her that sounded weak.

  With a muttered curse, he bent down and lifted her into his arms. Holding her tightly against his chest, Alex carried her like that the entire rest of the way to the chopper. Eden didn’t even have the strength to argue.

  “Guess it’s all just…c-catching up…to m-me.”

  The sweet man squeezed her a little tighter. “We’re almost there.”

  Swirls of grey and black began floating through her mind. “Alex?”


  Eden rested her cheek on his chest. “Need you to…c-calm your…thoughts. P-please.”

  “Shit.” His troubled voice rumbled. “Sorry.”

  “Want me to carry her?” Dan offered from a few feet ahead.

  “No,” Alex shot back. He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. Almost instantly, the greys became muted. Lighter. “I’ve got her.”

  Though he was trying his best to not be angry, it was impossible to shut it down completely. Every few steps, Eden would sense a flash of his fear. His fury.

  By the time they got to the clearing where the helicopter was waiting, she was spent.

  Dan got in first, taking her just long enough for Alex to climb inside. As soon as he sat down, Dan transferred her back to Alex’s arms.

  Spotting the empty seat next to them, she said, “There’s p-plenty of…room. You d-don’t have to…hold me.”

  “Yes, I do.” His response was definite.

  Eden could feel Alex fighting to control his thoughts and emotions. He held back pretty well, for the most part. But no matter how hard he tried, some things still slipped through.

  As they flew across the night sky, small snips of moments combined to form full scenes. Images of Alex and the others at the station came first.

  In one of the frames, Eden saw two women she’d never met before. The one with auburn hair sat next to Dan, holding his hand. Eden guessed it was Mia, Dan’s wife.

  Sitting across from them was a pretty blonde with green eyes. She had her eyes closed and was scribbling a picture on a sketchpad. When Eden saw what it was, she gasped.

  “Those women,” she whispered up to Alex. “They helped you…find me.”


  Eden settled against the warmth of his embrace and closed her eyes. “Remind me to…thank them.”

  Alex kissed the top of her head before resting his cheek there. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  A barrage of emotions threatened to overwhelm her. Alex’s guilt and self-hatred were at the forefront.

  “Wasn’t your…fault,” Eden slurred, her body and mind becoming weaker. “Told me…not to…do it.”

  “I almost lost you, Eden.” His voice cracked with emotion. “You and Zoe both could’ve died.”

  Oh, God. She’d forgotten to ask about the other woman. “Is Zoe okay?” Eden tried to sit up, but Alex kept her still.

  “When we left the station to come find you, she was in surgery.”

  Eden was hit with the horrific image of Zoe lying on the floor and bleeding. It was immediately followed by another overwhelming wave of helplessness and guilt from Alex.

  “Alex, p-please. Have to…l-let it g-go.”

  She felt him draw in a shuttered breath before whispering back, “I don’t know how.”

  God, she loved this man.

  “I’m safe…n-now. Zoe’s s-safe. Focus on…that.”

  Emotions from the scene she’d just witnessed lingered, but soon she could also feel the way his hope had mixed with his fear. No longer having the strength to keep them open, Eden closed her eyes and concentrated on only the positive energy Alex was trying to convey.

  His anguish began to slowly evaporate as other, more pleasant emotions, broke through.

  Alex’s powerful relief from knowing Josiah’s reign of terror was finally over. His overwhelming sense of thanks that she was safe and back in his arms. The gratefulness he felt, not only toward Garrett and the rest of his team, but also Dan, Mia, and the other woman.

  But what stood out from it all was Alex’s unwavering love for her.

  Eden had felt the love he’d been harboring for her before, but this…this was different. What she could sense in his heart now was a love so powerful, so unbreakable, it brought tears to her eyes.

  With the remaining tendrils of energy she had left, Eden looked up at her real-life hero and smiled.

  “I love you.”

  Unshed tears made Alex’s blue eyes sparkle even more. Pinks and reds blossomed, warming her soul as he placed the gentlest of kisses to her lips. “I love you, too.”


  “How long are you going to keep this up?”

  Standing at the grill, Alex tore his eyes from Eden and started flipping the burgers. “Keep what up?” he asked Dan.

  “Hovering over her like you’re waiting for her to break.”

  Alex frowned. “It’s only been a couple weeks.”

  He glanced back over at her. Sitting around Dan and Mia’s patio table, Eden was talking and laughing with Mia and Kat. Like Eden, both women had used their abilities to overcome insurmountable odds, and Alex was thankful Eden finally had friends she could relate to on that level.

  After the dust settled from everything that had happened, Dan and Mia had invited them to come to Texas for a few days. They both thought it would be good for Eden to get away from the city for a while. Alex had agreed, and the next day he put in for the vacation t
ime he’d never taken.

  Upon Dan’s insistence, he’d flown them in on one of Phoenix’s private jets, put them up in one of San Antonio’s swankiest hotels, and hadn’t let them pay for a damn thing since.

  As Alex continued to cook the burgers, he watched as Eden smiled at something Kat said and knew they’d made the right decision. Not only had the last few days been good for her physically, it had also done wonders for her mentally and emotionally.

  Spending time with the two women who’d helped save her life had been both therapeutic and life changing.

  With the exception of Josiah—the fucker—Eden had never connected with another gifted person before. Now all of a sudden, she was surrounded by them. And if the smile on her face was any indication, she felt right at home.

  The entire team, including Sergeant Murphy, had been impressed with the amount of information she’d gotten from Josiah. After Eden gave her official statement, the FBI ran another search and found eight other unsolved murders they believed Josiah was responsible for.

  They spanned over the past decade, the first one dated right around the time it was believed Josiah had killed his parents. He hadn’t left cards with his earlier kills, which explained why they hadn’t connected him as the killer before. That they’d been able to do so now was all thanks to Eden.

  She truly is incredible.

  “Look at her, Alex.” Dan gestured toward the women. “Eden’s all but recovered, brother. Pretty sure you can ease up on the whole, alpha protector gig a bit.”

  “Really?” Alex transferred the burgers to an empty platter. “Tell me, Romeo. How long did it take you to let go of the reigns after all that shit went down with Mia?”

  Over drinks one evening, Dan and Mia had shared the full story of how they met. Dan had also given them more details about how Mia had almost died.

  Having seen parts of it that first time she and Dan shook hands, Eden already knew most of the story. But hearing the entire thing had sent chills down Alex’s spine. From the look on Dan’s face, his friend was still as affected by it now as he was the day it happened.


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