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*Lunacharakii, Elagar, Pasteboard Prophets: On Reading One’s Own Fear and Calling It the Future (Kaitain: Linthrin UP).
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Miiarz, Gweleder, Some Difficulties in Expanding, Cataloging, and Annotating an Alien Culture, ES 6.
Joan Bouchelle — J.B.
Edgar L. Chapman — E.C.
Judith A. Clark — J.A.C.
Michael Clayton
Grace W. Eckley —G.W.E.
Greta Eisner — G.E.
Peter Facione — P.F.
J. L. Germain — J.L.G.
J. H. Gervais — J.H.G.
Stephen Goldman — S.G.
Lee Granell — L.G.
Jane Hipolito — J.H.
William Hornaday — W.H.
Wesley D. Ives — W.D.I.
Edward M. Jennings — E.J.
Alan Kaye — A.K.
Dorothy Kilter — D.K.
Gillian Kitrick — G.K.
Linda R. Levy. — L.R.L.
Gregory Lichtenberg — G.L.
Victoria Lustbader — V.L.
Michael W. McClintock — M.M.
Willis McNelly — W.M.
Douglas J. McReynolds — D.M.
Walter E. Meyers — W.E.M.
Frederic H. Miller — F.M.
Myron Orleans — M.O.
Charles A. Povlovich — C.A.P.
John Quijada — J.Q.
Julia Reed — J.R.M.
R. Reginald — R.R.
Thomas E. Roberts — T.R.
John A. Ryan — J.R.
Roger Schlobin — R.S.
Maureen A. Shifflett — M.S.
Ray C. Shiflett — R.C.S.
Joyce Tally — J.T.
Stephen Tobias — S.T.
Michael Tolley — M.T.
Robert Trowbridge — R.T.
John A. Turner — J.A.T.
Christine Watson — C.W.
Carl B. Yoke — C.Y.
The Dune Encyclopedia Page 112