
Home > Other > Bequeathed > Page 20
Bequeathed Page 20

by Melinda Terranova

  I watch her as she stands, switching the light off. She seems to float to the window. She stands still like a statue, only her hair moving in the gentle breeze.

  “What are you doing?” I join her at the window.

  “Don’t move.” Her voice is barely audible. “Can you see them?”

  “See who?” My voice breaks and my heart jumps into my throat.

  “The hunters are out in force tonight,” she whispers.

  “Why? Can they detect us up here? Do they know you and Maria live here?” My anxiety starts to bubble up from the pit of my stomach.

  “Yes, they know vampires reside in this building, but they don’t know which apartment. Maria has wards up to stop them from detecting us in here. I presume they are just doing routine patrols,” she explains as she watches out the window.

  “How are we going to get to Donato tonight if they’re all out there?” I choke.

  “We will have to take the rooftops. Are you ready for some fun?” She slowly turns to me, a wicked grin plastered on her face. “Don’t look so worried; I won’t let anything happen to you.”

  Sofia leads me up the fire escape, and we now stand on the tiled roof of the building; the height is dizzying and the view is spectacular. The moon hides behind a scattering of clouds casting shadows across the city. The lights sparkle as far as my eyes can see, and the noise of the traffic echoes in the distance. A movement to my left catches my attention. I spy the cat from the other afternoon ready to pounce on its prey before a colony of bats startles it. How fitting, I think to myself.

  “Do you think you can leap from this building to the next? The distance is not far.” Sofia’s voice carries toward me in the wind.

  “I don’t know. I’ve never jumped this far before. I mean, I can’t even walk properly anymore.” I scowl into the darkness.

  “Just leap as you normally would if you were still human; crouch down and propel yourself forward. If you need to, you can take a run up. Here, watch me.” She indicates to her legs.

  Sofia takes a few steps back before launching herself toward the next building and landing daintily on the tiles. “Come on,” she mouths.

  Taking in a deep breath, I close my eyes and push myself forward across the roof toward the adjacent rooftop. The wind stings my face and within seconds I hit the tiles hard. Losing my footing as the tiles crack under my feet from the force of my jump, I scramble to get a proper grip and reach out to hold on as I slide down the angled slope of the roof. I search for Sofia and I hear a tile dislodge and tumble toward the ground. I feel the gutter stop my fall; it creaks under my weight. In one swift movement, Sofia clenches her hand around mine and yanks me upward away from the edge, dragging me after her. I feel the tiles disappear from under my feet. We are jumping to the next building, Sofia’s hand never leaving mine, pulling me after her in movements too swift for me to register. I land a little more gracefully this time, only managing to land on my rear end before Sofia has me flying through the dark once more onto the next sloping rooftop and bounding off that one to continue. We stop abruptly on a rooftop terrace and stand amongst the potted palms. Sofia’s eyes are alert and I don’t dare move.

  “Do you hear them?” she mouths.

  I nod in response. A familiar scent stirs my senses. I close my eyes as I breathe it in and taste it on my tongue. I stare at Sofia in panic when I realize who is roaming the streets tonight. I swallow the lump in my throat, and Sofia must sense my anxiety.

  “We have to get out of here.” She takes my hand in hers and launches silently off the edge, taking me with her.

  We leap through the air from rooftop to rooftop, lights flashing past my eyes in streaks of color. Sofia’s grip never leaves my hand as she leads me further away from the hunters, from him. Knowing the hunters are aware of us is unnerving; knowing that he is down there tracking us makes my heart thud with anxiety. We stop only when we reach the outskirts of the city. Crouching on the top of the ancient Roman wall I see the city before me, a city of true beauty. A city of true horror.

  “We are safe now. It’s not far.” Sofia’s eyes scan the streets below us.

  I watch as she jumps off the ancient stone wall and lands on her two feet. I take in a deep breath, concentrate on the ground below me, and manage to land without falling over. Instinctively I scan the area around us and sniff the air for his familiar scent. My eyes roam the length of the wall, but I cannot detect him.

  “It’s okay. They gave up the chase,” Sofia comforts me.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. Now come on, we haven’t much time. Don’t want to keep Donato waiting.” She winks.

  I roll my eyes in response. “Do you ever take anything seriously?”

  “Nope.” She grins and takes off, keeping in the shadows of the wall.

  We walk briskly through the darkened streets, skirting the wall to stay undetected. The air is cool but does not seem to bother me, and I find that I am able to keep a steady pace without tiring. My senses heightened, I concentrate on my surroundings and don’t realize Sofia has slowed. I look ahead and see we are approaching a gated garden. Sofia scales the fence in one easy move and waves for me to do the same. I stand with my hands on the fence and pull myself up, surprised by my strength. I manage to easily climb over and land on my two feet.

  “You are getting used to your new abilities.”

  “I know. I can’t wait to try out more things.” I grin at her, startled by the unexpected feeling of elation.

  “There’s a shrine to the right of here. I am sure that is where Donato will be waiting.”

  Even with minimal lighting, my eyes adjust well. In the pit of my stomach I sense a feeling of dread. The closer we get to our destination, the more my anxiety grows. We edge closer to the shrine and I can hear him before I can see him. I note two others close by waiting.

  “I see you brought company.” Donato’s voice is smooth and unwavering.

  “I would not allow Katalina to roam the streets at night by herself, not with all the hunters out tonight,” Sofia explains.

  I stare at him waiting for him to reveal the reason for his request to meet. His eyes linger on mine as he strides carefully toward us.

  “They are such pests.” His voice is full of disdain. “Do you think we could have a private minute?” His eyes dart to Sofia.

  Sofia looks at me questioningly and I nod in approval.

  “I won’t be far.” She touches my arm before darting off into the darkness.

  “What about the others? Are they staying nearby?” I look him square in the face.

  “Lasciare,” he hisses.

  I watch him as he watches his guards scatter. He is dressed impeccably—dark jeans, a black T-shirt, and a leather jacket. His hair shines in the darkness and his features are angled perfection.

  “They’re gone.” He turns back toward me.

  “Why have you asked me to meet with you?”

  His smile is enigmatic. “Good question. I guess I am just curious. It’s not often we have a bloodling in our midst. So, tell me, Katalina, do you like it here in Rome?”

  “Yes, it’s a beautiful city, but I miss my home.” The sadness creeps up my throat constricting it. I blink to stop the tears.

  “Home. Do you think you will ever go back?”

  “I’m not sure if I can now that…” I look down at my feet.

  “Now that you are a vampire,” he finishes my sentence.

  “Yes.” I look back up at him.

  “Your family wouldn’t understand?” he questions.

  “I don’t know.”

  He pauses and looks at me. “Why were you in the underground?”

  “I was trying to get back home. At that point I was unable to be in sunlight,” I explain truthfully.

  “He was helping you?” he asks in disbelief.


  “You should stay away from him if you know what’s good for you.” Donato’s eyes darken.

  “So you
have said before.” I cross my arms in defiance.

  “I have it in my power to banish him from the city. I will not have you fraternizing with the enemy,” he spits.

  I step back at the sudden anger his voice has adopted. “What’s it to you whom I am friends with?”

  He chuckles darkly and shakes his head. “Sweet, innocent, little bloodling. You will soon work out how things work in this city. Trust me when I say, you do not want to be associated with vampires like him.”

  “Is this the only reason you called me here?”

  “My intentions are genuine. I am only looking out for your best interests.”

  “Thank you for your concern. I doubt you have anything to worry about. He is probably done with his good deed for the year, and besides, Maria has the same notion as you. I will not seek him out.”

  “What I like to hear. Now onto a lighter subject. Do I have the pleasure of showing you the underground tomorrow night?” He smiles.

  “What?” I ask, dumbfounded.

  “Would you like to come with me to a club tomorrow night?” he says each word separately.

  “Only if Sofia can come with me.” I cannot believe I’m agreeing to this, but I know I have no choice. It seems what Donato wants Donato gets.

  “Of course. I will have my driver pick you both up at midnight.”

  “Don’t we need to go under the city?” I ask, confused.

  “I don’t want you traipsing through the underground for kilometers. My driver will drop you off closer to the entry.” He takes a step toward me. “Be safe on your way back.” His voice is sincere. He lets out a barely audible hiss before disappearing into the dark.

  I stand staring into the darkness after him. “Did you hear all of that?” I ask as Sofia approaches me from behind. I turn to look at her smug face. “What’s that look for?”

  “Katalina, you really are a naive bloodling.” She giggles. “That vampire is smitten and so jealous of you spending time with Toby.”

  “How can he be smitten? I only met him earlier tonight.” I exhale.

  “I don’t know, but you have a date with The Donato. He doesn’t mix with just anyone, you know.” She grins.

  “It’s not a date.” I cringe.

  “Believe whatever you want to believe, but right now we need to get back home.” She dances away.

  We scale the fence with ease and I silently enjoy that my abilities are becoming easier to handle. I follow Sofia up to the top of the ancient wall and wait for her to decide which way is safer for us to retreat home. She takes off at a sprint to the right and I have no problem keeping up. I watch as she jumps onto the closest building and stops to wait for me.

  “Looks like we will have to roof hop all the way home. I was hoping to catch a cab.” She pouts.

  It takes all of ten minutes to make it back near the apartment. I follow Sofia and jump to the ground, landing heavily and falling onto my hands and knees.

  “Are you okay?” She helps me up.

  “I didn’t think it would hurt each time I injured myself.” I brush my pants off.

  “At least we heal fast and the pain doesn’t last as long. Well, I don’t think it does.” Sofia shrugs.

  “No, it doesn’t.” My voice wavers with the thought of my human self, lost forever.

  Sofia senses my emotion and places her arm around my shoulder, guiding me in the direction of the apartment. We walk like this for a few minutes and my mind wanders to my family back home in Australia. My heart aches for them, for the imminent loss and the uncertainty of when I will see them again. I am so absorbed in my wallowing that I don’t realize we have stopped walking. I look at Sofia. Her eyes have turned blood red and a low snarl escapes her lips.

  “Shit,” she hisses.

  My ears twitch to the sound of approaching footsteps. I can hear more than one set as they close in on us. I look at Sofia in panic and meet the eyes of a true vampire, who looks deadly with her teeth bared. Her stare becomes fixated on the street to our left. She doesn’t move. My eyes snap to where she is glaring and I see them: the three hunters approaching us with their fists clenched and their glowing eyes full of malice. They stop a few feet in front of us, the leader much taller than the two that shadow him. He bares his teeth. I hear a low growl emanate from Sofia.

  “Vampire,” the tallest hunter calls in a menacing tone. “You should be in your lock up for the night.”

  “We don’t want trouble. We are nearly home,” Sofia replies. Her stance changes to angle herself toward me.

  “You know the rules. Why disobey them?” The tall one shakes his head in disgust.

  “We will be on our way,” Sofia seethes.

  “I can’t let you do that.” He steps closer to us, the other two following just behind. “It goes against my orders.”

  I step back in response. My heart ends up in my throat beating like it wants to escape. I hear Sofia hiss next to me, her hands clenched and her teeth bared.

  “Don’t take another step closer,” she spits.

  The tall hunter chuckles and nods to both his men whom split in opposite directions; I sense we are being herded. They spread apart and the two stand to the left and right of Sofia and me.

  “There’s no need for this,” Sofia growls.

  “There’s always a need. You vampires obey the rules too well. I wouldn’t give up the opportunity to take one of you out. Or in this case two of you.” He grins.

  “You won’t win the fight,” Sofia tries to stall them.

  A deep rumble escapes his lips as the other two slowly descend upon us. It all happens at once and my instinct to protect Sofia kicks in. A sound I would not believe I could make escapes my lips and frightens me. Sofia’s swift look in my direction shows she is impressed and ready for the attack. All I can think is why we didn’t run while we had the chance; we would surely be home safe by now. I wait for Sofia’s lead, unsure if I should stand and wait or lunge at them. My eyes don’t leave the hunter closest to me. The smirk on his face grows as he inches closer and I brace myself for what I can only imagine is going to be world of pain.

  “Stop.” A deep voice echoes off the buildings.

  The three hunters stop at once, exchanging apprehensive looks. Retreating to where they first stood but not taking their eyes off us, they stand united and wait for further instruction. My heart sinks. I know it’s him. I don’t need my vampire abilities to sense his presence. I swallow as I look at Sofia and cringe when I see him stride toward us. I watch the moment he realizes that I am standing here in all my vampire glory. His face only falters slightly as he approaches his hunters. I hold my breath as he speaks in Italian and orders them to leave.

  “I will take it from here,” he hisses at them. Their reaction is of surprise, but they do not speak as they turn and leave, taking one last menacing look at Sofia and me.

  I want to run to him, wrap my arms around his waist, and bury my face in his neck, but I dare not move. He stands there, eyes not leaving mine, showing a myriad of emotions—from hurt to bewilderment to need. He doesn’t speak for what seems like an eternity, our eyes locked on one another, neither of us daring to move. I feel Sofia tense next to me and my eyes break away from Dominic to see her watching me in confusion. The anguish I feel must show on my features because Sofia reaches out and takes my hand in hers, squeezing it for reassurance and support.

  “How?” Dominic whispers, his eyes searching mine.

  I cannot speak and just shake my head in response.

  He hesitates before taking a step toward us. Sofia automatically angles herself so that she is standing in front of me.

  “It’s okay, Sofia. He won’t hurt us.” I look at her with pleading eyes. It is then that I see the registration on her face. She has worked it out.

  “This is him?” she gasps.

  “Yes,” I manage to whisper as I sneak a glance in his direction.

  “Well, this complicates things,” Sofia states.

  “You don’t say.” D
ominic snorts. “Can we talk? Just the two of us? Please?” His voice breaks.

  I look to Sofia who is shaking her head. “Not such a good idea. He is a…” She doesn’t finish her sentence.

  “I know what he is. He won’t hurt me. I promise.” I hold onto her arm with both hands. “Please, Sofia?”

  Her eyes scrutinize Dominic and she must see something there, something gentle and trustworthy, because she nods her head in approval. “Get her home safe or I’ll have you and your army hanged in the square by morning. Got it?”

  I am shocked at the brutality of her words. “Thank you.” I hug her.

  “Don’t be too long. I won’t mention this to Maria.” She squeezes my hand one last time before darting off toward the apartment.

  I stand there unsure of what to do. Dominic answers my unspoken question and strides toward me stopping within arm’s reach. I look up at his beautiful face and watch as he closes his eyes for a moment before reaching out to touch my hand. I take it in mine and hold it. We stand like this for a long time, neither of us wanting to move, neither of us knowing what to do. His hand feels rough, calloused against my over-sensitized skin, and I can’t bear the thought of any vampire hurting him.

  “How?” he whispers again, his eyes searching mine for answers.

  “I can’t.” I falter. What I would give to be able to tell him the truth.

  He brushes my hair out of my face, leaving a tingling sensation where his hand touches my skin. “When?”

  “Yesterday.” I look at his beautiful face wanting, needing to touch it.

  “Who did this to you?” he growls. “I’m going to kill them.”

  “No, it was nobody. It’s who I am.”

  “I don’t understand.” The confusion in his features breaks my heart.

  “Please,” I plead. “I can’t. Ask me anything but that.”

  He runs his hand through his dark hair and lets out a frustrated sigh. “What. What?” He shakes his head, unable to get the words out. “I have so many questions but not one seems right.”

  “Where do we go from here?” I look at him hoping he knows the answers. My voice is full of uncertainty.


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