Taming Professor A+lphahole

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Taming Professor A+lphahole Page 3

by Loni Ree

  "You said a man couldn't touch me, so I had a woman do this for me." She shrugs as she points at the offending tiny scrawl across her hip. Before I can react any further, she touches the writing on her skin, and it smudges, which causes my heart to lighten. Thoughts of her stomach growing round with our child replace my anger.

  She smirks at me, and I growl, "Your little pregnant ass really is asking for a spanking with your antics."

  "You keep threatening these spankings, but I never can get you to do it." Then she sassily signals for me to follow her to the bedroom. "I may have to keep finding ways to beg for it until you finally make good on your promise." She looks over her shoulder and winks as I follow behind her. As she's walking into the room, she whips the nightgown over her head and tosses it at me. After catching it, I lay it on the chair in the corner.

  "As soon as you have our baby, I'm going to give you all the spankings you're building up. I hope your little ass can take all that punishment at once," I promise, but she isn't satisfied.

  "Why are you waiting?" She spins and points at her little ass then watches hungrily as I strip out of my clothes and place them in the chair.

  "There's no way I'm punishing my pregnant woman, no matter how much you ask for it." Surely, she doesn't expect me to lay a hand on her little ass with my child inside of her.

  "Look here, Reid, you aren't going to hurt me. If your monster dick doesn't cause damage, a few swats to my ass aren't going to hurt anything either. I won't let you treat me like glass this whole pregnancy." My heart stops in my chest when I realize that my child is tucked inside her body. If any harm comes to her, my child will be harmed, too, so I have double the worry now. I look down at my cock and pray she's right that it won't cause any damage.

  "We can revisit spankings when we're holding our child in our arms, but let's try out the whole monster dick thing." After laying her gently across the bed, I lean down to kiss her stomach and whisper to my child. My eager shaft rubs up against the soft skin of her leg, causing me to shudder and moan loudly.

  I grab her by the hips and spin her onto her stomach. After scooting down the bed so I can run my tongue over the soft skin of her lower back, I grin to myself before biting lightly on one ass cheek and smacking the other one three times quickly. She jumps and looks at me over her shoulder. I shrug my shoulder and smirk at her. "You begged for it, Doll Baby." Then I lift her onto her hands and knees and thrust my hungry cock into her dripping pussy. I use one hand to pull her back into my powerful movements and the other to swat her reddening ass cheek at the same time as each thrust of my hips. Soon, she's shoving back into my pounding cock. I lift the top of her body so I can rub her swollen little clit and tug on a hard nipple at the same time. Her nails are busy digging into the skin of my arms. When I bite her neck gently, she screams and floods my cock and the bed beneath us with her passion. My orgasm follows right behind hers, and as my cum fills her tight hole, I pull us down on the bed with our bodies still intimately connected.

  "Fuck, I'll never get enough of you. I love you and our little one so much, Doll Baby," I whisper in her ear.

  Her eyes shine brightly when she looks over her shoulder and replies, "I love you, too, Daddy Alphahole."

  Her laughter bounces off the walls as I tickle her. My life is never going to be dull with my little smartass around. A few minutes later, she turns her head on my shoulder and asks, "Why are you so against me having a little tattoo?"

  "The thought of another man touching your beautiful body makes me insane, and I want you to make sure and get a tattoo that means something extra special if you ever get one." My argument seems to make sense to her, and she lets the subject drop.

  The next day when we announce her pregnancy at dinner, Aunt Alice and Meredith are surprised and elated. Aunt Alice promises to visit more often so she can get to know Tori better before the baby is born. We have a small family birthday party for Meredith, and Tori has a beautiful cake and several presents to give her. I surprise Meredith with the keys to her car as her big present. After she screams loudly and dances around the living room for several minutes, she decides to go out to show her friends that her punishment has ended.

  I inform my three excited women that Thanksgiving is going to be a small affair. After listening to them complain for hours, I hold firm in the face of their arguments. I refuse to let Tori overexert herself so early in her pregnancy.

  Our low-key Thanksgiving turns out to be a wonderful time, and I prance around waiting for praise that never seems to materialize. The day exhausts Tori, and by the end of the night, she's passed out on the sofa.

  "That's why I want her to take it easy." As I point at Tori, my sister shrugs her shoulder and walks away, but Aunt Alice walks up and puts an arm around my waist.

  "She's one head-strong girl. You're going to have a hard time convincing her to slow down." She winks and heads off to the guest bedroom.

  Chapter Five


  My pregnancy has turned Reid from an Alphahole into the King of Alphaholes. I can't breathe without him checking to see if it's safe during pregnancy. He's gone so far as to get me a panic alarm to carry around in case I have an emergency. I'm only three months pregnant, and I do have a big bump, but he's worried about me having problems when no one is around. Morning sickness is a constant friend of mine, and it makes Reid insane.

  "Your brother is going overboard. The whole 'I've fallen and can't get up' thingy is for old ladies, not pregnant women," I complain and hold up the offending device to Meredith.

  "Hey, at least he got you a fabulous chain to put it on." When she flashes the Maxwell smirk, I want to use the fabulous chain to strangle her. Pregnancy hormones are raging, and I'm a little touchy at this moment. As I look down at the heavy gold necklace, I have to agree with Meredith. At least Reid tried to make it more appealing than the ugly metal chains in the commercials.

  The doctor assured us that everything is going well, and I can continue all normal activities, but Reid watches me like a hawk at all times. A couple of days ago, I went to an appointment and found out the reason for all the extra symptoms. Soon, I'll let Reid in on our little secret.

  "Tor, I'm running to the store. Do you need anything?" Meredith calls from the kitchen doorway.

  "Nope, I'm going to wrap a few presents and catch up on a couple of recorded shows that my master hates." I cross my eyes and smile at her as she snorts and grabs her purse before heading out the door.

  The next thing I know, a knock on the front door wakes me. I look around the living room and realize that I fell asleep in the middle of wrapping a present. The persistent banging continues, and I brush the wrapping aside to make my way to the door. Since I've been waiting for a package to arrive any day, I open the door without checking the peephole. I'm shocked to see the greasy yardman from next door standing on the porch. It's not even the time of year for him to work, so everything about this feels wrong.

  "Hello, little lady, was working and need a drink, maybe a bit of a snack." His lecherous sneer causes the hair on the back of my neck to stand up. When he places his hand on the door and pushes it open, I know it's time to panic.

  "Wait on the porch, and I'll bring you something." I try to bluff my way into getting him out of the doorway, but he shakes his head and continues pushing his way into the foyer.

  He points his dirty hand toward the kitchen and says, "I'll come with you to the kitchen." At this point, I know this man is dangerous. I remember the panic button around my neck, so I turn my back to him and walk toward the kitchen while pushing the button repeatedly.

  "Would you like water, tea, or soda? I don't really have anything else." My hands shake as I pull a glass down from the cabinet.

  "Oh, I see a snack I'm gonna try." When he licks his lips and rubs his hands over his dirty shirt, my stomach rebels and I have to force the vomit back down my throat. How long does it take that alarm to work? It feels like it's been an hour since I pushed the button, but I kn
ow, realistically, only a few minutes have passed.

  "Uh, well, I can get you a snack." When he laughs menacingly before I finish speaking and starts advancing around the counter, I throw the glass at his head and run. I'm nearly at the doorway when my head is tugged back painfully by my ponytail, and I spin around to kick out at the asshole. After nailing him in the dick with my foot, I flee toward the front door while he falls over groaning.

  Right as I'm almost to the front door, it explodes in and bangs against the wall. Reid frantically runs into the room followed by police officers. He grabs me and holds me tightly to his chest before running his hands up and down my body, checking for injuries.

  "What the fuck is wrong?" he growls as he checks me over.

  "That guy from the yard. He's in the kitchen. I kicked him when he tried to…" Reid gently sets me away, and the rage is evident in the stiff posture of his body and the tight clenching of his jaw.

  The nearest policeman tries to grab his arm, but Reid shakes him off and races into the kitchen to grab the offender. "You thought you'd touch my woman. You sick piece of shit." Reid is shaking him by his neck, and the young policeman is trying to pull the much bigger, highly incensed man off of the cowering creep. I call for Reid to stop, but he is in a rage and isn't hearing my words. A couple more cops come and help to keep Reid from killing him. After the police cuff Carl and drag him out of the house, Reid demands that I go to the hospital for an examination. All the assurances in the world won't sway him, but I at least convince him to take me himself instead of making me ride in an ambulance.


  All morning, an ominous feeling has plagued me. Every time I try to shake the foreboding, it returns even stronger. I called both Tori and Meredith and checked on things at home, and everything seems to be okay, but I can't get over this uneasiness.

  A little after lunch, the worry is too much, and I decided to cut my office hours short and go home to check things out for myself. I'm halfway to the house when the alarm company texts me that a panic alarm has been triggered by Tori's pendant. Fear and rage inundate my body as I rush to get home. Never again will I ignore my sixth sense.

  Several police cars are pulling onto my road at the same time I get there, and I follow them into my driveway. A young cop tries to tell me to hold up, but I brush past him with a yelled, "That's my woman in there," as I go by. I don't even bother to grab my key; one well-placed kick sends the door bouncing off of the foyer wall. My heart settles some when I see Tori running toward me in the foyer. I grab her and swiftly examine her tiny body for signs of injury.

  Pure black fury explodes through my body when I realize creepy Carl was trying to attack, or possibly even worse, kill my woman. I lose the ability to control myself and take off to annihilate the creature. It takes several cops and Tori's calls to get me to stop pummeling the asshole. After Carl is dragged out of the house, my worry shifts to Tori and the baby. She assures me that they are fine, but I won't rest easy until a doctor confirms they're okay.

  After persuading the doctor to keep Tori overnight for observation, I have a long talk with Meredith. We're going to start looking for a new house immediately because I refuse to live in a house with memories of almost losing Tori associated with it. Another oversight I plan on rectifying right away is tying Tori to me permanently. The ring has been ready for several weeks, and I was waiting for Christmas to give it to her, but this scare has changed my plans. Her little ass will be marrying me on Christmas instead.

  The next afternoon, after she's released from the hospital, we check into a nearby hotel and start the search for our new home. Tori resists at first, but she finally listens to Meredith's arguments. "I don't want to live there and think about that creep every time I come home." Meredith sits on the sofa in the living room of our suite and begs Tori to consider moving.

  Tori looks back and forth between Meredith and me before sighing. "I hate for you to have to move out of the house your parents left you."

  "We don't have to do anything. This is something we discussed and want to do." Meredith gets up and hugs Tori before continuing. "It's time for us to move on. Plus, I'm actually looking for my own place. My big brother can't baby me anymore." Meredith looks over at me, and I realize she has grown up so much since Tori and I have been together. Maybe the time has come to let her spread her wings a little.

  "If you want to try life on your own, I'll agree to let you try the dorms but not an apartment," I negotiate. The thought of having the house to ourselves sounds good, but I refuse to let my sister out entirely on her own at eighteen.

  "Great, I'll sign up to get into the dorms for next semester." Meredith hugs Tori again before running over to give me a big hug, and I smile and blow a kiss at Tori over her head.

  It takes a week, but we manage to find the perfect house. The large traditional two-story is in a private subdivision on the outskirts of town. The homes in the community are far enough apart that you have to drive to reach your nearest neighbor, and it offers the security and privacy that we are demanding. The house is empty, so we'll be able to move in before Christmas, and I arrange to have all the moving and stress done for us. All Tori has to do is sit back and point at where she wants things to go.

  After everything is moved in and mostly arranged, I ask one of the movers to do me a favor before they leave for the night. While Tori and I are sitting cuddled up on the sofa in the living room, watching Meredith walk around with a painting holding it up for us to decide where to hang it, Randall, the mover, walks in holding a little blue box and tells her, "Miss Barton, there's one more thing. Mr. Maxwell asked if you would find somewhere to put this one last item." He then places the ring box on the table and winks at me before walking out.

  Meredith drops the painting and stands there watching, shocked as I scoot off the sofa to kneel in front of Tori. "This one thing is the most important piece to find its rightful place in our new home. I won't breathe easy until you're mine forever, Doll Baby." I pull the platinum two-carat oval solitaire ring from the box and slip it on her finger. She hardly glances at it before she launches herself at me.

  "I've belonged to you since the first day we met!" She kisses me while Meredith claps and dances around the room.

  "That's my cue to head out. I'm meeting the girls for dinner." She hugs us both before rushing out the door.

  Chapter Six


  Tomorrow is Christmas Eve and my wedding day. So much has happened in the last few months, and I can't wait to become Mrs. Reid Maxwell. Professor Alphahole is officially caught and tamed. Since I live to shock Professor Alphahole, I have a surprise for him after the wedding. Our life is going to be a little wilder than even Reid could ever have imagined.

  We have a small intimate ceremony in our gorgeous theater room. Meredith helped me turn it into a winter wonderland. Aunt Alice, Meredith, and a couple of Reid's colleagues are the only guests. My dress is a simple winter white sheath that shows off my surprisingly big baby bump, and Reid wears a dark suit that makes me want to kick everyone out early and jump him. After the minister pronounces us man and wife, Reid holds the back of my head tightly and kisses me until my knees turn to jelly and he has to hold me up.

  When he releases my lips, I blink rapidly to bring the room back into focus. Aunt Alice is standing next to Meredith, fanning herself, and I catch the end of her statement. "I can see why you want to live in the dorms now."

  Meredith nods and agrees. "Yep, they need some time alone."

  After a small dinner, our guests leave, and we have the house all to ourselves. Meredith and Aunt Alice are staying at a hotel for the night and coming back in the morning to open presents. We are going to take our honeymoon after the New Year when Meredith goes home with Aunt Alice.

  I walk out of the bathroom wearing my flimsy white negligee and find Reid lounging across the bed naked. As I slowly make my way to the bed, his dick grows longer and harder while his eyes devour me. "Why are you torturing me? Get
your little ass over here," he growls and crooks his finger at me.

  After smirking a little, I stop on the side of the bed and grab my little surprise. He blinks a couple of times and reaches for the box when I hold it out to him. "First, I want you to open your wedding present."

  He sits up and takes the box, and his cock jumps as he looks over at me and wiggles his eyebrows. "I'd rather have you first then presents after."

  "Open your present, please."

  He starts opening the box after my plea, and I see the confusion on his face for a second. "Why are there three of everything in the box?" He looks confused.

  "One for each baby. It seems you don't do anything like a normal person. You have to be an overachiever even at knocking me up."

  His face turns white, and I'm scared he's going to pass out for a second. "Three. Three fucking babies." He keeps repeating the words over and over, and I almost regret telling him before I got my wedding night sex.

  He turns his shining eyes toward me and grabs me around my hips. "You have no idea how happy you've made me. Terrified as hell, but so happy." Then he gently lays me across the bed and starts kissing down my chest until he gets to my belly where he stops and starts whispering.

  "Hello in there. I'm sure it's getting pretty crowded. Your dad can't wait to meet all of you." Then he gently kisses all around the bump, and goosebumps break out all over my body. "How do I fuck you now, knowing there's three in there? Is it even safe?" he wonders out loud and reaches down to run his hand softly over my tummy.

  "The doctor said it was safe for a few more weeks, at least. This will be a high-risk pregnancy, so I'll be taking next semester off, maybe even longer," I tell him as I shrug my shoulder while he looks up at me. With three babies on the way, attending school may or may not happen again in the future, but I know my husband will support me no matter what I choose.


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