The Sweetest Encounter

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The Sweetest Encounter Page 8

by Karlene Pitters

  There was too much commotion going on in the kitchen. My head felt like it was about to explode, and my pulse was throbbing fast. I was stunned that my mom invited Kelly. What possessed her to do that? I rarely brought her around here. I had to call Kelly to stop her from coming over. I did not want to see her, period. Feeling irate, I stomped out of the room just as Nat was apologizing to Mom for her outburst.

  I searched in my pocket for my cell phone but could not locate it. Damn, where is my phone? My jacket, I left it there. I moved to dash upstairs when Sean called my name.

  “Franco, Kelly is here,” he said, giving me a smirk. “She’s in the living room waiting for you.”

  Fuck. I am screwed. “What?” I said, feeling horrified. “I didn’t invite her. Mom did. Why don’t you tell Mom that her guest is in the living room?” I had not spoken to her in almost two months. We texted each other every now and again but had not hooked up since I met Dallas back in August. Hell, my thoughts were consumed with Dallas.

  “Yo, bro,” Patrick said, entering the room with Beth, who had a puzzled look. “What’s Kelly doing here? I thought you weren’t seeing her anymore. What’s up with that?”

  I glanced up to see Beth scowling at me. Great. Beth and Dallas were good friends now. Damn it. “Look, I didn’t invite her here.” I clenched my teeth. “Mom did. It was her brilliant fucking idea. I love Dallas.”

  “You love Dallas!” Beth shrieked. “O M G Franco. Did you tell her?” She looked at me, grinning.

  “Not yet,” I said, letting out air. “I don’t have the courage to tell her yet. Please don’t say anything.”

  “I won’t, Franco,” Beth said, reassuring me. “She feels the same way about you. You have nothing to worry about. Dallas is the sweetest person in the world. She has been such a good friend. You guys know that I don’t have many friends.”

  I sighed in relief as I listened to her talking about Dallas and wasn’t aware that Kelly had come into the hallway.

  “Franco, there you are,” a squeaky voice called out. I groaned, glancing over to see a short bleached-blonde girl with silver piercings in her nose and eyebrows. She wore a gray leather jacket, and the low-cut pink sweater showed off her cleavage with a big heart tattoo. “Thanks for inviting me to Thanksgiving.” She raced over to hug me, pushing her boobs into me, and I shrank back.

  “What’s up, Kel?” I said, grimacing. I had to get her out of here. I could not risk Dallas hearing about it. My family had loose lips. “Look, let’s go outside for a bit. I have to talk to you.”

  “K,” she gushed, popping gum. “I was so happy that your mom invited me. I feel like a part of your family now.” Great. Fucking great. Thanks, Mom.

  “I’ll be back,” I muttered, glancing over at Patrick and Beth, who rolled her eyes at Kelly.

  “Okay, bro.” Patrick smirked, slapping me on the shoulder. “Don’t be too long.”

  I shrugged off his hand and walked outside with a gum-popping Kelly. Damn, why did I date her again? Being with Dallas made me realize the girls I dated had no class. They were not girlfriend or wife material. I guess that was why I dated them; I wasn’t ready for the real thing back then. Dallas was the fucking real deal. She was in a class by itself.

  We walked out to the front of the house and I shivered. Damn, it’s cold, and I left my jacket inside. “Look, Kelly, here’s the thing,” I said, feeling bad. “Mom made a mistake inviting you. I didn’t know you were coming. This is a total surprise.”

  She stopped chewing and glanced at me, looking unhappy. “Are you saying you don’t want me here?” she said, brows wrinkled.

  I didn’t want to hurt her feelings, but Dallas was too important to me. I couldn’t let Kelly or anyone else come between us. Dallas already had a problem with trust. “I’m sorry, Kelly, but I’m seeing someone and it’s serious. I didn’t have time to tell my mom about it before she invited you,” I said, looking at her wounded expression.

  “Okay. I wish you would have told me you were seeing someone else, Franco,” she said in a huff. “It would have been nice.”

  “Come on, Kelly,” I said, looking at her in disbelief. I should have known she would pull a stunt like this. “We haven’t hooked up in months. Our relationship was not serious, and you know it. I’m sorry you’re hurt, but I never lied to you about my feelings.”

  “Yeah, whatever,” she snorted. “I’m just your jump-off. Franco, we have known each other for almost ten years. I watched you go through all these other chicks and was always there for you. Now you are telling me you are serious with somebody else. What does she have that I don’t? What makes her so special?”

  I looked at her in shock; she was coming out at me from the left field. Shit, I never led her on. “I didn’t mean to hurt you, Kelly,” I said, feeling remorseful. “Look, I never told you I loved you. I care about you as a friend, but was not ever in love. I’m in love with the woman I’m seeing.”

  “Okay,” she said, swallowing hard; I could tell that she was trying not to cry. “I guess this is goodbye then.” She turned to walk away but glanced back. “Tell your mom thanks for inviting me. Bye, Franco.”

  Seeing her looking dejected made me feel like crap. I did not want to hurt the girl. Damn my meddling mother. “Take care of yourself, Kelly. I hope you find someone who will love you and treat you right,” I said, trying to make her feel better. I reached over to give her a quick hug. She kissed me on the cheek and walked down the block up to Jamaica Avenue.

  Feeling like a jerk, I walked inside the house toward the dining room. When I entered the room, my family was sitting around the dining table, probably waiting for me. All eyes were on me as I pulled out the chair and sat at the table.

  “You okay, bro?” Patrick asked, looking over at me in sympathy. “It was harder than you thought, huh?”

  “Yeah.” I sighed. “I didn’t want to hurt her feelings. Thanks, Mom,” I said, glancing at my guilty-looking mother.

  “I’m sorry, Franco,” she said regretfully. “No more meddling into your relationships. I did not know that you and Dallas were together when I invited her. She’s been in love with you for years, Son.”

  “I didn’t know that, Mom,” I said, feeling miserable. “It’s okay now. I ended things with her. I hope she will meet the right guy. Let’s eat.” They nodded in agreement and my dad blessed the table. We ate the delicious lasagna, roasted turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, string beans, and for dessert, pumpkin pie, and mom’s famous apple pie with vanilla ice cream.

  After dinner, I went downstairs with my brothers and Dad to his man cave to watch football on the sixty-inch flat-screen television. Mom and the girls were upstairs, cleaning up.

  I leaned back on the sofa, watching the game, and I sighed in relief. Thank God that all the drama with Kelly was now in the past. Christ, what a crazy day.

  I hoped Dallas’s day turned out better than mine. I smiled and glanced at my watch. I was so eager to talk to her. I would tell her about the almost debacle with Kelly. I wanted her to trust me, and being honest with her was the only way. I knew that she would find out about it from one of my big-mouthed brothers or Nat. Hell, Beth might say something about it too. I wanted it to come from me and nobody else.

  Chapter Twelve

  Dallas, the next day

  Sunlight beamed through the window and I snuggled under my covers in the king-size bed. My mind wandered to the conversation I had with Franco last night. I wish he were here, cuddling up with me in this bed. I miss that man. I chuckled at how funny it was that his mama tried to meddle in his love life. I was happy that he told me about it. Honesty was what I looked for in a man. After my disastrous relationship with Hank, it was refreshing to be experiencing something different with Franco. Lost in my reverie, I did not notice that my door was opened, and I jumped when I heard my name.

  “Dallas, get your butt out of this bed right now. Come down to the stables with me and Holt.” My heart thumped hard as I swung my head towards the
door to see my annoying brother Holden. He was standing there with an amused grin on his handsome face. He wore a black Stetson over his curly brown hair. His hazel eyes were glinting with mischief. He was a few shades lighter than me, but we had the same nose and lips. He and Holt Jr. would be what you called “pretty boys.”

  “Holden!” My brows creased together. “You gave me a fright. Knock next time. I don’t want you barging into my room.”

  “Hush.” He smiled and walked over to the bed. “I knocked. You were probably thinkin’ about that Yankee boyfriend you got right now.”

  Knowing he hit the nail right on the head, I stuck out my tongue at him and snuggled back into the warm sheets. “You boys go on ahead and ride. I am resting today from all the hard work I put in the kitchen yesterday.”

  “No, you’re not,” he said, reaching down to pull off the covers. “Get your butt out of this bed. You are so lazy sometimes. Come and ride with us.”

  “No.” I whined, pulling the covers back over me and closing my eyes. “Get out. I need rest.”

  “Dallas, stop playing,” he said, bothering me. “You just want to lie in bed all day like you always do.”

  “Holden, stop it!” I hollered, my brows pushed together. He was disrupting my quiet time. “I don’t want to go.”

  “What’s going on in here?” Holt Jr. walked into the room, interrupting us. He wore distressed black jeans, a True Religion T-shirt, and black cowboy boots.

  “Your twin is bothering me.” I huffed, looking at him, the mirror image of Holden. “You boys go on ahead and ride those horses without me. I want to rest today.”

  “You are coming with us,” Holt Jr. insisted, walking over to join in on harassing me. “We ain’t taking no for an answer this time, sis. We’re not leaving this room without you.”

  I sighed, looking over at my stubborn brothers. They were such bullies, and I was the oldest. “Okay,” I said, giving in. “Let me get dressed and I’ll meet y’all down there. Go on ahead.”

  “Whoopee,” they hollered and jumped onto the bed, putting wet kisses all over my face. “You’re the best sister in the world.”

  “Stop it!” I protested, pushing them away and wiping my face. They surrounded me. “You jackasses, I’m your only sister. Get out so I can get ready. We ain’t kids no more. I need my privacy.” I pushed them off the bed and they fell onto the hardwood floor with a loud thud. I laughed at their shocked expressions.

  “Hey,” they said, looking up at me. “No fair.”

  “I’m gonna get you for this,” Holden warned, getting to his feet. “Let’s go, Holt.

  “We’ll see you down at the stables,” he said to me.

  “If you’re not there in thirty minutes,” Holt Jr. said, looking over at me, “then we’re coming back to git you. Don’t try to be slick now. You hear me?”

  “Get out, y’all.” I pointed to the door and they left, closing it behind them. I fell back on the bed. There goes my nice, restful morning. I pushed back the covers and crawled out of bed. I was heading to the bathroom and heard my cell phone buzzing. I grabbed it as a text message came through from Franco. I smiled and opened the text.

  Franco: Good morning, gorgeous. How are you today?

  Me: Hey Yankee. Just waking up. My knucklehead brothers woke me up☹. We’re going riding.

  Franco: Oh really? Say hello for me. Heading out myself to hit the courts at the Y. Been thinking about you. I regret not coming down there with you. I will be on duty when you come home.

  Me: I miss you too, Yankee. Wishing you were here too. Have fun playing basketball. Call you later.

  Franco: Have fun riding with your brothers too. Talk with you soon, love☺.

  A smile spread across my face as I thought about Franco. He was so sweet and not afraid to show his affection towards me. It was easy for me to open up to him. Heck, I think I am in love with him already. My feelings for him surpassed whatever I felt for that bastard Hank. Hell, my mama pushed me toward him in the first place. When we first met, I was attracted to him. He was tall, handsome, and charming, but I did not feel the same connection. I glanced at the time on my cell phone. Let me get in the shower before they come back to get me.


  A few hours later, I had to soak my aching body in the Jacuzzi. My legs were sore from all that riding. It was a shame how out of shape I had become since moving to New York. I’d gained ten pounds already. The boys teased me about it when I complained about my legs. We rode for almost two hours, down to our childhood friend Cole’s ranch. However, they were spending Thanksgiving in Hawaii. I missed Cole, and it would have been nice seeing him again. I harbored a crush on him for years, but that’s another story.

  After we got back, the boys went to Fort Worth with Daddy to pick up ranching supplies and wouldn’t be joining us for dinner. My stomach growled, reminding me that I needed food, and I leaned back in the hot, steaming water. Ahhh... It felt great to relax and not think about anything. An hour later, I dawdled out the bedroom towards Mama Mabel’s room. I had not found out yet how that slimy bastard, Hank, got my information. I hoped Mama Mabel was alone in her room; I didn’t like to discuss my business in front of my mother.

  I approached the door to her suite, and heard muffled voices coming from the room. Damn. Mama is in there with her. My brows creased, and I walked over to knock on the door, but it was ajar. I walked through the door and spotted her and Mama fussing about something. I was about to alert them of my presence but stopped in my tracks when I heard what came out of Mama’s mouth.

  “Mama, don’t you dare say anything to Dallas!” she said, clenching her fist. “Do you hear me? I did it because I want what’s best for her.”

  “Stop meddling in her business. I am warning you, Dee. It won’t be pretty if she finds out. She doesn’t love that boy anymore. I can’t believe you gave him her address.”

  I gasped, covering my mouth. Tears gathered in my eyes. Mama gave Hank my information? I should have known. How could she do this? She never cares about my feelings. My brow furrowed and I snapped, “Is it true, Mama?” I walked further into the room to face her. She glanced towards me, looking like she had seen a ghost. “Did you give that slimy bastard my information?”

  “Dallas, baby!” she gasped out in panic. “What are you doing in here? I thought you went down to the kitchen.”

  “Answer me, Mama!” Blood rushed to my head and my body trembled. “Did you give Hank my information?”

  “Yes,” she admitted, looking guilty. “But I did it because he still loves you, baby. He feels bad about what happened.”

  Tears flowed down my face. My stomach muscles clenched, and my heart ached. It was hard to grasp that my own mother would betray me. Mama Mabel ran over to calm me with one of her warm hugs. “It’s going to be okay, baby,” she whispered. “Hush now.” I soaked up the love that she was showing me and held on to her.

  “Mama, I want to be alone with Dallas. Can you go down to the kitchen?”

  “No!” I said, looking over at her. “I don’t want to talk to you. You don’t care about my feelings or else you wouldn’t try to disrupt my life. You’d rather see me hurt for your own selfish reasons.”

  “Baby, that’s not true,” she protested, tears forming in her eyes. She lifted her arm, reaching out to me. “I love you and want the best for you.”

  “Dee,” Mama Mabel interrupted. “Let me talk to Dallas alone for a minute. Please.”

  “No!” Mama said, twisting her hands. “She is my daughter and she needs to hear me out.”

  “I don’t want to talk to you right now.” I shut my eyes, blocking out her face. “Just leave me alone.”

  “Baby, please, I didn’t do it to hurt you,” she insisted. “Please just hear me out.”

  I shook my head, trying to block out her pleadings. My stomach bubbled up. I lost my appetite, and I had been starving before. “Just go. I can’t face you right now,” I said, glancing at the distraught look on her face.
  “Okay, I’ll go for now. But I want to explain it to you further.”

  “Mama, there’s nothing to explain.” I glared at her. “Please just go.”

  A look of regret crossed her face for a second and then she reached in to kiss me. I turned my face, giving her the cold shoulder. I wanted no affection from her. She paused as if she wanted to say something more. Then heels clicked on the floor as she walked out the door. I sighed with relief.

  “Baby, it will be okay.” Mama Mabel rubbed my back. “She loves you. Don’t be too hard on her.”

  I glanced up at my grandmother with a questioning look. “You’re taking her side?”

  She shook her head. “I’m upset with her too. Let’s sit down.” We walked over to the yellow plush settee at the corner of the room, where she did her knitting. We sat down, and she wiped the tears off my face with a delicate white handkerchief. “I know what your mama did was wrong. However, I know that she thought she was doing it for the right reasons. I don’t agree with her methods at all.”

  “Mama Mabel, I can’t believe that you’re defending her,” I said, my brows creased. I thought she would be in my corner and was vexed that she was sticking up for Mama. “I’m starting something new in New York. I don’t want Hank in my life anymore. I will never trust him again. You know that!” I moved to get up from the settee, but she held me in place.

  “Dallas, listen to me, young lady.” She turned my face towards her. “I’m not taking up for your mama. I just do not want things to be bad between the two of you. I know Hank is no good for you. I don’t expect for you to go running back to him.”

  I tried to calm myself because I knew she always had my best interests at heart. Right now, I did not like what was coming from her mouth. “I love you and respect you, Mama Mabel, but I can’t think about forgiving Mama right now. She betrayed my trust,” I said, swallowing hard. “I’m going back to my room. I want to be alone.” I reached over to kiss her on the cheek and stood up.


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