The Sweetest Encounter

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The Sweetest Encounter Page 16

by Karlene Pitters

  “What?” Franco said, stiffening. He looked over at me. “You’re staying here? Baby, you didn’t tell me that.”

  Damn. I’m going to kill Cole. He blurted it out on purpose, that sneak. My cheeks turned red, and I was at a loss for words. “Well, I didn’t have time, suga. I just thought it would be better—” I said, feeling flustered. “Darlin, you stay here most of the time, and there are four empty bedrooms upstairs. Cole is family, and it was only the right thing to do.” Franco tensed up again, and his green eyes darkened.

  “Dallas, can we have a minute?” he said, clenching his teeth. “Do you mind, Cole? I’d like to talk to my girl alone.”

  “No problem,” he said, looking over at me innocently. “I’m gonna run on upstairs to get settled. Call me when y’all are done.”

  I was heated and threw daggers at him as he stepped out the living room. The room was silent as we waited for Cole to be out of earshot.

  “Are you fucking crazy?” Franco said, giving me a hard look. “I can’t believe you’re putting him up. Dallas, he is the cause of our problems right now. What were you thinking? He’s not fucking staying here with you alone, do you hear me?”

  “Calm down, Yankee,” I said, brow furrowed. “I don’t have a problem with him staying here. We stayed at each other’s houses all the time. This place is humongous. He will be in a separate suite. Besides, you’re here most of the time. Stop overreacting.”

  “I’m not overreacting,” he said, eyes blazing. “I do not trust that motherfucker around you. You know that. Especially after what happened on New Year’s Eve. Baby, how would you feel if I had a woman staying with me?”

  “It’s not the same thing and you know it. You’ll be here too,” I said, trying to reason with him. “I won’t be alone with him all the time. You are the one who is sleeping in my bed at night, not Cole. I do not think about Cole like that. When are you going to get it through your head? I am tired of arguing with you about him. He is like a brother to me. I have known him since I was two years old.”

  “Yeah, but you’re not fucking two anymore,” he spat out. “He groped you on New Year’s Eve and disrespects me over and over again. I do not want him staying here. I cannot stand to be in the same room with him now. I’m only doing it for you.”

  “Franco, I already told him to stay here,” I said, standing my ground. “I can’t go back on my word. Do you even trust or have faith in me? You’re going to be here too.”

  “No, I won’t. I’m on duty two nights this week,” he said, glaring at me. “There’s no way I’m going to leave him here with you alone. It’s out of the question.”

  “I’m not arguing with you about this. It’s already a done deal,” I said, glaring at him. I didn’t like when he got this way.

  “Dallas, I am not leaving you here with that man by yourself while I’m at work,” Franco said again, clenching his fist. “Come up with another solution. The best one is him booking a fancy hotel room at the Plaza. Why can’t he do that? He’s loaded.”

  He was being a stubborn idiot, acting irrationally because Cole was staying here. I knew I had to come up with a plan before he lost it completely. “Janique can spend the night when you’re not here,” I said, coming up with the perfect idea. “She’ll stay in my room if it makes you feel better. Natalia and Beth can come over too. The more, the merrier.”

  He stepped away from me, running his fingers through his buzz cut in deep thought. “It’s your place,” he grumbled, turning towards me, brow furrowed. “You already invited him and said nothing to me about it. I’m not happy, but if the girls come over, then I will feel better.” I jumped in his arms after he finally agreed.

  “Thank you, suga,” I said, hugging him tightly. “You’re the best. I love you.”

  “I love you too,” he said, holding me close. “I still don’t trust him, but I’ll do it for you.”

  Chapter Twenty-Fiv


  Dallas, a month later

  I was sorting through the new designs for the upcoming Fall Fashion Week when my cell phone buzzed. I glanced over to see Cole FaceTiming me and clicked to answer.

  “Howdy,” I said, grinning. I hadn’t seen him since last month and was happy that we’d reconnected. It was great having him in my life again.

  “How are you, sunshine?” He flashed me his movie star smile.

  “Fine as can be,” I said cheerfully. “Don’t tell me you’re in town again.”

  He laughed out. “Not yet, darlin’, but I’m coming next week. Will Beth be around?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Cole, I already told you she’s spoken for,” I chided him. “She’s in a serious relationship with Patrick.” He was smitten with Beth after meeting her last month at our sleepover. He had been bugging the heck out of me about her.

  “Dallas, she’s not married,” he objected, eyebrows wrinkling.

  “Stop, Cole,” I said, feeling irritated. “She’s off limits. What happened to that skinny blonde girl you dated while you were here?”

  “I am not into her,” he replied, making a face. “She was just a passin’ thing. C’mon, Dallas. I thought you wanted me to meet someone nice. Hell, it’s too late for you and me. Beth is incredible, and I enjoy being around her.”

  “I know how incredible she is, Cole, but you’re threading on dangerous ground,” I said, feeling torn. “She’s in love with Patrick. Just leave it alone, Cole.”

  “Okay, sunshine,” he said, running his fingers through his dark locks. “I will leave it for now. I have a plane to catch. See you soon, darlin. Love ya.”

  “I’m sorry, Cole,” I said, wanting to lift his spirits. “I do wish happiness for you, but not with Beth. Someone is bound to get hurt. Anyway, I love you too, suga, and will see you soon.”

  I hung up the phone and felt bummed out. I wanted him to meet a sweet girl like Beth to fall in love with as I did with Franco. However, it was becoming complicated. Franco was just getting around to being comfortable with him after last month’s ordeal. Sighing, I went back to look through the designs spread out on my desk. Engrossed with work, I heard a tapping sound and looked up to see Beth sticking her head in.

  “Hey, Dallas, are you hungry?” she asked, looking at me. “I got us burgers and fries.”

  I glanced at my cell phone and was shocked that time flew by so quickly. “Thank you, Beth,” I said, looking over at her. “You’re the best. You know that, right? I was on the phone with Cole.”

  “Oh,” she said, licking her lips. “Is he coming back to New York?”

  “Not yet,” I said, watching her. “But he asked about you. He’s been nagging me to find out if you’ll go out with him when he comes to town.”

  Her cheeks turned bright red. “He’s so crazy. I told him that I had a boyfriend.” She walked into the room and placed a bag with food on the table.

  “Don’t worry about Cole,” I said, getting up to join her at the table. “He’s a big tease but harmless. Let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  “Me too,” she said, taking out the food and handing me a big, juicy burger and fries.

  Unwrapping the burger, I sank my teeth into the scrumptious meat and closed my eyes, relishing the taste. “Yum, love me a good burger. Thank you for getting it for me, suga.”

  “No problem, girl,” Beth said, munching on her own food. She swallowed and looked up at me. “Dallas, can I ask you something?”

  I stopped chewing and glanced over at her. “Sure thing. What’s on your mind?”

  Her cheeks were tinged with color. “Is it terrible if I’m attracted to someone else besides Patrick?”

  My eyes widened, and I gulped down the burger before I could choke on it. “Oh my Lord! You are attracted to Cole?”

  She nodded. “Dallas, I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Patrick is good to me and I have no idea why I’m feeling this way now. I don’t want to like Cole, but I do.”

  “Oh, suga,” I said, reaching over to squeeze her hand. “It’s okay. Co
le is hard to resist when he puts on the charm. It will be okay. Don’t stress about it.”

  “I don’t know, Dallas,” she said, looking troubled. “I hate feeling this way. I haven’t felt like this since, you know, my first love. These feelings are driving me insane.”

  I stopped eating altogether and focused my attention on her. She looked rattled. What a mess. Damn Cole. “Beth, it will be okay. Don’t worry so much. It happens sometimes. Cole is irresistible, but I know you love Patrick. I was into him for a long time too. Let’s get your mind on something else, girl.”

  She nodded and started chewing her food again. Beth’s brows were creased, and I knew it was still on her mind. “You’re right. He’s not easy to forget, that’s for sure. I love Patrick and will focus on us for now. Who knows when I will bump into him again? He lives in Texas. That’s a good thing.”

  “Yeah,” I said, reassuring her. “It’s best to focus on other things. Cole lives in Texas and you’re here.” I left out the part that he was coming to town soon. I didn’t want to cause any more distress. I was already torn and feeling guilty for introducing them. Franco would kill me if he ever found out that Cole was pursuing Beth. I didn’t want it to cause any trouble for her and Patrick either. I loved them as a couple; they were so cute together.


  Pulling into my parents’ driveway, I saw Gino and Sean playing basketball as usual. Nat was sitting on the porch, cheering them on. I jumped out of the truck and waved at them, walking towards the side entrance of the house. “Hey, Nat, is Dad inside?”

  She nodded. “What’s up, big bro? What brings you by? Aren’t you going bowling with Dallas at Time Square?”

  “Yeah,” I said, a little distracted. “I have to talk to Dad. Where is he?”

  “He’s downstairs, watching the game. Is everything okay?” Nat asked, lifting her brows.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” I walked towards the side entrance. “Just want to ask him something. I’ll see you in a minute.”

  I pushed the door open and stepped inside, heading downstairs. Dallas’s twenty-fifth birthday was in a few weeks, and I had to give her something special. I was planning to propose then but needed to talk with my dad. It had been only eight months since I met her, but I loved her and wanted her to be my wife. A couple of days ago, Patrick accompanied me to look at rings at Tiffany’s, and the prices blew me away. I definitely would not be giving Dallas a cheesy engagement ring when she was used to wearing expensive diamonds. However, I did not want to break my bank either.

  “Dad,” I called out, stomping down the stairs.

  “Franco? Is that you?” he asked, getting off the sofa.

  “Yeah.” I strolled into the room where he was watching the baseball game on his big flat-screen TV.

  “What brings you by?” he asked, brows creased. “Everything okay?”

  “Dallas’s birthday is next month,” I said, looking at him, and then blurted out, “I want to propose to her, Dad. I love her so much. I know we have known each other for less than a year, but she is it. I can’t picture my life without her.”

  My dad’s eyes widened. “Wow, I never thought I would hear you say that, Son,” he said, laughing. “Sit down. What’s on your mind? You know you have to ask her father’s permission.”

  I groaned and sat next to him. I was not looking forward to that part but knew I had to do it. It was the right thing to do, and Dallas was close to her daddy. “Yeah, I know. I will call him tomorrow. It is not my favorite part, and that mother of hers is too much. But it’s her family and she loves them.”

  “Does it bother you that Dallas comes from money?” Dad asked, surprising me. It was not hard to believe that he would figure out my big problem. Everyone in my family knew how I felt about the rich girls back in high school.

  “Yeah,” I said, leaning back on the soft leather sofa. “But I love her and will have to get past it.”

  “Son, I have to be frank with you,” he said, touching my shoulders. “Your mom and I love Dallas. She is a lovely girl, but you have to adjust to her world. She is too ingrained in that lifestyle to change it for you. Understand that, Son. You will not be getting a house in Queens. It is either her ritzy penthouse in Manhattan or a big mansion somewhere. Can you handle that?”

  “I have to, Dad.” I looked into his green eyes. “I know Dallas loves being rich. Her family definitely would have a problem if she lived in a small house in Queens. I can imagine what that meddling mother of hers would say about it. I have to accept all of her, Dad. I love her, and my ego will have to take a back seat.”

  “I have raised a good man. I am proud of you, Franco.” He smiled and gave me a side hug. “I am happy you are not letting your pride get in the way. And it’s not so bad marrying a woman with money either.”

  “Dad?” I glanced over at him, my brows lifting. “I can’t believe you said that.”

  “Well, it’s true.” He chuckled, looking over at me. “You’re lucky, Franco. At least you don’t have to penny pinch like me and your mother did. It was difficult, Son. Having six kids and working two jobs. Sometimes I felt that I missed seeing you kids grow up. You don’t have to work two jobs to support you and Dallas. Hell, you can quit being a firefighter if you want.”

  “You know that’s not going to happen. I love my job. It’s part of me.”

  “I know, Son,” he said, smiling at me. “I’m just messing with you. At least you will have a choice when you get married to Dallas. I didn’t.”

  I was shocked hearing Dad talk about how hard it was supporting us. He never complained when things got rough. I thought he loved his job. “Dad, I thought you always wanted to be a police officer. What’s going on?”

  “Don’t get me wrong, Son. I do love what I do, but it was not my first choice. I wanted to play baseball, but your mom was pregnant with you and I had to get a real job. It was not easy, and then I did not make it to the Majors because of an injury.”

  I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. My dad did not want any of us to struggle as he and mom did. I was my own man, though, and would do whatever it took to make Dallas happy. However, I drew the line when it came to her supporting me. Thinking of Dallas reminded me why I needed to talk to dad. “I went to Tiffany’s on Wednesday with Patrick to look at engagement rings,” I said, looking at him. “Everything the girl showed me was expensive. She showed me one ring that cost a hundred grand. Patrick almost choked.”

  My dad howled at that part of the conversation. “Franco, don’t stress over it. You know what Dallas likes. Get her something that will touch her heart. Call up her grandmother. Dez mentioned that Dallas is close to her.”

  I glanced at my dad in amazement and nodded. He was right. Dallas’s grandmother was the right person to talk to about this. She would know the perfect ring to get for Dallas. “Dad, you’re a genius. Thank you!” I moved in for a tight squeeze.

  He laughed and patted me on my back. “Glad to help anytime, Son. That’s why I’m here.”

  “I have to go now. I am taking my wife-to-be bowling. Dad, can you keep this quiet for now? I don’t want anyone else to know yet. I mean, Patrick knows, but he swears not to breathe a word.”

  “No problem, Son,” he said with a knowing grin. “I know you want to surprise her. What about your mother? You know I hate keeping things from her. She will kill me if she finds out that I knew before her.”

  “Don’t worry,” I said, glancing at him. “I’ll talk to her. I’ll stop by tomorrow before I go on duty.”

  “All right,” he said as I got up from the couch, preparing to leave. “I’ll walk you out.”

  “It’s okay, Dad,” I said, gesturing for him to stay put. “Finish watching the rest of the game. I don’t want those other nosy siblings of mine to know anything. Forget it, Nat will tell Janique and there goes my surprise.”

  Dad bent over with laughter again. “Son, you hit a curve ball with that one. Okay, I’ll see you in the morning.”

e hugged and I walked out the room, heading back upstairs. My steps felt lighter and the weight of it all was off my shoulders. I was determined to make Dallas my wife.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Franco, a few weeks later

  My palms were sweating as I drove through the park to pick Dallas up for her birthday celebration. I was eager to get it over with and stepped on the gas. The plan was to pick her up and take her to Ruth’s Chris, a swanky steakhouse on Fifty-First Street. Dallas loved anything steak, and I had to make it happen. We had a reservation for six o’clock and it was now five. Thank Christ she didn’t live far from the restaurant. After dinner, I would take her to my parents’ house to celebrate. Her parents and grandmother were flying in from Paris tonight, and Holt Jr. and Holden were at my folks’ house too. They were on break for the summer and would head back to Texas with her folks.

  A few minutes later, I parked my truck in the fire lane next to her building and walked towards the entrance. Nodding to the attendant who opened the door for me, I walked toward the concierge. “Good evening, Harry,” I said, smiling.

  “Mr. Donnelly. You can go on up, she’s expecting you, sir.”

  “Thanks, Harry.” I smiled and walked towards the second elevator bank and punched in the code for the penthouse. Dallas gave me the code months ago, but Harry still liked to announce me. Stepping into the elevator, my heart pounded hard in my chest. The two dozen red roses I held felt clammy in my hands. I touched my pocket, making sure the box with the engagement ring was secure. Yes, I would be proposing to Dallas tonight and was on edge.

  The elevator zoomed to the penthouse and I stepped out, spotting the tantalizing vision before me. Dallas looked stunning in a beaded one-shoulder short dress displaying those sexy legs. Wow, and that is why I am going to make her mine. Yeah, wife material. She was perfection, and the love I felt for her swelled in my chest. The depth of my feelings for Dallas was unfathomable. I had never been so enamored with anyone.


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