The Sweetest Encounter

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The Sweetest Encounter Page 18

by Karlene Pitters

  “Well, I know that, baby,” he said, looking at me. “I mean, he gave you all that money and I am okay with that. I know you grew up rich.”

  “Franco, Daddy didn’t give me any money,” I added, finally letting out the truth. “It’s my money. I am richer than he is. I inherited almost everything from my grandfather when I was a baby.”

  “What?” he said, looking at me incredulously. “How much money are we talking about here, Dallas?”

  “Billions,” I said, biting my lips. “I am a billionaire, Franco.”

  “What the fuck?” He jumped up, glaring at me. “You’re a fucking billionaire.” He laughed hysterically. “When were you going to tell me this shit? After the wedding?”

  “Franco,” I said, reaching over to take his hand. “Calm down, it’s just money.”

  “It’s not just money, Dallas,” he said, giving me a hard look. “You are a fucking billionaire and didn’t think it was important enough to tell me. No wonder your dad was quarreling with you about the fucking prenup. You know how I feel about all this shit. I need to clear my head.” He stepped away from me, walking back inside.

  “Franco!” I called out, running after him. “Where are you going? We need to talk about this!”

  “There’s nothing to talk about!” he shouted, heading towards the foyer. “I need to think. I’ll call you later.”

  “Franco,” I said, racing over to him. “Please don’t leave like this. Are you going to let money come between us? What’s wrong with you? Get over your damn ego now!”

  “Baby, I just need to get my head around it,” Franco said, looking over at me with lips turned down at the sides. “I love you. I just need to think. I’ll be back, okay?”

  Tears gathered in my eyes and I nodded. Everything seemed to be going wrong. I brought it all on myself by not being upfront with him in the first place, knowing how he felt about money and how proud he was. “Where are you going?” I asked, sniffling.

  “Don’t cry. I am sorry.” He sighed and pulled me into his arms, rubbing my back. “I didn’t mean to bite your head off. I love you, but it’s hard for me to get used to this.”

  “Don’t go!” I cried out, my head resting on his chest. “Let’s talk more about it. We’re in this together, and as you can see, me being a billionaire doesn’t change who I am.”

  “I had promised myself I wouldn’t let this come between us.” He sighed and kissed me on my forehead. “Okay. Let me see this darn prenuptial agreement. And baby?”

  “Yeah?” I said, smiling, happy that everything would be okay. I love this man.

  “I’m sorry for raising my voice,” he said, sounding serious as he looked at me. “I didn’t mean any disrespect. From this day forward, I promise not to do that... I love and respect you. Just know that.”

  Feeling loved, I nodded my head. “I know that, darlin’,” I said, reaching up to caress his face. “It happens sometimes, and I know you didn’t mean any harm. I promise to be upfront with you from now on too. I will not keep anything from you either. When you look at the numbers, don’t fall out, okay?”

  “Baby, I don’t need to see how much you’re worth,” Franco said, taking my hand. We strolled back inside. “It’s okay. I’ll just sign the papers.”

  I glanced over at him, realizing that I needed to explain more about what he would be signing. “Franco, you’ll be getting money too,” I said, looking at him. “For marrying me and if our marriage doesn’t work out for some reason. It’s why you need to have your own lawyer to look it over.”

  “Seriously?” he said, looking shocked. “Okay, baby. Anything for you. I’ll have the family attorney meet with us one evening. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yes,” I said, feeling great he was giving in. “I am happy that you’re okay with this, Yankee. Let me get you something to eat. You must be hungry. Then we’ll talk some more.”

  “That sounds good, baby,” he said, taking my hand. “What did you cook? I hope something good.”

  Smiling, we strolled into the kitchen. Everything was right with the world again. I was happy that he came around. It showed how much he loved me. I just hoped my Yankee wouldn’t blow up when he finally got to see that darn prenuptial agreement. I crossed my fingers thinking about it.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Franco, three months later

  Leaving the firehouse, I drove across the Brooklyn Bridge towards Chambers Street heading into lower Manhattan. Thank Christ, I sighed in relief to be off duty and starting my one-month vacation. Dallas and I were getting married next Saturday. It felt unreal that she would be my wife soon. The past three months had been hectic, working overtime, preparing for the wedding, and signing a prenuptial agreement. At first, it rubbed me the wrong way because she didn’t tell me about being a freaking billionaire. All this time, I thought it was her daddy’s money, but she was richer than him. I was marrying a billionaire. I had to get our family lawyer to go over the prenup. It was mind blowing how much money she had. I was amazed that one person could be that wealthy. No wonder my girl didn’t blink when it came to spending money. Hell, when she gave Johnny and Sheila the fifty grand at their wedding, it was peanuts in her world.

  When we got married, I would be rich too; it was a stipulation in her grandfather’s estate that her spouse got fifty million dollars up front. If we ended our marriage within five years for irreconcilable differences, then I would walk away with another twenty-five million. If it was for cheating, then I would get nothing. That wasn’t happening, because I planned on being married to her for the rest of my life. I couldn’t imagine Dallas not being in my life. If she didn’t have any money tomorrow, it wouldn’t matter to me.

  I had put up a fight about the conditions because it was not why I was marrying her. Nevertheless, if I didn’t sign it, then Dallas would’ve had to forfeit her inheritance. Although I hated all that money business, Dallas was accustomed to being rich, and I wanted her to be happy. I was still uneasy about it, but my baby was over the moon. The best thing about inheriting all that money was that I’d get to help my family. Now I could take care of my parents, and the first thing I would do was to buy a house for them on Long Island. I would pay for Natalia, Gino, and Sean’s education. My parents worked hard to support my siblings and me; it was time to pay them back.

  My ringing cell phone interrupted my thoughts, and I glanced at the screen to see Derrick’s face. I hit the Bluetooth quickly. “What’s up, dude?” I asked. I knew he was checking to see if I was on my way to the place where they were throwing my bachelor’s party.

  “Are you on your way, man? It’s almost nine o’clock. We want to hit up another spot.”

  “Dude, I am just getting off duty,” I said, keeping my eye on the road. “I have to go back home to change.”

  “Man, just come straight,” he said, sounding annoyed. “We don’t have time for you to do all of that. You just want to see your girl. You’re such a pussy.”

  “That’s not it, man,” I said, knowing full well he was spot-on about my intentions. I miss my baby. However, I would never admit it to Derrick of all people. “I want to change into better clothes. I thought I would be off sooner, but we had an emergency. You guys will just have to sit tight until I get there. I will try to be there at around ten thirty the latest. I am sure you’ll be entertained. How many strippers did you get?”

  “Man, just hurry up and get here soon, that all I’m saying,” he complained. “The entertainment will come when you get here. Peace out.”

  He ended the call, and I speed towards West Street. The traffic was moving. I should be home in another fifteen minutes, and I wanted to spend time with my baby. She wasn’t thrilled about this bachelor party, and neither was I. But the fellas insisted on it—the horny motherfuckers just wanted to see some tits and asses. I wasn’t into that shit no more; Dallas was all I could think about. It would be wasted on me.

  An hour later, I rushed to get dressed after making love to my baby. It was
hard leaving her, but everything was already set up. The fellows were blowing up my cell right now. “Baby, it’s your fault,” I said, looking at Dallas. She was lounging on the bed with a big, saucy grin spread across her face. “They’re going to kill me. I am blaming you for looking so enticing.”

  She laughed out. “That’s good for them, suga. Let them wait. I haven’t seen you in three days.”

  “Baby, let me get out of here now,” I said, reaching down for a quick kiss. “I’ll see you later. Don’t wait up. Everything will be okay.”

  “I’m not worried,” she said, a big grin stretched across her beautiful features. “I trust you, Yankee. It’s those little hussies that I don’t trust.”

  “Glad to hear, baby,” I said, smiling. “See you later.” I grabbed the key fob and rushed out the bedroom. I was meeting them at the Sky Room on Fortieth Street. Thank God it was nearby, or else I wouldn’t hear the last of it. They rented out one of the private salons for the party.


  Thirty minutes later, I was relaxing at the Sky Room, overlooking Times Square. The music was pumping in the background and the liquor was flowing. I drove over here in my truck and Derrick was ribbing me about it. He knew that I wouldn’t drink and drive. I just wanted a couple of brews, but all these crazy idiots were gulping down Cîroc, Jim Beam, and Cristal. I hope Derrick rented a limo to take all of them home, because my firefighter buddies were already wasted.

  “Bro, you ready for the entertainment?” Derrick asked, walking over to me with a drink in his hand. He didn’t look too steady on his feet either. When I got here, the alcohol was being served generously. My brother Patrick was slurping down Jim Beam as if it were water, and Johnny came at the same time as me. I was surprised Sheila let him out of her crutches. Yes, I still did not like her; Johnny didn’t go out often because she was always pitching a fit. Patrick told me that Johnny had to put his foot down this time. Hell, when he got married a few months ago, we didn’t throw him a bachelor party because she forbade it.

  Getting out of my head, I glanced over at Derrick. “Look, I don’t care about all that shit. I just want to hang with you and the fellas. I don’t want any of those skanky bitches touching me.”

  “C’mon, Franco, loosen up, man,” Derrick said, brows wrinkled. “You used to love all this shit. Did you forget how many strip clubs we used to hit up?”

  “That was the past, dude,” I said, my brow furrowing. “My life is different now. I have the most beautiful woman in the universe waiting at home for me.”

  “I know that, man, but let’s just have a little fun tonight. Next week you’ll be tied down like your brother,” he had the nerve to say.

  “Do not fucking compare my woman to that bitch,” I growled. “Dallas is a gem and you know it.”

  “Calm down, bro,” he said, putting his hand on my shoulder to mollify me. “I just want you to have a good time tonight. That’s all. I know Dallas is first class. Hell, I wish I met her first. You’re set for life with all the money she has,” he rambled on. I knew he had to be drunk, because no one in their right mind would say the shit he was spouting to me.

  “Franco, the girls are coming in now, bro,” Patrick intervened. My temper cooled hearing my brother’s voice. I was pissed at all the stuff that came from Derrick’s mouth. However, I knew deep down he didn’t mean any harm and just let it go.

  I glanced around as four exotic dancers sauntered into the room in skimpy outfits. Derrick and Patrick pushed me down on the lounge seat behind me. All the other guys gathered around too as the entertainment sashayed over to me. “No touching,” I said as one of the strippers reached for me.

  “C’mon, man, just enjoy!” Derrick said, sounding irate.

  I should, but I just wanted to go home to my baby. Dallas was the only woman on my mind. “You all enjoy yourself. I am out of here. Thanks for setting this up, but I’m not feeling it.”

  Everyone protested, and Derrick shooed the girls away. Johnny walked over to me and sat down. “What’s on your mind, Franco?” he asked. “Is everything okay?”

  “Nah,” I said, tipping back the beer bottle, gulping down the ice-cold brew. “I told Derrick I didn’t want any dancers. I just wanted to hang out with you all. Shoot some pool and have a drink. I do not want to disrespect my girl. I don’t care if this is a rite of passage and whatnot. I want to start off my life with Dallas on the right note.”

  “I hear you, Brother,” Johnny said, squeezing my shoulder. “I understand just how you feel. I am happy you all didn’t do this for me. I wouldn’t hear the end of it from Sheila.”

  I glanced over at him quickly. I heard the frustration in his voice. I guessed Sheila was finally getting to him now that they were married and lived together. I would have to talk to him another time about it. “Yeah. It’s good hanging out and kicking it with you all without the additional distraction.”

  “Hey, bro,” Patrick cut in our conversation. “Don’t leave yet, man. Let’s just enjoy the rest of the night. You don’t have to take part in the entertainment. The fellas look like they’re having a good time.”

  I glanced over to see the strippers giving them lap dances. They all were into, and it was fine with me. I would stay a bit longer to hang out with my brothers and catch up. Johnny looked stressed out, and Patrick was drinking a lot. Something must be going on with him too. I wondered if he and Beth were having problems. I had not had time to hang out with them as much these last few months. Hell, between working all that overtime at the firehouse and planning my wedding, it was hard to fit in anything else.

  “Okay,” I said, sitting back on the comfortable lounge chair. “I’ll stay. We haven’t hung out in a while. I guess it’s about that time.”

  “Cool beans,” Patrick said, smiling. “Let me grab some more drinks. I’ll be right back.”

  “Nothing hard for me, bro,” I called out to him. “Just another beer, and ease up a little.”

  “Are you nervous about the wedding?” Johnny asked, glancing over at me. “I know you love Dallas, but getting married can be nerve-racking.”

  “Man, I am eager to get her to the altar,” I said, looking over at him. “I am excited to start our future. Dallas is the most incredible person. So, no, I am not nervous. I know we were meant to be together.”

  “I’m happy for you, Franco,” Johnny said, looking at me. Sadness flickered in his eyes for a second. “Dallas is beautiful and a wonderful woman. You will be happy like Mom and Dad. They love each other and still can’t keep their hands to themselves after all these years.”

  “Yeah, I know what you mean,” I agreed with him. “What about you? Are you happy?”

  He paused for a moment. “Not right now. It has been stressful for the last nine months. I thought it would get better after we got married, but nothing has changed. It has gotten worse, and I don’t know how much more I can take.”

  My mouth hung open in shock. My brother was finally admitting the truth about his and Sheila’s disastrous relationship. I didn’t want to make him feel worse, so I held my tongue. He was already messed up. “Bro, it’s that bad?”

  “Yeah,” he said, sighing. “We had a big fight tonight because she didn’t want me to come to your bachelor party. I had to be here for you Franco. You are my brother and you always have my back. I will always be there for you. I cannot believe how selfish she is. You know?”

  I reached over to squeeze his shoulder. “It’s okay, bro. I know how it is. It would have been okay. Trust me. I want you to have a good time tonight. Get your mind off the foolishness at home. Have fun with the dancers. Go on. You’ve been tied down to Sheila for too long. You need to have a little fun.”

  “Nah, I’d rather kick it with you,” he said, glancing over at me. “Thanks for listening to me vent. Love you, big brother.”

  “Love you too, man,” I said, reaching over for a side hug. “I’m here for you.” I settled back into the seat and chatted with Johnny for the rest of the night whil
e the other fellows, including Patrick, frolicked with the strippers.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Dallas, a week later

  Tomorrow was my wedding day, and everything had been hectic. Franco and I had been here at the ranch in Fort Worth for almost a week. Right now, he was at the airport meeting his family and friends. Daddy rented a private jet for them and the rest were flying in later on tonight. My stomach was in knots because there were so many things to do. Most of the bridal party flew in yesterday, and the rehearsal dinner was happening tonight. It was raucous; the company organizing the wedding was building tents and brought all type of equipment to set up for my big day. I had rolled over on my bed, trying to get some much-needed rest, when I heard a tap on the door.

  “Dallas, you up yet?” Poppy, my good friend from London, asked in her thick British accent. Back at Parsons when we shared an apartment, our other friends would tease us about our accents.

  Glancing at the clock on my nightstand, it read twelve thirty. Damn, there goes my sleep time. “Yeah, suga,” I said, sitting up. “Come on in.”

  She walked in with a big, cheesy smile. Poppy was always happy even when things were hectic in her life. She was biracial like me, and a stunner. She had reddish-brown hair, hazel eyes, and smooth olive skin. Her mother was from London and her father was from the US Virgin Islands. They had a huge estate out there, and I used to spend part of my summers there with her family. Her younger brother, Jack, used to follow us everywhere, and we always hid from him. We had some great times.

  “You look harried,” she said, plopping at the foot of the bed. “I thought you were out with your bloke to get his family.”

  “Suga, I wanted to, but the bed seemed more inviting,” I said, yawning. “There’s so much to do. I feel stressed.”

  “Darling, don’t worry about a thing.” She glanced over at me. “Your mother has everything running smoothly. Just relax, Country. I want to spend some quiet time with my bestie. Haven’t seen you since last November.”


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