A Knight to Dare: (The Valiant Love Regency Romance) (A Historical Romance Book)

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A Knight to Dare: (The Valiant Love Regency Romance) (A Historical Romance Book) Page 5

by Deborah Wilson

  He continued to be ghastly. She was outlandish and neither seemed bothered by a single look from anyone.

  She twirled her finger, and he turned to block the public from seeing her pull the flask from her pocket and take another sip of brandy.

  “That thing isn’t done yet?” he asked. This was not the first time she’d done this.

  “It is now.” She only put it to her mouth because she thought she could taste him.

  He turned to her and took the flask. His hands found her pocket and slipped it in.

  She looked up and studied his hair. She loved the gray. It made him look every bit as powerful as she suspected he was.

  Over his shoulder, she noticed a clock on the wall. It was two in the morning. The party would end in a few hours and she wasn’t ready. She’d dreading coming and now she wanted to do nothing more than stay. With him.

  When he finished, he straightened, and his expression changed. “Are you all right?”

  “No. I don’t want this night to end.”

  He looked at the clock and then at her. “There’s plenty of time before that happens.”

  “I’ve never stayed at a party this long.”

  “Neither have I.” Was there disappointment behind his smile?

  “We should attend another one together,” she said. “And by together, I mean you would arrive and then I would arrive separately, but we would be there together but not together.” She blinked. “Unless you wanted to go together.”

  He laughed. “Nothing would please me more.” Then he narrowed his eyes, and every hair on her arms rose at the heady look. “Well, a few things might please me more.”

  She giggled. He was so… manly. He was positively perfect.

  ∫ ∫ ∫

  0 9

  * * *

  “I’m not taking no for an answer.” Mr. Palmer grabbed Vita the moment Dunn stepped away.

  She had no idea where he’d come from but tried to pull away from his grasp even as her heart raced.

  Dunn had stepped away when Belle had called him over. She’d have gone with him, but he’d asked to speak to her alone.

  They were just around the corner. The hall on the third floor was otherwise empty. There were no public rooms on this floor. She’d only followed Dunn here because Belle had motioned to him. Over the railing, she could see down to the second-floor landing and the foyer below that.

  Mr. Palmer started for the stairs.

  “Let me go,” Vita said.

  “Oh, no.” He turned to her. “I’ve been watching you walk around all evening. You don’t have pain in either of your legs. You’re as whole as anyone else. Admit it?”

  “It’s not true!”

  “It is!”

  “Not according to my governess. She believes I lost the portion of my brain that controls my speech. See? Not whole at all!” She was shouting. She was a little drunk.

  Mr. Palmer gave her that perplexing look again. “Just shut up and dance with me.”

  Suddenly, someone struck out and grabbed Palmer by the throat.

  Vita stumbled back as Dunn jerked Palmer away from her.

  “I believe the lady said she didn’t want to dance with you.” Dunn’s gaze had Vita taking another step away. He looked furious.

  Palmer wavered on his feet and then straightened his clothes. He was livid. “You upper class think you control the world. Well, mark my words, one day you’ll be nothing.” He looked at Vita. “Just wait. A few years from now, you and every other lady will be whoring themselves to…”

  He didn’t get the chance to finish. Dunn’s thrust his fist in the man’s belly.

  Vita gasped and pressed her back to the wall.

  Palmer’s face turned red.

  Dunn bent close to him and said, “You owe the lady an apology.”

  Palmer lifted his eyes. Tears ran down his eyes as he looked at Vita. His mouth moved, but there was no air. “Sorry,” he choked out.

  Dunn looked at her. “Do you accept his apology?”

  She pressed her hands to her lips and nodded.

  “No,” Dunn said. “I don’t think it was good enough.” He gave a swift kick to Palmer’s shins, and the man collapsed to the unforgiving floor. Landing on his knees, he cried out. He gasped as Dunn yanked his hair back. “Apologize again.”

  “Sorry. I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.” Palmer looked frightened.

  Dunn turned to Vita. “Good enough.”

  “Yes,” she said aloud.

  Dunn thrust Palmer away. “Get out of here. Leave the party. I don’t want to see your face again. Is that understood?”

  Palmer got to his feet and ran.

  Vita was so busy watching Palmer flee that she didn’t notice Dunn was in front of her until his hands cupped her cheeks. “Vita, are you all right?”

  “Uh…” She batted her eyes. She’d never seen anything like it before.

  She was speechless. She laughed and then covered her mouth. Laughing was very inappropriate at the moment.

  Dunn frowned. “Are you all right?”

  “I’m speechless,” she told him. “I’m never speechless. You have stolen speech from me.”

  His mouth twitched. “Is that good?”

  “Until this moment, it was impossible.”

  At his questioning gaze, she smiled. “Thank you for helping me. What would I have done without you? I know what I would have done. Nothing, which makes it fortunate you were here.”

  He grinned. “I’m glad I was here as well. No one gets to touch you without your permission.”

  He was touching her.

  He knew he had her permission.

  He had all sorts of permissions.

  And she didn’t want anyone touching him except her.

  She’d never felt this good. Not ever.

  “Did I frighten you?” He lowered his hand to his side.

  She took it in her own and held it by her skirt. She needed to touch him more than her next breath. “Only a little.” She looked up and over her head.

  A large clock chimed. Wouldn’t time slow just a little?

  Something warm brushed her throat, and she jumped and then laughed.

  He’d kissed her throat.

  Her hand went there, and heat washed over her body. “My lord,” she said with false outrage. “I wasn’t prepared.”

  “Are you prepared now?” He bent forward.

  A new set of music started, and Vita sighed as his mouth hovered just out of reach of her own. “I wish I could dance.”

  He studied her and then his eyes widened. “Can you follow directions if given to you right before it happens?”

  She frowned. Her mind was slightly fuzzy. She’d been expecting a kiss. His words had ruined it. She nodded. “I suppose most people can follow that sort of direction.”

  “Then you can dance.” He smiles grew. “Come.” He led her toward the stairs. They took them slowly, mainly because she was drunk.

  She laughed. “Wait. I don’t think this is a good idea.” Kissing would have been a better idea.

  He stopped at the bottom of the stairs and didn’t speak until she was at his side. “All you have to do is keep your eyes on me. Can you do that?”

  His tone was serious, so she worked to get her mind together. She blinked and then stared into his deep brown irises.

  “Can you keep your eyes on me?” he asked her again.

  She nodded. She didn’t want to look anywhere else anyway.

  “Good. Now watch and listen. When I do this,” he twirled his finger, “you spin in the direction my finger is going.”

  She looked at his hand and recalled the many times she’d done it to him. “Oh.”

  “Do it now.”

  She did. She nearly fell but caught herself and laughed. “What’s next?” She was excited.

  “One finger, one step in the direction I choose. Two fingers with a twist is a pivot.”

  He did the gestures and she followed them.

  His e
yes glowed. “Very good. Now…”

  She grabbed his hand. “How will you be able to do all of this if you are dancing as well?”

  “I won’t be. I’ll be on the side.”

  “No.” She shook her head. “I don’t want to dance with anyone but you.” Her grip on his hand was tight. “Please.”

  He frowned. “I’ll have to use both my hands. You’ll have to know where to look. Sometimes, it will be down at my side. If you can keep your eyes on me, it might work.”

  She nodded. “But you won’t get terribly embarrassed if I fail, will you?”

  He laughed. “No. I won’t be embarrassed at all, so long as you are happy.”

  Her heart did a funny thing, and she pressed her lips together because she feared speaking. She feared her feelings would ruin everything.

  “Are you ready?” he asked.

  “Let’s practice once more.”

  ∫ ∫ ∫

  1 0

  * * *

  He could see how nervous she was.

  As Vita stood across from him in the circle, her eyes were wide.

  He gave her an encouraging smile as the music started.

  First gesture.

  She was a second slow but caught the end of it right on time.

  She spun and followed her partner, but her eyes stayed with him.

  Second gesture.

  She spun. Her partner caught her and then eventually, she was in Remy’s arms.

  His hand at her waist, he tapped her, and she stepped just as many times as he led.

  She laughed nervously. “I’m dancing,” she whispered.

  “Yes, you are. Beautifully.”

  They turned, turned, and then she spun away.

  The steps were repeated and soon Vita was daring not to look at him. She was following the music, but he stayed ready just in case she needed him.

  Gesture after gesture. There were a few times he was unable to grab his other partner’s hand as the lady wished, but he could not help it. Tonight was Vita’s night and she was radiant.

  When the song ended, there was applause.

  Vita took a great breath and then placed her hand on his arm. “I did it.”

  “You did.”

  “I can’t believe it.” She was struggling to breathe.

  Remy grew worried and quickly ushered her out of the room.

  They made it to the ladies’ private saloon just in time.

  Vita dashed behind a screen and vomited into what sounded like the chamber pot. He heard her struggle, and his fear grew.

  “Vita?” He started toward her, but she held up her hand around the screen.

  “No,” she cried.

  Another lady who’d been sitting there stood.

  “I’ll help her.” She smiled at him kindly. “It was very good of you to see her here. Don’t worry. Could you have a maid bring her tea? That should settle her.”

  Remy nodded and then left the room.

  He caught a maid in the hall and asked for tea. Then he remained there and waited. The vomiting stopped. Then there was silence. The maid went in.

  Vita came out seconds later with a cup in her hands.

  He grabbed her shoulders. He needed to touch her. “Are you all right?”

  She nodded and smiled. Her color was odd. “A little. I suppose the brandy and spinning were a bad combination. The tea is helping, however.”

  “Didn’t you want to sit and drink it?”

  “Yes, Lady Clarence, who is the sweetest woman, suggested I lay down and though I was tempted…” She shrugged. “We don’t have much time. I want to be with you.”

  “Vita.” He reached for her cheek but drew back his hand. They were in public. Anyone could walk down a hall.

  He put a hand on her back. “This way.” He took her to a guest-chamber on the first floor. Done in all white, the room was smaller than the others but had what they would need for the moment. A bed that Vita could rest in and a quiet atmosphere.

  He took a lamp from the hall and then turned it low before setting on a sideboard.

  Vita moved to the bed and sat. She sipped her tea and looked at him. “Why are you by the door?”

  “There’s nowhere else to sit.”

  She patted the bed. “Come.”

  He frowned.

  She laughed. “I’m ill. Surely, nothing will happen.”

  He made no guarantees but supposed she was right.

  He sat by the headboard, and she leaned into his side. His arm went around her.

  He sighed. “Hold on.” He adjusted his position and moved into the center of the bed with his back on the headboard. Then he took her tea and without instruction, she curled toward him and settled into the cradle of his chest.

  He gave her the tea back once she was settled. “Better?”

  “The very best.” She sipped, and he held her.

  They were quiet. The silence was compatible and just as wonderful as any laugh they’d shared.

  The lamp light eventually flickered, and the room went black.

  “The oil must be out,” he said. “The servants are usually better about keeping it full.”

  “It’s the end of the night, and it’s been a rather long one,” she whispered. “I’m certain they’ll be forgiven.” She started to move, and he realized she was trying to put the cup down.

  He took it from her and settled it on the nightstand.

  “Will you hold me a little longer?” she asked.

  “Won’t your chaperone be looking for you?” He knew she’d come as Belle’s guest. Belle would not look for her.

  “No.” She sighed and turned on her side.

  His hand went to her hair. His fingers caught her pins, and he took them out. She moaned when he massaged her hair loose. “How are you feeling?”

  “Wonderful.” Her words were slurred with sleep.

  She’d be out in seconds.

  Recalling his duty to Van Dero at the very last second, he asked, “Was there something you wished to discuss with me all evening?”

  She didn’t answer.

  At first.

  “Don’t hurt Van Dero.”

  Remy stiffened and pulled her closer. “What? What did you say?”

  “Don’t… hurt the duke.” Her words faded. “Please. I need him.”

  “For what?”

  She gave no reply.

  What did she need the duke for? He’d already known Cass was wrong about the girl, but this changed things. What could a girl like her need with a man like him? The sort of help Van Dero offered usually came with a heavy price.

  He shook her a little. “Vita, why do you need the duke?”

  She was gone. Asleep.

  He should get up.

  She stiffened and woke again. “A few more minutes,” she said desperately, as though reading his mind.

  He settled in and rested his chin on her head. He squeezed her closer. “A few more minutes.”

  At the promise, she settled once more.

  He would wait for her breathing to signal her sleep and then he would leave her.

  Never to see her again, or at least not for the next year. If she did see him again, it would be as General Astger or the Earl of Bowland, his title.

  She would discover there was no Lord Dunn at all.

  He’d promised his service to Van Dero over a year ago.

  This was the first assignment he’d ever regretted taking.

  She wrapped a hand around his arm, and he worked to calm his own breathing.

  He didn’t want to leave her.

  But he would.

  But for now, he had a few more minutes.

  And he’d take every last second of it.

  ∫ ∫ ∫

  1 1

  * * *

  Vita stretched out on the bed as the morning sun touched her face.

  Even before she opened her eyes, she knew he was gone.

  She launched out of bed when she realized Lord Dunn was not only gone but had like
ly left England as well. He was supposed to be on a ship. The Rosie.

  Had it already left?

  She swung her feet over the edge of the bed and stilled.

  What was she going to do once she got to the ship? What would she say if she saw him?

  Don’t go.

  They hardly knew each other.

  She laid back and closed her eyes.

  The previous night spun behind her lids until she was able to remember everything. Their time on the balcony, the wine cellar, his fight with Mr. Palmer.

  Their near kiss.

  She touched her throat and recalled the way his mouth had felt on her.

  It hadn’t been enough. It hadn’t been nearly enough.

  There was a knock and then Belle came in.

  Vita sat back up.

  Belle was grinning. “Good morning. I’ve informed Lord and Lady Van Dero that you decided to stay with me last evening, so you’ve nothing to worry about. How did you sleep, dear?” Her brown eyes had a knowing gleaming.

  “Well.” Vita blushed.

  Belle moved to stand in front of her. “I saw a certain gentleman leave this room just an hour ago.”

  An hour? Vita looked out the window and knew from the sun’s position that it was after ten. He’d stayed with her that long?

  If he’d only left an hour ago, there was a chance he was still in England. Perhaps, he went home to prepare for his journey. Perhaps, she could catch him, stop him.

  Or perhaps, he was completely disgusted with the way she’d vomited at the end of the night and would rather never see her again. And there was their age difference. Would it be childish to go after him? It would certainly not be ladylike.

  But she hadn’t been very ladylike last evening, and he’d seemed to enjoy her.

  Was it all in her head? There had been evidence of want in his gaze… and his body.

  “Did anything happen between you and Lord Dunn?” Belle’s eyes were serious.

  Vita felt her cheeks heat to a further degree and shook her head. “No, nothing happened. I was ill. He was… helping me. He was the perfect gentleman.” She was slightly disappointed in that. Had the truth been otherwise, he could have been forced to wed her.

  That wouldn’t have been so unpleasant, would it?

  She was going mad.

  It would be wrong to trap him.


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