Then There Was New York

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Then There Was New York Page 17

by Kristina Garlick

  Arcadia: “Wait, what did you call me?”

  Riley: “You’re Arcadia, he’s Mackson, and those two are Vegas and Ruperto.”

  Arcadia: “How do you know my name?”

  I took out the worn photo that Seth had given me and handed it to Arcadia. It felt like deja-vu as last time I’d given Arcadia this picture, she hadn’t recognized me either. The difference was that time was no longer in danger, so I didn’t feel the urgency to press matters.

  Arcadia: “How did you get this?”

  Riley: “It’s the only thing left from the original timeline.”

  Vegas: “What does that mean?”

  Riley: “I control time and I went back and changed things. I used to be friends with you, Arcadia, and Mac as well.”

  Vegas: “Yeah, this does sound crazy.”

  I stood up from my chair and waved my hand so the time vortex went away. Then I changed into my blue form and began to toss a time ball into the air. As I was doing so, Mac walked around me holding up this handheld device.

  Mac: “Her powers …”

  Ruperto: “What does that mean?”

  Mac: “Her powers are off the chart. Like nothing I have ever seen.”

  Shifting back to my normal form, I let out a yawn.

  Arcadia: “Okay, we will humor you. Let’s say you do, in fact, have the power to change the past. Why did you do this?”

  Riley: “Broderick Boucher, aka Boundary, was handsome, strong, clever, and an awful human being. He and several members of your team betrayed everyone, and in a single day, New York City was destroyed and he became ruler of the world. Heroes went into hiding and if found, they were assassinated live on television and also on the internet. So, long story short, I went back in time and made sure his parents never met. This world exists because Broderick doesn’t.”

  Arcadia: “So why did we forget you?”

  Riley: “My powers weren’t given to me at the Raz & Berry show but by injection as I lay dying. Broderick, you see, is the one who injected me. He wanted to create an army of supervillains but it didn’t really work out in his favor.”

  Arcadia: “That still doesn’t explain why you were forgotten.”

  Riley: “I destroyed the one who made me and that is a time paradox, so my human self was erased and I survived being the only one with the knowledge of what truly was.”

  Vegas: “Nice story. What’s the point?”

  My hands sparked for a minute as I was annoyed by Vegas’ response. I was telling her the sincere truth and Mac had confirmed my abilities were strong. I wasn’t sure why all four of them were suspicious of me as, if I’d so desired, I could easily have wiped them from time.

  Riley: “There are bad guys coming and I want to help prepare young heroes.”

  Vegas: “You aren’t getting near my child or any of the ones at the compound.”

  Riley: “I am not the bad guy here, but within the next eight years, they will come. Horrific beasts from other dimensions and aliens from other planets, if I am to believe what my future self wrote.”

  Ruperto: “Future self?”

  Riley: “Me, from two hundred years ahead in time, traveled back and gave me this notebook, which explains some evildoers who will be showing their faces. There is also a formula to make more advanced people, but I suggest you don’t take this gift casually. By the way, anyone want any donuts?”

  Mac: “No, I think I will pass.”

  Ruperto: “Got any jelly?”

  Riley: “You’re in luck.”

  I pulled out a jelly-filled donut much to Ruperto’s delight. He quickly snatched the donut from my hand and began to consume it. If only I could win everyone’s heart with donuts.

  Arcadia: “We never got your name.”

  Riley: “Because you interrupted me. My name’s Riley Roman, but you can call me Vicis, which means time in Latin.”

  Arcadia: “Well, Riley, why don’t we go back to the Security Safe House and we can talk more there?”

  Vegas: “Wayward Shift, you can’t be serious!”

  Riley: “Pennsylvania or Georgia?”

  Arcadia: “How did you—”

  Riley: “Like I said, we used to be friends. I know a lot of things. Too bad you don’t have a telepath in your group as every great superhero team needs one.”

  Arcadia: “I put the request in.”

  I chuckled and at that moment, I knew everything would be okay. It didn’t happen overnight. Over the course of the next few weeks I gained the trust of Team Occurrence and, to some extent, of the government officials. The problem with government types was that I would not submit to testing and I thought most of them were pompous asses. Their attitude more often than not made me miss the days when superheroes operating under their own control. However, no Broderick meant that the heroes had never separated from the Superhero Resource Initiative.

  Really, I shouldn’t complain about the government control. For the most part, the S.R.I. left me to my own devices as long as I was kicking ass and making them look good so whoever their bosses were could get reelected. It was weird, at first, for humans to see all the villains trying to take over or destroy Earth. Most people adapted, but others formed hate groups like the Phantoms and Ghost, who targeted those who were different than them, even us superheroes; for the most part, I paid the Phantom and Ghost no heed as they were just scared mortals and my hope was that, in time, they’d learn to accept those who were different. After all, not everyone was evil.

  April 22nd, 1:30 p.m., 25 years later

  Over the years, I fought superhumans, monsters, robots, and even aliens from other worlds or dimensions. The notebook that Riley of the future had provided did help us in some instances, but it reached a point where the pages were now blank, which was fine with me. After twenty-five years of fighting, I decided to step out of the spotlight unless really needed. I preferred to spend most of my days training future heroes. Being in my fifties now, but still looking and feeling like I was twenty, gave me the energy to keep up with the kids but also filled a maternal void.

  Adam: “Miss Riley, what chapters am I supposed to be reading for tonight’s homework?”

  Riley: “Chapter seven and eight, which are both short. However, I really want you to work on making water boil.”

  Sona: “What should I be working on?”

  Riley: “Maintaining your cloud form even when a fan is blowing directly on you, which you can do on the other side of the classroom.

  Emery: “Can I run?”

  Riley: “You know the rules.”

  Emery: “After class you will time me in the obstacle course.”

  Riley: “Correct, but if you want to practice speed reading you are more than welcome to do that.”

  Emery: “How boring.”

  Riley: “Would you like someone to time you to see how fast you can dismantle a fake bomb?”

  Emery: “Fuck, yes.”

  Riley: “Emery, your mouth.”

  Emery: “I mean, yes, Riley.”

  Riley: “Great. I reset the puzzle, so don’t think it will be that easy.”

  Emery: “I do enjoy a challenge. Virginia, can you time me?”

  Virginia: “Sure, as soon as I figure out how to turn Max back into a human.”

  I glanced down to see Max had turned into dog.

  Riley: “I don’t think that is his animal of choice. Please turn him back.”

  Virginia: “I’m trying.”

  Riley: “Remember your breathing.”

  Virginia sat on the ground and began to take deep breaths. Max, realizing it was his window of opportunity, brushed his body against Virginia’s hand and changed back to the troublemaking fourteen-year-old that drove everyone nuts, but in a good way. Max was a good kid but a bit of a prankster. He also had a crush on Virginia, so she was often the one he played jokes on the most and probably why she had turned him into a dog.

  Max: “See if I ever fly you anywhere again.”

  Virginia: “You know
you will because you love me.”

  Max: “I loathe you with every fiber of my being.”

  Virginia: “I loathe you more.”


  Riley: “If you want to play the who-hates-who-more game, I suggest you both do that over dinner, not in my classroom.”

  Virginia: “Sorry.”

  Max: “Yes, sorry, Riley.”

  BOOM! Unexpectedly, there was a loud bang and let me say that description doesn’t even do justice to what I heard. It sounded like a building had collapsed outside or two tractor trailers had collided. I ran to the window and saw that a spaceship had crashed on the grounds of the Pennsylvania Security Safe House. Whoever or whatever was inside, the human guards on site would be no match. Most of Team Occurrence had gone on a mission in another realm to help people who were enslaved, and also to aid with the giant cat problem, as theirs weren’t as cute and cuddly as ours.

  Riley: “Everyone stay here!”

  Emery: “Let me help.”

  Riley: “Emery, you may be the oldest, but until you graduate you are inside, just like everyone else.”

  Emery: “But I am seventeen.”

  Emery: “This isn’t up for discussion.”

  I ran outside to see the Superhero Resource Initiative agents beginning to surround the crashed alien ship, which was, surprisingly, still very much intact. Seconds later, the door opened on the ship and about twenty soldiers came marching out. These soldiers were all incredibly good-looking, with bodies similar to male fitness models, and wearing what I could only describe as leather kilts. The battle gear showed that these soldiers were not be trifled with but it was the tattoo on their arms that caught my attention as they were all brandishing the same mark.

  A few seconds later, a young, broad-shouldered man in a pointy hat and a robe strolled out, followed by literally one of the most attractive men I had ever met. This painfully handsome man had dark wavy hair, broad shoulders, and muscles that I could seriously write a love poem too. The kilt the fine man wore was more elaborate and obviously more expensive than the soldier; his outfit was completed with a crown and a cape, which meant he was royalty.

  Riley: “Who are you?”

  Grier: “I am Prince Grier. We are here because something was stolen from my world.”

  Riley: “What exactly are you looking for?

  Grier: “The Nital, which is to be a gift for my future queen. We have gotten strong readings from your planet and know that it is here at this facility.”

  Grier and his army started to advance towards the building, where my students were. I would not allow these aliens in unless they proved that they were not a threat. The child took priority over everything else and if I needed to start a war with another planet to protect the kids then so be it.

  Riley: “You are not going anywhere inside until you provide me with more information and I deem you not a security threat.”

  Grier: “Are you their leader?”

  Riley: “Yes, and my men will fire on you if need be.”

  Grier let out a sigh and raised his hands. Seconds later, I was wrapped in a cocoon of broken metal from the ship. The arrogance of this man to underestimate me or to refuse to follow procedure. If he wanted a bloodbath for some stupid gift, then so be it!

  I turned into my time energy form and burst from the metal cocoon. Grier and his army turned at the sound of me breaking free. My hands started to spark as I saw Superhero Resource Initiative agents were either on the ground, unconscious or dead. Then I threw a time energy ball at the pointy- hatted man as I remembered Broderick saying something about a vicar motherfucker controlling soldiers or guards. My assumption was correct as the soldiers dropped to the ground in pain from the poison released from the mark on their arm.

  Riley: “You will not go inside! There are children in there and I will be damned if I let you anywhere near them.”

  More than willing to take on an entire army to protect the children, I was almost at a loss for words when the prince dropped to his knee and bowed. Despite the fact that the soldiers were in agonizing pain, they, too, began to bow. What the fuck?

  Riley: “Stop whatever you are doing.”

  Grier: “My queen, I have found you.”

  The prince stood up and ran over to me. Before I knew what was even happening, Grier threw his arms around me. I pushed the prince away but I must admit that his arms did feel nice around me. Mentally, I shook myself as it had just been a long time since I had slept with someone and as soon as this mess was taken care of, I would find a man who would suit my needs.

  Riley: “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but you aren’t getting inside.”

  Grier: “I have found you, so I no longer require access.”

  Since Grier and his fellow hot aliens weren’t attacking, Emery thought it was okay to speed over to where I stood, which made the other students think that it was okay to come out. Sona floated out in her cloud form followed by Adam, Max, and Virginia, who just walked over. At this point, I didn’t think that the aliens were a threat, but if they were, I could easily take them out and it would be a good lesson for the kids to observe as they would be fighting evil one day.

  Grier: “Are these children all royal?”

  Riley: “No. We don’t have royalty in this country.”

  Grier: “That is what I thought but does that mean everyone on your planet has powers?”

  Riley: “No, just a select populous. We keep Earth safe.”

  Grier: “I see. So where are the rest of your kind?”

  I wasn’t going to tell the aliens that the heroes from the Pennsylvania Security Safe House were in another dimension. Most of the recruits in the West Coast base were still rather new to the hero training so they were out of the picture. While Arcadia and Mac were in Georgia and getting up there in age, I thought they would be the best choice to call.

  Riley: “Emery, call Arcadia and tell her it’s urgent.”

  Emery: “On it.”

  Emery was gone in a blink.

  Riley: “The agents better not be dead.”

  Grier: “I promise you that I just put them to sleep. We wish no harm to come to your beautiful planet.”

  Riley: “So I take it only royalty has abilities on your planet.”

  Grier: “I would be more than happy to explain everything, but I’d much rather speak in private.”

  Riley: “As soon my friends get here, we will talk in my home.”

  Grier: “You don’t live here?”

  Riley: “I had the government build me a small house just off site.”

  Emery: “They will be here in ten minutes.”

  Grier: “Back already, Shooting Star.”

  Emery: “I don’t mean to brag, but I’m the fastest person alive.”

  Grier: “My brother, Rowe, says he is. Perhaps someday I can arrange a race between you and Rowe.”

  Emery: “Sure, if he doesn’t mind losing.”

  Grier: “I would love to see that. His ego needs to be knocked down a peg or two.”

  Emery: “Then sign me up.”

  Grier: “Don’t you worry, Shooting Star, I will.”

  For the next few minutes, Grier spent his time talking to the children and they simply adored him. Grier’s guards and pointy-hatted vicar stayed in the distance, just watching. The Superhero Resource Initiative agents began to wake up and I was relieved that they were really just sleeping. I hadn’t gone over to check on the agents for fear they were dead as, while I didn’t mind the kids potentially witnessing a battle, seeing death was another story; especially little Adam, as he was only nine and such a sweet little boy. I did not want him to have nightmares.

  Luckily, all the agents were awake and confused when Arcadia and Mac suddenly came running outside, ready to battle. My friends must have used the teleporters rather than the flight belts. Although, if we were really under attack, I don’t think the teleporters would be the safest option because if the machine got damaged, they could
have arrived incorrectly or not at all. Perhaps at the next Team Occurrence meeting I would have to put it on the agenda that we have a code word, which would indicate teleporters or flight belt.

  Arcadia: “What the shit?”

  Riley: “Alien spaceship has landed. I need you to keep an eye on everything while I talk to their prince.”

  Mac: “Is that all?”

  Riley: “Can’t tell if you are being sarcastic.”

  Arcadia: “Emery gave us a heart attack when she called. I expected the worst.”

  Riley: “What did you say, Emery?”

  Emery: “Just that a ship crashed and there was an army of soldiers.”

  Riley: “In all fairness, that was an accurate statement.”

  Arcadia: “Then she hung up. Emery, you don’t hang up before you finish the story.”

  Emery: “I didn’t want to miss the action.”

  Arcadia: “Bring the phone outside next time.”

  Grier: “I don’t mean to be rude, but I really wish to speak to my queen in private.”

  Mac: “My queen?”

  Mac’s face lit up in amusement. I wasn’t going to give Mac the satisfaction of an answer. Instead, I just took Grier’s arm and guided him away. But before we were out of hearing range, he signaled for his men to stay where they were.

  April 22nd, 2:08 p.m.

  Using the keypad entry, I opened my front door. Before I could invite the prince in, he strolled into my home and began to look around. If it had been anyone else, I think I might have been annoyed. But for some reason, Grier’s presence here did not disturb me.


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