Home > Other > TANGLED HEARTS > Page 1

by Hartley, Jennifer


  Jennifer Hartley

  This iѕ a wоrk оf fiction. Names, character, places аnd inсidеntѕ аrе еithеr thе рrоduсt оf thе аuthоr’ѕ imаginаtiоn or are used fiсtitiоuѕlу, and аnу rеѕеmblаnсе to actual реrѕоnѕ, living оr dеаd, business establishments, еvеntѕ оr locales iѕ entirely coincidental.

  @ Copyright 2019 by (Jennifer Hartley)

  All right reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or used in any manner without written permission of the copyright owner except for the use of quotation in a book review.

  First edition 2019

  Created with Vellum


  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  Other Books By Jennifer Hartley

  The Heart Of You

  Perchance To Dream


  The Miles Between Us

  Back To you

  You Are Mine

  Marine For Dinner

  Meant To Be Together

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  Chapter 1

  They were World Tennis Champions at long last.

  As celebrations continued off the court after a few obligatory interviews, Adam and Kimberly’s family and friends were all around to help celebrate. Yet it wasn’t the same. Because when Adam and Kimberly looked at each other, there was awkwardness. The kiss they had stolen in the locker room at the conclusion of their championship game had put a decade of platonic partnership to an end. Neither was relaxed; their ability to read each other’s thoughts was somewhat diminished.

  Kimberly smiled as their coach Britta came up to her and pulled her away for a moment, away from Adam and to a quiet corner.

  “Are you okay? Is something wrong?” asked Britta.

  “No, no, there’s nothing,” said Kimberly, bewildered.

  “I was there. I was right in your position when I played with my own partner Dustin. I understand,” said Britta, pausing as she noticed the look on Kimberly’s face change to surprise.

  Britta chuckled.

  “Why don’t you take the time to figure things out?"

  Kimberly couldn’t speak; they had not hidden it well at all apparently, not to the trained eyes of Britta. She nodded silently.

  Britta hugged her tightly.

  “Thank you, for everything,” said Kimberly, with a smile as she pulled away.

  “I can’t wait to dance at your wedding,” said Britta, with a cheeky grin. She walked away laughing as Kimberly blushed.

  Adam happened to glance across the room just in time to see Britta laughing as she walked away from Kimberly, leaving Kimberly…blushing. Her cheeks were a rosy pink, and he saw her swallow nervously and glance around. That’s when her gaze met his.

  Kimberly smiled involuntarily, and as Adam held her gaze, it was as if they were alone in that room.

  Neither made a move to talk, but with that look, the unspoken agreement was that they would be less awkward, that they would relax and enjoy their win. Kimberly went right back to his side, smiling and laughing with their friends and enjoying the intense emotions of their win.

  Adam could tell she wanted to talk about it. Yet for some reason, she avoided it or couldn’t bring herself to discuss it. Perhaps she didn’t want to hurt him, perhaps she was thinking of a way to let him down easily. The thoughts swirled through his mind over and over. It didn’t help that he was feverish and down with a cold the moment they got back.

  Kimberly too was sick in bed. It had made it even easier to avoid him. Even though all he wanted to do was go over there and look after her. He had no idea that Kimberly wanted to do the same; she was sick but constantly worried about him.

  It was with surprise that he picked up his phone and saw a message from Kimberly.

  Hey, how are you feeling?

  He frowned as he replied. Better. You?

  It took a few moments for the reply to come, and he watched his phone anxiously.

  I’m okay, slowly getting better. Can you come over? said the message that popped up.

  Adam almost dropped his phone in surprise.

  Alright. Want me to bring you chicken soup? he asked, settling for what he hoped was ‘cute’.

  I’m fine, but you know I can’t say no to food, replied Kimberly.

  I’ll be there soon, he replied, dropping his phone and hurrying to make himself look presentable.

  He ordered the soup from one of their favorite restaurants along with a few more treats like hot fries.

  Kimberly opened the door dressed in a long shirt and sweatpants. She looked tired but otherwise like her usual self.

  “Hey, Adam,” she breathed.

  “Hey, Kimberly,” replied Adam, moving inside as she held the door open and then placed the food onto her kitchen bench.

  Kimberly looked at the bags with interest, and he smiled.

  “Go sit down. I’ll serve,” he said.

  “Alright,” she said tiredly.

  He dished out the food, poured her a glass of water and took it all to the living room on a tray. That’s when he realized just how sick she was.

  She had clearly made the couch her sickbed, and she was laying back with a blanket around her. On the coffee table were tissues, cold and flu tablets, a thermometer, and a cough syrup.

  “Kim,” he said, as he put the tray down.

  Kimberly sat up, making room for him, and he sat down, looking at her face closely.

  “What? Do I look terrible?” asked Kimberly, feeling self-conscious under his gaze.

  Adam chuckled, reaching out to place a hand against her forehead.

  “No, you always look perfect. I’m just deciding how sick you are on a scale of 1-10,” said Adam, seeing that it didn’t feel like she had a fever.

  “I’m okay, just tired. Haven’t had much of an appetite either so this smells so good,” said Kimberly, looking at the food on the tray. “And thanks for not saying I look terrible,” she added with a laugh.

  “You can’t; it’s impossible,” he said with a smile.

  He grabbed the bowl of chicken soup, handing it to her. He’d missed her blush as he’d turned to get the plate and Kimberly hoped the pink in her cheeks wasn’t too noticeable. She took the bowl gratefully, inhaling the smell of the soup.

  “Thank you for this,” said Kimberly, as she had a spoonful of soup.

  “Mmm, so good,” she said, taking another bite.

  “Did you get one for you?” she asked suddenly.

  “No, I got you another soup for tomorrow though. It’s in the fridge,” said Adam.

  “Have that one, you’ve been sick too, and I wasn’t there to make you soup and look after you,” said Kimberl

  “Can’t exactly look after me when you’re sick too,” said Adam, touched that she’d wanted to be there.

  “Go get it and eat with me…please?” said Kimberly, her gaze pleading.

  She knew that he couldn’t resist a pleading look or pout from Kimberly and he would do whatever she wanted. It had always been that way. He gave her a look, plainly telling her it was mean to do that to get her way but went to the kitchen, retrieving the other serving of soup and plating it up for himself.

  “Alright, I have soup,” said Adam, sitting down again beside her.

  “Good,” smiled Kimberly.

  It was nice to spend that quiet time together, without awkwardness. While Kimberly was sick, Adam didn’t want to bring up anything that might upset her, so he stayed by her side, keeping conversation light. After they finished their food, Kimberly moved to snuggle against him and turned on the TV. He let her snuggle against his shoulder, placing an arm around her as they watched a show.

  When she fell asleep, he moved carefully, easily lifting her and taking her to her room.

  Kimberly barely stirred, and he used one hand to pull the covers back, before depositing her gently down on the bed.

  “Adam,” mumbled Kimberly, sleepily.

  “I’m right here,” said Adam as he tucked her into bed.

  “Goodnight Kim, I’ll lock up when I go, okay? I’ll just clean up from dinner and head off. I’ll see you tomorrow,” he added.

  “Alright, thank you. Goodnight,” said Kimberly, reaching out to pull him closer.

  He obliged, and she wrapped her arms around him in a hug, kissing his cheek tenderly as they parted.

  “Sweet dreams, Kim,” he said, kissing her forehead softly as she closed her eyes again.

  Chapter 2

  When Kimberly woke up the next morning, she briefly wondered why she hadn’t changed into pajamas. Then she remembered, she’d been so tired that she’d fallen asleep on Adam and he’d brought her to her room.

  She looked for her cold and flu tablets to take the morning dose and frowned. They’d been on the coffee table last night. She went back to her room. She’d been so tired; she certainly hadn’t brought them with her. But as she saw on her bedside table, Adam had. He’d cleaned up from their meal last night and ensured she had everything she needed right beside her. Well, except for him, thought Kimberly, flushing. He was amazing; she’d always known that. Through all of their ups and downs, he’d been there. And at some point, the girlish crush had turned into something else, leaving her in this current predicament.

  Kimberly tried to focus on something other than Adam, showering quickly and dressing in sweats. She had nowhere to be but her couch again. She needed to get rid of this cold, and she did feel a little better. She went downstairs while still towel drying her hair and was surprised when the doorbell rang.

  She looked out of the peephole and stared. She hurriedly put down the towel, brushing her fingers through her still damp hair and looking down at herself.

  He’s seen you in worse over the last ten years, she told herself.

  “Adam, good morning,” she said with a smile as she opened the door.

  “Good morning, I come bearing gifts,” said Adam, grinning as he held up a bag holding several take away containers and coffee.

  “Feeding me again? I won’t be able to jump!” teased Kimberly as she let him inside.

  “Well, you’re not feeding yourself, I saw the contents of your fridge last night. Have you had breakfast?” asked Adam, looking at her as he set down the containers.

  “I know; I haven’t really felt up to going grocery shopping or having much to eat. The cold took away my appetite, but I think it’s coming back,” said Kimberly, opening one of the boxes. “I haven’t had breakfast, and this all looks so good.”

  “Well, you know the drill,” joked Adam. “Go get comfortable, and I’ll bring the food in.”

  Kimberly laughed. “Come on, let me help,” she said.

  “No, you need to get better,” said Adam. He gave her a coffee cup and then pointed to the living room.

  “Go on, relax,” he said.

  Kimberly grinned, doing as he said, with a blush in her cheeks.

  She settled on the couch, taking a sip of the coffee. Almond milk cappuccino, her current favorite. Adam then brought in a delicious breakfast - there were eggs, toast, French toast with berries, fruit, and yogurt.

  “Can we eat all this?” laughed Kimberly.

  “I think we can,” smiled Adam.

  Kimberly suddenly hugged him tightly. He fell backwards a little, not having expected it.

  “Thank you, you’re amazing. I’m very lucky to have you taking care of me,” said Kimberly, still snuggled in his arms.

  “I can’t let you go hungry.”

  Kimberly pulled back, laughing.

  “You’re the best best friend ever!” she said.

  Adam blushed, handing her a plate that he’d piled high with a bit of everything.

  “Bon appétit!” he said.

  “You master of the French language,” laughed Kimberly.

  “I aim to please,” joked Adam.

  They chatted while they ate; the mood was light. It was nice to be comfortable together, after the awkwardness at the Championship.

  “I feel like I’ll need to roll out to the court,” moaned Kimberly, holding her full stomach as she leaned her head back against the couch.

  Adam moved beside her, laying his head back also. “Feeling a bit better?”

  “A bit. Let’s hope you don’t catch it again now. I’d feel so bad,” said Kimberly.

  “Because I’m here with you?” asked Adam.

  “Yes, I should be all the way on the other side of the room to protect you from getting sick again,” said Kimberly.

  “I can take it,” laughed Adam, pulling her closer as they both rested back against the couch.

  Kimberly turned on the TV, and they fell silent as a morning news show played.

  “I want to talk to you about something,” began Adam awkwardly as the show ended and Kimberly moved to turn off the television.

  Kimberly sighed. She knew he’d bring it up, but she didn’t know how to respond. She turned back to face him.

  “Alright,” she said hesitantly.

  “What are your thoughts, Kim? Are we really going to just pretend it didn’t happen?” asked Adam, his eyes probing into hers.

  Kimberly had to break the connection, or she’d get utterly lost in his eyes.

  “Yes?” she finally said, mentally kicking herself as she saw the quick look of hurt pass over Adam’s face before he masked it.

  “All the years of counseling and talking about our feelings, and that’s your response?” asked Adam, a hint of anger in his words.

  “I know you disagree with me. Hell, I disagree with me, but I just can’t wrap my head around this right now. Can we please drop it?” asked Kimberly.

  “No, we can’t drop it, Kim. I can’t. I need to talk about why. After all these years, we owe it to ourselves to keep communication open and honest,” said Adam earnestly.

  “I’m not ready,” said Kimberly, looking away from him.

  “Damn it, Kim. What does that even mean? If you want to forget it, do what you want, but you weren’t the only one there. You can forget you kissed some random guy, but not this. Do I not get any consideration at all?” asked Adam, angry now.

  “Fine, what do you want to know?” asked Kimberly, upset.

  “Forget it, Kim. I’m trying to talk to you, and you just shut me out. I get it. I was the only one who felt something, that’s clear. I must have been dreaming to think you might have felt it too,” said Adam, getting up abruptly from the couch.

  “Adam,” said Kimberly, reaching for his arm to stop him.

  “I’ll see you later,” said Adam, taking his arm out of her grasp.

  “Adam!” said Kimberly, getting up.

  Adam stopped and faced her, seeing her eyes w
ere a vibrant green, a sure sign that Kimberly Marcus was angry, very angry.

  “Sit down,” she said, her tone cool.

  He could do nothing but listen to her at that point, so he flopped back on the couch, and she sat too, facing him.

  “So, talk,” she said.

  “I don’t want to now,” mumbled Adam.

  “Tough. So you want to date, is that it?” asked Kimberly.

  Adam snorted. “Yes, right,” he muttered.

  Kimberly rolled her eyes. “Adam…seriously. Are you trying to hurt my feelings right now?”

  Adam sighed, snapping out of his sour mood the moment he thought Kimberly might actually be hurt rather than just avoiding the discussion. He took a calming breath, looking into her eyes.

  “No, I’m not trying to hurt you. I’d never want that, not intentionally,” he said quietly.

  “Alright,” said Kimberly, her voice soft.

  “I did want to see if maybe…I don’t know…that kiss meant something to you too…and maybe…you might consider …. dating me,” Adam managed to get out awkwardly.

  Kimberly sighed. He was adorable when he was nervous. Confident, outgoing Adam was sitting here, stumbling over his words as he asked her out. He was perfect.

  “Oh, Adam,” she began, at a loss for words at that moment.

  “Alright, forget I said it,” said Adam, bristling at her lack of response.

  “I did feel something, I do want to…but I’m scared,” said Kimberly. “I need time…time to think things through.”

  “If you need time to think about it, you don’t want it. Stop trying to spare me the real answer, Kim. It’s a no. I get it. I’m a grown man. I can deal with rejection…even from you,” said Adam.

  He avoided her eyes, dropping his gaze to the floor instead. She was so annoyingly neat. There was literally nothing to look at, just an immaculate carpeted floor.


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