Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3)

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Her Promised Dom (Dominant Men Book 3) Page 18

by Isabella Kole

  He had pulled her up to a sitting position on his lap, her red and burning bottom chafing against his slacks. He was hugging her, holding her close and whispering to her, "I love you so much; I don't ever want to lose you."

  She turned her face into his chest. "I love you, too. You aren't going to lose me, Dale."

  It wasn't long before he had carried her back to her tiny bedroom and placed her on the small bed. He took off his slacks and crawled in with her. Without any foreplay, he entered her. She was ready. He was more than ready. None was needed. What had started as a Dom punishing his sub partner for a misdeed had ended in the most glorious vanilla sex ever.

  Chapter 12

  The next morning, Cora got up at the usual time and dressed to go into the office. "You don't mind, do you, Dale?" she asked as she brushed her hair into its usual shoulder length bob then decided to put it up to stay cooler in the hot summer weather.

  "No, baby. I figured you'd have to work, so I brought work with me. I figure I can work here while you're at the office."

  "I may be able to bring work home and work from here, too, until you go back, but I'll have to go in and see what's going on."

  "If you do that, I have the feeling neither of us will get much work done. But, hey, I'm not complaining."

  "You are rotten to the core, Dale Barton. Can't you keep your mind out of the gutter for five minutes?"

  "I've had to behave for two whole months. Give a guy a break here," he teased as he pulled her onto the bed and planted a kiss on her freshly painted lips.

  "Poor baby," she purred as she attempted to get up.

  "I'd love to pull that hair out of that comb and pull that short skirt up over your sore little ass and—"

  "Stop right there. Hold that thought. I'll be home later." She laughed as she grabbed her bag.

  Leaning down to give him a goodbye kiss, she quickly ran to the door before he distracted her again.

  When she walked into the office, she was greeted by a surprised Camille. "What are you doing here?"

  "My job, I thought," she quipped as she headed for the coffee pot.

  "Cora, isn't Dale at your place?"

  "Yes, he's working. He knew I would need to come in here, so he brought work with him."

  Camille rolled her eyes. "Cora, you put in extra hours all the time working from home evenings and weekends. You can take the time off while he's in town."

  As she sipped her coffee, she responded, "I guess I could take my laptop home and work from there."

  "Cora, did you not hear a word I just said? You mope around here for months because you don't see him, and now that he's here, you want to come to work. Really, girl, do you even know what you want?"

  "As a matter of fact, my friend, I do. I finally know what I want. And I've decided that I can wait until he is ready to offer it. We're making progress. He told me that he loves me. God, that sounded so junior high, didn't it?"

  Camille shook her head. "No, Cora, it sounds like you've finally come to your senses and that things are finally heading in the right direction. Remember our talk? You do what is best for you. If Dale is what you really want, don't let anything or anyone stand in your way."

  Kayla walked in just then. "What are you doing here?"

  "Honestly, I wonder if I even work here anymore."

  "Where's the hunky Texas lawyer?"

  "At my loft, working."

  "Geez, girl, sometimes you are so dense. Get the hell out of here and go home."

  "That's what I told her, but does she listen, no!" Camille threw her hands up in the air as Audrey giggled from her desk.

  "Don't you start with me too." Cora pointed her finger at her assistant.

  They all looked at her, shaking their heads until, finally, she agreed, "Okay, I'll go home, and I'll see you all on Wednesday after I put the man on the plane back to Texas. Now, are you all happy?"

  "The question is, are you happy?" Audrey spoke for the first time.

  "Delirious. Now, if you'll all kindly excuse me, I need to get some things from my office before I go."

  Taking what she would need to work from home, she told them goodbye and raced outside to hail a cab. When she finally made it back to the loft and opened the door, she heard Dale speaking to someone on the phone.

  "Yes, Jim, that's fine. I'll be home Wednesday, so I'll meet up with you at the house, on Thursday. The sooner this gets wrapped up, the better. I've got big plans, but I can't put them into motion until the house is completely ready." He looked up and saw that she was home. "Jim, I have to go. I'll see you Thursday."

  "Problems with your house?" she asked as she put her laptop and briefcase on the table.

  "Not really. I just want to get it done and get back to normal. I never expected to be at my parents' house this long."

  "That's got to be tough on you," she teased.

  "More than you can imagine, hot stuff. Now, tell me why you are home in the middle of the day. Did you get fired?"

  "I was told to leave."


  "I was told to take off until you went home."

  "Really, well, I'm beginning to like those girls more than ever."

  "Would you like to see some of the sights, this afternoon?"

  "What sights would you be referring to?" he teased.

  "The sights of New York; you've already seen the sights of Cora."

  He chuckled. "Okay, I'll let you drag me out and about. And to a Broadway musical tonight, but tomorrow, I get you all to myself."

  "I believe that can be arranged," she answered seductively as she hiked up her skirt and straddled him.

  "Start that, and we won't get out of here," he warned.

  "Just teasing you, big boy, rein it in. I'm going to change my clothes, and then we can go."

  Of course, he didn't let her up without a searing kiss, first.

  She took him to the Empire State Building and to Times Square. By the time they had finished with the tour, it was time to go back to the loft and dress for dinner and the show.

  He chose a dark suit with a pale blue shirt and striped tie. She wore a black sequined dress that stopped at the top of the knees and her black strappy sandals. The locket Dale had given her was around her neck, and she wore diamond drop earrings with a diamond bracelet. Her hair was piled on top of her head. They made a striking couple, and as she picked up her black sequined evening bag, he offered his arm. She took it, and they walked into the night.

  They dined at Sardi's before the show, enjoying fine wine and Italian cuisine. It was romantic as they gazed into each other's eyes across the table. He mouthed the words "I love you" as he toasted her with his wine glass. After dinner, they made their way to the theatre. He held her hand throughout the show, and when they were finally back home in her loft, he thanked her for a wonderful day.

  "I can see why you love New York. It's a far cry from Fredericksburg. Austin had a lot to offer, but there's really no place like New York City, is there?" He searched her face for a reaction.

  "I can take it or leave it. It was exciting the first year or two, but after the newness wore off, I never really went out much."

  He looked at her thoughtfully. "I am surprised to hear you say that."

  "Dale, I've always been a small-town girl at heart. Living in Chicago and then New York was fine for a young twenty-something girl on her own for the first time, but I wouldn't necessarily say it's where I'd want to grow old." She hinted, hoping he'd say something more, but he didn't.

  He removed his tie and unbuttoned the collar of his shirt. Looking at her, he said, "I could go for some chocolate caramel coffee, and I just happen to have some in my bag. I'll make it."

  "You want coffee this late?"

  "I plan on staying awake all night," he teased as he kissed the top of her head.

  "Oh, you do?" She raised an eyebrow as she unbuckled her shoes and slipped out of them.

  "Talking, cuddling, watching all night movies, kissing, and so on." He grin
ned mischievously.

  "Bring it on. We'll have a marathon and sleep all morning."

  "I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

  "Where would I go?" she said under her breath as she slipped off her dress and put on a short lavender gown and robe. Turning down the covers on the bed, she slid between them and waited for her lover to bring her coffee. She picked up the remote and flipped through the channels. "What do you want to watch?" she yelled into the kitchen.

  "I don't care; just find a movie."

  He brought chocolate kisses and coffee to the bed, handed a mug to her with a bowl of kisses and set his own mug on the nightstand. Quickly stripping down to his black silk boxers, he slid under the covers with her.

  "This is cozy, isn't it?" he observed as he picked up his mug and took a sip of the hot, sweet liquid.

  "Yes, it is pretty cozy, seeing as how my bed is much smaller than yours." She opened the foil on a kiss.

  He put his arm around her and pulled her close. "I could stay like this forever, Cora Beth, just you and me, in our own little world."

  She leaned up for his kiss and remarked, "That would be nice." Then she popped the chocolate kiss in her mouth.

  They settled in to watch the movie, making it halfway through before he began caressing her thigh under the covers. One thing, of course, led to another, and it wasn't long before they were in the throes of passion. They dozed for a short time, and the rest of the night they alternated between watching movies, talking, and making love. The pink fuzzy handcuffs were tried out, and she had to admit she preferred those to the ones at his condo.

  Finally, at eleven, he decided it was time to get up and look for food. While she showered, he made French toast in her small kitchen.

  "You're spoiling me, Dale. I'll miss all this when you go back home," she commented as she poured a generous amount of maple syrup on her toast.

  Gazing at her across her small kitchen table, he responded with a smile. "If I could, Cora Beth, I would spoil you rotten."

  Take me back to Texas, and I'll let you, she begged silently. Instead of saying it aloud, she simply returned the smile and sipped her coffee.

  The next four days were heaven for Cora. They shopped, walked, cooked, laughed, worked, and made sweet love for hours on end. She didn't want to think about it coming to an end. More than ever, she knew that a simple life like this with Dale Barton was all she wanted. She could turn her back on New York in a heartbeat, if only he would ask.

  Her career would always be there, in one form or another, but a future with Dale wasn't as certain.

  When the time came for her to accompany him to the airport, she hoped he would ask her to give it all up and go with him, but she knew that he wouldn't, so she steeled herself for the goodbye, not knowing when she would see him again.

  "I'll call you when I get home. Your mom said you were planning a trip home this summer. When do you think it will be?"

  "Probably not until August, since I took this week off," she informed him sadly. "Then, I'll be there for the weddings. One at Christmas and the other next February."

  "Well, we can talk about it later. All I want to do right now is kiss you before I have to say goodbye." He put his arm around her waist and leaned in for a gentle kiss. "Can't get too carried away," he teased as he let her go and touched her cheek.

  "I'll miss you."

  "I love you, CB." He turned to go, kissing her one more time, and then he was gone.

  And I love you, Dale.

  Exactly one month has passed since Dale's visit to New York. It was mid-July and hot. Cora took a sip of the Coke sitting on the edge of her desk and looked through the emails on her office account. Seeing one that looked rather interesting, she opened it and began to read.

  Dear Ms. Watson,

  I realize that it is not yet the time of year for your open submissions, however, you came highly recommended to me. I have begun a manuscript for a love story and need a professional opinion before I attempt to finish it. I was in hopes you would read it and offer suggestions so that I can have it ready for you by the time you are again accepting submissions.

  Having caught her attention, she began to read the story, entitled “A Young Man's Promise.” How appropriate, she thought as she read on.

  "The man looked at the woman seated across the room. Could it really be her, after all these years? As he walked closer and saw that it was indeed the girl he'd never been able to forget, he sat down. They talked, and soon, he asked her to dance. Holding her in his arms again reminded him of the Senior Prom, all those years ago. She belonged in his arms, but did he have the right to ask? He'd made a promise to her long ago. Did she remember that promise? She had a new life now, and he doubted that a life with him would fit into her plans. Still, he couldn't stay away from her. He told her about a woman he'd once loved and lost, but what he didn't tell her was that the woman he was talking about was her. He led her to believe that he was a playboy, a regular love-them-leave-them kind of guy. But he didn't tell her that the reason was because he'd never met anyone who could make his heart race like she could. He didn't tell her that he had searched but never found anyone who kissed him the way she did. He didn't tell her that all the other women were only a distraction until he could be with her again. She told him that he had broken her heart once. But what he didn't tell her was that his own heart had been broken as well. He had been young, and he had caved under the pressure of the elders; he had listened when he was told they were too young to be in love. He knew now that the love they'd shared had been real and deep. And it was still there for him. He still remembered the long ago promise that had been sealed with a kiss on that steamy August night.

  “He'd tried to love her yet give her the freedom to live her own life. He could no longer do that. He was crazy without her and he had to know.

  “He had to know if she remembered the promise. He had to know if she felt the same way he did, that every day without her was a day wasted. He had to know if she would be his forever, because, you see, the man had never broken a promise in his life, and he didn't intend to start now."

  I would appreciate if, after reading my story, Ms. Watson, you could tell me what it needs.

  Thank you for your time,

  DD Martin

  Austin, Texas

  She sat for a long time at her desk. DD Martin? Could it possibly be Dale David Barton, and he changed the Barton to Martin to throw her off? Was this his way of telling her how he felt? Or was she crazy, and it really was a submission from an unknown would-be author?

  She forwarded the email to Camille, telling her to read it and tell her what she thought. She walked down the hall to her boss' office and softly knocked on the door, a few minutes later. Camille called for her to come in.

  When Cora sat down in the chair and faced Camille across the desk, she could see that the other woman was still reading. When she had finished, she took off her reading glasses and looked Cora squarely in the eyes.

  "Cora, you think this is from Dale, don't you?"

  "I don't know what to think, Camille. It has similarities, don't you think?"

  "I think if this is from Dale, it's the most romantic thing I've ever read. If not, then this guy has it bad for some girl out there somewhere."

  "What should I do?"

  "Only you can answer that question, Cora. Why don't you follow up on it and find out if it is truly from him?" Camille suggested as she watched Cora's face.

  "You mean, go along with him?"

  "Cora, I believe the ball is in your court now, as you've so often said in the past about him."

  "What if it isn't Dale?"

  "Highly unlikely, but if it isn't him, be a professional, tell him what his story needs and move on. But if it truly is Dale, you've got a decision to make. We'll work out the details, later, if you want to keep your job and work from Texas. And I also know that you've said you'd like to start your own small press someday; that's another option for you. But for now, don'
t let your career get in the way of a future with the man you love. Remember, I did that once."

  "I know what I have to do. And, Camille, thank you," she told the woman who'd been her friend, boss, and mentor as she stood up.

  Camille got up and walked around her desk to where Cora stood. As she hugged her, she whispered, "Good luck, my dear friend."

  Cora walked back to her office and purchased an open-ended ticket to Austin. Next, she reserved a suite at a hotel a few miles away from the airport. She had one more thing to do.

  She sat at her desk staring at the computer, contemplating her next move. After several minutes had passed, she began to type.

  Dear Mr. Martin,

  I have read your story and would very much like to meet with you to discuss it further. Between the two of us, I believe we can turn it into a story worth publishing. It lacks one thing, however, that is essential in all romances, and that is a happy ending.

  I will be arriving at Austin-Bergstrom International at ten, tomorrow morning. Would you be so kind as to pick me up at the airport and drive me to the Fairmont, where I have reserved a suite in order for us to work on your manuscript?

  I'm not sure I quite understand why you believe the woman in your story would not remember a promise made to her by the man she loves, but we can discuss that when we meet.

  I look forward to working with you.


  Cora B. Watson

  Acquisitions Editor

  She waited. Nothing. She waited longer. Finally, ten minutes later, a response appeared from D.D. Martin.

  Dear Ms. Watson,

  I would be happy to pick you up at the airport and escort you to your hotel, where we can discuss my story in great depth.

  Thank you for this opportunity.


  D.D. Martin

  When she read the reply, she thought, Well, that's that. At ten o'clock tomorrow morning, or shortly thereafter, I will know if this is from Dale or not.

  She went to Camille's office and told her what she'd done.

  "Well played, Cora. Now get on home and get packed. Go to Texas and get this figured out. Take as long as you need. This is your future we're talking about."


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