Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Betting on Benny (Kindle Worlds) (Mystic Nights Book 6)

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Special Forces: Operation Alpha: Betting on Benny (Kindle Worlds) (Mystic Nights Book 6) Page 2

by MJ Nightingale

  The farm. His inspiration for buying this place. He looked around the room and saw the similarities to his own childhood home coming to life here in California. He hadn’t been back in five years. He’d love to see it. They ran it well and his aunt’s foreman, John Walker, had been with them for eons, and John’s son was now helping them out since Suzie’s boys didn’t want the place. Matt would take over as foreman when his dad retired. Matt had been on the farm often too. He was the son of Jenny’s dearest friend, Beth, from high school. It had been the four musketeers, him and Cord, Cam and Matt. Beth, Neal had been her maiden name, had died five years earlier, tragically, of cancer. Jenny and John were growing closer it seemed, according to Aunt Suzie’s latest update. He’d love to see for himself what was going on there. It would be weird to see his friend’s father with his aunt now, but as long as she was happy, he’d love for Jenny to find love after all this time.

  “Hmm.” He picked up the letter again. He read the invitation to be on the show. He read what was being provided to all of the contestants–a week’s stay at a luxury hotel and resort. It would be that new casino in Connecticut, the latest competitor of The Mohegan Sun, and Foxwoods. He’d heard about it. It was being run by the Sassacus family. In fact, a friend from culinary school, Jewel Diamente, had gotten a job there and married into the family. It was a small world.

  If he did the show, he’d get to see her too. He would get to see his aunts. His cousins, perhaps, if they came in. He would get a week’s vacation. Alone time with Jessyka. His kids would get to see where he grew up and get some quality time with his aunts. They would be ecstatic. It was right around Thanksgiving too. Being with his family at that time was reason enough to be thankful. Why was he stalling? Why was he even worried about what the guys would say? Hell, they would probably encourage him to do it.

  He read the small print. They were filming the live cooking competition in the arena with a live audience. There were four rounds, filmed over the course of a week, with the winner being crowned on Friday evening, culminating in an interview with Good Morning America on Saturday. Should he? Could he? Would being on TV jeopardize his work in the military? He wanted to do it.

  But, he still wasn’t sure. He needed to talk to Wolf.


  Four months later

  Benny settled into his seat on the airplane. He and Jessyka were both exhausted. Packing and traveling with three toddlers wasn’t an easy task, and it made him appreciate his aunts even more. They’d taken him and his cousins on countless trips and outings when they were all young, and he never noticed all the behind the scenes activities until this trip. It was their first big trip. They’d done barbecues at Caroline’s and Wolf’s or Dude’s and Fiona’s, and they’d gone to the beach with the kids, but never had they flown across the country with three kids in tow. The minivan had been packed to the gills, and he couldn’t believe they’d made it on time after the fiasco at security when Sara wouldn’t part with her doll for a second to put her on the conveyor belt. It had set the alarm off when she walked through the airport metal detector, and the guards wanted to be able to see inside the doll.

  He finally convinced her the doll wouldn’t be scared and that she could watch with the friendly security guard on the monitor as Fee made the six foot journey across the luggage screening machine. When the doll went through, the guards could see something strange on the doll glowing around its midsection. When they removed the doll’s clothes, to Sara’s mortification and tears, they finally were able to figure out the reason behind the alarm and strange glow. Sara had wrapped the doll in aluminum foil because she’d lost her underpants and didn’t want Fee going commando for the long trip.

  Thankfully, the security guard laughed it off after explaining he had three of his own at home, and they did the darndest things too.

  Benny’s brain was about to explode by the time they all were seated on the plane. Kids! He loved his, but there were always these strange surprises. Like his buddies. Just last week they all met at Wolf’s for an early Thanksgiving celebration since many of the team were heading out of state to be with their families for the holiday. He was glad to be going to Massachusetts. After telling the guys and dealing with their teasing for months, they all got behind him, though the teasing hadn’t stopped. When they arrived at Wolf’s house, all the men were in the kitchen preparing the feast wearing chef’s hats with “The Cook Off” insignia on them. They’d ordered them from the TV show’s website.

  Jessyka burst into laughter at the sight of all of those huge men standing in Caroline’s kitchen trying to chop things. They might be good at handling weapons, but when it came to knives, and kitchen utensils most of them were a mess. When Cookie offered her a wooden spoon to taste the gravy, Caroline laughed, but came storming in pronouncing the joke was over and for them all to get heck out of her kitchen before they ruined everything.

  Shaking his head derisively, Benny made to follow them out, but Caroline hadn’t been able to help herself when she’d added on the sly, “Oh no, Benny. I didn’t mean you. You can stay.” At that point, he knew he’d been set up royally. The guys’ laughter at his shocked expression spoke volumes.

  But despite the ribbing and teasing, he knew they were all for it. Matthew aka “Wolf”, their group’s leader, okayed the trip after talking with command on Benny’s behalf. Wolf and Caroline even offered to take the kids, but his aunts were too excited at the prospect and he couldn’t deny them the pleasure of having the three kids underfoot and they swore it wouldn’t be any inconvenience at all. Plus, with him and Jessyka close by, well, it just seemed to make more sense. They’d feel better knowing their kids were close if there was any kind of emergency. They just had to get there.

  * * *

  The four hour flight was nearly complete. His aunts would be meeting them at the airport. They had rented a van to be able to travel with the kids, and would be loaning Benny his Aunt Jenny’s SUV to travel to the casino. His aunts were still taking care of him when they could. He didn’t know what he would’ve done without them when his parents had been killed.

  Benny and Jessyka decided to go in a day early to get the kids situated first. And they added a week at the end of the trip so they could be with his aunts and his cousins who were flying in for Thanksgiving with their girlfriends. He could not wait to see them.

  But he was looking forward to the first week of the trip too. He loved his kids, his aunts, his cousins, but God was he ever looking forward to some alone time with his wife. He was definitely ready for some adult only time. It had been awhile.

  When the pilot’s voice came on announcing they were landing soon, he felt Sara’s little hand slip into his. She looked up at him with those big blue eyes, so like her mother’s, and he gave her a wink and squeezed her hand. “It’s all good, baby. I’ve got you.” She nodded her sleepy head. She had finally dozed off after her initial excitement and nervousness about the flight, and after the drama at the airport with the now going commando Fee. He looked over her at John, who was still sleeping, and then his wife who held the sleeping little Suzie in her arms. The baby had fussed for a while. Her ears must have popped. He was glad she would sleep through the descent. He knew that was sometimes worse than the ascent.

  “Should I wake, John?” Jess asked, her voice soft so as not to disturb the baby.

  “Nah. Let him sleep, sweetie. He will be in a better mood if he sleeps a bit longer.” Jess nodded, and smiled down at her husband and daughter’s clasped hands.

  Sara rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. The kids had been up early and she was glad they all napped. John had his mouth open and was snoring softly the way little boys sometimes did. He was adorable. The spitting image of his father. With the excitement of flying on a real plane, he had been so wired and had nearly driven her insane with his countless questions about airplanes. But Benny answered each and every one while they waited at the airport for their flight to board. He was a good man. She glanced his way a
nd watched him as he looked out of his window.

  Five years, Benny thought as he glanced out his window watching the earth get closer. It had been five years since he’d been home. Home. It felt good to think about that place. It held such fond memories for him.

  He was glad he would be seeing it very soon.


  The farm. He was home. His kids were all tucked into bed, sleeping in the room Cord and Cameron shared while growing up.

  Benny took a deep breath, inhaled the sweet aroma of hay and horses that came with being on an active farm. He also caught the scent of Macintosh apples. His aunt’s small orchard was picked over just last month, but the remaining bulbous fruit still could be scented on the wind.

  After a hearty meal and a trip to the barn to see the cats and their kittens, John and Sara enjoyed their first day so much that he was confident they would love their time here while he and Jess went to Connecticut. The kids had been excited by everything; the sounds, and smells, the animals and the equipment of a real working farm. But sleep had come easy. It had been a long day for all of them. Even Benny had to admit that he was tired, but he still needed to unwind and so he and Jessyka decided to take a little walk, just the two of them. All three of his aunts had retired for the night and he had the key tucked safely in his pocket to let him and Jess back in to the secured and locked front door.

  He walked with his wife by his side, and reflected back upon the day. Aunt Jenny, Aunt Suzie, and Aunt Sandra had all come to the airport. They had been excitedly waiting for them when they had landed. And after hugs and kisses all around, he and Jessyka were so glad to have the help. His Aunt Sandy pushed the stroller Suzie was in, while Aunt Suzie held two little hands clutched in her own. For him it was Aunt Jenny tucked under one arm, who escorted him to get their luggage.

  Aunt Jenny looked good for her fifty-six years. She was smiling too, unlike he’d ever seen before. He wondered if it had something to do with John Walker, her long time handy man and now beau. He wouldn’t bring it up though. It might embarrass her and he loved her too much to do that.

  He hadn’t seen this particular aunt in over a year. She’d come when little Suzie was born, but that had been the last time he’d seen her. She looked great for her age, and even better, she smelled like apple pie, and pine.

  “You’ve been baking?” he’d teased her.

  “I won’t deny it,” she chuckled. “All your favorites. For tonight.” Jenny patted her nephew’s massive arm. She’d missed him. They all did now that he was clear across the country. Once a year visits just didn’t cut it, but with the majority of the work for running the farm relying on her, she didn’t have much time to travel. Running a farm that made money was a lot of work. John had been her rock. Her dearest friend’s husband of twenty-three years until her death five years ago.

  Her sisters helped, but they also had jobs of their own that took them away from the farm during the day.

  “You spoil me,” Benny teased taking her arm and tucking it in to his, but he let her lead them to the luggage carousel so they could retrieve their belongings. Jessyka was chatting with his Aunt Sara while Aunt Suzie kept John and Sara occupied as they watched for their luggage to come off the conveyor belts. Both he and Jess began to toss their bags onto the cart he had nabbed to pile their belongings on. They needed two bring car seats for all of the kids, as well as the baby stroller, and luggage for five for two weeks.

  He was so glad and relieved when everything fit into the van his aunt’s rented. He helped them in and took note of the squeaky side door. It needed a bit of oil along the track. He would make sure to fix that for them before heading to the casino. He didn’t want them to have to worry about it.

  He was excited to be on his way home. The 45 minute drive from Boston to the farm was made quickly. He drove the rented minivan with his Aunt Jenny giving better directions than the GPS. His other two aunts drove the SUV, the one they would be loaning to him and Jessyka for their drive to Connecticut and their stay at the casino where they would be filming The Cook Off.

  Once the kids’ belongings were unloaded and stored up in the room they would be sharing for the next two weeks, they went into the kitchen and enjoyed each other’s company while dinner was prepared and served. Even John Walker, their longtime family friend and foreman had popped in for a quick visit. He was a sight for sore eyes. He promised Benny that he’d give him advice once he got his own farm up and running in California. He was planning on retiring soon and suggested he might even fly out to California as he’d always wanted to go there and see the sights. He saw a sad look cross his Aunt Jenny’s face when he mentioned retiring. The man had worked for her family for over 30 years, ever since he was a sixteen year old boy. He understood his Aunt Jenny’s sadness. He was like family and if what Aunt Suzie said was true, he and Jenny had been growing closer. She must be wondering what his retirement would mean for them. He was glad to hear that John’s son, Matthew, was planning on taking over the running of the farm. He had been running a smaller operation in Oxford, but was more than willing to come back to Bayview and be closer to his dad, and his wife’s family. John mentioned that Matthew would be coming to spend Thanksgiving in Bayview and he would get a chance to see him and his new wife. They were expecting soon. A Christmas baby. Benny was stoked for Matthew. They exchanged occasional emails. He had seen pictures of Matthew’s wife, Ruth Elaine, a pretty local woman a few years younger than they were. John was proud when he told them they had finally given in and found out the sex of the baby, and it would be a boy. They planned to name the Christmas baby Kris. John had been beaming.

  Benny was glad his high school friend was doing well. He and Matthew, Cam and Cord, had been inseparable. It seemed for all of them, life was good although hectic and crazy at times.

  As Benny and Jessyka walked alongside the corral, he heard Jessyka sigh softly. “I’m going to miss the kids, I have to admit it.”

  “Me too,” he laughed. “I mean we could drive up every night if we wanted to.” He didn’t want to, but would if it would make her feel better. They never planned to be away from them for this long before. Her especially.

  “I’ve never been away from them for more than a weekend. And that was before little Susie was born.” He saw the guilt in her expression.

  “Don’t feel bad, sweetheart. I think we’ll survive,” he teased, trying to lighten the mood. “We will Skype them and drive up in the middle of the week if you want to.”

  “I know,” she laughed at her silliness. “And your aunts are fantastic,” Jessyka admitted. “The kids love them. They’ll be fine.”

  His aunts were fantastic. “They are great. They took me in, raised me right, and made me the man I am. I love them. And I love that our kids get this time with them, and will have these memories of this place, too.”

  Jessyka laughed before she spoke next. “Me too.” Then she laughed harder. “Hey, did you see the looks John was giving your Aunt Jenny when he was talking about retiring? Did you know that there was something going on between the two of them?”

  “Yes, um, Suzie mentioned it; she thought something was going on last time she came down. But I haven’t asked. I figured if she wanted us to know she would have told us herself.”

  Jessyka nodded. “I don’t know. I sensed a whole heck of a lot more going on between those two then a little fling.”

  Benny thought more about it. His Aunt Jenny never married. He always thought she had been pining over a man. Maybe that had been John all along. John’s wife, Beth, passed away five years ago. It kind of made sense now. This man worked for her father and then her for 30 years. She never married and he was married to someone else who had given him a son. The pieces were beginning to fit. He remembered hearing a story from John’s son, Matt. He told him once he heard his parents fighting and that his father stated that he had to marry his mother. That he had gotten her pregnant one summer when his girlfriend had gone away to business school. Benny knew hi
s Aunt Jenny had a business degree. He’d never put those details together before.

  “Did I ever tell you how smart you are, Jess?” He pulled her to him as he leaned up against the fence. “And Beautiful.”

  Jess leaned into her husband, taking comfort in his arms. Her man made her feel beautiful and loved even without the words, although they were nice to hear on occasion. “All the time, baby.”

  He kissed the top of her head. “Come on, babe, let’s go up to my old room. I’ve always fantasized about making love to a girl in there. And now after tonight I’ll get to cross that off my bucket list.”

  Jess couldn’t help but laugh. “Well I’m glad to hear that at least I’m the first you have brought to your room.”

  Benny winced, but hid that from Jess. “You most definitely are the first woman I’ve ever brought home to meet my aunts. And the first girl who will ever sleep in my bed.” He wasn’t going to mention the girls that he and Cord and Cam and Matt had brought to the barn, to the woodshed or the treehouse. He knew better. Been there, done that. And the one girl he had snuck upstairs, just once. It hadn’t been consummated, well completely, but he had fond memories of his high school crush and cheerleader, Mary Jones. Those secrets were better left secrets. Pushing off the fence, he walked with his arm around Jessyka back to the old farmhouse. His bucket list was about to get a whole lot shorter.


  After spending a relaxing morning with the children and exploring the farm with them a little bit more, Benny began to pack the SUV with his and Jessyka’s things to begin the journey to the casino. Jessyka was inside with his aunts now, giving them final instructions and kissing her babies goodbye one more time. She was as excited as he was to have this time together, but she was their mother, and her emotions and attachment to all three of them ran strong. He loved that she wanted to always be there and be all things for them.


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