Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725 Page 120

by Heaven's White Crane

  Rich killing intent was released from the spear tip, which also contained his absolute confidence and determination.

  It was an attack of life or death-the final fight!

  This was the intense feeling that could be sensed from Ou Yangming’s spear.

  The big multicolored tiger paused abruptly and fixed its gaze on the spear tip. It picked up an enormous threat from the divine metal.

  It was not concerned about Ou Yangming’s efforts, but it could not neglect the threat from the magic tool.

  That said, the big tiger realized in the next instant that the little insect was shrinking very quickly.

  It was startled for a while before it reacted to the situation.

  “That little insect has only released the aura of wanting to put up a desperate fight at all costs to look impressive, but it’s actually a pointless move. Instead, its real aim is to frighten me so that it has a chance to run away.’

  The big multicolored tiger was infuriated when it felt like it was tricked by the little insect. It leaped into the air and transferred into a colorful light, then it dove at the little insect.

  Ou Yangming moved swiftly and increased his essence, energy, and spirit to the maximum. He had completely become one with his surroundings.

  ‘Back thrust is the most important thing in the Chen family’s spear technique! Whether it was the spear skill taught by Chen Dishou or the pointers given by Chen Yifan, Ou Yangming knew very well the ultimate trick and essence of the Chen family’s spear technique. Back Spear Thrust!

  Ou Yangming seemed like he was running off at that moment, and his spear was already hanging down. Nonetheless, he had already adjusted his body to perform the most powerful trick in the Chen family’s spear technique at any time.

  Perhaps the Back Spear Thrust would not be able to heavily injure the big multicolored tiger, but Ou Yangming believed that the sharp magic tool and the ultimate skill could certainly catch the tiger off guard.

  Once Ou Yangming attacked, he would have to run for his life, but he had to first frighten the big tiger and even injure it with his spear.

  However, just as Ou Yangming decided to launch the attack, he sensed a figure through the integration of Heaven and man.

  The valiant figure charged at the big multicolored tiger without fear, causing both parties to crash hard together.

  Consequently, the big tiger tilted its body and gave up pursuing its initial target; it turned to chase after the other figure.

  Ou Yangming stopped, and the momentum that he gathered to the extreme was instantly brought to a halt. He felt like a big rock was pressing his chest. He was in extreme discomfort because he could not force out his Qi.

  Subsequently, he slowly breathed out to suppress the boiling Qi and blood in his dantian, then he turned to look.


  The big multicolored tiger shook and turned its tail. With that, the tiger head and the snakehead aimed at the figure at the same time.

  Nevertheless, He Liangce managed to avoid them like he already saw it coming.

  Next, He Liangce and Ou Yangming looked at each other while they were being separated by the big tiger. The looks in their eyes were the same.

  They shouted at the same time as though they had like minds, “Idiot!”

  Chapter 201 - Thirty Breaths

  Chapter 201 Thirty Breaths

  The atmosphere in the chaotic area in the dense forest suddenly became extremely strange.


  Ou Yangming and He Liangce raged. ‘I came to save you, yet you called me an idiot?’

  They wanted to press each other down on the ground to beat one another up, but they did not realize that neither of them had killing intent at that moment.

  In fact, when they saw their companion was safe and sound, deep down they were relieved.

  “Roar—” The big multicolored tiger had a fierce look, but it was delighted.

  It initially thought the little insects had gotten away, but two of them actually returned.

  This time, the tiger was determined to be careful to not let any of them escape.

  The big tiger shook its body a little and lunged at He Liangce. After all, the first little insect did huge psychological harm to it, hence it was willing to let go of Ou Yangming to swallow the first fellow first.

  He Liangce flashed and moved like a ghost.

  In terms of an absolute or perhaps a linear acceleration, He Liangce was far from the big multicolored tiger; in terms of the control of timing and the usage of surroundings, the half-spirit beast was lacking.

  Almost at that instant, He Liangce evaded the tiger’s claws. Although it seemed like a close call, the look in the young master’s eyes remained the same.

  Ou Yangming widened his eyes and mumbled, “The integration of Heaven and man…”

  He was too familiar with the control of nature.

  However, it was also because he noticed the secret of He Liangce’s body technique and could not help but talk about it repeatedly.

  “How sly! You’re truly a sly and despicable person!”

  Ou Yangming could strike his chest and guarantee that the fellow did not show any signs of the integration of Heaven and man before they began their exploration in the forest.

  On the other hand, Ou Yangming had been finding the path at the front like a fool.

  Though Ou Yangming had not revealed his trump card, he cursed when he witnessed the scene.

  Nevertheless, cursing the young master was one thing. He was not an undiscriminating person.

  Following that, Ou Yangming raised his spear and prodded it at the big multicolored tiger.

  If the spear was being used in an empty area, it would certainly be invincible and awe-inspiring. However, the weapon’s power would be limited if it was used in a forest. In particular, Ou Yangming was easily blocked by the big tiger’s claws when they fought earlier because the tiger’s speed was already at the extreme.

  Nonetheless, the big multicolored tiger was no longer facing Ou Yangming alone.

  The area around the spear tip was studded with stars when it was shaken to be stabbed at the big tiger’s butt hole.

  As such, the snakehead at the end of the tiger’s tail immediately rose to glare sinisterly at Ou Yangming. An ordinary person would have been frightened and gotten goosebumps if he or she was being stared at like that.

  Ou Yangming, on the other hand, was composed and dauntless. The spear tip was ever-changing as he shook it slightly.

  Despite that, the snakehead moved abruptly when the spear tip was jabbed in its direction.

  The snakehead widened its mouth and bit without holding back when it was faced with He Liangce’s folding fan, but it dared not show off its sharp teeth at the magic spear tip. Instead, the snake transformed into a long whip and lashed at the spear handle.

  Ou Yangming’s hand trembled as a result. The area between his thumb and his index finger ached fully, and he almost could not maintain his grip on the spear.

  The Tiger-tail Snake’s power was so mighty that it was superior to the attack from the tiger’s claws. Ou Yangming immediately let go of the spear, but the instant the spear tip touched the ground, he kicked the center of the spear handle.

  Therefore, the spear was retrieved again. It turned a perfect round in the limited space, which was so wonderful that it did not touch any tree around it. Subsequently, the end of the spear landed and headed towards the big tiger’s butt along with violent whistles in the air.

  The spear contained more than just Ou Yangming’s power; it borrowed the rebound force from the ground, as well as the whipping power from the tiger’s tail. The powers were gathered to be released together at this instant.

  Even though the Tiger-tail Snake looked confused, it did not hesitate at all. It curled its body and flicked again to hit the spear handle.

  That said, it was different this time because the spear handle contained twice the amount of power it had before. The s
nake had forcefully pushed the handle away, but it could not maintain its balance to form a snake formation.

  Ou Yangming beat the snake to it by pushing the spear with his palm and exerted force from a weird angle.

  4 taels could be used to shift 500 kilograms. Ou Yangming was very much restricted by his surroundings, but he had made a well-thought-out plan when he made a move.

  The spear turned around once more, but it turned by a much smaller margin this time. Even then, the effect was similar. With that, the magic spear tip, which was giving out intense cold-light, was aimed at the big multicolored tiger’s butt.

  It was true that the spear did not have momentum as magnificent as it did before, but it was so peculiar and incredibly fast that the Tiger-tail Snake, whose snake formation had just been ruined, could not stop it in time.

  The snake stuck out its tongue and hissed. At that moment, the big tiger was hotly pursuing He Liangce. Its resentment toward this little insect was deep, so it did not bother about Ou Yangming, who only disturbed it after that. It was also because the tiger felt that the snakehead was more than enough to go against the young fellow. Much to its surprise, the snakehead made a sound that frightened it.

  Without any hesitation, the big multicolored tiger twisted its butt.

  Nevertheless, Ou Yangming attacked at the speed of light, so the spear tip still gently brushed its butt.

  “Puff…” Blood instantly gushed out of the big tiger’s butt.

  The big multicolored tiger let out a shrilling roar, and it suddenly leaped forward at an unbelievable speed.

  It performed a linear acceleration, and the power of its jump was far from what Ou Yangming and He Liangce could achieve.

  The big tiger turned in mid-air and had already turned its body when it landed. It glared at Ou Yangming with its ruthless eyes as if it wanted to devour him alive.

  Ou Yangming stood still with his spear and inhaled deeply. His eyes were filled with joy.

  Blood. It was the blood of a formidable half-spirit beast.

  Ou Yangming only acquired a bit of it, but he could feel the bliss coming from his body. The half-spirit beast was equivalent to a powerful Supreme Great Ancestor, after all, thus it could not be compared with the ordinary beasts that he had previously encountered.

  Even though only a bit of blood flowed out, the essence within was enough to leave Ou Yangming in awe.

  The amount of Qi and blood that were converted from the tiger’s blood was similar to what he could obtain from a hare of a pheasant.

  If he could transform the half-spirit beast’s flesh and blood fully, what could he achieve?

  Ou Yangming’s eyes glowed at the thought of it.

  The big multicolored tiger roared and looked at Ou Yangming’s spear. It was finally fearful.

  Although it only suffered a small cut, it naturally became alert because the spear could hurt it.

  He Liangce flashed to Ou Yangming’s side, and he glanced at Ou Yangming’s spear in shock too.

  He saw the wound of the giant tiger’s butt when he came over to Ou Yangming. Little blood was shed, but the beast had indeed been hurt.

  ‘Brother Ou, there’s hope if we join hands!” He Liangce expressed. Ou Yangming shook his head and remarked, “It’s too fast, so if it escapes upon seeing a bad situation, we won’t be able to stop it nor catch up to it.”

  They were both assisted by the integration of Heaven and man, where they could contend with the big multicolored tiger by utilizing the terrain and the environment, but it did not mean they were really capable of resisting it.

  In terms of absolute power and speed, the young men were still far from the big tiger, hence they would not be able to stop the beast if it wanted to escape.

  Even if both parties stayed in a deadlock, Ou Yangming and He Liangce would be exhausted first.

  He Liangce focused and made a decision. “That’s not necessarily the case. You have a spear that’s enough to frighten it, so as long as we make it stay on the same spot for thirty breaths…”

  Ou Yangming was moved. He asked softly, “Can you make it stay on the same spot for thirty breaths?”

  “You have a divine weapon while I have my valuable collection, so it’s indeed possible.”

  “Okay!” Ou Yangming handed his spear to the young master without any delay. He was in high spirits as he said, “I’ll give you my spear for you to keep it still for thirty breaths. Meanwhile, I’ll settle it!”

  He Liangce subconsciously accepted the spear, but he was puzzled.

  He initially meant to say, “You hold your spear, then I’ll give you my valuable collection. Make the big multicolored tiger stay for thirty breaths while I perform a secret technique to settle it.”

  However, before he could say it, Ou Yangming already did the opposite.

  ‘Why was the script… Inverted?’


  The big multicolored tiger looked grim. When it saw that the threatening weapon was given to He Liangce, it pounced on the man right away.

  As for the little insect that lost the weapon, the tiger was indifferent toward it.

  Countless thoughts crossed He Liangce’s mind as he held the spear, but he quickly made up his mind.

  “Good fella, I’ll trust you this once, so don’t disappoint me!’

  The big tiger feared the spear very much, where it twisted its body and blocked the weapon with its claws. At the same time, its tail came around to coil around the spear handle.

  As long as the tiger got hold of the weapon, which could hurt it, it would not be afraid of the two little insects anymore.

  That being said, He Liangce grinned at that instant. He held the spear with one hand but suddenly spread out his other hand.

  An ancient paper appeared in his palm, which exploded at once to transform into a light net that wrapped around the big multicolored tiger.

  Chapter 202 - Eliminate The Enemy With A Fireball

  Chapter 202 Eliminate The Enemy With A Fireball

  The big multicolored tiger instantly slowed down.

  Both the tiger and the snake looked nervous because it was their first time being in such a situation.

  Not only did the big tiger slow down, but its power declined right away too, as if its limbs were weak.

  He Liangce whistled and grabbed the spear with both hands, then he tugged it back to attempt pulling it out from the snake’s coil.

  On the other hand, the big tiger kept roaring. As such, the snake did not relax at all, and it coiled the spear even tighter.

  The tiger had witnessed the spear’s sharpness, which could not be resisted by its tough metal skin at all. If its body was stabbed again, only God knew what damage would be caused.

  Previously, the big multicolored tiger would not have cared even if the two little insects had spears; it was still full of vigor. Besides, the tiger’s claws and the snake tail it had were not decorations, and it possessed absolute speed. With that, even if the big tiger was being restrained, it was still capable of blocking the spear handle. Nonetheless, the big tiger’s body had somehow become slow and weary. Under this state, if its opponent withdrew the spear and stabbed it continuously, it dared not guarantee that it would be safe.

  Therefore, the big multicolored tiger crouched and spared no effort in using the snake tail to coil the spear. No matter how hard He Liangce tried, the spear did not move an inch away from it.

  After twenty breaths, the big tiger was surprised and overjoyed.

  It felt its lost power being recovered slowly, and its weariness was starting to disappear. As long as the tiger was given more time, it could return to its peak condition. Therefore, it was in high spirits again and its eyes were full of killing intent.

  Once the unexplainable magic art disappeared, the tiger was certain it could kill the two little insects.

  Nevertheless, it was then that the big tiger felt ill at ease. While its snake tail was wrestling with the spear, it turned to look in another directi

  A big tree stood over there, but an incomprehensible power seemed to be gathering behind it. Besides, the power was getting stronger and that the tiger’s furs were standing on their ends.

  The big multicolored tiger widened its eyes, but it instantly noticed that the pulling force on its snake tail was growing stronger.

  After a moment of hesitation, the tiger decided to wait for its power to recover until it could snatch the threatening weapon, then it would devour the despicable little insect.

  He Liangce crouched and leaned back. The veins on his forehead bulged, and a grim look could be seen on his face.

  The elegance that he was born with had been cast away long ago. The young master grimaced as he pulled the spear, and his body surged with essential Qi while he howled in grief, “Ou Yangming, faster… Faster! I can’t hold it any longer!” Although He Liangce was a Yang Grade powerhouse and had the help of a talisman, he was inferior to the half-spirit beast, who was born with endless power.

  Seeing as he was almost out of energy, He Liangce gritted his teeth and was about to perform a secret technique to activate his blood and essence.

  However, he noticed through the corner of his eye a flash of a figure at that instant, and he heard Ou Yangming shout, “Back away now…”

  Without any delay, He Liangce abandoned the spear. He exerted force on the tip of his toes to stimulate his mightiest potential, then he fled in the opposite direction at the fastest speed he had achieved since he was born.

  Just as He Liangce took a few steps away, he sensed a burning force that brushed past its body and hit the big multicolored tiger.

  After Ou Yangming passed his spear to He Liangce, he flashed to hide behind a big tree.

  He never considered how He Liangce would stall the big tiger for thirty breaths. Even though they only exchanged one sentence each, they decided to trust each other.

  Since He Liangce said he could keep the tiger still for thirty breaths, he could definitely do


  Ou Yangming also said he could take out the beast, so he would certainly need to do it.

  Behind the big tree, Ou Yangming focused his mind on the spot between his eyebrows.


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