Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725

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Immortal Path to Heaven c1-725 Page 391

by Heaven's White Crane

  The poison in its body finally spread, and the energies absorbed by Ou Yangming from its flesh and blood converted into mental power as a continuous replenishment for him.

  Even though the replenishment could not catch up to his consumption, it was enough for him to hold on much longer.

  At the spur of the moment, the high-rank lizard’s body shivered intensely. The poison that invaded the lizard’s body burst out under the centipede’s command, then it burned every cell inside and disrupted its willpower.

  The lizard’s vision went black, such that light from the outside world became blurry to it.

  It did its best to struggle, but its power became weaker. A large centipede had unknowingly landed on the lizard, and the centipede pierced all of its legs deep into the lizard’s body, causing extreme poison to gush inside. Consequently, the lizard found it hard to move anymore.

  The high-rank lizard widened its eyes. It was clear from the look in its eyes that it was not resigned to the outcome.

  ‘How could I be killed by these ants?

  ‘Oh, the centipede on my body isn’t an ant. Why am I afraid of its coercion?

  ‘The 10,000-legged Venerable One—this is definitely a trap set up by the 10,000-legged Venerable One!’

  While the high-rank lizard screamed internally, its voice would never be heard.

  Strong and numbing thunderbolts, soundless poisonous gas, a life-threatening mental power, and queer weapons that could suck one’s origin power.

  The high-rank lizard would not have bothered if there was only 1 of those 4 things; it could still crush its opponents with its absolute strength. When all 4 of them appeared together by surprise, it became helpless as it was caught off guard.

  Eventually, the high-rank lizard looked lifeless and pale.

  Ou Yangming suddenly opened his mouth and spurted black blood out of his mouth.

  He had to initiate the formation boards, maintain the Illusion Formation’s changes, and release mental power to launch the most powerful attack. Above all, his opponent was a high-rank spirit beast.

  If it was not because of the great energies from the lizard’s flesh and blood, he might not have withstood the process.

  It was true that they managed to kill the high-rank lizard in the end, but his injuries were quite severe. In particular, he had a splitting headache because of the confrontation between his and the lizard’s mental powers.

  Ou Yangming moved his wrist to withdraw his weapon. He and Big Yellow looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

  After keeping the high-rank lizard’s carcass into his interspatial bag, Ou Yangming lay on Big Yellow’s body. He quietly kept the formation boards and put on his cloak, then they backed away slowly.

  They initially planned to kill 2 high-rank lizards at most if their plan succeeded. At the very least, they wanted to get rid of the 2 lizards that did not join the fight against the human powerhouses.

  It was only after they attacked they realized how terrifying a high-rank lizard’s life force was.

  Without the big lazy turtle, Ou Yangming and Big Yellow hit their limit after killing just 1 high-rank lizard. If they wanted to attack another one, they would likely be courting their deaths.

  Similar to when they first arrived, they retreated from the battle scene quietly and left the area.

  The only thing was that after they left, the lizards somehow lost a mighty member.

  Chapter 663 - Using The Bodies As A Bait

  Ou Yangming and Big Yellow went far away from the fight scene, but what they did without a sound caused the direction of the fight to change drastically.

  After noticing that their comrade’s aura had somehow disappeared, none of the remaining lizards dared to stay there anymore. They gathered in a hurry and escaped into the distance as fast as they could.

  It was not that they were timid, but they were really frightened.

  They would not believe that their partner would abandon them and escape during the fight, so its missing could only mean one thing—it was killed silently.

  As much as the lizards racked their brains, they would not have thought that Ou Yangming and Big Yellow—a human and a dog—were the ones that attacked. In actuality, living beings with normal thinking would also think that a Venerable One had secretly planned this.

  Nonetheless, the lizards would not have guessed which Venerable One was so thick-faced to do something with low moral principle.

  Similarly, they also found it strange that the Venerable One only captured one of their comrades instead of catching them all in one go.

  ‘Is this Sir Venerable One trying to warn us?’

  The human powerhouses found it suspicious when the lizards retreated all of a sudden, but they soon realized what happened. This was because they got hold of a few captives and adopted a special trick to find out why the lizards crumbled and escaped.

  Even so, the Advanced Spiritualists also found it odd because they did not know which Venerable One did this.

  Yes, it must be the doing of a Venerable One—this was acknowledged by both parties. Nevertheless, the Venerable One’s identity became a forever mystery.

  After Ou Yangming and Big Yellow left, they did not continue to hide. Instead, they followed the lizards from a distance away.

  Although they managed to sneak an attack on a high-rank spirit beast mostly due to luck, since they succeeded once, they accumulated enough experiences. As such, they were extremely confident and wanted to scheme something else.

  Ou Yangming was not surprised when the lizards retreated in a hurry. He and Big Yellow slowly tracked them according to the direction they escaped.

  Now that the lizards were very much taken aback, they became exceptionally wary. In particular, the 5 high-rank lizards moved around together and never separated.

  Upon seeing how careful they were, Ou Yangming and Big Yellow cursed internally.

  ‘The Insects are too timid. No wonder they never achieve great things.’

  Needless to say, other than the 5 high-rank lizards, there were times when the middle-rank beasts, low-rank beasts, and even half-spirit beasts were alone. Despite that, Ou Yangming and Big Yellow were not interested in them at all.

  Besides, they were still thinking about sneaking another attack on the high-rank spirit beasts, and they were afraid that they would lose their chance if they acted rashly and alerted the enemy.

  After moving quickly for several days, the lizards got further away and even met up with another lizard team, With that, they had 6 high-rank spirit beasts on their side again.

  Back then, Ou Yangming would not have given up on pursuing them further because he honestly could not find an opportunity to destroy them. However, every time he wanted to give up, he could recall the countless corpses in the courtyard. Those pitiful humans did not do anything wrong, but they ended up being targets for those lizards to vent their anger because of him.

  Ou Yangming did not interact much with those people but deep down, a voice kept echoing.

  ‘These lizard murderers must die!’

  If Ou Yangming could not kill them, he would not feel relieved.

  Big Yellow glanced at Ou Yangming. Due to the wonderful telepathy between them, it could vaguely guess the young fellow’s thoughts. It could not understand why he insisted on avenging the deaths of those people, who were unrelated to him, but it would not object to the idea since he had made the decision.

  Having said that, Big Yellow smiled bitterly when it sensed the 6 powerful auras in the distance. “Lil’ Ming, we won’t be a match for them, so why don’t we give up?”

  Under the circumstances, they would not be able to sneak an attack at all. Even if they found an opportunity, as long as they exchanged blows with a lizard or activated the Illusion Formation, the other high-rank lizards would surely be alerted too. After all, there was no fight between Advanced Spiritualists from the Humans and the lizards, hence nothing could attract the lizards’ attention.

s Ou Yangming and Big Yellow hid with their cloaks and followed the lizards from behind, they did not expose themselves. That said, if they dared to sneak an attack, they would be on a one-way road and would not be able to survive.

  Ou Yangming clenched his fists with bright eyes, then he chuckled after some time and said, “We might not be able to do anything, but someone can.”

  Big Yellow blinked. It could somewhat sense his thoughts, thus it was surprised. “The Wutong Tree?”

  “Yes. As long as we lure them into the secret realm, the Wutong Tree will be able to get rid of them easily,” Ou Yangming stated coldly.

  The Wutong Tree was an old creature that had lived for numerous years. Based on the time it dealt with Xia Zizhen and Poisonous Saber Gentleman, it was clear that these high-rank lizards would be a piece of cake for it too.

  In spite of that, Big Yellow was hesitant. “It doesn’t seem like a good idea to expose the secret realm just to get rid of them.”

  Ou Yangming chuckled and responded, “It’s probably… Worth it.”

  Big Yellow shook its head helplessly, but it knew it could not change the young fellow’s mind.

  They left without a sound after they discussed for a brief moment. This time, instead of tracking the lizards further, they took a big round and stopped in the area in front of them.

  Before long, a low-rank lizard arrived quietly with 2 half-spirit beasts. They were the spearheads of the big lizard troop, where they looked out for dangers and had the most dangerous task.

  The 2 parties met just like that. When the 3 lizards sensed the strong auras of Ou Yangming and Big Yellow, they bared their teeth to threaten them and notified the rest through a unique method.

  Ou Yangming sneered. Since he decided to expose himself, he would not let these lizards go.

  The murders in the small towns were directed by the high-rank lizards, but the people were mostly killed by the half-spirit beasts.

  As Ou Yangming flashed, he yelled and retrieved his spear, then he stirred up a luster that shrouded the 3 lizards.

  The spear displayed an incredibly fearsome momentum in his hands. He appeared to be an ancient deity at this moment, by which he could easily break Heaven and Earth and take one’s life.

  Being captured by his momentum, the 3 lizards fully focused on him. In particular, the swinging spear tip was eye-catching to them.

  Just as the spear tip kept shaking but did not come down, the low-rank lizard’s neck hurt, and it ended up seeing a large dog head. It was dumbfounded, and it only had a single thought in its mind.

  ‘A middle-rank spirit beast—this is a middle-rank spirit beast!

  ‘But why would a middle-rank spirit beast sneak an attack on a low-rank spirit beast like me? What more, it did it while the human put up a show…

  ‘Has the way of the world really changed?’

  The low-rank spirit beast was not resigned to the outcome, but its eyes eventually shut forever.

  Big Yellow let go of it, then it roared and penetrated the body of one of the half-spirit beasts with a stone awl, which emerged from the ground.

  Following another roar, the stone awl exploded, causing shards to puncture the bodies of the 2 half-spirit beasts. As a result, the lizards were fatally injured.

  Even though the Insects were known for their horrifying life forces and recovery abilities, they might not survive after being injured like that. Nevertheless, Big Yellow did not want to stop; it lunged at the lizards and bit off their necks.

  Ou Yangming sneered. He attacked with his spear at lightning speed and left several deep, bloody holes on the carcasses.

  The exchanges of blows between both parties happened very quickly, such that the outcome was set almost in a split second.

  It was then when the high-rank lizards from behind arrived. They were furious when they saw the ghastly deaths of their kind, and they wanted to rip the human and the dog into pieces.

  Ou Yangming and Big Yellow shrieked and fled into the distance as soon as they saw the lizards.

  The high-rank lizards looked at each other. They were mad at the 2 fellows but too many unexplainable things had happened lately, so they were hesitant about pursuing them. After all, it would be difficult for insects to run faster than humans and beasts.

  However, one of the lizards shouted at the spur of the moment, “This aura, this aura…”

  Many of the high-rank lizards were stunned. They inspected the scene one after another.

  Ou Yangming and Big Yellow did not cover up anything when they killed the 3 lizards. Instead, they left their auras on the dead bodies.

  The lizards sensed their auras at this time.

  “Lower realm—it’s the auras of beings from the lower realm!”

  The eyes of the high-rank lizards reddened at once. They had been ordered to come to this area to search for a person from the lower realm.

  Ghost-clawed Venerable One had even bestowed them with Ou Yangming’s aura because of this.

  They could be mistaken about anything, but certainly not his unique aura.

  “After them—” The leading high-rank lizard yelled. Subsequently, the lizards twisted their bodies and unleashed their fastest speeds.

  Ghost-clawed Venerable One had ordered them to find the human from the lower realm and size him. The lizards would not disobey the Venerable One’s order no matter what. Moreover, they had also been promised irresistible rewards.

  As long as they could capture the human from the lower realm, they would have the opportunity to advance to the peak and attempt to become Venerable Ones.

  Therefore, they would do anything to be rewarded.

  A few figures moved forward and got rid of their followers.

  On the other hand, Ou Yangming lay on Big Yellow’s body and turned to look with an ice-cold sneer on his face.

  Chapter 664 - The Lizards Formed A Nest

  A whirlwind was stirred up as Big Yellow ran into the distance at lightning speed.

  Although Ou Yangming was on its back, it did not notice it at all. Based on its strength at the moment, not to mention 1 Ou Yangming, even if there were 10 of him, it would not be bothered.

  Nonetheless, 6 figures were pursuing them closely at the back. The pursuers did not relax at all as though they were maggots clinging to corpses.

  Ou Yangming and Big Yellow looked at each other. They exchanged glances and made a decision.

  In actuality, even when Ou Yangming planned everything, he didn’t expect everything to go so smoothly.

  Once the 6 high-rank lizards sensed the auras that he and the big yellow dog left behind on purpose, they chased after them as if they had gone mad. Needless to say, they were only being so unrestrained because they thought they were confident about taking down Ou Yangming and Big Yellow. If the big lazy turtle showed up here too, they would have been more cautious.

  Ou Yangming picked up some big branches while Big Yellow was running. He hung his outer shirt on them.

  Following that, he moved slightly and slid to the ground like a ghost. After he put on his cloak without a sound and moved his limbs, he slipped off a distance away.

  As for Big Yellow, he continued to run swiftly as though it did not notice that the person on its back had been replaced with a fake one.

  After a few breaths, the 6 high-rank lizards sped past. They locked on Big Yellow, which was ahead of them, and they simply ignored Ou Yangming, who was simply within their reach.

  Ou Yangming grinned. Sure enough, Fat Antelopeʼs fur had a magical effect. After putting on a cloak that was made of its fur, his aura was fully hidden. Not to mention the lizards ran past him in a rush, even if they searched the area carefully with their mental conceptions, they could not have found anything.

  Anything was possible in the world; mysterious things were everywhere.

  As Big Yellow led the 6 high-rank lizards away, Ou Yangming grunted. Instead of idling by, he got up and went back where he came from.

  After an hour, Ou Y
angming finally stopped.

  He looked in front and saw a lizardʼs nest. With middle-rank spirit lizards as the majority, there were over 100 of them including low-rank spirit beasts and half-spirit beasts.

  These lizards were the followers of the 6 high-rank lizards, and they were the ones that did the odds and ends along the way.

  When the 6 high-rank lizards spotted Ou Yangming—the human from the lower realm—they gave up everything and went all-out to pursue him. The other lizards dared not disperse, but they realized after running for some time that they became further from the high-rank lizards, hence the middle-rank lizards stopped and gathered the troop here to wait for the high-rank lizardsʼ return.

  Nevertheless, they did not know that a fellow that was regarded as a devil to the Insects was already eyeing them.

  Ou Yangming went around the nest somewhat intentionally to scan the lizards.

  Lizards were not humans, after all. They practiced a hierarchy system, but they were not as strict as humans in terms of carrying out rules. In particular, without the high-rank lizards around, the other lizards became rather lazy. In fact, even the half-spirit beasts that were sent to patrol the area were dispirited and half-hearted.

  Needless to say, even if they were fully focused, it would be wishful thinking for them to notice Ou Yangming.

  When Ou Yangming released his spiritual world to explore the area, even the slightest change in the outside world was fed back to him.

  Not to mention half-spirit beasts, even high-rank spirit beasts would not be able to find Ou Yangming.

  Afterward, Ou Yangming went around the lizardʼs nest again but instead of spying on his enemies, he set up 6 formation boards in the area.

  He was using everything he had, where he laid out all of his refinement outcomes during this period.

  The high-rank lizards were the culprits that slaughtered the people from the towns, but this bunch of lizards was the one that executed everything. Ou Yangming would not let those high-rank lizards be, but he would also punish these accomplices heavily.

  Taking lives for lives—this was the right thing to do.


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