Daddy's Little Bride

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Daddy's Little Bride Page 4

by Roberts, Laylah

  She giggled at his silliness.

  “Being dead would have put a real hitch in my plans.”

  “What plans?” she asked as he helped her tidy up.

  “Why, to marry the most beautiful, gorgeous girl on the planet.” He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her onto his lap. “Nothing is more important than that.”


  She was so bored.

  Being bored wasn’t a good thing for a Little confined to her bed. Thanks to Doc’s medicine and Clint’s somewhat over-the-top care, she was feeling so much better. Her nose was no longer blocked. She didn’t have a headache or a sore throat.

  They’d settled into a routine. She’d play and watch T.V. in bed in the mornings while Clint worked in his office, with the baby monitor on to make sure she was behaving herself. They ate every meal together, with him watching her every bite.

  Then after lunch, she’d take a nap. Her favorite time of the day came after she woke up. They’d play games or he’d help her color or they’d watch a movie. Then bath and bed. But she was starting to get restless now that she was feeling better.

  Unfortunately, Doc and Clint continued to insist that she rest. So she was still stuck in this bed.

  It sucked.

  Sitting around doing nothing just wasn’t in her nature. Not even Doc’s entertainment box for sick Littles was interesting her anymore

  She was feeling good now. And she wanted to know how the wedding plans were coming along. But Clint wouldn’t tell her.


  Right now, though, Clint wasn’t around. She knew he had some phone calls to make in his office. She just needed to find her phone so she could text the reception place and perhaps the florist. And maybe the cake decorator.

  At least she’d been allowed to have her dress fitting. Unfortunately, she had lost a bit of weight so it had to be taken in slightly, but the woman had told her it would be ready in time.

  She started by searching the bedroom and wardrobe. Where could he have stashed it?

  Too obvious, Charlie.

  She stood and stepped out of the bedroom. Shoot. She turned back, remembering the baby monitor. She could ‘accidentally’ knock it over but that would just make him come fix it.

  Same thing if she turned it off.

  What about if she made it look like she was sleeping? It was a risk. She was going to be in trouble if he found out. But she just needed a few minutes to check the living room and kitchen. Without giving herself any more time to think, she quickly shoved a couple of pillows under the covers to make it look like she was sleeping.

  Her bottom tingled, almost in warning.

  She got it. This was a bad, bad idea.

  But she was going insane here. There were five days to go until her wedding. They’d had to postpone her bridal shower until tomorrow evening. The spa attendant who had been going to do their nails and facials at the spa had agreed to come out to the ranch after she was finished work for the day, which was awfully nice of her.

  She’d be sure to give her a big tip.

  When Charlie thought the bed looked as good as it was going to get, she quickly made her way over to the bedroom door. She crossed her fingers, hoping that Clint wouldn’t storm up the stairs asking her what the hell she was doing. But as she eased the door open and leaned out, she didn’t hear a thing.

  She paused at the top of the stairs.

  What if her phone was in his office? Shoot. That would make the most sense. Drat. She was an idiot. She sighed. What should she do?

  The sensible thing would be to go back to bed.

  Maybe she’d check the kitchen anyway. There was a junk drawer there that he could have popped it into. She moved down the stairs slowly, listening for any creaks and made her way into the kitchen. She pulled open the drawer, searching around in it.

  Drat. Not here.

  With a sigh, she slid it shut.

  “Didn’t find what you were looking for?”

  With a squeal she turned, her hand going to her chest. “Clint! You scared me!”

  He leaned against the doorway; his arms crossed over his chest. “What are you doing in the kitchen, Charlotte?”


  She attempted an innocent look, pressing her toe to the floor and twisting it around. She pushed out her bottom lip.

  “I got hungry?”

  “Was that a question or an answer?”

  She sighed. She knew she wouldn’t get away with lying. “I’m bored. I’m feeling so much better. I want to help with the wedding planning.”

  “Is that so?”

  “Please, Clint. It’s my wedding. I want to help.”

  He frowned. “You’re still supposed to be resting. And not stressing.”

  “I’ll stress more not knowing what’s going on. I don’t actually have to do anything. If you just told me what’s happening, I’d feel much better.”

  He didn’t say anything, but he seemed to be thinking about it. Which was actually more than she’d hoped for since she’d thought he would dismiss it out of hand.

  “All right. I’ll start keeping you updated. Starting after the bridal shower tomorrow.”

  Okay, she could handle that.

  “Thanks, Clint.”

  “But.” He wiggled his finger at her. Uh-oh, there was a but. “You’re still too pale. The bridal shower is enough excitement for now. You start to get stressed, you stop sleeping or eating and you’re back to radio silence.”

  She nodded eagerly. “Does that mean I’m not grounded after tomorrow?”

  He frowned. “We’ll need to talk to Doc about that.”

  “But he said I can come off bed rest tomorrow. And I’m bored out of my mind. Can’t I please have my phone back?”

  “Oh, you mean the one you were in here looking for when you’re meant to be taking a nap?”

  Busted. Maybe she should have stopped talking while she was ahead.

  Like Clint was going to forget that you’re down here in the kitchen when you’re meant to be upstairs sleeping.

  “Come here, little darling.”

  She swallowed as he held out his hand. She stepped forward and took it.

  He tilted her chin up. “Are you supposed to be out of bed yet?”


  “What were you searching for in here?” he asked, even though he’d already correctly guessed at what she was doing.

  “My phone.”

  “You’re not supposed to have your phone, are you?”

  “No.” She pouted.

  “It was very naughty of you to leave bed without permission,” he scolded. “Come on, let’s get you back into bed.” He picked her up, holding her on his hip and climbed the stairs. When he’d first done this, she’d worried about him tripping and falling. But there’s no way Clint Jensen would ever trip and risk hurting her.

  As he carried her into the bedroom, she stiffened. Shoot. She’d forgotten about the pillows under the bed!

  He set her down.

  “I’m okay, Daddy! You can go back to work now!”

  He frowned at her then down at the bed. “Why is the bed so lumpy?”

  He drew back the covers, his eyes widening. “Why are all these pillows under here? Why would you…”

  She sighed.

  “You put these here so it looked like you were sleeping if I glanced at the baby monitor.” He put his hands on his hips as he glared down at her.

  She peeked up at him. “Sorry, Daddy.”

  “Not as sorry as you’re going to be in a minute, little miss.”

  Charlie gulped. “I thought you weren’t going to punish me while I wasn’t feeling well!”

  “Weren’t you just telling how much better you’re feeling?”

  “Umm, yes, well. Maybe I’m not as well as I thought I was.”

  “Is that so? Well, if that’s the case we better get Doc here to examine you. We’ll need to extend your bed rest, of course. And cancel your bridal shower.”

“No! You can’t do that!” she protested.

  He gave her a stern look.

  She caved. “I feels a lot better, Daddy.”

  “And if you’re well enough to get into mischief like this, then you’re well enough to get your butt roasted.”

  Bummer. She really hadn’t thought this through.

  Clint sat on the bed then he crooked a finger at her.

  Reluctantly, she stepped forward, between his legs. His hands landed on her hips. “Do you want to get both of your punishments over at once? One for not telling me how stressed and run-down you were getting. Two for sneaking out of bed and trying to find your cell phone. And trying to trick me with those pillows into thinking you were sleeping.”

  She bit her lip. Both punishments at once? That sounded, umm, painful. But, then again, maybe it was a better idea. Then she wouldn’t have to wait and wonder.

  “I want to get both over and done with at once.”

  He studied her for a moment. “All right. We’ll say fifteen with my hand and ten with the paddle.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Holy crap.

  “Umm, maybe we should talk about this.”

  “You can talk to me whenever you like, baby. You know that.”

  She did know that. But really, what was there to say? She should have told him she wasn’t coping with all the stress. And she really shouldn’t have gotten out of bed and snuck off to find her phone.

  “Do you have something you want to say?” he asked gently.

  “Just that I’m sorry, Daddy.”

  “I know you are, little darling. After your spanking, we’re going to cure this boredom of yours with some lines. I think a hundred lines saying you won’t try to trick Daddy again ought to do it.”

  This time she groaned. She’d rather have another spanking.

  “Yes, Daddy.”

  “I’ll go get your paddle.” He stood and she backed up. He picked up a pillow, placing it at the end of the bed. “I want you lying over that. Your panties off, nightie up above your bottom. I’ll be back soon.”

  She got herself into position, feeling embarrassed at the sight she knew she must be making as he walked back into the room. But then, it wasn’t like he hadn’t seen her in this position plenty of times. He knew her backside better than she did.

  That was for sure.

  “Good girl.” He ran a hand down her bottom and she jumped, startled. She hadn’t heard him return.

  “Been a while since you’ve had a proper spanking, hasn’t it, little darling?”

  Which was a good thing to her thinking.

  “Hmm, maybe we should implement a rewards/punishment system like the two docs have for Little Caley. At the end of each week you can pull something out of the rewards jar or the punishment jar depending on if you’ve been a good girl or a naughty one.”

  Oh no. That sounded terrible.

  “Daddy, we don’t need that,” she said quickly.

  “No, I think it’s a good idea.”


  “Right, little darling. Hand spanking first.”

  She braced herself. Waiting.

  Nothing happened.

  It wasn’t like Clint to make her wait.

  She turned her head to look at him, saw him frowning down at her. “Daddy?”

  He was frowning. “I probably should ask Doc before I start spanking you.”

  That was…surprising. Clint never usually hesitated when it came to punishing her. He never really hesitated when it came to anything.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked quietly. She stood and turned around.

  “You fainted, Charlotte. When Linc came into the house with you in his arms, you were so white and still.” He shook his head. “I shouldn’t even be spanking you at all. What am I thinking?”

  He ran a hand over his hair. “And you wouldn’t have even been outside if it hadn’t been for me running my big mouth.”

  She placed her hand on his firm chest. “First of all, it was my fault for listening in. I shouldn’t have done that. And I knew I was getting stressed. I should have told you. I’m so sorry I didn’t.”

  He drew her close, rubbing his hand up and down her back.

  “I feel fine now, Daddy. Promise. All those vitamins and rest and the shakes and I feel probably better than I did before.”

  She leaned back to look up at him. He quirked an eyebrow at her. “Are you trying to talk me into spanking you?”

  She groaned. “I am, aren’t I?”

  “You need it, don’t you, little darling?”

  No, she did not. Did she? Argh, damn it. There was still a lump of guilt in her stomach. For worrying him. For sneaking around and trying to trick him.

  “Can we just get it over with?”

  “We’ll take care of the hand spanking today. The paddling can wait until the honeymoon.”

  He wiggled his eyebrows. She gaped at him.

  “You are not taking that paddle on our honeymoon, Clint Jensen,” she said sternly.

  He lowered his brows. “Little darling, it’s the first thing I’m going to pack.”

  Her mouth dropped open. Her cheeks heated. “Oh God, I hope your bags don’t get checked by TSA.”

  “If they do, I’ll just tell them I’ve got a naughty Little girl to punish.”

  “You wouldn’t.”

  But he would. He totally would. She groaned.

  “Turn around and get back into position,” he commanded.

  The boss was back.

  She turned, leaned over the bed with her legs spread.

  Charlie didn’t even get the chance to take a breath before Clint’s hand landed heavily on her bottom.

  Smack! Smack!

  Ouch! Owie!

  Slap! Slap!

  Soon she was wiggling where she was standing, bent over the bed. Her ass was stinging and she knew it was only going to get worse. His spanks were steady, he covered her ass, not missing a spot. The pain grew. She wanted to move, wanted to stand up, but she knew he was right. She needed this. Likely, so did he.

  By the time he reached number fifteen, she was sobbing, her tears dripping down onto the bed covers, creating a wet patch.

  He sat next to her on the bed, rubbing her back lightly before he picked her up and deposited her on his lap. She hissed as her hot bottom came into contact with his jeans. Ouch. He tilted her towards him so she was resting on her hip rather than her throbbing bottom.

  “Good girl. You’re Daddy’s good Little girl, aren’t you? Shh. Come here.” He sat with her on his lap, holding her tight, keeping her safe.

  The way he always did.


  Charlie heard them coming before she saw them. It was like a stampede of elephants walking into the house. Amazing how a bunch of women could make such a racket. She smiled huge as they stepped into the living room.

  They all entered in a rush. Voices high with excitement. It was late afternoon. The woman from the spa would be here soon to do their nails and give them all facials. Then they were all having homemade pizza before being picked up.

  “Charlie!” Ellie cried out. She set down a container she’d been carrying and rushed forward and sat next to Charlie on the sofa to give her a big hug. “I’m so excited. I’m gonna get bright pink nails.”

  Daisy walked in next with a smile. “Bright pink will look great on you, Ellie.”

  Daisy set a plate of chocolate cupcakes down on the coffee table. Yum. She leaned in and gave Charlie a hug. “So glad you’re feeling better.”

  “Me too. Doc finally relented and let me get out of bed. I thought I was gonna end up having my wedding in there.”

  “He can be such a stick-in-the-mud sometimes,” Caley said as she walked over to them. She put down another plate. It held an assortment of cookies. “When I hurt my hands, I was barely allowed to walk anywhere. And Lord forbid I try to even glance at my laptop. That man nearly lost his mind.”

  Charlie smiled up at Caley, who was a romance writer. All of her
books were about Littles.

  The others all came in with plates of food until the coffee table was covered.

  “Yes! Someone brought candy,” Daisy said. “Jed wouldn’t let me buy any.” She dug her hand into the bowl of mixed candy.

  “I did,” Gigi said quietly. “I told Macca I wasn’t sure what everyone liked so we grabbed an assortment.” She winked at Daisy. “Thought you would appreciate it.”

  “You’re a lifesaver,” Daisy said sincerely as everyone else giggled, knowing what a sweet tooth she had and that Jed wouldn’t let her eat much.

  The meanie.

  “It all looks so good, I don’t know where to start,” Ari said quietly. The famous singer could be quiet and shy, which seemed crazy seeing as she used to sing to thousands of people. But her parents and manager had forced her into those concerts. She was happy living in her cabin, with big, scary Bain and creating her own music rather than touring around the country and singing to huge crowds.

  Eden, Clint and Kent’s younger sister, rolled into the room, followed by Abby.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Abby said, looking a bit stressed. “I was trying to get the bows right.” She was carrying a huge, wrapped silver box with a pink ribbon.

  “You didn’t have to get me anything,” Charlie said.

  “It’s from all of us.” Ellie bounced up and down as Abby handed it over with a smile.

  Charlie looked over at Eden who gave her a wink before accepting a glass of pink lemonade from Daisy who was pouring them each some.

  She opened up the box, her eyes widening in shock at the gift cradled in tissue paper.

  “Oh my gosh. You guys, this is amazing.”

  It was a large rose gold frame, but instead of just holding one photo there was a series of photos. All of them black and white. Most were of her and Clint. But the others all featured as well. Some photos were pictures of the ranch. And most of them were photos she’d taken.

  “Where? How?” She sniffled, feeling overwhelmed.

  “Clint helped,” Abby told her. “He snuck onto your laptop and sent them to me. I got them printed. Ellie and Daisy picked out the frame and everyone helped put it all together.”

  “Do you like it?” Gigi asked.


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