The Blood Moon : A romance fantasy revenge story

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The Blood Moon : A romance fantasy revenge story Page 19

by J. B. Garcia

  As I look around the table at everyone sitting and enjoying each others company, I realize that this is the last time that we will all be together. Sadness hits me suddenly and tears begin to fall from my eyes and hit my plate. Travis turns to me and places his hand atop mine. “What is the matter, why are you crying?” I turn to him and try to smile, “This is the last time I will have breakfast with my parents.” Asclepius turns her gaze to me, “Who told you that you couldn't see your family anymore.” I look confused at her and whip my tears away from my eyes, “Renee.” She looks up into the air and scoffs,”It is your choice. You can either bring them with you or they can keep their mortal lives. Renee prefers to have them keep their mortal lives, I think that is why she didn't give you the option.” I don't fully understand why it matters if they choose to come with me or not. “Why would she not want them to come with me?”

  “Well humans are not allowed in our world. You have the choice to bring them or not, but they will have to give up the life they have now completely and they can never return, just as you cannot return. Since humans are not allowed in our world, there will be subjects that don’t condone you bringing them. They might try to...eliminate them.” I guess that Renee has a good reason for everything but I think that in this case the risk isn’t outweighed by the benefits. There would be nothing that is more amazing than to continue to have my parents in my life. I could not imagine not being able to see them ever again. I look to my mother who is listening closely. “Mom, would you want to come with us?” She looks to my father and I also turn to look at him. “What do you think honey?” He finishes chewing his mouth full of food and swallows, “Well I dont know. Give up everything? That is a lot. Are you sure that you could never come and visit, Renee came to Niki didn’t she?” Asclepius jumps in, “She came to the human world with the intent of never returning to her own. The only reason that a Royal would come to the human world is for emergencies that involve our own kind. Traveling back and forth isn’t recommended because of danger. Of course a majority of our kind lives in the human world, but the Royals must stay in the Realm for their safety. Just like in the Human world, back in the days of old, your Kings and Queens would stay mainly in the castles.” I think that this is too large of a decision to make over breakfast. I can see my fathers anxiety level rising and I decide to end the conversation. “Why don't we discuss this later.” Mom and dad both look to me and nod their heads in agreeance.

  The rest of breakfast is spent in silence, but as the day grew towards the afternoon the mood changed. Ascelpius can’t stand to stay quiet. She was the first to start, “So are we just going to sit around all day or can we do something now?” My mother glances to my father and giggles. We all have been lounging in the living room in silence and I agree that it is time to change the tone. This is my last day as just Niki and this is not how I plan on spending it. I look over to Travis who is leaned back in the black recliner in the corner of the room. His arms folded on his chest and I can’t help but to get a small butterfly in my stomach. It almost makes me mad the way he can change my feelings in an instant. That is one thing that I never thought would happen to me. I think the main reason it upsets me is because I love it so much. Sometimes I forget to remember how amazing it is that I found that one person in the world that I was ment to be with. So I cannot be too upset about the hand I have been delt. I begin to sneak over to him, tiptoeing past the coffee table. I look to my mom and dad that are sitting on the couch, and motion for them to be quiet. My mom winks at me and I move closer to Travis. I get to the arm of his chair and take a breath in. I lean over the chair and I glance up to the window above his head only to see Ares and two other large men and one girl...Aaren. I jump back and Travis sits up qucikly grabbing my shoulders, “What is it!?” He pushes me back and I lose sight of Aaren and the three men she was with. Travis puts his hand to the side of my face gently turning my head to face him, “Niki… what is it?” I stay silent for the moment and just try to slow my heart beat. If Aaren and Ares are here again and now there are two men with her, one must be Khan. It’s not even night yet, I have not even awakened. Renee told me that he wouldn’t come until after the awakening. Fear begins to crawl up my spine. Travis waits patiently staring down at me. “Niki please say something.” I take a breath and respond as calmly as I can. “I saw Aaren, Ares and two men standing outside.” Travis drops his arms to his side and I can see his anger growing stronger. He looks to my mother and father on the couch and practically screams at them, “Get up and move to the bedroom! NOW!” They don’t ask question and hurry from the living room. As much as I see the pain in my fathers eyes to leave me with Travis, he knows nothing of this world and until we can find out why they have come early and where they are, its best he stay hidden. He cannot help me if he is beaten or dead.

  The room is so quiet and Asclepius is sitting quietly in the kitchen. Travis stomps over to her, “Why is he here early?” She looks up to him and her cheeks begin to turn red with anger, “How would I know that Travis when I have been here with you guys.” He begins to pace back and forth in the entryway, “I know I am sorry. What are we going to do?” She looks around the room and then back to Travis, “Well why don’t you look out the window and see if they are still standing there?” He scoffs and walks over to the window. He the floors creek with every stomp. He stands in front of the window motionless for a moment and then looks back to me. “There is no one there.” I rush over the the window and look out to where I saw them standing and there is no one there. I stiffen up and look to Travis he isn’t looking at me, just staring out the window. For a moment I really think he has lost his mind. He looks down to me and smiles. “Your an idiot. Did you really see people of was it that group of bushes over there.” I can’t help and crack a grin and slap the side of his arm. “I really saw them you ass.” He rolls his eyes and turn around to where Asclepius was sitting in the kitchen. She is still sitting with her chin resting on her palms as her elbow sit on the table. I begin to walk towards her and head for the front door. I am not going to sit in this house anymore. I must be starting to lose my mind since I thought that a pair of bushes were people.

  I forget that my parents are still hiding in their room. I turn on my heels and walk towards the end of the hall, “Hey, you guys can come out now.” The door at the end of the hall creaks open and my mom walks out with tears streaming down her face. “Is it over already?” She speed walks towards me and wraps her arms around my shoulders. “Mom it’s alright I think I was just seeing things.” She pulls herself away from me looking into my eyes, “Was it a vision?” I am taken back by this. I can’t believe that I didn’t even think of that. “I have no idea. I didn’t summon it and I could of swore that they were real.” My mom walks past me and heads for the front door. She says nothing and walks out sitting on the porch swing. I follow her out and she is staring out towards the island with a solemn mask glued to her face. “Mom are you alright.” She looks to me and tries to smile. She taps the seat next to her beckoning for me to join her. I take a few steps over to the swing and then sit down next to her. She finally speaks, “I used to love watching the the sun set behind that island, but now its doesn't look the same.” I let out a sigh because I know exactly what she is talking about. This whole house doesn't hold the same warmth that it used to. The grey clouds begin to let out a low grumble and I look up to the sky not being able to see the sun. I feel a drop in the middle of my forehead and I reach up wiping it away. I look down to my hand and it realize that it is rain. It could not have come at a worse time. Hopefully it will stay away long enough for the awakening to be over. I glance down to my moms hand and grab it with mine. She looks to me with tears welling up in her eyes, “Mom everything is going to be fine. We are going to make it through this.” She squeezes my hand and then releases it, standing from the swing she walks back into the house.

  I try to shake off the fear that is crawling up my spine and stand from the swing. I head towards the shore, th
e steps of the porch creaking under my feet. Each steps takes me further from the house and out towards the shore. The freezing breeze rips through the trees and chills me to the bone. I wrap my arms around my chest trying to keep some heat in. I stop at the sandy shore and the water is no longer still as glass. The wind has changed it from a glass like calm to rippling fury. I don’t know how we are going to get to the island with the water being so choppy. We can’t swim and the boat we have is on its last leg. I guess that it’s about mid afternoon but I cannot tell since the sun is no where to be seen. I close my eyes trying to relax my nerves. I take a deep breath through my nose and the smell of nature no longer brings me comfort. The freezing wind is making it hard to stay outside but I don’t want to be in the house right now. I need some fresh air. The wind blows through my hair and I hear a whisper riding on the breeze, “Be brave young queen.” I look around to see if there is someone, but of course I am alone. The voice brought me a feeling a relief. I can’t help but think it was Renee. It sounded just like her. I feel better knowing that she is here with me. Although she might not be able to help me during this struggle, knowing that she is watching over me is enough. Twigs begin to crack behind me and I turn quickly to see Travis walking towards me from the house. I start towards him and stop a few feet in front of him. “What are you doing out here Niki, it’s going to storm soon.” Tears begin to well up in my eyes and I rush into him enveloping myself into his strong embrace. “I am scared Travis.” He pulls me away from him and looks into my eyes with determination, “I am not going to let anything happen to you. You need to believe me when I say that.” I nod my head yes and sink into his chest. He releases me and turns back to the house wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulls me towards the porch.

  Everyone is silent in the house just watching the clock. The suspense is killing all of us. Something is changing inside me and my blood is starting to burn my veins. I look to Travis as he sits in the recliner staring out the window. There is a voice in my head that I have never heard before, The time has come and we will be one. It sounds like me but for some reason I don’t recognize it. I don’t know what to think and look to Asclepius who is sitting at the kitchen table playing with her long hair, twirling it between her fingers. I try to call her in a whisper, “Asclepius...come here.” She turns to me and slowly gets from her set and walks over to the couch and sits with me. “What is wrong My Queen.” I can’t stop the anger that is building inside me and it’s more powerful than I have ever felt. I look to her with fire in my eyes and almost shout in her face, “I have told you over and over not to call me that!” Travis looks to me and my parents come around the corner with a worried look on their faces. Travis gets up from the recliner and walks over to me. “Niki are you ok?” The anger is growing stronger and I stand from the couch not being able to control my actions. Something is taking over me and I cannot stop it. Travis grabs my shoulders and looks down to Asclepius, “She is on fire, it’s trying to take over.” She springs from her seat and stands next to me, “Niki…” Just saying my name makes her uncomfortable, “Your inner wolf is trying to take over. The night is coming and its getting stronger. Khan is still ruler of the Realm so your inner wolf is full of anger and hate. You have to control it.” I hear my dads foot steps creak on the hardwood floor as he walks up behind me. Travis raises his hand to him, trying to keep him away. He hits his hand down and I feel his presence behind me, “Travis, no offense but this is my child and I know her better than anyone in the world.” I feel Travis’s body heat rise as his anger increases. When it comes to me, Travis doesn't want anyone to interfere. He releases me and takes two steps back. I feel my fathers arms wrap around my back and around my chest. He leans in a whispers in my ear, “Niki don’t let it control you.” There is part of me that is calmed by his words but at the same time I can’t control the anger my inner wolf is feeling. I try to push her back into my mind but she continues to hiss in my ear, He wants to control you, but I want to free you Niki. Don’t believe their lies. For a moment I believe her and try to break from my fathers embrace. His arms tighten around me and I flex harder trying to break free. The harder I push out the more force he pulls me in with. I try to wriggle away from him but he is much too strong for me to break free from. I look around the room and Travis is staring wide eyed at my father. I close my eyes and try to get control of myself. I try to control my breathing and listen for the voice. Finally she speaks again,”You are weak Niki, I can set you free. We can take over all!” I try to ignore her words but for some reason they are tempting me. I need to hold on to my true self so I decide to answer her. “You do not control me and you never will. Return to where to came from until I call you myself.” My words are more powerful and I feel my inner wolf shiver with fear. I start to become dizzy and my knees get weak. I begin to black out and my knees give out. I feel my fathers arms grip me tighter than they ever have before and I become weightless. Blackness is surrounding me as I battle my inner wolf for control. I can feel sweat building on the forehead and then like a wave sweeping away the sand I fall into blackness. The last thing that I hear is Travis shouting my name and then I fade into nothingness.

  For some reason I feel comfortable in the darkness. I no longer hear my inner wolf and the anger she was radiating has subsided. My chest begins to burn as I try to take a deep breath. I fight for a breath and then all at once I am shot back into consciousness. I see everyone standing around me. I realize that my feet are not touching the ground and my fathers arms are crushing me. I fight to get words out, “Dad...Please you're crushing me.” He immediately releases me and before I hit the floor Travis cradles me in his arms. “Are you alright?” I try to catch my breath as my lungs burn with much needed oxygen. “I think so. I thought that I would be able to change until after the awakening.” He raises me to my feet and I try to get my bearings. He runs his hand through my hair and relief floods me. He looks to me and takes a breath, “It happens to every werewolf before the full moon. Because of Khan, your inner wolf takes control once the full moon shows itself. Before the that time, its anger and hate can be felt.” There is so much to this world that is unfair and doesn't make sense. The only thing I can do it take it in and accept it. I turn around to see my father and all the color has drained from his face. “Dad are you ok?” He looks up to me and tries to talk, “Something happened to me when I was holding on to you.” He looks past me to Travis searching for an answering. Travis walks around me and stands in front of my father. “When Niki was chose as the next Queen both you and Tracy were given a gift. Tracy was given back her Pyros ability and it looks like you were given the gift of strength.” He turns his head slightly and I can tell that is he confused. “What does that mean?”I giggles slightly and remember that he has not been aroung us at all and knows nothing about this world. I shrug my shoulders, “I have learned just to go with it. There are not enough words to explain all the Realm has.” He looks around the room and tries to wrap his mind around what has just happened. Travis walks to him and puts his hands on his shoulders, “To sum it up you have limitless strength now.” There is a rumbling outside and the thunder is getting louder and louder. A crack of green lightning lights up the sky and everyone jumps. The wind increases in speed and sends a low howling through the redwoods. Fear climbs up my spine and I shiver. I look to the clock and it is 6:30pm. I look back to Travis and he nods his head. “Its time to go to the island.” My heart begins to beat rapidly and I can feel everyone eyes glues to me. I am not ready for this…


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