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By ANNA KATHERINE GREENAuthor of "The Leavenworth Case"
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This is something more than a mere detective story; it is a thrillingromance--a romance of mystery and crime where a shrewd detective helpsto solve the mystery. The plot is a novel and intricate one, carefullyworked out. There are constant accessions to the main mystery, so thatthe reader can not possibly imagine the conclusion. The story isclean-cut and wholesome, with a quality that might be called manly. Thecharacters are depicted so as to make a living impression. Cora Tuttleis a fine creation, and the flash of love which she gives the hero iswonderfully well done. Unlike many mystery stories The Filigree Ball isnot disappointing at the end. The characters most liked but longestsuspected are proved not only guiltless, but above suspicion. It is astory to be read with a rush and at a sitting, for no one can put itdown until the mystery is solved.
Illustrated by C. M. Relyea
12mo, cloth, price, $1.50
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