Daughter of a Hood Legend 2

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Daughter of a Hood Legend 2 Page 3

by Latoya Nicole

  By the time I finished with my thoughts, we were pulling up to the warehouse. I noticed Uncle V’s car was already there and my ass got nervous as hell. This shit was about to be interesting and I was two seconds from bailing on this meeting. Besides, she didn’t really need me here anyway. Walking inside, they were already talking and some bitch was all in Glitch’s face. He laughed and I pulled my gun. Walking up to them, I cut that shit quick.

  “Ha ha hell. Move around.” The girl looked like she wanted to say something, but he pushed her away. “Who the fuck is she? You must didn’t let her know I will push her shit back.” Shrugging his shoulders, his ass tried to downplay it.

  “I don’t know, she came with Vicious and his boys. I was laughing about old stories. Calm down baby, you know ain’t no other hoe out here for me but you.” Turning my head as fast as I could, I was ready to slap his ass.

  “Excuse me.”

  “Baby don’t try to act like I didn’t get a used car with miles on it. It’s all good though because I like vintage.” Smacking him in the head, I tried to stand behind him so Vicious couldn’t see me.

  “Boo, you don’t have to hide. We’ll talk later. Right now, we are here to solve a problem. Me and my crew will help you with whatever you need. Roulette, you’re up.” Rolling her eyes, she addressed the room. This was going to be a mess.

  This was a power struggle I really wish I didn’t have to be a part of. These two were frick and frack. One in the same and they didn’t know it. Instead of both of them fighting for the number one spot, they would be a force to reckon with if they came together. They can bring the city to its knees if they joined forces, but knowing the both of them like I do, that shit wasn’t gone happen. I’m going to try my best to stay out of this shit show, but at the end of the day, my loyalty is to Roulette. We came in this shit together and it’s only fair that I ride with her til the end. Now, I would never tell him that shit to his face and I prayed it never came to that.

  “Listen up, just so we are clear, this is my shit. My daddy is only here for moral support. I’m still the head bitch in charge and nothing has changed that.” The look on Vicious face said different and I was starting to think this shit was about to get all bad.

  Chapter Five


  My daddy thought he was slick, low key starting this meeting while I wasn’t here. His ass know they fear him and wasn’t going to tell him to shut the fuck up. Whatever plan he told them to do, I knew they ass listened. The shit was going to get done, and I needed to figure out what the fuck it was. If he was going to go behind me, I will cut him out of my meetings. Whether he liked it or not, I was in charge.

  “Now, is there anybody here who feels like Vicious is running shit?” The lil bitch that we didn’t know raised her hand and came forward.

  “With all due respect, there is only one Vicious. Yes, you are his daughter, but I mean for real. This is Vicious we are talking about. Are we really ready to be led by a mini me? We can have the real thing.” Laughing, I walked over to my cabinet and grabbed my gun. I could see Breezy shaking her head telling me not to do it, but this shit was about to stop right here and now. Even though I was in front of her, I looked my daddy in his eyes as if it was him.

  “Are you feeling lucky?” She looked confused.

  “Excuse me?” Spinning the chamber, I continued to look at Vicious.

  “I said, are you feeling lucky? Do you know how I got my name?” She looked at me like bitch no, so I explained it. “Well, when you’re at my mercy, I give you the chance to beat the odds. I’ll only pull the trigger twice playing a game of chance. Hence the name Roulette. Now, I ask you again, are you feeling lucky?” Turning towards Vicious, she looked to him for support.


  “Don’t look at him, look at me. I’m in charge, but it doesn’t matter. Your time is up.” Pulling the trigger, her brains exploded over Glitch.

  “I guess she was able to give you some head after all.” I laughed at Breezy until I saw my daddy’s face.

  “You lucky I just recruited her or you would have written a check your ass couldn’t cash. Carry on with the fucking meeting.”

  “Like I said, I’m in charge. Does anybody else have a problem with that?” No one spoke up, but I could see my daddy’s jaw clenching. I was about to talk when my phone rang. It was unknown, but I decided to answer.

  “How do yall feel about your boss taking a call in the middle of a meeting? That shit tacky.” Vicious and his crew laughed, but I didn’t find shit funny. I knew he was only talking shit, but he was causing a rift in my camp. Ignoring his ass, I took my call. Once I hung up, I turned to everyone there.

  “Okay, I was just informed that Capone didn’t die. I’m going to go finish what I started while I can. My daddy always said, if you cut off the head, the body will fall. If it’s a war they want, that’s what the fuck they are going to get.”

  “Me and Glitch will go with you.” Breezy was ready to ride, but I wasn’t allowing it this time.

  “He is asking for me because he has questions. If I come in there with my crew, I’ll never get past his security. I’m not the boss for shit. I got this.” Out of all that shit my daddy talked, he now looked concerned.

  “Baby girl, if you need me, I got you. Make daddy proud.” Laughing, I headed out towards the hospital. On the outside, I was keeping it together. On the inside though, I was going crazy. This was the man that I loved and I thought I was going to be with, but his ass was a snake ass bitch that was seeking revenge. Jumping in the car, I drove towards the hospital with mad thoughts on my mind. What made Shitz call me? Was this a set up? I shot this nigga up, but he was asking for me to come to the hospital. Knowing I didn’t have time for all of that, I needed to clear my head and prepare for what was to come.

  Getting out of my car, I walked inside and headed upstairs. I know I supposed to get a visitor’s pass, but I didn’t want a record of me being here. Heading to the room that Shitz gave me, I froze seeing his mother at the bed. It looked as if she was trying to smother him. That shit didn’t make sense and it had my mind racing. Why would she be trying to kill him? Knowing that I now needed answers, I had to leave him alive for a lil while. Stepping forward, I decided to let my presence be known to see how she would react. I could be reading this wrong.

  “Hey, how is he?” I know that was a dumb question since I was the one that put him there, but I wanted to see her reaction. The bitch jumped and started adjusting his pillow behind his head.

  “He is fine, no thanks to you. I don’t know why he wants to see you, but I am going to leave and let you all talk. Oh, how is Vicious? Tell him I said hello will you.” This bitch thought she was slick, but I know she was just in here trying to kill him.

  “He’s fine, you want me to give him a message?”

  “Just tell him Rebecca says hello.” Nodding my head, I kept my hand close to my gun until she walked out. Something was off and I need to find out what the fuck is wrong with this picture. As soon as I was sure that she was gone, I walked over to his bed. His ass was knocked out and it would be nothing to kill him, but I needed answers. If him and his mama was plotting revenge against us, why the fuck would she be trying to kill him? I was still alive and there was no reason to take him out. Sitting down in the chair, I pulled my phone out and called my daddy. I needed him to know my decision to keep Capone alive for now. Picking up on the first ring, you could tell he was happy to hear I was okay.

  “Hey daddy. Change of plans. When I got here his mama was trying to kill him and that shit doesn’t make sense at all. I need answers and only he can give them to me.”

  “The shit definitely don’t make sense. I’m not sure what the fuck is going on, but you’re doing the right thing. Once you get your answers, you know what you have to do.”

  “I know and the bitch asked about you. Said to tell you Rebecca said hi. Stuck up bitch pissed me off, but I had to make her think shit was cool.”

’s who his mother is? Shit keep getting deeper. Rebecca is the girl that Vega made me fuck that night. I knew his ass was on some shady shit, that’s why I didn’t give a fuck about taking his ass out. You did good grasshopper. Now finish the rest and call a meeting when you’re done.”

  “Didn’t I tell your old ass I’m in charge? I’m going to finish the rest and I’ll call a meeting when I’m done.” Laughing, we both hung up the phone.

  “So, you only came to finish the job?” Hearing Capone’s voice sent chills down my spine. I wonder how much he heard. Walking over to the bed, he turned to look at me. I don’t know why my pussy was begging me to sit on top of him when I needed to be putting a bullet in his head.

  “I came for answers.”

  “That’s funny, because I called you here for the same thing. Why did you try to kill me?” His ass was still trying to play slow and it was pissing me off.

  “After I left your house I went to tell my daddy about us, and I got the surprise of my life. Twenty two years ago, my daddy made a deal with yours and because of him being there, my mama died. He blamed your father and went back to kill him. You were there when he did it. Now, you’re after me for revenge. What I don’t understand is, if you and your mama is working together to take us out, why would she be in here trying to kill you? Did you cross her too?” The look on his face told me everything I needed to know. His ass didn’t know what the fuck I was talking about.

  “My mother told me and everyone else, that my dad was killed in a robbery. No one knew who it was or what they took. He went out the way he lived and in our world it’s honorable. No one ever had any reason to question that. I had no idea your father killed mine, but now I know why my mama was pushing so hard for us to be together. She has to know. I don’t know why she was in here trying to kill me and I don’t even know if I believe you.” If he wasn’t already injured, I would have slapped his ass back to sleep.

  “I have no reason to lie to you. When I walked in here, she was smothering your ass. I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but the shit ain’t adding up.” He actually laughed.

  “It makes perfect sense. If my mama knows your dad killed mine, she is the one that has been after you. Each time I mentioned that we back you up and Vicious wasn’t our responsibility, she would say that it was out of my league and she would handle him. I thought she was just talking shit. If you say she tried to kill me, I’m just as lost as you. Shitz said she hadn’t been here since I was admitted and that was a week ago.” This shit was freaky, but I knew what I had to do.

  “I know you probably don’t trust me right now, but you need to. My camp is waiting for me to give them the word that you are dead. Your mama is trying to kill you and right now, we need to figure out why. Until then, I need to hide you from everybody. To the world, you need to be dead.”

  “Do what you need to do.”

  “First, I have to find someone I can pay off. They need to give you a death certificate and you need to write up a letter making me your power of attorney. I have to cremate you so there is no body. In order for them to stop looking, this is the way that we have to do this. I need to go set some stuff up for a place to hide you. Don’t take any more pain meds, your ass need to be coherent just in case your mama come back. I’ll be gone a few hours. Right now, don’t trust anyone but me. No matter what they tell you. I won’t send anyone up here to check on you, so don’t fall for it. We good?”

  “Yea we good. Hurry the fuck up, I don’t trust anyone at this point. Not even you, but we both searching for answers. I don’t want to be here long enough for them to come, so get moving.” Walking out of his room, I knew this was going to be bad. My daddy would consider this a betrayal and so would my crew. This may be the end of Roulette, and now I was making myself a target.

  Chapter Six


  The crew was looking for answers, mine and Kalina’s included. I was trying not to take charge, but her ass been gone for hours and no one had heard anything. The savage in me wanted to just bark out orders, but the father in me was nervous as fuck.

  “You all are looking for something to do, and we all are ready to get our hands dirty. I know that, but the only thing I need is for you mother fuckers to find my daughter. It’s been three hours, and if it hits four, some heads are going to spin. You have never seen me at my worst, but you will in forty nine minutes. FIND HER NOW!!!” Everybody started shuffling around trying to figure out what to do or where to start.

  “Is everyone here? Let’s get down to business please.” Kalina walked her ass in here like she wasn’t missing for hours and thought she wasn’t gone explain what the fuck happened.

  “Kalina where were you?” Turning to me, she shot daggers my way.

  “In here, I’m Roulette. If you calm down long enough, you will know where I was.”

  “Just tell us what the fuck happened. Did you finish the job?”

  “After talking to you, I waited for him to wake up. When he did I was questioning him and his ass started to crash. They put me out the room and rushed him to surgery. I waited for him for hours. They came out and told me he died in surgery. I didn’t have to kill him, he is no longer a threat. From the little bit that I got out of him, his mama is behind the shit and we need to find out what she has planned.” I tried to let her do things her way and I no longer wanted to fight with my daughter.

  “Okay good. I’m sure you will put your ears to the street and me and mine will do the same. Good job baby girl.” Watching her smile at me because I gave my approval, let me know I did the right thing.

  “Alright, I’ll keep you updated on everything I find out. You heard what we said, get to work people. Bring me back something useful and bring it fast.” Her crew flew out of there fast and I was proud at how loyal they were to her. Boo, Kalina, and Glitch walked out together and it left me and my crew. When I turned to them, Grew started laughing.

  “Let me guess, that’s not what we are doing?” Shaking my head, I sighed with frustration.

  “No. She wants answers and I don’t give a fuck about the reasoning. We know who is after us, I know who killed Fat Back, and they don’t get to sleep another night in my city. Let’s go.” Piling in my truck, we headed towards the Vega compound. This shit felt familiar as hell. Getting in go mode, I zoned out as much as I could since I was driving.

  When we pulled up, I had a strange feeling of déjà vu. I’ve done this dance twenty two years ago and I was ready to put an end to this shit. As soon as I parked, I looked over to my crew. It was the three of us last time and we barely made it out with our lives. Vicious will always come out on top, but I don’t want to lose none of my team. They been rocking with me since the beginning and I’m just as responsible for them as I was Fat Back. These were my niggas and I had to make sure this is what they were ready for. Hell, we were older and they may not want to go to war again.

  “Ok ladies.”

  “Fuck you.” They both screamed that out and I laughed.

  “For real, listen up. I know yall rocking until the wheels fall off and I appreciate yall for that shit. I know this is not what you were signing up for and I get that. If you want to walk away, I won’t feel a way. We’ve grown older and you got shit going on. Last chance to walk away before we go in here into the unknown.” They looked at me and I could see doubt in their eyes. It’s been a long time since they been in this rodeo. They were old and doubting their skills. Me, I snuck out often and did a kill just to satisfy the thirst. From the looks on their faces, I know they haven’t done the same.

  “Vicious, you know where our loyalty lies. We been at this shit a long time and we’ve never turned our backs on you. With that being said, you know I got a shaky hand and it has gotten worse with old age, but I got you. Just don’t let these bitch ass niggas sneak up behind me.” Grew was gone always ride, but I often worried about that pissy ass hand. Nigga fuck around and shoot me like Arsenio shot Junior.

  “You know I got you. I’m not a
s fast as I used to be, but I can still shoot this mother fucker. Hell, my nuts stopped putting out babies a long time ago, but I still be shooting them bitches.”

  “My niggas. Let’s get it then. Stay alert and watch each other’s back. You know the drill.” Getting out the car, we headed through the gate with no problems. It was open and that made me go on instant alert.

  Heading inside, there was no sight of security. Either they haven’t had time to recoup or they ass were staying out of the open. Walking through each room, we searched every door and opened each hidden wall. We been here before and I knew of a few. Only because Vega’s men were trying to get the fuck out of there.

  “What the fuck. Either these niggas hiding like the good roaches that stay away when company comes over, or this shit a ghost town.” E Way was right. Something was off.

  Walking through a few more rooms, we did the same thing and didn’t find anyone. Shit was weird and I wasn’t liking this feeling. Making sure I covered my niggas, we continued to walk through the rest of the house.

  “Aight listen, I know we all are feeling like some shit off in this bitch and maybe that’s what they want us to feel. It’s one more section to the house and that’s Vega’s section as we already know. We can walk into that wing and they try to light our ass up or we can go in there and it’s empty as well. All I’m saying is be prepared for anything. I’ll walk in first, E Way take the end.”

  Easing up the stairs, we walked slowly and quietly. The silence was about to drive me crazy and I was ready to shoot just to make some noise. Shit was driving me crazy, but I was at the door now. Opening it, I headed inside. Looking around, I fell out laughing. It was nobody in here. My ass thought they were about to do a sneak attack, but they ass was gone.


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