Enervation (Shadeward Book 3)

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Enervation (Shadeward Book 3) Page 15

by Drew Wagar

  She’s been with him! What’s she doing? Concern for him? No …

  Kiri caught sight of a room, dim and shuttered, a table, a bed …

  Fury consumed her, her anger spiralling out of control.

  He’s mine, how dare you!

  Then it was dashed away, the vision fading in moments. Kiri clutched at the reins to steady herself, clenching her thighs against the dach below.

  Before she had a chance to recover, the vision came back, pounding at her, the metallic sensation in her mouth and nostrils, pungent and overpowering. She reeled from the intensity of it, almost losing her grip on the reins. Her own fury was met with anger from the other end of the connection. Zoella’s face appeared once more, her gaze determined, her lips pursed. This was no longer the gentle maid of the Scallian household she’d encountered before.

  How did she do this? To communicate with me from wherever she is … to be able to find me … I can’t do that! Her powers …


  Kiri could not help her feelings of astonishment from leaking across the connection. Zoella would know that too. It was impossible to keep secrets across the mental link.

  Yes, me. Murderer.

  The anger and ferocity was not what she had expected. Brief flashes of images flickered between them. The death of King Ioric, the battle with Torin … the old carn that had leapt upon her. The anger and bitterness were sharp.

  I was only defending myself! And Torin deserved what he got after what he did to Charis and I!

  She fought to transmit her own images. Images of Torin lying about the treaty. Images of the death of Charis, images of her own pain and the crossbow bolt that had impaled her hand.

  Her thoughts turned to the question dominating her thoughts.

  How did you …?

  But her own questioning was swept aside. Kiri winced under the mental barrage as Zoella’s rage echoed in her head, demanding answers.

  What did you do to him? What did you do to Meru?

  Kiri almost laughed.

  As if I would tell you …

  Then she realised that even thinking of the denial was foolish. Perhaps she’d already revealed too much. The thought of Meru lit up a different part of her mind and she struggled to damp it down. Too late, the desire and lust blossomed once more. Kiri couldn’t help it.

  She’s been near him, close to him, talking to him, lying to him about me!

  Now jealousy blistered into her mind.

  He’s mine. Mine! Leave him alone.

  Kiri felt the link flicker for a moment under the tumult of feelings from both sides, but Zoella didn’t relent.

  What did you do to him? Answer me.

  Kiri’s mind was working a few steps ahead.

  If this link is so strong, maybe I can use it to my advantage!

  She concentrated, trying to determine the source of the connection. She could sense the power. Her head turned left toward the sunright. The distance came to her, and she looked. It was far beyond the horizon, but she knew.


  Zoella must have realised what she was doing. The link crackled and fell apart. Kiri was left alone on the back of her dach once more, flying through the azure skies of Esurio.

  Kiri was gasping for breath, but elation surged through her. Maybe Zoella hadn’t found her answers, but she had.

  Amar. I know where it is!

  Rihanna stretched out her thoughts. The faint sense of the girl was ahead in the shades, less than a mark ahead. She was gaining on her. Rihanna slipped between the shade trunks, running on the soft muddy ground. The terrain was dropping towards a river, she could hear the noise of the water ahead.


  The Scallian girl was walking down the bank, looking for a way across. The river was fast flowing and deep enough that wading would be dangerous. Rihanna, concealed behind a shade, watched her for a few moments. It would be easy enough, there was no way the girl could escape.

  Rihanna stepped out, twirling her kai.

  The girl took a moment to notice her. Rihanna felt the fear, heard the sharp screech of dismay and saw the terrified expression on the girl’s face.

  To her credit, the girl fled without a pause. She dropped the pack she carried and ran away as fast as she could. Rihanna smiled and stretched out her hand.

  In her mind she could feel the girl’s muscles straining, her heart pounding, the feel of her feet on the banks, the breath in her lungs. It wouldn’t take much.

  Rihanna clenched a fist.

  The girl cried out in pain as cramp stole up her thigh. She stumbled and fell, rolling into the tall rushes at the water’s edge. By the time she’d recovered Rihanna had closed the gap, standing over her with her kai ready.

  The girl scrambled away, but then the kai was at her throat.

  ‘Don’t move,’ Rihanna said. ‘I’ll make this painless.’

  ‘Please, don’t hurt me!’ the girl whimpered. ‘Please …’

  Rihanna rolled her eyes and then stretched out her hand, palm outwards, seeking the girl’s mind.

  The girl’s howl of fear faltered on her lips as Rihanna suppressed it.

  Who are you?

  Gemma … my name is Gemma … please!

  Why did Kiri rescue you?

  I don’t … I don’t know …

  Rihanna’s grip on her mind clamped tighter.

  Why did Kiri rescue you?

  Gemma’s thoughts were a whirl, confused and hard to read. It seemed she didn’t really understand either. Rihanna pulled at her memories, forcing her to play back events in her mind. Gemma winced as she recalled what had happened.

  Rihanna could see Kiri’s familiar face in Gemma’s memory and pursued it. Kiri was talking …

  ‘Be quick, it is only a few stretches march to Viresia from here,’ Kiri said. ‘Hide in the forests and don’t let yourself be seen in the open until you are close.’

  ‘Thank you,’ Gemma replied. ‘For everything.’

  ‘Just stay alive,’ Kiri said. ‘That is the only thanks I need. Beware the priestesses, don’t use your gift if you can. It will only bring attention to you.’

  ‘But what of you?’ Gemma asked.

  ‘Do not fear for me,’ Kiri replied.

  Then Gemma asked the question Rihanna was looking for. She clenched Gemma’s thoughts even tighter, mindless of the screams from her as her memories were wrenched open.

  ‘Why?’ Gemma asked. ‘Why did you save me?’

  Rihanna saw Kiri lick her lips.

  ‘For Scallia. There’s no time to explain,’ Kiri said, gestured. ‘I am of Scallia myself.’

  The memories came to an end. Rihanna released her mental grip.

  Kiri is a Scallian? How can that be? She’s from the slums of Drayden. How could she possibly be from Scallia? She fought the Scallians! She really is keeping secrets from us all, the lying bitch!

  Rihanna straightened, trying to assimilate the information.

  She looked back down. Gemma was lying in the reeds, gasping for breath and clutching at her head, moaning and whimpering.

  No need to prolong this any further.

  The girl still had some presence of mind. As Rihanna released her thoughts, Gemma staggered to her knees, crawled, staggered up and ran. Before Rihanna could stop her the girl had thrown herself into the raging torrent of the river. Rihanna tried to grasp hold of her mind, but the girl was sucked under the rapids and disappeared. Rihanna ran down the river bank trying to locate her, but there was no sign.

  Drowned most like.

  She cursed, pacing back and forth for a moment. She threw out her senses, but there was no sign of the Scallian girl. Rihanna walked back towards the forest edge where she had encountered her. The pack she had dropped lay in the reeds. Rihanna looked through it; it contained clothes, food and water.

  As good as dead out here without this.

  Satisfied, she concentrated, casting her thoughts outwards once again. The answer was swift.

  You found the

  I did.


  Kiri rescued her because she was Scallian.

  But, why? Of course the girl was Scallian … we all know that …

  Not the girl … Kiri herself!

  There was a long pause in the mental connection between herself and Nerina.

  Kiri is Scallian? How can this be? Charis found her in the slums here in Drayden!

  I don’t know …

  There was another pause.

  You’ve done well, Rihanna. Return home now. I must consider carefully what to do next.

  The mental connection dropped. Rihanna smiled to herself.

  Yes, you must. And so must I.

  Kiri had returned to the eyrie, seeing to the dach and discarding her riding gear. It was the first chime, with luck no one would have noticed her absence. She went to her room and changed into her travelling gear and then walked to the temple.

  The guards allowed her within. It was still early and thus quiet.

  She walked down the familiar corridors, enjoying the bright light of Lacaille that was spread about the interior by the intricately positioned mirrors. She passed the doorway which led into the room in which she had once rested, just after she had nearly been stoned to death.

  She paused, thinking for a moment. Then she pushed open the door and went inside, closing it behind her.

  The room was as she remembered it, the bed with its tapestry-like decorations of Lacaille, the desk with the mirror in which she’d first seen her true reflection, even the brush she remembered was still there.

  Without knowing why she sat down and looked at herself once again.

  The face that looked back was different now. Before, she had been gaunt and thin, her body only a hair’s-width from starvation. Many rounds of good food and exercise had nourished her. She looked healthy now, her face fuller, with her bones less prominent. Her hair was now cut in the manner of the priestesses, the right side grown long and the left side shaved down to the scalp. The triangular pendant hung from her neck, glittering in the faint light from the window.

  I was just an only then, now I’m a priestess. I swore an oath to Drayden … I swore to defend it, swore to fight for it and, if necessary, die for it. I have done for Scallia what I can … for now, my loyalty lies here. It is what Charis would have wanted.

  The memory of her old mentor almost brought tears into her eyes. But that was another vow she had made. She remembered the words.

  No longer the healer. No longer! I say goodbye now, Charis. I loved you, but love has no place in these times. I will shed no more tears for you until this task is finished.

  She took a deep breath.

  Amar, and then this Obelisk …

  ‘I am chosen,’ she murmured to herself. ‘I am special. I will see this task done.’

  There was a twinge in her mind, a faint metallic taste on her lips.



  Yes, I’m here.

  It has gone as we planned. Our little act seems to have worked!

  They believe our friendship broken and that we hate each other again?

  Yes. My mother behaved exactly as you said she would. Nerina took me aside immediately, as you suggested I revealed the secret about your boy from Amar …

  Kiri smiled.

  Well done! Nerina will trust you again now. I will be sent to Taloon this stretch I’m sure, but we can stay in touch. We must find out what Nerina and your mother are trying to do …

  There was a pause before Rihanna answered. Kiri sent a question.

  Was there something else?

  No, sorry, just thinking! Be careful.

  I will.

  The mental connection faded. Kiri took a deep breath before getting to her feet and walking out, closing the door behind her.

  She strode down the corridor, her kai in her hand, clicking on the marble flooring in time with her steps.

  Nerina waited in the meeting hall of the priestesses. Kiri was due any moment as she had requested the previous stretch.

  And you have been busy already, haven’t you, young one?

  Nerina paced about the hall with measured steps. Rihanna’s information had been interesting enough, but not everything had been revealed, just tantalising clues as to what was motivating Kiri.

  So you’re from Scallia, you admitted that. How did you find that out? Who told you of this?

  Nerina turned the thoughts over in her head. Kiri had been secretive ever since the attack on Viresia, and more so since the encounters in Nireus.

  What did you find out? And what do you plan?

  Perhaps Merrin was right, perhaps she should take Kiri’s gift, right here and now. Rihanna’s revelation of how Kiri had defied her instructions was sufficient justification in terms of the law.

  But Kiri’s revelation about being chosen by the Obelisk prevented that. There was too much support for her amongst the priestesses. Whatever Nerina did, she had to retain her own standing. Kiri was in a unique position. She had no family, no friends that could be leveraged to force her hand.

  That leverage lies elsewhere. And I can encourage it …

  Nerina smiled, a plan forming in her head.

  The door swung open. Kiri stood in the entrance, her kai clutched in her right hand. Nerina could see she still wore the black glove on her left.

  ‘We have no need of sparing practice this stretch,’ Nerina said. ‘You will not need your kai.’

  Kiri nodded and placed the weapon aside before walking into the hall across the coloured tiles underfoot. Her stance was proud and erect, confident and assured.

  She knelt before Nerina.

  ‘High priestess.’

  ‘Rise, young one,’ Nerina said. ‘We have much to discuss.’

  Nerina saw a muscle twitch in Kiri’s face, but she said nothing.

  ‘You must depart for Taloon immediately,’ Nerina said. ‘Your task is to gain their agreement to ally with us in an attack on Amar. Accompany this Vandare back to his home and make the demand of the King himself.’

  ‘I understand, high priestess,’ Kiri replied. ‘If they refuse?’

  ‘Then you must return here,’ Nerina said. ‘And we will take what we need from them.’

  ‘We could do that now,’ Kiri said. ‘And save ourselves the trouble.’

  Nerina nodded. ‘We could, but fighting to sunright whilst our shaderight borders are yet to be secured does not seem advisable. Let us try diplomacy first. Charis taught you much about that, and what to be on the lookout for.’

  Kiri looked away for a moment, before nodding.

  ‘I will make sure they join us,’ Kiri said.

  ‘Excellent,’ Nerina replied. ‘And then we can proceed to Amar itself. Time is pressing once more. Lacaille grows impatient.’

  ‘I have seen the dark spots growing once more. The flares will come soon.’

  ‘You must make haste indeed,’ Nerina said. ‘But it seems to me you have more than one reason to finish the task appointed.’

  Kiri frowned and Nerina watched, amused, as the colour drained out of her face.

  ‘I …’

  Nerina laughed. ‘Don’t tell me I can’t sense a birther’s bond when it is under my nose, young one.’

  Kiri swallowed.

  ‘It … it was an accident,’ Kiri said. ‘I didn’t mean to …’

  ‘What is done is done,’ Nerina replied. ‘I know how hot it burns within.’

  ‘I would undo it if I could,’ Kiri said, her voice unconvincing.

  ‘No. Use it,’ Nerina said. ‘Let that fire within you motivate you to take Amar. He will be your reward if you succeed. When you are victorious, you can bring him home as a spoil of war. I’m sure you’ll find a use for him then.’

  Kiri nodded. Nerina saw her take a deep breath and the colour returned to her cheeks, there was no mistaking the feeling of lust that emanated from the girl. Rihanna had been right.

  ‘And then,’ Nerina said. ‘The ques
t for the Obelisk itself.’

  ‘I have heard nothing else since,’ Kiri said. ‘I have no direction.’

  ‘I suspect we must complete the task appointed first,’ Nerina said. ‘Perhaps Lacaille herself is testing you, seeing if you are worthy to undertake that greater task.’

  ‘I will devote myself to this.’

  Nerina paused for a moment, taking her customary walk around. Kiri waited as Nerina completed her footsteps.

  Now we will see.

  ‘Perhaps we may need other compensations for the King of Taloon,’ Nerina said. ‘We might offer gifts to make him think more highly of us.’

  Kiri looked up. ‘What do you mean?’

  ‘Vandare tells me he has an eye for women of class and distinction,’ Nerina said. ‘He has many wives. You would do well to make yourself aware of all their customs. Vandare seems quite knowledgeable, for a man. It appears that in Taloon the women are sickeningly subservient.’

  ‘None here would endure such an insult,’ Kiri said. ‘None amongst the priestesses!’

  ‘Indeed not,’ Nerina said. ‘Perish the thought. But we have one amongst us we could send, surplus to requirements now …’

  Kiri’s eye’s widened. ‘You don’t mean …?’

  ‘Another spoil of war,’ Nerina said. ‘Liana, the Scallian Queen. She retains enough wit to be bedded by this King, and her beauty is without question, no?’

  ‘I suppose …’

  ‘And without her gift she is useless to us,’ Nerina said. ‘And Scallians are ours to do with as we wish, aren’t they?’

  ‘Yes, high priestess.’

  ‘Then take her, offer her to the King of Taloon if he will have her. She can serve us best by cementing an alliance with Taloon.’

  Nerina saw Kiri swallow, but she made no further objection.

  ‘So,’ Nerina finished. ‘Will you go, make an ally of those of Taloon and dispatch Amar as Lacaille directs?’

  Kiri gave the traditional response.

  ‘I will see it done.’

  ‘Good, I know you will,’ Nerina said. ‘With the alliance with Taloon secured we can venture across the sea and put an end to these flares forever. You will stand mighty in the ranks of the priestesses with such a success.’

  ‘I wish only to serve you,’ Kiri replied.

  Is that true, young one? We shall see!


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