Enervation (Shadeward Book 3)

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Enervation (Shadeward Book 3) Page 27

by Drew Wagar

Like in my vision, but these are so young …

  There were about fifteen of them, all children, all young girls. They stood and stared without saying anything.

  Zoella took a step forward. The children backed away, clutching at each other, fear and alarm on their faces. Zoella reached out her hand.

  ‘Don’t be scared. We won’t hurt you.’

  They were shaking their heads and still backing away.

  ‘Meru, lower the rifle,’ Zoella whispered, turning to him. He did as she instructed.

  They were still wary. Zoella beckoned for the closest to come nearer, but the only answer was a tiny shake of the head.

  ‘Who are they?’ Meru whispered.

  As he moved the children backed away. Zoella turned.

  ‘I think they’re scared of you,’ she said.

  ‘Me?’ Meru said.

  ‘Be quiet,’ Zoella told him. ‘Back away, put the rifle back in the machine and get in.’

  Meru looked at her and then back at the children before nodding and retracing his steps. The children watched his every move.

  ‘Put your hands where they can be seen,’ Zoella said.

  When Meru was sitting down with his arms raised, Zoella could feel the children relax.

  ‘Who are you?’ Zoella said. ‘Do you understand me?’

  One of the children, who had been standing near the back, stepped forward, pushing through the others. Zoella recognised the face of the girl she had seen. She was taller than the others, not long from adulthood.

  ‘It’s her!’ she said, looking back at Meru.

  The girl stopped a few hand lengths away from Zoella. She raised her hands and made some kind of strange gesture before standing still again.

  ‘What is your name?’ Zoella asked.

  The girl did not respond. Zoella frowned, none of them had made as much as a whisper, much less spoken a word.

  ‘I don’t think they can speak,’ Meru whispered.

  At his words there came another gesture from the girl, a complex interweaving of her hands, ending with her palms open towards them.

  ‘I don’t understand,’ Zoella said. She closed her eyes, holding her hand forward, the faint metallic sense rising up around her. She gently probed.

  Can you hear me this way?

  The girl gasped. She nodded.

  An image came back to Zoella, a view of herself, reaching forward, Meru in the vehicle, the others clustered around looking at her. Feelings subsumed the link too; caution, wariness and … hope.

  ‘Can you talk to her?’ Meru asked.

  Zoella opened her eyes.

  ‘Not in words, no,’ she said. ‘She has the gift for certain though. She’s sent me images of what she can see …’

  The girl pointed at Zoella and then moved her hands in what was she took to be a ‘follow me’ gesture. Zoella nodded and moved towards the girl. She held out her hand and the girl took it.

  Zoella felt feelings from her again; tenseness, anxiety and a growing relief. An image of a ramshackle camp, secluded and hidden amongst the machinery of the hall came into her mind.

  Zoella turned back to Meru.

  ‘Come on,’ she said. ‘Looks like they want to take us to their home.’

  Meru climbed down from the vehicle once more.

  Fear! Anger! Hatred!

  Zoella gasped. The feelings from the girl were raw and directed at Meru. The girl held up her hand in a clear ‘Stop’ gesture. She pointed at Meru and shook her head.

  You can trust him. He’s a friend of mine.

  The girl continued to shake her head. Images of whips, punches, beatings and worse came into her mind.

  No … Meru isn’t like that.

  ‘What’s wrong?’ Meru asked.

  ‘They’re scared of you,’ Zoella said. ‘I think it’s because you’re a man. I get pictures of whips, beatings … men of the city above I think.’

  ‘But I’m …’

  ‘I’ve tried to explain.’

  Zoella’s mind was swamped with sudden images. Men, running, carrying sticks and whips. The children about her scattered like startled marsips and were gone in seconds. A moment later, Zoella could hear the sound of running and voices calling to each other.

  ‘This way!’ a gruff male voice called. Zoella watched in horror as Meru turned around to see a group of heavy set guards appear from behind one of the troughs.

  ‘Who is that? Grab him!’

  Zoella was yanked backwards by the girl. She tried to resist but the girl was strong. Lurid images of punishment flooded her mind, followed by the urgent need to conceal herself. She watched as Meru jumped off the vehicle, scrambling to grab the rifle.

  No, just run!

  Another yank. Zoella found that she was pulled under the nearest trough and out the other side.

  But my friend! Meru!

  She caught a last glimpse of him being caught by four big dark-skinned men. In horror she watched as he was turned around and forced across the vehicle, his hands wrenched behind his back. They tied his hands together and pulled him away.

  Zoella went to get up, but the girl pulled her back, shaking her head.

  I’ve got to help him! Let me go!

  Zoella managed to get to her feet. One of the men spotted her between the rows of plants.

  ‘Another one! There!’

  She could sense their thoughts, rough and aggressive. It was clear what they intended.

  Another image, the meaning clear; flee!

  Zoella scrambled to her feet and was pulled away by the girl. She was fleet of foot and knew her way around. They darted between the troughs, finding gaps that Zoella would have missed, making a diagonal cross away from the men. They outdistanced them. The girl turned a corner and came to a halt. She pointed down.

  There was a shaft, set in the floor. The girl pointed.

  ‘Down there? But …’

  The girl rolled her eyes and shoved. Zoella lost her footing and fell, plummeting into darkness, rolling and turning. She yelled out, panicking. She caught a brief glimpse of the girl jumping in behind her before something struck her head.

  Stars rolled in her vision and then everything went black.


  Airea, Capital of Taloon

  Round 2307, Fifth pass

  Kiri was called to the throne room within the palace of Airea. She brought Liana with her, leading her by the cord at her wrists. Upon entry she curtseyed, Liana copied her movements.

  ‘Come,’ Karquesh said. ‘You are my honoured guest, there is no need for further ceremony. Taloon and Drayden are as one, are they not?’

  ‘Your service is most gratifying,’ Kiri answered. ‘Your cousin …’

  Karquesh smiled at her. ‘As you no doubt surmised, you rid me of a troubling family member. Think no more of him. I do not.’

  Kiri smiled.

  ‘Then how go the preparations?’

  ‘The fleet is being readied as we speak,’ Karquesh said. ‘It will be ready to depart in two stretches.’

  ‘The priestesses will arrive soon too. Then we can depart.’

  Kiri watched as Karquesh nodded.

  ‘You bring the Lady Liana with you,’ he said, stepping up from his throne and walking across to them.

  ‘Your gift, as I promised,’ Kiri said, holding out the cord to him. He took it, looking Liana up and down.

  ‘Quite delightful,’ he said. ‘She says little, does she not?’

  ‘Her thoughts are … elsewhere,’ Kiri answered.

  ‘A beautiful woman who does not speak,’ Karquesh mused, a smile growing on his face. ‘Perfection indeed.’

  Kiri did not deign to reply.

  ‘Now,’ Karquesh said, stepping back. ‘I also have a gift for you.’

  Kiri’s eyebrows twitched in surprise.

  ‘Gifts are not necessary, King Karquesh,’ she replied. ‘Your hospitality and generosity has been more than enough already. With your allegiance to Drayden, I have all I could wan
t from you.’

  ‘Perhaps that is true,’ Karquesh replied. ‘But let it never be said that Taloon did not give abundantly when it could. And it is fair to say that a visit from the priestesses of Drayden should not go unmarked. I have something I think you will appreciate. Something to whet your appetite for the conquest ahead.’

  Kiri tried to keep a bewildered expression from crossing her face. She wasn’t sure if she had succeeded or not.

  What is he talking about? The man is wily …

  Karquesh clapped his hands. Kiri looked over to the side of the hall where the ornate gilded doors opened. Two guards came in, holding someone between them. As she watched the figure was flung to the floor with a grunt.

  ‘Caught in our midst, associating with criminals and vagabonds in the catacombs below the city,’ Karquesh said. ‘It seems we have spies among us.’

  The figure got up on its hands and feet. Kiri watched in growing alarm. She gasped.


  Her heart lurched in her chest. She could feel it like a hammer blow against her ribs. A hot flush rushed across her body from head to toe causing her to gasp.

  You let yourself be captured?

  She almost ran to him, but had to quash her instinctive reaction. She schooled herself not to respond. She saw the recognition on his face too. His face and clothing were dirt-stained, his face marked by a bruise. She saw him stare at her in astonishment, taking in the sight of her in her glamour and dress. In that moment she formed a thought and aimed it at him.

  If you want to live, do not speak or give any sign that you know me!

  Meru blinked and then dropped his head.

  ‘A spy?’ Kiri said, looking back at Karquesh. ‘From where?’

  ‘He’s not of our people,’ Karquesh answered. ‘And I assume he’s not of yours.’

  Kiri shook her head. ‘No …’

  ‘How he arrived is a mystery, perhaps one of those machines you talked about.’

  ‘You think he’s an Amaran?’ Kiri said, licking her lips.

  ‘Who else would be spying on us, seeking out our strength?’ Karquesh replied. ‘He claims to have come alone.’

  ‘I find that unlikely,’ Kiri said.

  ‘My thoughts too,’ Karquesh replied. ‘We are searching for any companions he might have brought with him.’

  Karquesh signalled to the guard and they brought some objects over.

  ‘He was found with these,’ Karquesh said. ‘We have not seen their like before. Do you recognise them?’

  Kiri looked at the objects. One was a transparent box with a black grip, the other a long metal tube with a wooden wedge at the far end. Neither were familiar to her. She aimed a thought at Meru.

  What are these? Think to me, I will hear.

  She could sense his worry.

  The first is a light, the second a weapon, be careful, it is very dangerous!

  ‘Do not touch them further,’ Kiri said. ‘They are Amaran weapons of some kind, for sure. I warned you of their devices.’

  The guard put down both objects and stepped away from them.

  ‘What else does he know?’ Kiri asked.

  Karquesh smiled. ‘We haven’t interrogated him … not yet, I thought you might have your own ways of … extracting information from him. Those powers of the mind you talked about …’

  Torture Meru …? I can’t. But if Karquesh doubts my abilities …

  Kiri thought and then nodded at Karquesh, licking her lips again as she looked at him. ‘Oh yes, there are ways.’

  She got up and walked over to where Meru was crouched on the floor. She walked around him once, aware she was echoing Nerina’s habit, looking down upon him. Her shoes clicked on the marble floor.

  ‘So Amaran,’ she said, her voice sharp and aggressive. ‘Come to spread your lies and deceits here? You’re too late, Taloon and Drayden are already of an accord.’

  Meru didn’t answer. Kiri knelt down and grabbed his chin, jerking his head up, pulling him into a seated position. She looked at him, her face close to his.

  ‘You will tell me everything you know, what are you doing here?’

  I won’t hurt you … but cry out, as if I am! Causing you horrible pain, like I did before. Do it!

  Meru yelled, flinching in her grasp. Kiri renewed her grip as Meru flailed before her, she pushed him back and down.

  And again! Scream! Scream as loud as you can!

  Meru screamed, thrashing and writhing under her. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Karquesh and the guards flinch back.

  Kiri released her grip and Meru fell back to the floor, gasping. Kiri got up and then placed her foot on his chest, pressing down, digging in the pointed heel of her shoe.

  ‘That was just a warning, Amaran,’ she said. ‘Tell me what I want to hear and death will be quick and merciful. If not, your torment will be all the longer.’

  She turned to Karquesh.

  ‘A valuable gift,’ she said. ‘It will not take me long to find what I need to know. But he is filthy and disgusting. If I am to sully myself with close association with the likes of him I do not want his grime and muck as well. Put him in a secure room, have him cleaned and prepared for me. Then lock him away and …’ She smiled at Karquesh, her tongue touching her teeth for a moment, ‘… give me the key. I will find answers soon enough.’

  Karquesh nodded to the guards. They grabbed Meru and hoisted him up. He slumped between them.

  ‘It shall be done as you request,’ Karquesh said.

  Kiri watched Meru being dragged out.

  Saved him, thank Lacaille!

  She felt the lust grow in her again. This time there was no subduing it. Having him so close and within her power was intoxicating.

  And mine now, mine!

  ‘Your powers are fearsome to behold,’ Karquesh said.

  Kiri looked at him. ‘Drayden is mighty indeed.’

  They had done as Kiri had requested. None too gently he’d been stripped, dunked in a bath and then scrubbed clean. A simple smock had been pulled over him and then he’d been lugged back through the hallways of the palace and thrown into a room.

  It was dark within, heavy curtains were pulled across the windows.

  He heard the sound of the key turn in the lock behind him. He tried the door, but it was firm and secure. The room was opulent, not a prison cell. He went to the windows, pushing the curtains aside, but was dismayed to find he was in a parapet hundreds of hands above the ground. Worse, he could see the ships in the harbour. Zoella had been right, they were close to being ready to depart.

  The windows were locked and barred; there was no obvious way out.


  He sat on the edge of the bed and placed his head in his hands.

  Zoella escaped at least. Where is she now? I can’t contact her, but she can contact me using her powers, so why hasn’t she?

  That worried him. Zoella should have been able to send him a message via her gift, but there was nothing in his mind. What had happened to her? Who were the strange children in the hall?

  We shouldn’t have come here …

  He looked around again, but there was nothing he could do. There was no way out, no escape.

  And she’s here. Kiri!

  She had caught him now. She had saved him from interrogation by the Taloon guards. She wasn’t far away. The thought was exciting and terrifying all at once.

  He lay back on the bed, feeling exhaustion seeping through his body. It was a late chime in the stretch, almost into the sleeping. His body ached. In the darkness of the room sleep crept over him.

  Zoella moaned and tried to sit up. She heard shuffling and movement around her. Next moment pain throbbed through her head and she felt a gentle push on her chest.

  An image of a head bandage and blood came into her mind followed by a request to relax and rest.

  She felt sick and dizzy, and lay back, feeling that she was lying on some soft material. She raised a hand and felt a bandage over her fore
head. She pushed it up and opened her eyes.

  Wherever she was it was dim. She could see little but some overhead metal beams, stained dark with age. Around the edges of her vision concerned faces were peering down at her. The children she had seen before.

  The older girl appeared between them, pushing the others aside.

  Zoella tried to sit up again.

  ‘What happened?’ she said. Nausea surged up through her. ‘I need to find Meru …’

  The girl shook her head. An image of sleep flickered through her consciousness. Tiredness washed over her, she couldn’t think. Zoella lay back and her thoughts drifted away.

  Meru dozed, unable to shake the image of Kiri’s blue eyes staring at him. The shock of seeing her, the abrupt recognition on her face, swiftly concealed. He tried to think of other things; home, the voyages on the Mobilis, the frozen wastes, even Zoella’s friendly yet concerned smile; anything to keep that haunting face from his mind.

  But whenever he lost concentration, there she was.

  His dreams were tormented. He woke, drawing a shuddering breath.

  There was a faint creak, a floorboard. He sat up, his heart pounding. The room was dark, but he could still see.

  She stood there in front of the door, her blue eyes lit by the pale illumination that filtered through cracks in the curtains. She was still dressed in the same elegant cyan gown, draped from shoulders to feet, tied at her waist with a band.

  Blue eyes, dark black hair.

  I’m dreaming again …

  She said nothing, but watched him for a moment. He felt his mouth go dry, heard blood rushing in his ears. She turned, locking the door behind her, before spinning around to look at him.

  This is no dream.

  Her mental voice echoed in his head.

  Still keeping her gaze on him she stepped forward, teasing apart the band around her waist until it came undone, the folds of her dress falling aside. With an alluring shrug of her shoulders she let the dress slide from her and it fell to the floor with a faint rustle. She stepped over it.

  Meru caught his breath.

  She was naked, even the glove was gone. She walked forward, her gaze fixed on him.

  I told you there would be a time for us … it’s now …


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