Breaking Point

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Breaking Point Page 5

by Amy Bright

  "Good mornin’," she replied, "how are you feelin’?"

  I imagined I looked at her like I wanted to devour her, since that is exactly how I felt at that moment. Instead of answering her, I leaned in to kiss her. It started slowly but quickly grew heated. I grabbed the hem of Andi's shirt and pulled it over her head. Her breasts were so beautiful. Slightly larger than my own, with small pink nipples, so hard they could’ve cut glass. I took one in my mouth and began sucking on it. I felt her shiver in my arms. I moved to the other nipple and she moaned, "Dawn, please! I need you to touch me."

  I moved my hand down her abdomen until I reached the lace of the panties she was wearing. I ran my fingertips under them, teasing her. I felt her breath catch and heard her whine, almost like she was in pain. "What's the matter, baby?" I asked her.

  "Dawn, you're killin’ me, please," she begged. I slid her panties down her legs until I could remove them completely. I was lying between her spread legs, looking at her clit. It was rigid and swollen. I touched my tongue to it lightly, and she cried out. I decided I had teased her enough. I spread her lips and ran my tongue from her opening all the way to her clit. I ran my tongue up one side of her clit, and then the other. She was moaning my name, and I could feel her legs getting shaky.

  I took her clit in my mouth and started sucking it. I started stroking her inner lips with my fingers and could tell she was getting closer. I sucked harder on her clit until she stiffened and screamed my name.

  I looked up at Andi from between her legs. She was gasping, trying to catch her breath, and her eyelids were fluttering. I started moving up beside her and said, "That was so amazing, honey. I love it when you come for me."

  She turned toward me and wrapped her arms around me. When she was finally breathing somewhat normally, she said, "I’ve never had orgasms quite as intense as the ones you give me. The way I feel when I’m with you is so vastly different than anythin’ I have ever felt before." She began kissing me and spoke again, "My turn!"


  We spent another hour in bed before finally heading to the shower. The shower took another hour and it was almost lunch time by the time we got to the Market. We spent a couple of hours going from booth to booth. Andi wanted to pick up some fresh fruits and vegetables, so she could cook me dinner. I tried to object, but I was finding out my ability to say no to this spectacular woman was practically nonexistent.

  We decided to go to the Oyster House for lunch. Andi ordered the Charleston She Crab Soup, and I had the Lobster Roll. The waiter had just delivered our food when Andi said, "I wanted to let you know, I changed my flight to Monday night. I hope that’s alright?"

  "You did?" I replied, "That's great. I’ll love having an extra day with you."

  "Well, to be honest," she said, "I have an objective." I looked at her curiously, waiting for her to elaborate. "I wanna meet with an attorney Monday, if possible, to get the ball rollin’ on the restrainin’ order. I realize we haven't talked much in regard to my interactions with Tess yesterday, but I’m honestly worried. She doesn’t seem to be mentally stable. I don't believe she's gonna leave you alone." I started to speak, and Andi must’ve known I was going to argue, because she cut me off, "I love you, Dawn. I’m worried. I think you might be in real danger."

  I realized she really did just want what was best for me and it wouldn’t hurt to talk with an attorney, so I said, "I understand, and I certainly have some serious concerns. I’ll talk with an attorney. Thank you for staying to help me. I love you too." We ate the rest of our lunch and then did some more shopping before heading back home.


  When we pulled into the driveway, I saw Tess sitting on the front porch. I was going to say something when Andi asked, "Should I call the police?"

  I took a deep breath and hit the garage door opener. "No, I want to try to talk with her. Maybe talking to her will help. She may just need some closure."

  Andi looked frustrated but said, "OK, but if she acts at all erratic, we’re callin’ the police." I pulled into the garage, and we both got out. Andi began getting the shopping bags from the car, and I walked out of the garage to head to the front porch. Andi called out to me, "Dawn, wait." I turned around and she said, "I’m gonna put these things in the kitchen. If you need me, I’ll be close by."

  I blew her a kiss and continued on to the porch. Tess was sitting in one of the rocking chairs. I leaned against the banister, so I could look at her. "What are you doing here, Tess?" I asked her, gently.

  She looked up at me and didn't speak for a moment. Finally, she said, "I came to apologize. I know you said not to come back until I was invited, but you won't answer my calls or texts."

  I sighed, "Tess, I blocked you the day I took the house key. I told you I needed some time."

  Tess looked like she was going to cry as she started speaking. "I know what you said, but I don't know what I’m supposed to do. You have never done this before. We’ve been friends forever, and this is the first time I can't get you to talk to me."

  "I’m talking to you now," I said, "but I still need time. You really haven't given me any. It's been one thing right after another. I really did plan on trying to repair our friendship, but honestly I’m not sure if it's salvageable at this point." Tess was shaking her head at me, and she had tears streaming down her face. I held my hand up to indicate I had more to say, "What I said was I don't know. I didn’t say anything definitive, but what I do know, for sure, is if you can't give me time, then we really don't have anything to salvage."

  Tess nodded her head and said, "OK, I'm sorry. I just don't want to lose you."

  "Then, give me the time I have asked for. I will call you when I’m ready."

  Tess got up from the rocking chair and started to hug me. I put my hands up and pushed her away, "No. Not now." She looked shocked and heartbroken, but I just couldn't do it. I was still hurt and angry. She headed to her car, and I went to find Andi.


  I found Andi in the living room on the sofa. I went over and straddled her lap. Her arms went around my waist and I nuzzled her neck. "How’d it go?” she asked.

  I recounted the conversation with Tess, and then said, "I hope she gives me the time I’ve asked for."

  The way Andi looked at me, I could tell she was a little irritated. "Does that mean you aren't gonna get the restrainin’ order?” she asked.

  "I think I should wait. Maybe just give her a chance to stop this nonsense. I still would like to meet with the attorney, though,” I said. “That way, if she gives me any problems, I have a way to have it resolved."

  Andi appeared somewhat relieved and said, "OK, that's fair." She started kissing my neck. I reached for the hem of my shirt and pulled it over my head. She reached behind me and unfastened my bra, before speaking again, "Bedroom. Now."

  I nodded my head and she pulled me toward the bedroom. We made love the rest of the afternoon. I realized it was going to be very difficult to say goodbye to Andi when she had to go back to Atlanta.

  She made dinner again. This woman really was amazing. I was sure she had flaws, but I certainly couldn't find them, yet. She was thoughtful, kind, compassionate, intelligent, a fantastic cook, and amazing in bed. I really felt like I had won the girlfriend lottery. It was blissful, really, just spending time together, learning about each other.


  We spent all day Sunday at home. She brought me brunch in bed. She walked through the door carrying the tray. When she set it on the bed, I saw she had made omelets and toast. We ate together, chatting about our plans for the week ahead. She looked over at me, her fork inches from her mouth, and said, "I’m honestly gonna miss you when I leave."

  "I know," I said, "I was thinking the same thing. I love just being with you." She put her fork down and leaned over to kiss me.

  Later, we sat together in the living room. She was doing something for work on her laptop, and I was reading. It was wonderful just being together. There was no pressure to talk. I looked
up at one point, and she was looking at me with this goofy grin on her face. "What?" I asked.

  "I love lookin’ at you," she replied. I grinned back at her and went back to reading.

  It was much of the same for the rest of the day. I ordered takeout from my favorite Thai place, and we sat by the fire eating and chatting. We talked about our families, again. I told her I wanted to introduce her to my parents when she came for another visit. It was so easy being with her.



  Monday came too quickly. I had enjoyed my time with Dawn more than I had ever enjoyed another person. I was falling further and further in love with her. I had never been one to jump into anything, and this meant my feelings for her were a little foreign.

  I packed my bag that morning after getting out of the shower. I decided if I waited until later it would be too difficult. I could tell Dawn was sad I was going to be leaving. Hell, I was sad to be leaving, but there truly wasn't a choice. We finished getting ready for the day. We moved around the bathroom together as if we had been doing it for years. Everything was incredibly natural with Dawn.

  I had set up an appointment with Dave Adams. He and I went to law school together. We had kept in touch on Facebook after we graduated. He had been practicing in Savanah for several years. He had replied to my email Sunday evening saying he could meet with us first thing Monday morning. We headed to his office together. The plan was to spend the day together until I had to leave for the airport.

  Walking into the office hand in hand, I led Dawn to a chair and then checked in with the receptionist. I sat down next to Dawn to wait. It was only a moment before the receptionist said, "Mr. Adams will see you, now."

  We got up, and the receptionist led us down the hall to Dave's office. He looked up as we walked in. As he stood up and walked around the desk, he said, "Andi, it's been too long." He hugged me before continuing, "Please, have a seat." Dave went back around and sat back down.

  "It's great to see you too, Dave. Thanks for meetin’ with us on such short notice. This is my girlfriend, Dawn Williams."

  "Good to meet you, Dawn."

  "It's nice to meet you, as well, and yes, thank you so much for meeting with us," Dawn said.

  "Now," Dave began, "tell me about this situation. You didn't say a whole lot in your message."

  We spent the next few minutes telling Dave everything that had happened with Tess since I had arrived in Charleston. Dawn explained how she wanted to wait to get the restraining order, but wanted everything in place, should she need to pursue the matter later.

  Dave looked at Dawn, pensively, and said, "Are you really sure you want to wait? I’ve seen this type of behavior before, and it rarely stops. In fact, it usually continues to escalate."

  Dawn sighed, "I realize it’s a real possibility, but I spoke with her Saturday afternoon. She seemed apologetic and told me she would respect my wishes. I would just like to give her a chance."

  Dave nodded, “Alright, I’ll get everything ready to file, and if you decide it’s necessary, call the office and leave a message with Kathy, my assistant. If we do file, I’ll ensure you are notified of the court date."

  "Thank you, Dave," I said, "I really appreciate everythin’. I’ll leave my card with Kathy, and you can send me the bill."

  "Nonsense," Dave said, "you can buy me dinner when you come to town again." I smiled at him. We said our goodbyes and headed to get some lunch.

  We arrived back at Dawn's just before three. We sat on the couch cuddling, kissing, and talking until I had to leave for the airport. Dawn walked me out to the rental. I placed my bag in the back seat and opened the driver's door. I turned to face Dawn and could see the tears forming in her eyes. "Hey," I said, "don't cry. We’ll see each other again in two weeks, when you come back to Atlanta."

  "I know," she said, "I just am going to miss being with you. My world seems so much brighter when you are around."

  I took her in my arms, "Oh, sweetheart, I feel the same way. I love you. It isn’t what I expected, but it’s the truth." We began kissing until I finally pulled away and said, "I have to go, I'm sorry."

  She nodded her head and said, "I understand. I really do love you, honey. Please, call me when you are home."

  "I will," I said, kissing her cheek before getting into the car and driving away.


  I had driven for 10 minutes, perhaps, when I noticed a car drive up behind me incredibly fast. When we arrived at a passing zone, the car moved into the other lane and sped up. I had assumed they were going to pass me, but they sped up just ahead of me and started moving into the lane again. My reflexes kicked in and I swerved to avoid hitting the car. That's when I realized Tess was driving the other car.

  I ran off the side of the road and down an embankment. I saw the tree before I hit it, but there was nothing I could do. I felt the impact. I heard the crunch of the metal. I could smell the burning oil from the damaged engine. I couldn't seem to force my eyes open, and I couldn't move at all. It felt as if someone were stabbing my entire body with icepicks, especially my head.

  I’m not sure how long I was there. It seemed as if it had been an eternity. I genuinely worried no one would find me, and I would die there. Eventually, I heard someone, a woman. It seemed as if she were talking to someone on a radio. I heard the door being unlatched and I felt her touch my neck. I heard her say, "Dispatch, I have an unconscious female in need of a 10-52."

  I then heard someone on the radio say, "10-4, en route to your location.” It only seemed as if it had been a moment before I heard a siren. Then additional voices.

  "What do we have?" I heard a man say.

  The woman spoke again, “40-year-old female, unconscious. Her license says she lives in Atlanta. The car is a rental. Ambulance is on the way."

  She kept saying I was unconscious, but I could still hear things. I wondered if I was in a coma. I heard sirens again, this time in the distance. They got closer and abruptly stopped. A moment later, I heard several other voices. It was hard to concentrate on one voice. I felt hands on me. I felt something going around my neck. A brace, I guessed. It was uncomfortable. I could feel them pulling me out of the car. I was suddenly on a hard surface, when I heard a different man's voice, "We are going to pull her up the hill now. We need to be careful with her."

  The jostling from being moved made the pain worse. I could tell when they finally got me on to the stretcher. I heard the buckles, and felt myself being strapped in. I felt the stretcher being loaded into the ambulance, and I heard the doors slam.

  It sounded as if there were two paramedics working together. "I’m starting an IV," the one man said.

  I heard the other one, "I’ll get her vitals, then call it in to Bon Secours." I felt the needle in one of my hands, and a blood pressure cuff on my other arm. "Blood pressure is 90/55. Pulse is thready. We need to roll," I heard the one say.

  "IV is in, let’s go." I felt the ambulance start to move and the siren come on. It only seemed as if a few minutes had passed before the siren stopped and we must have arrived at the hospital. I heard a woman's voice say, "Trauma two." I felt my clothes being cut off and electrodes being attached everywhere. A pulse oximeter was attached to my finger and another blood pressure cuff placed on my arm. I felt something cold going into my IV, and all the sounds faded away.


  Watching Andi drive away had been so difficult. I spent the rest of the evening getting things ready for work the following day. I expected Andi to be home before eleven, but she still hadn’t called. I tried calling her, but the phone rang until it went to voice mail. I figured maybe her flight was delayed.

  I spent half an hour getting ready for bed. I decided to try her one more time. It went to voice mail again. This time I left her a message telling her I missed her, and I was going to bed, but to still call when she got home.

  When I woke up the following morning, I looked at my phone. There were no missed calls and no text messa
ges. I tried to call her again, but this time it didn't even ring, it just went straight to voice mail. I left another message and told her I was worried.

  My day was long and tedious. I kept checking my phone, but still nothing from Andi. After work, I tried her again, and again, it went straight to voice mail. I was very concerned, but I was also starting to wonder if maybe she was avoiding me. Maybe she had decided this wasn’t what she wanted. She didn't seem like the kind of person who would ghost someone, but then again, no one seemed like that kind of person until they did it.

  I decided I would try to call her office Wednesday morning. The phone began to ring, and then I heard a young peppy voice say, “Good morning, you’ve reached the office of Andrea Morris, how may I help you?"

  "Yes, hi. My name is Dawn Williams. I’m trying to reach Ms. Morris. Is she available?"

  "I'm sorry ma'am, Ms. Morris is not in the office. Would you care to leave her a message?"

  "Can you tell me when she’ll be in?" I asked.

  "I’m sorry, I’m not sure, but I am happy to take a message for her."

  I sighed, “Just tell her I called. She has my number." I was irritated, so I hung up the phone without another word.

  I had not heard anything from Andi, and her phone was still going straight to voice mail. I even tried her office once more, only to be told she was not available. By Friday afternoon, I had decided Andi was gone for good. I called one last time. Again, the phone went straight to voice mail. I took a deep breath, and then left a final message, "Andi, I’m not sure what happened, but clearly you’ve decided this isn’t what you want. I wish you had just told me, instead of ignoring me all week. I guess you were right; you do have flaws. Goodbye, Andi."


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