Knight Progenitor

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Knight Progenitor Page 31

by Sharon L Reddy

  Chapter Eight

  "When, Tech?"

  "This afternoon."

  "Not good enough. I need to know exactly when and how long it takes to get him back."

  "Dad... "

  "Tech, this is more important than you can understand. I MUST know WHEN!"

  "I don't remember telling you."

  "Good. Now tell me."

  "Dad, if you're going to try to change things--"


  "About an hour after midday and five hours."


  "That's as close as I can get."

  "When will he pick up the girls?"

  "Early, right after breakfast. We all will. A bunch."

  "Do they get separated from us?"

  "No, they try for all three of us. They get Diz and two of the girls."

  "Do you know which two?"

  "The twins, Susan and Sara."

  "All right. I'm hungry. Get ready."

  "Dad, be careful. I'll tell you exactly where they take them, but it will take time to get them out. If you try to change things, we might not make lt. The last change made me dizzy for hours."

  "Tech, the rest of us live our lives with that kind of chance. We never know exactly what the results of any action will be. We make our decisions based on conscience and 'best guess'. It's probably easier than the way you have to live."

  "You may be right. I know I'm going to do things in my life I will never completely forgive myself for."

  "I know of a few of those in my future."


  "I've looked into the matrix." Tech nodded and he smiled, then grabbed Tech and steadied him. "All right?"

  "Yeah, just a little readjustment in conversation. Learned a little I didn't know before."

  "Go tell Doc and Diz to get up and get ready."

  "They're up. Professor Daring put them both to work about half an hour ago. He's terrific. Too bad we can't do something for him."

  "I'm afraid even I can't change the fact he's dying. His entire body is worn out. He's one hundred sixty-seven years old. He's had as many transplants, implants and treatments as his body will take."

  "I know. And he's ready now that he's seen Data. He knows he's right. It can be done. He's not even jealous someone else did it, just wishes he could have met him."

  "Go. Get. Ready."


  "Here, Data."

  "Did you obtain the information?"

  "Yes. Just before one. Twin girls, Susan and Sara. Be discreet. Back of the neck if possible, but anywhere on the skin will do."

  "Doctor, I have constructed a phaser. I have not seen them in this universe, but it is the weapon with which I am most familiar. I ask your opinion. Should I use it?"

  "Yes, Data, just don't lose it."

  "I have built a self-destruct into it. An attempt by someone other than myself to open it will render it useless."

  "I see you're wearing your uniform."

  "Yes, but I think you should not wear your accustomed garb. It is well known and would identify you as the Doctor."

  "I know. You're right. I'll be glad when this is over. I have enough trouble just being myself. Being Captain Knight too is beginning to tire me."

  They had a leisurely breakfast and went for a stroll. They stopped to listen to a concert in the park. That's where they acquired their feminine company. They were the first local ladies they had met on a social basis. The three women shared a condominium. The six teenage girls were assorted nieces, neighbors, children and friends. They were out for a concert and a day of relaxation.

  Two of the women were fascinated by Captain Knight. One was definitely interested in Leroy. The six girls giggled and circulated among the boys. Not long after noon they started toward the beach. It was a slow, pleasant, stroll and a warm day.

  They stopped for refreshments and the boys began to show off. Data suddenly did a back flip and landed between two of the girls, a hand laid gently on each of their necks. The boys laughed and told Leroy it wasn't fair to show them up. The Doctor tensed and looked at Tech. He, too, was tense, but trying to hide it. It was almost time.

  They came out of a cross street. About twenty of them. The women got in the way. The Doctor and Data broke through and kept them from overpowering Tech and Doc, but they stunned Diz. The two girls tried to stop them from taking him and they took them too.

  "Go home. Call my ship and leave your address and comm code. Don't go out and don't call the police. They won't be able to help. We're the best chance they've got. We're the best trained force on the planet. I'll do everything I can to bring them home to you."

  He flagged a pair of cabs and bundled the seven into them, then he headed for the ship. Data, Doc and Tech had started for it immediately.

  They were coming out when he arrived. They commandeered a car and loaded it with the two heavy weapons. The people who had Diz and the girls had taken them out of the city. They had a fortress to take.

  "Better than three dozen. Scattered. Nervous. Open spot left center of front wall. Not worried about the back. Assume access impossible. Diz and girls below ground. Diz hurt and mad. Girls scared and mad."

  "Right, Doc. Tech, anything to add."

  "They've got a laser cannon in front of the gate and two heavy beam emplacements under the eaves on the second story. We need those out first. Nothing we do up here will hurt the basement. It's, literally, bombproof. We don't have much time."

  "Data, emplacement on the left. I'll take right. Doc, Tech, take the heavy gun and get that cannon. NOW!"

  The Doctor and Data stood and fired. Phaser and particle cannon. The Doctor held it in his hands. Doc and Tech ran for the wall. They reached it as two corners of the building blew up. They blew a hole in the wall and blasted away at the laser cannon. It blew up taking six with it. The Doctor and Data ran for the hole. Tech and Doc were already through.

  The battle for the courtyard was over quickly, but they had a bombproof door to get through. They couldn't blow it in, so Data went to work on it with his phaser. He was standing right in front of the door when a nervous man blew it out from the other side. A mass of cables dropped from the ceiling and Data went down.

  The Doctor shot the man reaching for Diz with an injector in his hand. He, Doc and Tech dove through the door and finished the fight. There had been six in the room. The Doctor shot through the chains holding Diz and caught him as he fell. "Sparkle, Dad. He gave them sparkle." Diz was crying.

  "I know. I tried something. They might be all right."

  "Two coming. Three not far behind."

  "Get rid of them, Doc."


  Doc got rid of most of them, but Tech got the last one. The one who had hit Doc. He yelled, "Dad, Doc's down! There's an undamaged vehicle in the garage. I'll get it. Be back to help load." He didn't tell him he'd have to fight his way through four more to get to it, or that he wasn't going to be a lot of help loading.

  He killed the last man. He'd come close to finish him off. He struggled to his knees, then his feet and staggered to the garage. He got the vehicle started, as close to the basement as possible, got the back doors open, yelled, "Here, Dad. All I can do. Sorry.", then sank to his knees and the floor, unconscious.

  The girls helped load. They were scared and a bit beaten up and they knew they were going to die, but they helped. Diz first. He'd been beaten and chained after eight men had gotten him down. He'd been trying to get to the man with the injector. When the Doctor got to the vehicle with Data, the girls were loading Tech. He put Data in the back of the delivery vehicle and went back for Doc.

  The girls caught Doc as he fell with him. He'd been hit before he got through the wall. Susan drove back to the city. Sara sat in the back and held Diz' hand. Susan helped the Doctor out when they got to the ship and he called the freight lift. She dr
ove onto it, then got him on it. He had her say her name and keyed the security system to her. He told her how to find the TARDIS and the professor, said, "Leroy first." and passed out.

  The professor and the girls got Data onto a grav sled and to the TARDIS. The professor went to work on Data and the girls went back for the others. They didn't know how much time they had. The craving would come, then the pain, then death. They hurried.

  Diz awakened and smiled at them. "Hello, I feel awful. Where's Dad?"

  "Susan and I put him on the bunk in the cabin."

  "He's hurt?"

  "They all are. The professor is working on Leroy. Your dad said he was first."

  "Makes sense. He's the best healer after Dad. All right. Help me up. Oh, I've got pieces loose. Susan, go in the TARDIS and... Damn. I don't think we put it back. Tech would have known. Where do I want it to be? On the console! Look for a unit. Silver. Right on top of the console inside the doors."

  "Diz, we can't have much longer."

  "Sara, you had a pair of guardian angels. Don't give up yet."

  "What do you mean?"

  "My dad has a soft spot for twin girls and Tech knows it. Just don't give up. Now, help me get to him."

  He leaned on her and they met Susan coming out of the cabin. They got him to the Doctor and he looked for damage. "He's an idiot. He didn't do anything about it. Probably nothing he could do. Probably happened early and he just kept going. I don't know whether to use this or let him regenerate. Well, when in doubt, do something." He turned the healing beam on and crossed his fingers. He'd been hit by sonics. The damage was internal and deep.

  "I shall start on Tech and Doc. Send the beam to me when you are done."

  "Data! Good to have you back."

  "I believe the correct reply is, it is good to be back. Where are Doc and Tech?

  "I'll show you."

  "Thank you, Sara."


  "Yes, Diz?"

  "The girls are wondering... "

  "If they have had no cravings and experienced no pain, the Doctor was successful."

  "The captain."

  "I am sorry. You did not call me Leroy. The alternate program was not accessed."

  "You're right. Here, take this with you. I'll try to take the puzzled expressions off the girls' faces. Uh.h.h. Right after they get me off the floor."

  "I'll get up. You lay down."


  "Hello." He sat up and swung his legs off the bunk. "What's our current condition?"

  "Data sounds OK. You're a lot better, but I don't know if I left the beam on long enough. Tech and Doc, I haven't seen. Susan and Sara haven't had the shakes."

  "Good. We need to get about ten liters of water through you two fast. Come on. I'll take you to it. Drink now. Explanations later." The twins looked at each other and ran after him. Ten liters was a LOT of water.

  Diz was still on the floor when he got back. "I'm sorry. I had to get them started flushing their systems. I'll have to give them intravenous fluid too. We're still racing the clock." He lifted Diz and helped him on the bunk.

  "Dad, what did you do?"

  "Data administered an inhibitor when he did his back flip. Oxygen has been the only thing their systems would absorb for the last six hours, but it will stop working soon."

  "Go get them flushed. Hurry!" He hurried.

  "Julia, I've got Susan and Sara on my ship. It'll be a few more hours before I'll be sure they're all right. If you wish, you may come here. A black ship with a red question mark on a white chess knight logo."

  "Oh, Captain, thank you! I'll be there."

  "I rather thought you would be." He closed the comm link and smiled. Tech would be very surprised when he woke up, which should be soon.

  They had a quiet celebration on the ship that night. Julia hadn't come alone. All seven had come. The professor flirted outrageously with the six girls. Susan and Sara made frequent trips out of the room. They held the party in the TARDIS. The Doctor had put a finger to his lips and winked before he ushered them in.

  He changed from Captain Knight to the Doctor. Julia wasn't sure how she felt about it. Captain Knight was exciting, dangerous and approachable. The Doctor was brilliant, brusque and beyond her. And he dressed funny. But he'd saved her nieces and she was grateful. Elise didn't see that much difference. Marion was interested in Data.

  The Doctor called cabs for them about midnight. Data followed and watched their condo through the night. The syndicate shouldn't have any more interest in them, but there was no point taking chances. He returned in the morning and looked for the Doctor. He was on the bridge of the ship.

  "Doctor, I have detected changes in myself. I have not been able to determine their exact nature, but I...'feel' different."

  "Tech said that would happen. It's the TARDIS. She gave you just a little. She's a bit sweet on you."

  "Perhaps, I am 'a bit sweet' on her too."

  "She'll be complimented. Data, Professor Daring died very early this morning. He drifted off to sleep smiling and didn't awaken. He left you something. He knew he was dying. Just before he handed me this piece of paper, he asked me to tell you he had decided Dr. Soongh and I were right. You will find your own way, but he believed you should have the choice." He handed Data a folded sheet.

  "Doctor, this is a diagram for an emotive circuit."

  "I know. Data, that diagram is not truly complete. It has not been 'fitted' to you. It would not be difficult to do and you are quite capable of the task. However, I think it's unnecessary. Biological beings are born with the capacity for emotion. It is unformed and very basic. Scared, cry; safe, smile. We learn our emotions. They deepen and develop as we mature. A child of six is incapable of the depth of feeling of a man of sixty. You are a child. You too will learn. You have already begun. No one incapable of feeling can have friends. You don't need that circuit, Data. You are complete. There is nothing missing. That would just be an 'optional extra'. A bit like push-button tuning on a radio. Convenient, but the radio is complete without it. You are complete without that circuit."

  "Thank you, Doctor. I shall not build the circuit at this time. I have learned the opportunity to choose may be more important than the choice itself."

  "The definition of freedom. The right to choose."

  "Yes, Doctor."

  "I've called Professor Daring's hotel. He had made arrangements with them. This was his last vacation. He didn't buy a round trip ticket. Would you like to make sure the arrangements are complete?"

  "Yes, Doctor. I would."

  "He's on the bunk in the first's cabin. I shall leave the details to you." The Doctor turned back to the comm unit and smiled. The child was learning. He had good teachers. The crew of the Enterprise taught well.

  "Dad, I need help."

  "Tech, what is it? What's wrong?" He sounded terrified.

  "It's changing. It's all changing. Like two images superimposed. I can't think. I'm not sure. Daddy!"

  He ran for him. He caught him and held him tightly. Doc and Diz ran onto the bridge, but Doc stopped Diz and they looked at him. He indicated he wished to be alone with Tech with a lift of his head and they retreated. "Don't fight it. Relax and let it happen. Let the new images replace the old. You're not being changed."

  "But I AM! I've always known who I was, everything I would be. It's changing!"

  "You're wrong. Listen to me. LOOK AT ME! The future is a possibility. It is not carved in stone. You are NOT being CHANGED! You're just being given a new set of probabilities. They are not immutable. Just probable. They will change every time you decide not to accept something as inevitable."

  "It's making me dizzy. Hurting. I'm trying to... I feel like I'm drowning."

  "Then roll over on your back and FLOAT! You're not DENSE enough to SINK!" He'd gotten through. Tech smiled, then started to l
augh. There was a slight hysterical edge to it, but he was over his terror. "Now, if you can, lift yourself above it. Let it happen beneath you. It's a wave. Ride the crest."

  "Surfing. In my head. Across time. Hang ten."

  "Hang ten."

  The Doctor decided to get Tech's mind on other things. He took them to the beach. The sorority girls were there and so was Claudy. Tech looked at the girls running towards them and said, "Some things didn't change. Claudy's still in the lead."

  Doc and Diz worked at keeping Tech busy, So did Claudy. Data set up an umbrella and a pair of chairs, and he and the Doctor watched them play.

  "Doctor, I have decided I am enjoying myself."

  "That's a good decision, Data."

  "I BELIEVE it is."

  "Oh, I see. You've decided to quit defining in terms of 'analog to' and 'programming function'. Remember, when you get back to the Enterprise, go slowly. We don't want them guessing how long you've been gone."

  "I shall remember, but Geordi will notice."

  "Yes, best friends do notice. Data, you're smiling."

  "I have practiced. It seemed appropriate."

  "It is. A nice smile."

  "Thank you."

  When they went back to the ship, there was a message from Albert. The warrants were signed and would be delivered cluster-wide one hour after midday Carnival time the next day. All accounts would be frozen and assets seized.

  "Boys, I want you to stay here tonight."

  "You're afraid we'll get in trouble."

  "No, Diz, I want you here in case I get into it." He smiled. "Data and I are going out to assess our opponents' expenditures. You may invite the girls from the beach to the ship. Fix up the lounge. Don't bring them to the bridge and don't let them see the engines or the TARDIS. I'm serious about staying close to the comm. Key the computer to track you for incoming calls."

  "Is it all right if we make more than the lounge look lived in? We may want to spread out a little."

  "I see. Three cabins, Doc?"

  "And the galley."

  "Yes. Tech, wait. I want to talk to you."

  "Figures. Diz, Doc, get stuff for me too."

  "How are you?"

  "I spend a lot of time being surprised, but it's stabilized. A couple of things have gotten much better. Like Susan and Sara dying and Diz never quite forgiving me, but I'VE changed."

  "In what way?"

  "I've decided I have a choice. I CAN change things."

  "The definition of freedom. The right to choose."

  "Exactly, Data. That's good."

  "A quote from a person of wisdom."

  "Well, that's it. I'm free. Dad, I don't see any real trouble tonight, but I do have a couple recommendations."

  "They are?"

  "Do your casino busting routine once more, just the Neutron. Like the place we came and got you. White all the way. Roses, walking stick and sighing women. Make a lot of cash disappear. They have a lot to give you. Oh yeah. Let it be known you only reimburse PAID bills."

  "I should have thought of that. Data, get on the net. Close of business day is in twenty minutes. Paid bills accepted for one hour beginning at midday. Settlements by close of business day. Settlements! Here." He started pulling stacks of currency from the air and handing it to them. "I forgot to empty it after we went on our rampage the other night. Do something with it."

  Tech looked at the fortune accumulating in his arms and started to laugh. And sat down in the floor and laughed. And laid on his back and laughed. The Doctor dropped several more stacks on him, smiled and walked off the bridge, trying to decide which one of two restaurants he wanted to try.

  They did their Captain Knight and Leroy routine, but it developed a slight hitch. The hitch was a beautiful and extremely efficient waitress.

  "That's it! That's the memory! I knew I was forgetting something! Party's over. I'm sorry, girls. We've got to go. Doc, get the whites. Diz, order transport for our friends. I'll get some currency. He's going to need us. Leroy won't know what to do with him!"

  Leroy didn't. He'd only sipped the champagne, but the little waitress kept replacing his glass with a fresh one. He didn't notice she'd done it eighty percent of the time.

  "Leroy, you get him down. We'll catch him."

  "Tech, Doc, Diz, I am very glad to see you."

  "Sorry, Leroy. In all the confusion, I overlooked it. Once we get him off of it, we'll hang on to him while you cash in. How did he get up there?"

  "He induced a pendular swing by a very precise bombardment of bottles against the supporting cable, then leapt from the top of the roulette wheel."

  Diz laughed. "I wonder if he'll do a workout tomorrow?"

  They pulled the craps table beneath it and Data jumped. "Sir, it is time to go."

  "Oh. All right."

  Data grabbed for him, but missed. Even android reflexes require a few milliseconds. He just hadn't been expecting it. At all. The boys didn't miss, but he took them to the floor. When Data had told him it was time to go, he just stepped off.

  There weren't a lot of chips to cash in. They'd been cashing in each time they accumulated a large supply. The Doctor had stashed the currency, wherever it was he put it. The boys kept him in one place by sitting on him. Data handed Doc the stacks of currency and picked him up.

  "I did not know what to do. It happened quite suddenly."

  "Yeah. One minute he's carrying on a lucid conversation, the next he's pitching champagne bottles."

  "That is a quite accurate description, Tech."

  "I've seen it happen once before in a later persona. It's almost always an accident. He doesn't know how much he's had until he starts to feel it, then it's too late. He probably hasn't had all that much. How long has he been singing?"

  "He did not begin until we put him in the cab."

  "He'll barely have a hangover."

  "You're kidding!"

  "No, Diz. He could drink for hours yet before he passed out. Think about how it happened to us. We got drunk almost immediately, but we were still conscious hours later. And we kept drinking. He doesn't drink alcohol often. His tolerance is low, but his capacity is high."

  "Why won't anybody SING with me?"

  They laughed and sang along.

  "I was WHAT?!"

  "Swinging from the chandelier. Actually, you were standing on it and swinging it around."

  "I wish I thought you were joking, Doc, but, now that you mention it, I remember it a bit TOO well."

  "You didn't start singing until we got you in the cab. We had to open the windows. The volume was too much in the confined space." Diz just couldn't resist. "You taught us a nice roundelay before we got back to the ship."

  "Tech, I suppose you remembered it."

  "Yes, but not until late. I lost it in the new images. I knew Data wouldn't know what to do."

  "Let's go have breakfast, then go to the spa. We need to be back by midday. Data, would you mind remaining here and monitoring the comm?"

  "No. Please be careful. Several persons showed interest the last time you were there."

  "We won't all go in for a massage at once. Come on. I'm hungry."

  They ate a leisurely breakfast, went to the spa and returned to the ship. They set up a desk on the lift, accepted bills and confirmed they had been paid by comm. An hour after midday they raised the lift. Forty minutes later they walked into the Planetary President's office and presented him their bill. It took them a few minutes to get in. The boys were careful they didn't break anyone.

  "What is this?"

  "The bill for our services on completion of our contract."

  "Who are you?"

  "The mercenary force that accepted your contract. I suggest you confirm with the agent."

  "What do you mean you've completed the contract?"

  "We have broken the syndicate. They have a negative bank balance. All prope
rties have been seized and the leaders arrested."

  "That's not possible!"

  "Oh yes. We also destroyed all major stocks of drugs on the planet and the cluster police have impounded the ships engaged in smuggling them."

  "The bombings in the warehouse district."

  "The bombings in the warehouse district. You will notice only specific structures were involved and there was no loss of life."

  "One moment while I confirm all this." He turned to the comm, placed several calls and turned back to them beaming. "Captain Knight, you have performed a miracle. Payment will be credited to your account."

  "Actually, I'd like it sent to this company."

  "Dr. Glace, there's a lorry outside. He says he's one of eight. It's diagnostic equipment. It's beautiful."

  She looked at the rose on her wall and smiled. "Well, don't just stand there. Get the manifest. We need to know what it is so we'll know where to put it. Hire some local boys to unload it. Make sure they're careful."

  She got a call later that day from the bank. Someone had made an incredibly large cash deposit to the foundation account. She blew a kiss at the rose and went to check on the equipment installation.

  Data had decided what the Doctor wanted done with the stacks of currency.


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